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This is a transcript for dialogue with Glory.


1COMCurieQuest_300a_GloryMeeting{Worried} So you're the one that wants to put a robot brain in G5-19?Glory: You know she's a synth. We're supposed to protect them.A
2DoctorAmari: G5's off life support right now. Her body is deteriorating. It's best if you decide soon.{Irritated} Damn it.Glory: Fine. Do it. Do it now before I change my mind.A1a
3Glory: Damn it.{Irritated} Fine. Do it. Do it now before I change my mind.DoctorAmari: Curie. Let's begin.A1a
4NPCFGlory: So you're the one that wants to put a robot brain in G5-19?{Irritated} You know she's a synth. We're supposed to protect them.DoctorAmari: Glory, she wanted new memories. She knew her personality would be all but erased.A1a
5NPCFGlory: So you're the one that wants to put a robot brain in G5-19?{Sad} She's one of my people. A friend. I promised to protect them.DoctorAmari: Glory, she wanted new memories. She knew her personality would be all but erased.A2a
6DoctorAmari: These are just different memories. Perhaps better ones.{Depressed} I don't know. Maybe I should just let her go.Player Default: Her sacrifice will give someone else the gift of life.A1a
7Player Default: Her sacrifice will give someone else the gift of life.{Grateful} I... I think she'd like that.Glory: Fine. Do it. Do it now before I change my mind.A1a
8Player Default: Her sacrifice will give someone else the gift of life.But would she want to become a walking breathing tin can? We fought our whole lives to be more than that.DoctorAmari: G5's off life support right now. Her body is deteriorating. It's best if you decide soon.A2a
9Player Default: Just make a decision already.{Irritated} G5 was a friend, all right? So give me some time.DoctorAmari: G5's off life support right now. Her body is deteriorating. It's best if you decide soon.B1a
10Player Default: She's already dead, but what's left of her could help others.{Depressed} I've been hoping the Doc could think of something. She's breathing and all... It's her, you understand.X1a
11{Sad} But I just need to let her go.Glory: Fine. Do it. Do it now before I change my mind.X1b
12Player Default: What would G5 have wanted?{Sad} G5 was scared. Like most synths, she was terrified the Institute would find her and send her back.Y1a
13{Depressed} I tried to convince her she could live free, as herself. But she didn't listen.Player Default: Her sacrifice will give someone else the gift of life.Y1b
14COMCurieQuest_PostGlory{Sad} Listen G5-19 went through a lot, but she was good. Solid.Glory: I hope... I hope a little of that's still there. And if it isn't, make sure all this was worth it.A
15Glory: See you back at HQ.{Irritated} We got to work together. So I'm just going to say this once.A1a
16{Irritated} I think I made a mistake. G5 was a friend from the old days, understand?A1b
17{Angry} And I feel like I desecrated her memory. See you back at HQ.A1c
18Glory: See you back at HQ.{Angry} I should've said no. Damn it. G5 was like family and I let this happen.A2a
19{Angry} Just leave me alone.A2b
20Player Default: You know... That sounds all right.{Depressed} Losing G5 was tough. But I think she would've wanted her death to mean something.A1a
21See you back at HQ.Glory: We got to work together. So I'm just going to say this once.A1b
22Player Default: You know... That sounds all right.{Stern} Listen, I know we don't exactly know each other. But talk with Deacon.A2a
23I think you'd make a decent addition to the Railroad.Glory: We got to work together. So I'm just going to say this once.A2b
24Player Default: You know... That sounds all right.{Friendly} You stay safe out there.Glory: We got to work together. So I'm just going to say this once.A3a
25NPCFGlory: Listen G5-19 went through a lot, but she was good. Solid.{Depressed} I hope... I hope a little of that's still there. And if it isn't, make sure all this was worth it.Player Default: With Curie's scientific skills, there's a real chance she'll help a lot of people down the line.A1a
26NPCFGlory: Listen G5-19 went through a lot, but she was good. Solid.{Angry} I don't know if I did right by G5. This whole thing feels shitty. Curie better be worth it.Player Default: With Curie's scientific skills, there's a real chance she'll help a lot of people down the line.A2a
27Player Default: With Curie's scientific skills, there's a real chance she'll help a lot of people down the line.{Grateful} You know... That sounds all right.Glory: Losing G5 was tough. But I think she would've wanted her death to mean something.A1a
28Player Default: With Curie's scientific skills, there's a real chance she'll help a lot of people down the line.{Irritated} Yeah. Here's hoping.Glory: Losing G5 was tough. But I think she would've wanted her death to mean something.A2a
29Player Default: Hell, if I know if it was worth it.{Irritated} I guess this'll be one for the philosophers.Glory: Losing G5 was tough. But I think she would've wanted her death to mean something.B1a
30Player Default: Well, it's all over now.Yeah.Glory: Losing G5 was tough. But I think she would've wanted her death to mean something.X1a
31Player Default: What was G5 like?{Thinking} Tough. Tough enough the SRB had to strip her mind. More than once.Y1a
32{Depressed} When I saw G5... She didn't even recognize me. But I owed her from my time in the Institute.Y1b
33That's all I'm going to say.Glory: Losing G5 was tough. But I think she would've wanted her death to mean something.Y1c
34-I should see this through.A
35This Curie seems alright. Maybe... Maybe G5 would've liked her.
36G5 would've kicked my ass about this. Damn it.
37Just get it over with.
38I came. I brought her.


39ConvRailroadGenericAnnouncementBoS_01Desdemona: There's been panic about the new thing floating in the sky.I thought it was one of Tinker Tom's aliens.TinkerTom: Aliens are real!A1a
40Desdemona: The Brotherhood of Steel are a formidable highly advanced order. And they've come here to destroy Synths.Shit.Desdemona: Spread the word. The Brotherhood are our enemies. There's no possibility of peace.A1a


41ConvRailroadGenericDesdemona03_01The Institute's got to pay, Dez. They iced Tommy.Glory: If I get a shot, I'm going to take them out.A1a
42Glory: The Institute's got to pay, Dez. They iced Tommy.If I get a shot, I'm going to take them out.Desdemona: Switchboard was a tragedy. And if we ever can permanently disable or even destroy the Institute, we will do it.A1a
43Desdemona: To ensure that the synths stay safe and free, forever.No, the bastards need to bleed. All of them.Desdemona: We will spill only as much blood as we have to. We're more than murderers, Glory. Remember that.A1a


44ConvRailroadGenericGlory01_01Desdemona: Glory. About your last op. I have a report from the tourist. He says there was collateral damage.The package got jumped by a scavenger while I was taking care of business. He drew a gun on her. He was using her as a god-damned shield.Desdemona: Did you have to kill him?A1a
45Desdemona: Did you have to kill him?That strung out asshole could've wasted her any second. So I took the shot. The package was unharmed. So, yeah, you're welcome.Desdemona: I can't condone the killing of innocents. That is not what the Railroad is about.A1a
46Desdemona: I can't condone the killing of innocents. That is not what the Railroad is about.You keep throwing my ass into the deep end. I can't protect myself, our people, and the package without sometimes hurting one of your precious humans.Desdemona: Killing us humans should be the absolute last resort, Glory, not the first.A1a
47Desdemona: Killing us humans should be the absolute last resort, Glory, not the first.If you're done second guessing me, I've got things to do.A1a
48ConvRailroadGenericGlory02_01GenerciNPC_One: Does it ever bother you, having to waste... you know... the gen 2s?No. Because I don't do it.GenerciNPC_One: Seriously, ever?A1a
49GenerciNPC_One: Seriously, ever?Listen, if it's me or them - then I'll always pick me.Glory: But gen 2s are people in my book. Maybe a little like cro-magnon people. But still people.A1a
50Glory: Listen, if it's me or them - then I'll always pick me.But gen 2s are people in my book. Maybe a little like cro-magnon people. But still people.GenerciNPC_One: What about gen 1s?A1a
51GenerciNPC_One: What about gen 1s?Shit. I don't know. I try to avoid it.Glory: What the hell is with this, anyway? I don't ask you about murdering monkeys.A1a
52Glory: Shit. I don't know. I try to avoid it.What the hell is with this, anyway? I don't ask you about murdering monkeys.A1a


53GloryScene_01{Amused} Saw some of your work along the trail. Not bad. For a human, that is.Player Default: I appreciate the compliment.A
54Player Default: I appreciate the compliment.{Irritated} Yeah, whatever.Glory: Listen, you caught us at a shit time. We're still recovering from... something I can't get into.A1a
55Player Default: So you think you could've done better on the Trail?{Amused} Maybe yes, maybe no. I don't know how you figured that marker garbage out, though.Glory: Listen, you caught us at a shit time. We're still recovering from... something I can't get into.B1a
56Player Default: The Trail was easy. Just another walk in the park.{Amused} Ha. You know it.Glory: Listen, you caught us at a shit time. We're still recovering from... something I can't get into.X1a
57Player Default: "For a human"? What do you mean?{Amused} You're a born-in-the-wild human model 1.0. You ain't bad for that model. Not in the same league as us synths. But hey, not your fault.Player Default: I appreciate the compliment.Y1a
58Player Default: "For a human"? What do you mean?In the artificial flesh. And before you start with the questions the only thing I'll say about it is this: all those rumors out there are bullshit.Y2a
59{Amused} I'm as real a girl as you'll ever meet. The only difference is I bet your assembly instruction were a hell of a lot more fun.Glory: Listen, you caught us at a shit time. We're still recovering from... something I can't get into.Y2b
60Player Default: Yeah, whatever.{Conspiratorial} Listen, you caught us at a shit time. We're still recovering from... something I can't get into.A1a
61{Friendly} We're a man down, though, and if anything Deacon said about you is true I'd like you on our team.Player Default: I'm interested.A1b
62Player Default: I'm interested.{Friendly} Awesome. I think you'll be a good fit.Glory: I know Dez said we don't got room. But talk to Deacon. I'm sure he's got an angle, he always does.A1a
63Player Default: I'll take a pass.Suit yourself, human. But it's good to have friends out there. The Commonwealth is a hell of place to fly solo.Glory: I know Dez said we don't got room. But talk to Deacon. I'm sure he's got an angle, he always does.B1a
64Player Default: I don't know if I even want to join the Railroad.I hear you. I can't believe so many of you guys risk your neck for us. But, hey, if you decide to join...Glory: I know Dez said we don't got room. But talk to Deacon. I'm sure he's got an angle, he always does.X1a
65Player Default: What, you don't believe Deacon?Given what I saw, yeah, you might be the real deal.Glory: I know Dez said we don't got room. But talk to Deacon. I'm sure he's got an angle, he always does.Y1a
66Player Default: Awesome. I think you'll be a good fit.{Conspiratorial} I know Dez said we don't got room. But talk to Deacon. I'm sure he's got an angle, he always does.A1a
67GloryScene_02Hey you.Glory: You the new heavy? Fixer, right?A
68NPCFGlory: Hey you.You the new heavy? Fixer, right?Player Default: In the flesh. Nice to meet another agent.A1a
69NPCFGlory: Hey you.You the new heavy? Professor, right?Player Default: In the flesh. Nice to meet another agent.A2a
70NPCFGlory: Hey you.You the new heavy? Charmer, right?Player Default: In the flesh. Nice to meet another agent.A3a
71NPCFGlory: Hey you.You the new heavy? Whisperer, right?Player Default: In the flesh. Nice to meet another agent.A4a
72NPCFGlory: Hey you.You the new heavy? Bullseye, right?Player Default: In the flesh. Nice to meet another agent.A5a
73NPCFGlory: Hey you.You the new heavy? Wanderer, right?Player Default: In the flesh. Nice to meet another agent.A6a
74Player Default: In the flesh. Nice to meet another agent.Likewise. Anyone crazy enough to join us, is OK in my book.Glory: So the Switchboard was crawling with bad guys. Mines and shit, too. Any of that true? Or was Deacon bullshitting me again?A1a
75Player Default: What's it to you?{Amused} We're family here. So if we get a new brother, trust me, everyone's going to want to say hi.Glory: So the Switchboard was crawling with bad guys. Mines and shit, too. Any of that true? Or was Deacon bullshitting me again?B1a
76Player Default: What's it to you?We're family here. So if we get a new sister, trust me, everyone's going to want to say hi.Glory: So the Switchboard was crawling with bad guys. Mines and shit, too. Any of that true? Or was Deacon bullshitting me again?B2a
77Player Default: Why don't you believe his story?Saving synths ain't easy. So when we score a win, sometimes the propaganda gets laid on thick.Glory: How'd you take down the old HQ? Please tell me you didn't go along with Deacon's "in and out like a ghost" crap.Y1a
78Player Default: That's hard core.{Amused} How'd you take down the old HQ? Please tell me you didn't go along with Deacon's "in and out like a ghost" crap.Player Default: With a whole lot of bullets and a whole lot of blood. Fortunately, the blood wasn't mine.A1a
79Player Default: Yeah, it's really great to be here.{Sarcastic} Nothing like living in a hole in the ground to get you in the mood to party, right?Glory: They call me Glory. The angel of death. The ass-kicking poster child of a liberated synth.B1a
80Player Default: Thanks.Any time.Glory: They call me Glory. The angel of death. The ass-kicking poster child of a liberated synth.X1a
81Player Default: Who's Tommy Whispers?{Sad} Tommy was the second heavy at HQ. He went KIA after the Institute assholes took out the Switchboard.Y1a
82{Irritated} With him gone, I've been running missions non-stop. So I'm damned happy you're here.Glory: They call me Glory. The angel of death. The ass-kicking poster child of a liberated synth.Y1b
83Player Default: What's not to like?{Conspiratorial} You're helping out my people. So some advice. Kiss up to Tinker Tom. He's bat-shit crazy, but he's got all the good stuff.Player Default: Sounds like a good plan.A1a
84Player Default: Sounds like a good plan.You know it.Glory: You take care out there.A1a
85Player Default: Is everyone in the Commonwealth so god-damned crazy?{Amused} That's the price of freedom, brother.Glory: You take care out there.B1a
86Player Default: Is everyone in the Commonwealth so god-damned crazy?{Amused} That's the price of freedom, sister.Glory: You take care out there.B2a
87Player Default: What sort of good stuff are we talking about?Firepower. Armor. Repurposed tech. Doesn't hold a candle to the Institute, but it'll save your ass in the field.Glory: You take care out there.Y1a
88Player Default: Yes, that's me.I thought so.Glory: So the Switchboard was crawling with bad guys. Mines and shit, too. Any of that true? Or was Deacon bullshitting me again?X1a
89Player Default: What do you mean?A heavy. Someone able to take whatever shit the Institute and Commonwealth dishes out and come back for more.Glory: So the Switchboard was crawling with bad guys. Mines and shit, too. Any of that true? Or was Deacon bullshitting me again?Y1a
90Player Default: Likewise. Anyone crazy enough to join us, is OK in my book.{Suspicious} So the Switchboard was crawling with bad guys. Mines and shit, too. Any of that true? Or was Deacon bullshitting me again?Player Default: I didn't do it alone. But yeah, that's about the size of it.A1a
91Player Default: I didn't do it alone. But yeah, that's about the size of it.{Surprised} That's hard core.Glory: How'd you take down the old HQ? Please tell me you didn't go along with Deacon's "in and out like a ghost" crap.A1a
92Player Default: You calling me a liar?{Amused} Hell no. I'm calling Deacon a liar.Glory: How'd you take down the old HQ? Please tell me you didn't go along with Deacon's "in and out like a ghost" crap.B1a
93Player Default: Pretty much.{Surprised} That's hard core.Glory: How'd you take down the old HQ? Please tell me you didn't go along with Deacon's "in and out like a ghost" crap.X1a
94Player Default: That's how you do it.{Confident} Well, welcome to the party. After what happened to Tommy Whispers, we need another tough son-of-a-bitch that can get shit done.Player Default: Thanks for inviting me.A1a
95Player Default: With a whole lot of bullets and a whole lot of blood. Fortunately, the blood wasn't mine.{Happy} That's how you do it.Glory: Well, welcome to the party. After what happened to Tommy Whispers, we need another tough son-of-a-bitch that can get shit done.A1a
96Player Default: It doesn't matter how we did it. Only the results matter.And that's what the Railroad's about.Glory: Well, welcome to the party. After what happened to Tommy Whispers, we need another tough son-of-a-bitch that can get shit done.B1a
97Player Default: There's a lot to be said for ambushing enemies from the shadows.{Playful, amused / Amused} Oh no, another one?Glory: Well, welcome to the party. After what happened to Tommy Whispers, we need another tough son-of-a-bitch that can get shit done.X1a
98Player Default: We found weaknesses in the facility's defenses and exploited them.{Suspicious} I guess that's one way of doing it.Glory: Well, welcome to the party. After what happened to Tommy Whispers, we need another tough son-of-a-bitch that can get shit done.Y1a
99Player Default: Thanks for inviting me.We, should, I don't know. Bake a cake. That's what you do, right?Glory: They call me Glory. The angel of death. The ass-kicking poster child of a liberated synth.A1a
100Player Default: We, should, I don't know. Bake a cake. That's what you do, right?{Confident} They call me Glory. The angel of death. The ass-kicking poster child of a liberated synth.Player Default: I like it.A1a
101Player Default: I like it.{Amused} What's not to like?Glory: You're helping out my people. So some advice. Kiss up to Tinker Tom. He's bat-shit crazy, but he's got all the good stuff.A1a
102Player Default: You have a real high opinion of yourself.{Confident} With my track record, I'm entitled to it.Glory: You're helping out my people. So some advice. Kiss up to Tinker Tom. He's bat-shit crazy, but he's got all the good stuff.B1a
103Player Default: That's a mouthful.{Amused} You can call me Miss Angel of Death for short.Glory: You're helping out my people. So some advice. Kiss up to Tinker Tom. He's bat-shit crazy, but he's got all the good stuff.X1a
104Player Default: You know it.{Friendly} You take care out there.A1a
105GloryScene_02a_QuestionHubPlayer Default: If I have to.I know a whole lot less than you'd think. Mainly, I did surface detail. Combing over ruins and shit for salvage.Glory: The few times I was in the Institute proper all I was to them was their thinking, feeling hammer.A1a
106Player Default: What's the Institute like?{Somber} Clean. Lots of metal and machines. But I really only saw a few rooms of it - the barracks and where I worked.Glory: I helped those assholes make more synths. "Synth Development" is what they called it.Y1a
107Player Default: You could say that.{Angry} I helped those assholes make more synths. "Synth Development" is what they called it.Player Default: I can't imagine what that was like.A1a
108That's what the "Made in the Institute" stamp on my ass says.Player Default: Finally, I met a synth.A1a
109Player Default: Finally, I met a synth.Yeah, it's a real pleasure to meet another one of you humans. There sure are an awful lot of you.Glory: You're helping out my people. So some advice. Kiss up to Tinker Tom. He's bat-shit crazy, but he's got all the good stuff.A1a
110Player Default: Anything else you want to talk about?Just one thing.Glory: You're helping out my people. So some advice. Kiss up to Tinker Tom. He's bat-shit crazy, but he's got all the good stuff.X1a
111Player Default: I have a lot of questions. About synths. About the Institute. Would you be willing to answer a few?If I have to.Glory: I know a whole lot less than you'd think. Mainly, I did surface detail. Combing over ruins and shit for salvage.Y1a
112Player Default: I have a lot of questions. About synths. About the Institute. Would you be willing to answer a few?Every rook comes in here and wants to interrogate me. Wants to know everything about everything.Y2a
113I don't got the answers you want, OK? I don't know where the Institute is, how to get there. I know barely anything about them.Y2b
114I'm done talking.Glory: I know a whole lot less than you'd think. Mainly, I did surface detail. Combing over ruins and shit for salvage.Y2c
115Glory: I know a whole lot less than you'd think. Mainly, I did surface detail. Combing over ruins and shit for salvage.The few times I was in the Institute proper all I was to them was their thinking, feeling hammer.Player Default: That sounds demeaning.A1a
116Player Default: That sounds demeaning.{Sad} You could say that.Glory: I helped those assholes make more synths. "Synth Development" is what they called it.A1a
117Player Default: They sound like real bastards.{Sad} They weren't really mean about it. They just treated me like a coffee maker. Or a terminal.Glory: I helped those assholes make more synths. "Synth Development" is what they called it.B1a
118Player Default: Sounds rough.{Sad} Those feelings... They never quite go away.Glory: I helped those assholes make more synths. "Synth Development" is what they called it.X1a
119Player Default: I can't imagine what that was like.{Sad} Sometimes... I wish I could forget.Glory: No matter what Dez and others say, synths ain't human. We're assembled bone by bone. Muscle by muscle. I've seen it.A1a
120Player Default: I could use specific details about these guys.Talking about this ain't easy. There's one thing you need to know.Glory: No matter what Dez and others say, synths ain't human. We're assembled bone by bone. Muscle by muscle. I've seen it.B1a
121Player Default: How do they make synths?Damned if I know. The machines are... massive. Complicated. Not like anything I've seen out here.Glory: No matter what Dez and others say, synths ain't human. We're assembled bone by bone. Muscle by muscle. I've seen it.Y1a
122Player Default: Sometimes... I wish I could forget.{Somber} No matter what Dez and others say, synths ain't human. We're assembled bone by bone. Muscle by muscle. I've seen it.Glory: I'm gonna hit the range. I need to shoot something. Now.A1a
123Glory: No matter what Dez and others say, synths ain't human. We're assembled bone by bone. Muscle by muscle. I've seen it.{Angry} I'm gonna hit the range. I need to shoot something. Now.A1a
124GloryScene_02b_MachineTestPlayer Default: Yeah, whatever. I hate being poked and prodded.{Angry} Listen, I think for myself. I feel. Like, right now, I'm a little pissed off.Player Default: I just need to know what sort of people I'm saving. You understand, right?A1a
125{Angry} Can you prove I'm not? This is like one of Carrington's god-damned tests.Player Default: I've never met a synth. I don't know what to expect. Sorry if I offended you.A1a
126Player Default: I've never met a synth. I don't know what to expect. Sorry if I offended you.Yeah, whatever. I hate being poked and prodded.Glory: Listen, I think for myself. I feel. Like, right now, I'm a little pissed off.A1a
127Player Default: Tell me the first thing you think of when I say: Dog. Cloud. Airplane.{Disgust} What? Dog... Uhm, shotgun. Cloud, pretty. Airplane, junkyard. Does that make you feel better?Glory: Listen, I think for myself. I feel. Like, right now, I'm a little pissed off.B1a
128Player Default: Listen carefully. This statement is a lie. Am I telling the truth?{Angry} What sort of stupid question is that?Glory: Listen, I think for myself. I feel. Like, right now, I'm a little pissed off.X1a
129Player Default: Compose a poem for me.{Angry} Are you shitting me? Poetry is a waste of time.Glory: Listen, I think for myself. I feel. Like, right now, I'm a little pissed off.Y1a
130Player Default: I think you just have very advanced software.{Angry} If my programming is so damned good that no one can tell I'm not one of you humans, what's it matter?Glory: I've been living free for years. And no one out there - not one person - has ever thought I was a synth.A1a
131Player Default: If I didn't know, I'd think you're human.Exactly.Glory: I've been living free for years. And no one out there - not one person - has ever thought I was a synth.B1a
132Player Default: Do you have any doubts you're not just a machine?{Somber} In the Institute they screw with your head. Yeah, sometimes, when things are really bleak. I wonder.Y1a
133But then I remember something.Glory: I've been living free for years. And no one out there - not one person - has ever thought I was a synth.Y1b
134Player Default: If my programming is so damned good that no one can tell I'm not one of you humans, what's it matter?{Defiant} I've been living free for years. And no one out there - not one person - has ever thought I was a synth.Glory: We're done.A1a
135Glory: I've been living free for years. And no one out there - not one person - has ever thought I was a synth.{Angry} We're done.A1a
136Glory: I've been living free for years. And no one out there - not one person - has ever thought I was a synth.{Angry} I got to go blow off some steam. Later.B1a
137Glory: I've been living free for years. And no one out there - not one person - has ever thought I was a synth.{Angry} I got to go blow off some steam. Later.X1a
138Glory: I've been living free for years. And no one out there - not one person - has ever thought I was a synth.{Angry} I got to go blow off some steam. Later.Y1a
139Player Default: Yeah, that makes sense.{Irritated} So do you think we're just machines? If we are, then take a long look in the mirror. Maybe you're just running your brain's god damned programming.Player Default: I think you just have very advanced software.A1a
140Player Default: I just need to know what sort of people I'm saving. You understand, right?Yeah, that makes sense.Glory: So do you think we're just machines? If we are, then take a long look in the mirror. Maybe you're just running your brain's god damned programming.A1a
141Player Default: Acting pissed off proves nothing.{Angry} You are really pushing my buttons.Glory: So do you think we're just machines? If we are, then take a long look in the mirror. Maybe you're just running your brain's god damned programming.B1a
142Player Default: How do you arrive at a thought? How do your feelings form?{Suspicious} I don't know. Something happens, and I just... feel something in my gut. Someone hurts a friend, and I want to frag them.Y1a
143{Suspicious} If I'm working something out, I just build a plan in my head. Step by step. The same way everyone does, I guess.Glory: So do you think we're just machines? If we are, then take a long look in the mirror. Maybe you're just running your brain's god damned programming.Y1b
144-I'm god damned bleeding.
145Not... now...
146You think that is going to stop me?
147You mess with my people? Hell no.
148Big mistake. You're going down.
149And that's how you do it.
150Bring it on.
151Any time, snowflake. I don't got all day.
152My favorite. Awkward silences. Thanks for that.
153Man, you're a hero. You know that right?
154If I ever leave the Railroad, I'm tracking you down and figure out a way to pay you back for all you've done.
155I can't believe Dez is letting you walk out of here.
156{Pumped and reliving the good times she had kicking ass with the player} Sometimes the stories got it right. You kicked ass at Malden.
157{Impressed, slight disappointment} My safehouse says Malden's clean. Glad you didn't need me.
158I iced the Coursers before they found Dayton. This time, at least.
159Dez is trusting you. If you do anything to hurt my friends, I'm coming for you.
160This place, us, we don't exist. And if you say anything different...
161Glad you signed on. Means I might get to take the occasional night off.
162You. You're the real deal. You actually made it inside the Institute.
163Scratch one Brotherhood. And hey, Institute, you're next.
164We're actually going to do this. I don't know how yet, but we're going to rescue my people.
165Coursers are in the field. Your life and mine just went to shit.
166Tom and his boys are still unloading all the toys you found from the DIA. Nice.
167Would it kill them to let me know mission specs before the dead drop? Just once?
168Things are quiet. For now.
169The world's a dangerous place... for anyone in my way. Heh.
170For every synth that makes it out, there's a round on me.


171RR101_GloryBarksOnAttack{Hostile shout before opening fire} I god-damned warned you. Open up!A1a
172RR101_GloryWarnsBackingUp{Shouted at a distance, quick clip - promising violence} Don't. Move.A1a
173RR101_GloryWarnsClosingIn{Shouted to a near distance, stern - promising violence} Not one foot closer.A1a
174-{Fierce} Talk to the boss.


175-Dez says we stay here until you leave. No pressure.
176After you leave, I get to do a full security sweep before we can get out of here, too.


177RR301_110_Post_Intro_ChatterDesdemona: Glory, pick your team.I could use the doc. Mister Smiley, too.Desdemona: Done. Grab anything you need from Tinker Tom.A1a
178Desdemona: Done. Grab anything you need from Tinker Tom.Anything?Desdemona: It's not open season. Yet. But take what you need.A1a
179Desdemona: It's not open season. Yet. But take what you need.Oh, I will.Desdemona: Everyone, we may have to evac on a moment's notice. Stay alert.A1a
180-{Tough, earnest warning} I traded some lead with a Courser outside Dayton. Watch your six out there.


181RR303_0300b_GloryDeath{In tremendous pain, but holding it together / InPain} None of them got past me. Damn... that stings...Glory: Listen, the Railroad's always sitting on its hand... Ahhh... You're the best thing that's ever happened.A1a
182Glory: Bullshit. *cough*{Coughs a little, then dies in fear - she's facing death believing she has no soul and will go to Hell} Isn't there... supposed to be a light?A1a
183Player Default: Hold on, you'll make it through.{Ironic laugh, but coughs up blood / InPain} Bullshit. *cough*Glory: Isn't there... supposed to be a light?A1a
184Player Default: I promise.{Thankful, relief - she can die now / InPain} If anyone... *cough*Glory: Isn't there... supposed to be a light?X1a
185Player Default: How bad is it?{Knows she's dying, grim / InPain} No escape... this time. *cough*Glory: Isn't there... supposed to be a light?Y1a
186Glory: None of them got past me. Damn... that stings...{Urgent last words, sounds like she's dying (which she is) / InPain} Listen, the Railroad's always sitting on its hand... Ahhh... You're the best thing that's ever happened.Glory: Promise me you'll free them. All of them.A1a
187Glory: Listen, the Railroad's always sitting on its hand... Ahhh... You're the best thing that's ever happened.{Fervent last request / InPain} Promise me you'll free them. All of them.Player Default: Hold on, you'll make it through.A1a
188-{Annoyed} This was supposed to be my damned day off.A
189{Annoyed} We got two zones to protect. I got this one. You take the other.A
190{Dying calling a friend over to hear her final words} Hey. Over here.
191{Insistent (and a little annoyed)} You gotta protect Dez and the other soft targets. Go.
192{Annoyed} What are you still doing here? Get back to HQ.
193{Annoyed} I hate waiting.
194{Wanting to hurt them} Let's kick the assholes out of here.


195-You humans are all bastards.
196Traitor! You god damned traitor!


197RRM02_0350_GloryAtMalden{Epic Confusion / Surprised} What are you doing here?Glory: Wait. *laugh* We got assigned the same damned job?A
198NPCFGlory: What are you doing here?{Realization, then thinks it's hilarious / Amused} Wait. *laugh* We got assigned the same damned job?A1a
199{Chuckling, but disdain creeping in / Amused} With all our "compartmentalization" bullshit - this sort of shit happens.A1b
200{Said like it's a punch line.} You got the job from the Goodneighbor side, I got it from Griswold Safehouse.Player Default: That's the price we pay for security.A1c
201Player Default: That's the price we pay for security.{Chuckling - doesn't literally have to be "sheesh" / Irritated} Don't tell me you buy into that crap? Sheesh.Glory: Well... since we're both here. What do you say the two heavies join forces and rock the heavens a little?A1a
202Player Default: Then they're just wasting my time.{Amen to that / Amused} Don't you know it.Glory: Well... since we're both here. What do you say the two heavies join forces and rock the heavens a little?B1a
203Player Default: Maybe we should send for more backup.{Really cracks up / Amused} *laugh* Drag that candy-assed Carrington out here, too. I'd pay to see that.Glory: Well... since we're both here. What do you say the two heavies join forces and rock the heavens a little?X1a
204Player Default: How's this sort of thing happen?{Enjoying telling this, thinks it's hilarious in an annoying way} So Grisworld's got trouble and they send a cryptic note to HQ. "Send in the big guns."Y1a
205And on the other side, the Doctor's got troubles, too, so she sends her own damned cryptic note.Y1b
206{Amused} And then comes the comedy.Player Default: That's the price we pay for security.Y1c
207Player Default: Don't tell me you buy into that crap? Sheesh.{Really looking forward to it, gung ho marine before storming the beach / Happy} Well... since we're both here. What do you say the two heavies join forces and rock the heavens a little?Glory: Gives me a chance to see what you and Deacon really get up to in the field.A1a
208Glory: Well... since we're both here. What do you say the two heavies join forces and rock the heavens a little?{Taking the piss out of the PC in a comrade in arms fashion / Amused} Gives me a chance to see what you and Deacon really get up to in the field.Companion: Usually it's spa days and macrame, but hey, I'm up for some mayhem.A1a
209Glory: Well... since we're both here. What do you say the two heavies join forces and rock the heavens a little?{Taking the piss out of the PC in a comrade in arms fashion / Happy} Been wanting to see you in action with my own eyes.Companion: Usually it's spa days and macrame, but hey, I'm up for some mayhem.A2a
210Player Default: Let's do this, Glory.{This will be legendary / Happy} You lead the way, my friend.A1a
211Player Default: I don't need the help.{Overall, she's happy} Hey, if you got this covered - all yours. Been ages since I've had some down time.B1a
212{Friendly - marine to marine} Just don't get yourself killed, OK?B1b
213Player Default: It's up to you.{This will be legendary / Happy} Then let's show them how it's done.X1a
214Player Default: You got any details on the op?{Wry chuckle} They barely told me where the hell I was supposed to go.Player Default: Let's do this, Glory.Y1a
215RRM02_0400_GloryAtEnd{Happy / Happy} And Malden is secure. I'll tell Grisworld the package is incoming.Glory: It's been a god-damned pleasure.A
216NPCFGlory: And Malden is secure. I'll tell Grisworld the package is incoming.{Sincere / Happy} It's been a god-damned pleasure.Glory: Even you, D-Man.A1a
217Glory: It's been a god-damned pleasure.{Wry, ribbing / Amused} Even you, D-Man.Companion: So group hug? Yes? No?A1a
218Glory: Even you, D-Man.{Involuntary chuckle, likes Deacon despite how annoying he can be / Irritated} *chuckle* Always the comedian.Player Default: The pleasure was all mine.A1a
219Player Default: The pleasure was all mine.{Sarcastic and amused / Amused} Aww, now I'm going to cry.Glory: If everything runs like it's supposed to our paths shouldn't cross again in the field.A1a
220Player Default: Finally, it's over.{Not too concerned} I guess I overstayed my welcome.Glory: If everything runs like it's supposed to our paths shouldn't cross again in the field.B1a
221Player Default: Anything else we're supposed to do here?{Bravado / Amused} No, like most ops it's point and click until nothing's left standing.Glory: If everything runs like it's supposed to our paths shouldn't cross again in the field.Y1a
222Player Default: Aww, now I'm going to cry.{Friendly} If everything runs like it's supposed to our paths shouldn't cross again in the field.A1a
223{Wink and a nudge / Amused} But knowing how pear shaped things go, see you around.A1b
224RRM02_Ambient01_Intro{Disgruntled} My Griswold boys gave me nothing about this place. All I know is, "Malden Center's hot."A1a
225RRM02_Ambient02_Gen1Blues{She hates killing Gen 1s - she's a Gen 3} Aww, hell. Gen 1s. Man, if it's got to be done.A1a
226{Not happy, but knows it's necessary} But can't we just... I don't know, chase them off? *sigh*A1b
227RRM02_Ambient03_KickingAss{Impressed} You are one ass-kicking machine.Glory: And Deacon, you ain't so bad, either.A1a
228Glory: You are one ass-kicking machine.{Ribbing an old friend} And Deacon, you ain't so bad, either.Companion: Well, I aims to please.A1a
229Glory: You are one ass-kicking machine.{Good humor} I almost feel sorry for the bastards. Almost.Companion: Well, I aims to please.A2a
230Glory: And Deacon, you ain't so bad, either.{Snarky banter} Really? Since when?A1a
231RRM02_Ambient04_DeadRaiders{Playfully malicious sarcasm} Looks like the poor little raiders got their clocked cleaned by the Gen 1s.A1a
232{Pleased} Kind of a win-win situation for our team.A1b
233RRM02_Ambient05_LittleLost{A touch of irritation} I always get lost in places like this.A1a
234{Grousing, happy at the thought on an explosion} Why can't the bad guys be in one place? Clustered together real tight. Boom.A1b
235-{Excited} Time for some action.
236{Confused, a little reprimand} Griswold needs Malden Center cleared, like, yesterday. What are you doing here?
237{Chummy - said to someone that can relate} About to head out. My safehouse kiddies need me to make some booms.