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Fallout Wiki


What is the source of the Ghost People being a faction that is interactable? Is there any proof that they will not simply be like the Aliens from Mothership Zeta? Epsilon616 21:01, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

you mean the possibility that they have some sort of mutation or are in fact their own independent race? that is a possibility, but that wouldnt change the fact that they are a faction aswell. So faction is the only accurate thing that could be put here as of now. ralok 01:49, December 2, 2010 (UTC)

I think that their suits may have been faulty. Considering how their eyes glow, they may be a race of sentient Glowing Ones. Otherwise, WOOHOO!!! Glowing green goggles, AWESOME!!! TJbrena 16:39, December 9, 2010 (UTC)

Ghost People Activity[]

From the page: "When the player activates the Sierra Madre Gala event, a skeleton and embalming fluid can be found near the activation point. As to whether this is "Ghost" activity is up to debate." I don't think that the described occurrence is ghost activity. I think it might have been a person trying to save a companions life, as there is various medical equipment around and a large frowning face etched on the wall. There is however a room somewhat nearby with a corpse lying on a table surrounded by black candles. I think this is more along the lines of something Ghost People would do. The Parkstroller 23:04, February 25, 2012 (UTC)

Use of the term "faction".[]

I just think "faction" implies that you will have a reputation with them. I don't think they should be called a faction until this is confirmed. Epsilon616 03:36, December 6, 2010 (UTC)

Do you even know what the word faction means. ITs a group of people who have ties to each other, there has to be organization on some level. That is why the trogs are not a faction. If you can get a reputation with them then they have means of communicating your status beetween groups of them. In otehr words they are a faction. Every time you try to refute their status as a faction you make yourself look stupid, stop it please. ralok 17:53, December 8, 2010 (UTC)
I agree with Epsilon. The fact that FNV features Fallout: New Vegas factions gives "faction" a more exclusive definition in the context of this game. There are any number of other ways to say the same thing without causing any potential confusion to a reader. The article should be changed. 04:24, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
I agree with Epsilon as well. They are a faction if you consider feral ghouls, super mutants and radscorpions factions (within the context of the game). The only interactions you can have with them are fights. The link must go.
I as well agree with Epsilon, they're like trogs or FO3/NV deathclaws; you don't gain/lose karma for killing them, they've got no stashes to "steal" from, and they don't have rep or any potential missions to work through. Jazzlizard 00:47, January 4, 2011 (UTC)

I have to agree with Ralok Ghost people sometimes like to work toghther Epsilon don't be stupid just because you don't have a rep with them why can't they be a faction. The super Mutants and Ghouls are a faction even though you can't have a rep with them yet there still factions know why? BECAUSE THEY WORK TOGHTHER! --To Lazy To Bother About Making A Sig 06:16, October 29, 2011 (UTC)

Ghost people possible reference to a Boy and his dog??[]

should we make a short trivia on the ghost people they seem to be based on the Burnpit Screamers both are higly iradiated emit a green colour and both make horriying screams.kaminoman

Oh yeah... but do the ghost people really scream? but i do see the connection with the whole green glow and what have you.

Ghost People Outfit[]

I know that the Ghosts are mutated in such a way that they're stuck in their suits, so you probably can't remove their apparel, like Feral Ghoul clothes. But can you find a suit resembling theirs anywhere in the DLC? Maybe just the gas mask even? I dig the gas mask. -- 21:44, December 21, 2010 (UTC)

You could always just rig the creature mesh to a set of armour (though it would be a full outfit, you'd have to split the mask and outfit via blender or the like if you wanted them seperate) with minimal work. =)Wyrmalla 19:07, December 25, 2010 (UTC)


Anything in the game about their origin? The only thing I can think of based on the stuff I've read on terminals is that they're somehow related to the construction crew, and they're in the crew's chemical suits.Macman393 04:11, December 22, 2010 (UTC)

They're probably the workers who built the casino in my opinion. Seeing as the workers were trapped in their suites by the gas, and the suits not having any apparent signs of being sewn back together, this may well be the case. The gas out inevitably leak in through the damged latches through time, mutating them, but also possibly extending their lives much like ghouls. Its not really explained however how they managed to eat with the suits on, though they may well be able to unhook their masks.Wyrmalla 19:07, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

And "eat" isn't the worst problem... "post-eating" is....*shudder*.... sometimes design teams just don't think these things through very well. Wunengzi 01:34, February 27, 2011 (UTC)


The last line states that the suits the ghost people wear are not chemical suits according to father Elijah. This seems unlikely considering the large number of terminal log references to the haz-mat suits and the accompanying explanation of how the workers got stuck in the suits. One terminal explains that the gas, while not destroying the suits, does melt the metal bolts that hold it together, both allowing it to leak into the suit and affect the wearer in small doses and trapping the wearer inside the suit without a way to unlatch it.

are they able to eat?[]

it seems like they're zombies then if they dont. i mean how can they eat or drink through their masks. other zombies clues are dean's evil dead reference. that they must be mutilated or decapitated to die

They may be able to remove their masks as it may only be the latches on the suit itself that are broken. Who knows really, it might be the cloud that somehow sustains them or the like, but the question is raised; what happened to all the people they took?Wyrmalla 19:06, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

hmmm maybe they ate them or tortured them. also are they able to reproduce? (Victor Hyde 13:29, December 24, 2010 (UTC))

Don't get too excited their.

As with all the other human mutants out there in the wasteland, I doubt that they repoduce, it just doesn't seem to fit their character. I suppose either the Cloud or the radiation made them infertile, or failing that there's always good old FEV. =P Wyrmalla 19:06, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

It's mentioned a few times that they drag live people off into the cloud, they could have some un-spoken method for turning their hapless victims into more ghost-peoples. Jazzlizard 00:53, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
You do find a couple of fresh bodies in the medical clinic, so perhaps they're researching something -- either a cure for themselves or a way to make everyone else the same. Wunengzi 01:36, February 27, 2011 (UTC)

Perhaps cloud residue seeps through parts of the mask and allows them to eat the residue that accumulates.

what about the Embalming Fluid, Might that have something to do with the making of Ghost People?-(July 6 2011) an Unregistered Editer

Personally i think they do not need any sort of food or drink. & if they do need some sort of sustainance then its probably the gas, due to the fact that whenever you knock them down when they get back up it sounds like a balloon getting emptied of air, which makes me believe that the only things that are left of whoevers inside is: Skin, Bones, Embalming Fluids, & Gas. Also i think that the ghost people turns their victims into new ghost people, otherwise i believe their numbers would have slowly diminished through 200-300 years. Also is it just me or am i truly the only one who noticed that when they loose their limbs the flesh have the same colour as the embalming fluids? (21-02-2013: Unregistered User)


The article mentions information gained from a collector's edition book. I have the American collector's edition, and it came with no such book. Is it from the European edition, or did I get cheated? Blazingsand 03:48, January 2, 2011 (UTC)


Does anyone know if the Purifier perk affects Ghost People? Thanks =D Jazzlizard 00:53, January 4, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, they are considered abominations and also will be counted for the Abominable perk. Brfritos 04:48, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

Gas Bombs cannot be shot[]

even with a 95% chance to hit I cannot shoot the gas bombs out of their hands. 04:05, January 13, 2011 (UTC)

I've found the same. Pausing a second and shooting it in mid air just after they throw it is fine but quite risky given the blast radius. I've managed it a few times but with more success damaging other meleeing ghost people than the actual person who threw it. 12:07, January 16, 2011 (UTC)Owen

Confirm on my PC--even at point blank range, I cannot hit the gas bomb while it is still in the Ghost person's hand.--http://brianranzoni.com 11:00, March 5, 2011 (UTC)
I found the same thing. Despite Dean's advice (if you ask him about how to handle the ghost people) to shot the bombs before they throw them; a) you can't and b) since they are immune to fire it wouldn't help anyway. 14:26, August 7, 2011 (UTC)


Does anyone else find the sound the Ghost People make to sound a lot like that of a ferret's dook? I know that might sound silly but it sounded a lot like that to me.


Their SPECIAL varies from each other and the infobox is all wrong. I'm removing it, if anyone wants to know the stats, please refer to the specific Ghost type page. Brfritos 04:51, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

Battling Ghost People[]

Seems to me they've got good combat A.I. They dodged a lot behind cover when I'd start shooting them with the Automatic Rifle. I was also impressed at their use of hand thrown weapons--they're pretty accurate. Legionnaries don't live long enough to through spears at me, and I notice they tend to prefer charging in with machetes, so its nice to see a thrown weapon in use for a change.

When confronting groups, Ghost People have time to recover if you haven't initially blown off a limb. On the whole, however, they were pretty easy to kill. Once they're unconcious, just shoot them once in the leg. Also, the Bloody Mess perk did a lot of the work for me. Finally, the automatic rifle spread will tend to blow off an arm or leg at mid-range, though at close range its accurate enough that all the shots will hit the torso or head.--http://brianranzoni.com 11:10, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

I found they tend to get stuck behind scenery sometimes, make sudden turns for no reason, and sometimes move jittery, as if not knowing what to do. - Redmess (talk) 00:37, August 14, 2012 (UTC)
Killing Ghost People can be a challenge at higher levels, but I found that using the Bear Trap fist and going into V.A.T.S. and doing the "cross" special move (75 Unarmed skill required) can be very effective, as it does 2.5x limb damage, multiplied by the 2x limb damage done by the bear fist, and with luck you can kill any ghost person in one cross if you can hit them in the head. This made combat a thousand times easier, as once a limb is crippled, they die instantly.

That Jakob Guy (talk) 19:48, October 26, 2012 (UTC)That Jakob Guy

I'll second that. Bear Trap Fist + Cross hit = Ghost, busted. Not even requiring a blow to the head even - most of the ones I took out had one of their arms destroyed with the first hit. 22:10, October 28, 2012 (UTC)

Ghost People > Scarecrow from Batman Arkham Asylum[]

Did anyone else notice that these guys in their hooded hazmat suits and gas masks kinda look like Scarecrow from Arkham Asylum? To me, they look a lot alike. --WisestWiseGuy101 01:39, March 29, 2011 (UTC)WisestWiseGuy101

Gasbomb annoyance[]

Did anyone else find it annoying when they throw those gas bombs? They hit the ground, things fly everywhere, especially Sierra Madre Chips, which i have to scavenge from fountains.

No exploding pants?[]

I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but whenever I try to plant a grenade or mine on a Ghost, it acts as if I'm reverse pickpocketing them instead of planting a live grenade/mine. Are Ghosts immune to exploding pants? Has anyone else seen this or is it just me? Is there a script/option in G.E.C.K. that can change this if its somehow a glitch or bug?

It's probably because the game marks them as essential, they can only be knocked out except of course if they lose a limb. The game mechanic that allows you to give them a live grenade checks to see if they're essential before it places one. Idontlikethenewskin 06:29, May 4, 2011 (UTC)


What if the ghost people are actually lobotomites that came from the Big Empty? That's probably not true but it would explain alot. PipMan 22:33, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

That kinda does make sense. _ME_-annon


I sure hope Old World Blues lets us try on some ghost people armor as promised :) --SmithyMcGee 04:55, May 14, 2011 (UTC) There was a promise? When did this happen? --Captain tweed 04:13, June 9, 2011 (UTC)


if their level is based on yours then doing this DLC after all of the other ones and at level 50 then ghost people are going to be really difficult.Tozzler 08:18, May 16, 2011 (UTC)

No need to wait until 50. At 33 Very Hard, they are a damn threat.They throw spears quite accurate. Their dodging make for [hidden] real time sniping quite difficult. The lack of proper equipment to fight them (good guns/ammo; good chems/mags) certainly doesnt help. At the early stage of DLC when we dont have mods to equip the auto rifle or the holorifle, they both are not very useful. Only better ammo for police pistol, due to handloader, help. And rank 3 Abominable perk. If you dont want trouble with them, best visit Sierra Madre right after you have enough combat perks and some useful miscelanous ones. The more you delay, the worse you will suffer. 18:06, May 18, 2013 (UTC)

Unkillable on Return[]

Using tcl (and the door underneath Abandoned BoS Bunker), I went back to the Sierra Madre to pick up some of the stuff I missed the first time through. However, using the Gauss Rifle, Recharge Rifle, Cosmic Knife, Bear Trap Fist, and Knife Spear, I could knock the Ghost People unconscious but was unable to either disintegrate them, or destroy any of their limbs. It happened even after changing zones or loading games, but I am not sure if it happens if you return again. 19:38, May 17, 2011 (UTC)

Chaos: That sorta matches up with what I've seen from spawning them before going to sierra madre. They're completely essential, I can't even cut off a limb once I knock them out. My guess is that a script is run on them when you enter the area the proper way and then reverted when you leave, tho why it would be reverted if you've no way back normally makes as much sense as why they don't just operate like zombies by default. 06:00, July 19, 2012 (UTC)

Perhaps there were other plans for the DLC that got cancelled. Note that there is no good reason why you couldn't return to the Sierra Madre, but you are not allowed to, unlike other DLC's. - Redmess (talk) 00:40, August 14, 2012 (UTC)

Miss Fortune kills?[]

Miss Fortune appeared 3-4 times for me during my time in the Villa, and every time she would knock down a Ghost Person and it would instantly die, regardless of how much health it had left. After exiting VATS, the body would be intact on the ground (no dismemberment) but dead for good. This was after I had gotten the Ghost Hunter perk from Dog. So I assume what was happening is that Miss Fortune was crippling a limb when she knocked them down, and this left the Ghost Person dead even though the limb was still attached. I'll add this to the Notes section but if anyone has any better insight, please add. BeatrixRussell 22:18, May 28, 2011 (UTC)

Just speculation.[]

I was recently playing dead money again and I noticed that Ghost people don't bleed unless you actually sever a limb. That combined with the fact that they continually regenerate until you do sever a limb makes me wonder if their suits are actually bullet resistant and maybe that's why they seem immortal. Maybe shooting the crap out of them only knocks them unconscious and that's why the persistent bastards keep getting up. If their suits came from the big empty then that would make sense because that seems like the kind of awesome prewar tech that might be found in a place like that. As far as their other attributes like green blood, glowing eyes, smoking breath and the fact that they are sealed within their suits, unable to eat or take a dump, I don't have a clue. Must just be some variety of unknown mutant. Zac hemker 17:26, June 2, 2011 (UTC)

I withdraw the above. It turns out they do bleed a little when shot. Fo some reason when i wrote this I hadn't seen any blood for a while. Zac hemker 16:35, June 6, 2011 (UTC)


Whilst playing Dead Money I have noticed that its only takes 2-3 shots from a police pistol to down the ghost people. Yet once they are downed they stay down but I can't loot them. Also when being shot at they just stand there and allow me to kill them without fighting back or even moving sometimes. Would this be a bug? or several bugs? Does it matter? Your game is now 100% easier, I'd recommend you complete Dead Money now before they patch it. And I haven't had this happen to me, so I guess it is. But go, run! Complete it while you can! --Captain tweed 04:15, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

Sneaking problem[]

I have a 100 stealth character. I could sneak past them very easily in the villa/police station/residential/medical areas, but once I reached Puesta del Sol they would detect me once I could see them, as though I had default stealth. Even when I was on a balcony and it was barely visible, I hit the caution then flashing danger before I could disarm the two bear traps on the first roof accessible. I also had assassin armor equipped at the time and 100 stealth with the assassin armor unequipped. What bothers me is that I could sneak in circles around them before that (working on unarmed challenges, to get head shots). Any advice? ( 04:23, July 17, 2011 (UTC))

This has occurred in my experience as well. My hypothesis is that having 100 sneak skill causes a bug at some point in the quest scripting (probably once you've rescued the other collared people). There is another possibility that I've considered, which is that all but the basic ghost people are bugged with the aforementioned issue (Hunters, Trappers, etc). This would explain why the ghost people in the Villa proper, Residential, or Clinic don't detect you unfairly. However, I have no evidence other than a hunch, so I can't very well make the claim. But for all the issues, it appears tied to sight. They don't hear you (at least not with silent running), but the moment they pivot your direction, they see you regardless of distance. I've had them spot me from almost 100 feet away while I was perfectly still. -- 06:02, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

Small addendum, apparently stealth fields work just fine, so at least when you find a stealth boy it's a blessing. -- 06:09, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

Ok, I think I may just have nailed down the issue. When you zone in to a place they usually work just fine. However, after reloading a quick save, all of that changes. Some of the existing Ghost People who got saved become perceptive on a level no other creature is, while the rest remain the same. Some of them can merely see you, while others seem literally omniscient, able to detect you the moment you see them. It's a very strange bug, as it doesn't seem to affect all the Ghost People the same way, but it also doesn't seem at all dependent on the type of Ghost Person (Trapper, Scavenger, Seeker, etc). --Incrognito 15:26, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

None of the above is the issue. The issue is that you're trying to sneak by them during the day. The lighting does not change in Dead Money, but the sneak calculations in FO3 and FNV do not care about weather light level, they use a fixed detection offset for daylight and nighttime, equivalent to a difference of 200 points of sneak skill. If you're struggling to sneak past them, check the time, you'll find it's just turned morning (if you were able to before); the solution is to find a corner and "Wait" there until 8 PM or so. Iskie (talk) 00:43, 24 December 2021 (UTC)


The creature templates state that the Ghost People's Perception is zero. This can't possibly be right, a) the minimum is 1 and b)Ghost People see the player almost all the time. --Kastera (talk) 17:02, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

Setting something to 0 in the G.E.C.K. makes it infinite because of an error int he Havoc engen. This means that the Ghost People will have endless preception, requiring you to have 100 sneak and a item with a sneak bonus to be able to sneak around them. - Annon
There is a fix provided here [1] Wabango (talk) 20:31, May 3, 2016 (UTC)
The above link is dead, mainly because the 0 Perception theory is nonsense. As mentioned in my comment in the above section, the issue is you're sneaking by them in the day, not that they have infinite perception. If you wait until 8 PM or so, you'll have no issue sneaking by them at all, even with almost no sneak skill. Iskie (talk) 00:43, 24 December 2021 (UTC)

Bloody Mess[]

If you have bloody mess and shoot a ghost person until it's hp is depleted will it explode via the perk, killing them as they are now dismembered? Or would you still have to dismember them with a melee weapon, headshot to the corpse, etc.?

Don't know but good question ask somebody who has played DM with the perk. --To Lazy To Bother About Making A Sig 06:23, October 29, 2011 (UTC)

Anything that destroys their limbs puts them down permanently, whether you blow off the limb during the last shot or if you run up to them while they're unconcious and blow one of their limbs off. User:Great_MaraMessage 06:27, October 29, 2011 (UTC)

Ghosts won't spawn out of DM?[]

I was on the PC version and i wanted to try spawning Ghost People in the Mojave. I used console commands to spawn it, but instead of a Ghost Person it spawned a Mark 1 roof mounted turret. I just went into Dead Money to get their base object ID and then reloaded a save in the wasteland. Do i have to finish the add-on first in order for it to work?

I've been spawning them fine, I use "player.placeleveledactoratme 01011803" have you made sure to use the proper load order id? In my game DM is the second esm I've got loaded so the full address for the GP is 01011803. You can get the proper address for your setup by checking via FNVEdit. 19:45, July 24, 2012 (UTC)

Possible "lair"?[]

The article states that "if they have a lair at all, it is unclear where.". Would anyone else agree with me that it is quite possible (despite Domino's comment that they live in the underground sewers) that Campanas del Sol is their lair, on account of the numerous Ghost People there, along with the bedding (although this is debatable, since they do not sleep) and the "ritual" (there is a skeleton surrounded by black, unlit candles. I am unfamiliar with traditions of death, so if this is normal then please disregard this entire paragraph)?Foxi Hooves (talk) 08:03, November 23, 2013 (UTC)

Ghost people live in underground service routes, sewers, and inside the various boarded up buildings.Ssskoopa (talk) 10:43, March 23, 2015 (UTC)

Ghost people suit[]

I is just me or are you guys also kinda pissed that we weren't able to get a Ghost person's suit. So far the only place I can find one is in the Old World Blues DLC and it's name is just: Hazmat Suit.

--Skullyz13 (talk) 16:09, March 9, 2013 (UTC)Brodo

One, make a different topic. Two, it's literally the exact same thing. This is the closest you're gonna get to looking like one of them without taking a bath in the Cloud. Ssskoopa (talk) 10:42, March 23, 2015 (UTC)

Ghosts Refuse To Die![]

Is there a bug where ghost people refuse to die? My current playthrough has me using chainsaws, flamers, alien blasters, thermal lances, even the Mysterious Stranger .44, and it many of the ghost people won't die. One minor detail, this is after returning to the Sierra Madre (impossible without commands or mods), so maybe some condition (the collars being gone, the casino and exit gates being unlocked, quest status, etc) is effecting their weird conditional essential setting. Noobyorkcity (talk) 19:42, September 8, 2018 (UTC)

Ghost people are unable to die by default; before you have the Ghost Hunter perk they can only die if they lose a limb (which is not the same as having a crippled limb).
- FDekker talk 22:10, September 10, 2018 (UTC)
Ghost people also seem to be killable ONLY AFTER the main quest of DM start. So if you havent traveled to SM via abandoned bunker's event, and you coc into an area with ghosts... yeah, they just dont die. Their limbs/head wont be destroyed, even if you use high crit weapons or (try to) vaporizing them. BUT once the main quest start, you can kill them relatively easy, especially with cosmic knife clean (high crit). Guns are harder because you have to aim at limbs/head to destroy, but those knives destroy limb quite easily with a high crit build. And the two easyguns you access: police pistol and auto rifle? high spread like heck. 9mm pistol would be easier than thatLaclongquan (talk) 15:31, 1 June 2024 (UTC)

Ghost people graffiti/obstructions[]

Thought I'd add this here (because I added it originally, I'm pretty sure a second person is needed to verify it) regarding the Seeker at the Salida Del Sol gate. When entering Salida del Sol South for the first time, at the end of the road a Ghost Seeker can be seen near the boarded up gate. If unalerted, it can be seen to be doing something near the gate (it stays in place and doesn't patrol the immediate area unlike most other Ghost people) next to a pile of wooden boards, and after entering Salida Del Sol North, if you head out of the ruined house and to the left the opposite side of the boarded up gate can be found, with the "No Escape" graffiti on it. Aiden4017 (talk) 22:08, July 19, 2020 (UTC)

I can understand that as an idea. I think them unaltered are just idle animations. I don't think we're provided enough to say it is one/some of the Ghost People. In other examples, it all has differing handwriting, some such as the more mocking parts are likely from Dean. Backwards text from Dog/God. Maybe the lover's marks from Christine. Lots of it could also be from other captives.--Todoedits (talk) 22:35, July 19, 2020 (UTC)