Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Merchant Restocking Period[]

How long does it take for merchants to restock? BillSpringerJr 10:02, March 16, 2012 (UTC)

I tested this with Cliff Briscoe in Novac by sleeping in the Motel room for a day and going back to him multiple times until his caps and items refreshed. It took 3 days for him to restock. --Arpaleggia (talk) 20:30, September 12, 2012 (UTC)

Can someone check this ? If it is accurate, it should be added to the page ...
" I've been combing through the game files. Game Settings iMerchantRespawnDays# 1&2 have integers of 0 and 3, which in GameDays setting correlates to a Sunday and Wednesday. I further checked this against Low-Level Processing NPC merchants. "
" I'm the leader for the bugfix Mission Mojave Ultimate Edition. I've looked deeply into this game mechanic. Sunday and Wednesday as soon as it's the dawn of a new day REGARDLESS of your current "Menu State". However, Merchant NPCs marked "No Low Level Processing" will not 'respawn' unless you're in the same cell as them at the SAME TIME the day changes. "
It is mentioned on the Gun Runners and on the Vendertron pages. I didn't check any other merchant pages. - AngelaStuff2 (talk) 05:31, 16 December 2021 (UTC)

Like Contreras[]

Is there any other Merchant like Contreras who sells Ammo that numbers in the thousands like Sergeant Contreras at Camp McCarran? I'm asking cause since I am not Allied with the NCR, chose Yes-Man, he charges me a FORTUNE and only pays me about 45% what any other merchant would for anything I try to sell to him. 23:25, March 19, 2012 (UTC)

The only other I can think of is Vendortron, he'll be available no matter who you ally with. Otherwise Blake at the Crimson Caravan Company may be a good choice. -SigmaDelta54(Talk) 23:30, March 19, 2012 (UTC)

Those are the two I buy from the most. They don't have the Ammo in the quantities I am looking for, but I guess no one does. Its not like I necessarily need it, but I am one of those eccentric types, unless I have a 1,000 rounds it feels like I'm out of ammo. They are good for many different types though. Thanks for the reply. 01:56, March 20, 2012 (UTC)

The Great Khans Armorer. IT's easy to get high rep with Great Khans, and she sell a lot of stuffs, sometimes very high quality like PAs. During my shopping rounds, I go Great Khans, Hoover Dam, then anyone else if I have the money.Laclongquan (talk) 05:01, March 21, 2013 (UTC)

Exchange rates[]

Do all of the merchants pay/charge the same price for the same item (given that the PC's barter skill hasn't changed)? If not, it might be worth noting on the main page. Once Contreras is in jail, you can sell him anything and be assured that it will still be there should you need it later (who knew vault uniforms would get you laid). The only downside is that he doesn't actually pay you anything, so I resort to player.additem f whateverContrerasShouldHavePaidMe. 03:50, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

Note: Barter price affect selling/buy price. At maximum, you can buy and sell at value of the item. So it depends on how you play to have which merchants's price for you better: faction reputation discount + personal discount(if any)+Barter discount.Laclongquan (talk) 05:30, March 21, 2013 (UTC)


The only one who refresh inventory completely, up to now, is only Dixon.

The others, who respond at all to that command, refresh one single item. Ada is laser pistol, Jack great khan is One item, the rest is empty casing.Laclongquan (talk) 06:06, May 4, 2013 (UTC)

Fully refresh that merchant[]

If you save in front of a merchant (or more precisely, in the same cell as that merchant), then quit all the way to desktop, then reload that save. Upon reloading that merchant and every merchants in that cell has refreshed inventory. E.g: if you do that in front of Michelle Kerr, all 4 merchants counting her father will have their inventories refreshed. You must restart the game from the ground up, as loading from main menu does nothing. However, this procedure does NOT work with Van Graff. At least, in my game, they are not refreshed for a long time and doesnt change even for this action. I will need to test to see which merchant it wont work on.Laclongquan (talk) 08:14, May 17, 2013 (UTC)

↑ I have tried this procedure with both Lacey and the Traveling Merchant at the Mojave Outpost and it didn't refresh either of their inventories. 05:33, November 16, 2013 (UTC)

Base cap amounts[]

Suggestion to add a column for the base amount of caps available from each vendor. This would allow several other articles to have notes removed and replaced with a link to this page (such as the article on "Gold bars" which include a lengthy set of notes which merely list vendors with large amounts of caps.) Jaguara333 (talk) 03:52, December 10, 2014 (UTC)

1:1 Merchants[]

It would be extremely useful if this page listed which merchants can possibly buy items at full selling price (usually with reputation requirements). There seems to be a lot of opinions about this out there and no single list of them. 00:42, April 13, 2017 (UTC)

Table is too Wide for the Page -> Suggestion to improve[]

When scrolled to the right of the table, you cannot see the merchant names.

The table is (way) too wide for the page (which I'm fine with) so it is required to use the scroll bar at the bottom of the table to view the right side of the table. However, the table is also so long that you cannot see the full list/top of the list when you are down at the scroll bar. So ... it makes it impossible to be able to tell which merchant goes with which line.

My suggestion: also add the merchant names as an additional column all the way to the right, so you can tell which merchant you are viewing whether scrolled to the left side or the right side of the table. AngelaStuff2 (talk) 13:21, 20 April 2021 (UTC)

Another idea - shrink the words used in the header so the columns are skinnier. For example, 'Hours' instead of 'Business Hours', Rents bed instead of Rents bed/room, Med instead Medical services, etc etc
Use a legend to list the headers meaning/full text
AngelaStuff2 (talk) 13:41, 20 April 2021 (UTC)
Also, Malcolm Holmes is a merchant and should be added to this list.AngelaStuff2 (talk) 13:48, 20 April 2021 (UTC)

Good points overall. Can you check the entire page now? I've narrowed the headers, removed hardcoded widths in favor of relative ones, and removed the hours column, since all of them except for Briscoe are available 24/7. Тагазиэль 14:03, 20 April 2021 (UTC)

Wow, FANTASTIC job ! My only suggestion (which you gave me the idea by removing the hours column) ... you can also remove the Rent column because only the Garretts can rent a bed/room, no one else. Then there would be room to add the weapons column back in. I do think we need the weapons column, because whether the merchant sells weapons or not widely varies from vendor to vendor. What do you think ? Thanks so much for taking on this edit ! I make minor edits from time to time, but don't typically do ones like this that I feel like are more complicated - AngelaStuff2 (talk) 21:36, 20 April 2021 (UTC)
Aaaand done. Glad to help with these, I love tables, but some of them can get absolutely insane. Тагазиэль 17:56, 22 April 2021 (UTC)

Tagaziel AngelaStuff2 Hiya Tag, hope you've been well, and testing this formatting works to send you a notification (and test sending to me as well). At some point the colors for our wiki changed and now some parts of the merchants table are not viewable when in dark mode. It's the lines that are beige colored that are causing the problem. I'm not sure why some rows are a different color anyway, I can't figure out what the differentiating factor is from one to the next ? My guess is Maybe originally they were every other line but later edits added in more folks and those editors didn't adjust which lines were colored. The weapon stats page has the colored lines in grey, which works in both light and dark mode, or all colors could be removed ?? What do you think ? - AngelaStuff2 (talk) 18:05, 14 December 2023 (UTC)

Tooltips make the table not sortable[]

Tooltips make it so when you hover over the Yes or No icons, it shows in a teeny popup box that shows whatever is entered as the "tooltip". This is cool because it's a fairly large table and it helps users keep up with which column they are looking at. However, these Tooltips are making the table not sortable in all of the yes/no checked/unchecked columns. As an example in source editor ... {{Icon|yes|tooltip=Medical services}} renders Medical services(hover over), but makes it so the column will not sort. Instead, if all the icons in that column are all changed to Icon|yes (or no), the table will sort by that column. I am opening for discussion the idea of removing these tooltips so all the columns in the table are sortable. - AngelaStuff2 (talk) 21:26, 10 June 2024 (UTC)

Will adding default sort parameters to the table fix this? Great Mara (talk) 22:08, 10 June 2024 (UTC)
I don't know if that will fix it or not, and don't know enough about default sort parameters to test it. I tried test editing several things and removing the tooltips was the only thing that allowed a column to be sortable when I tested it in preview. But that doesn't mean it's the only fix! More experienced editors like yourself may know of some methods that will work. - AngelaStuff2 (talk) 23:48, 10 June 2024 (UTC)
Circling back around to this to see if any editors know of a fix. - AngelaStuff2 (talk) 12:14, 24 June 2024 (UTC)