Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I'd say Harold probably qualifies, at least in a Fallout-esque sense. Not sure how to go about describing it as far as mutation/being imprisoned in a tree or area though. Great Mara (talk) 00:08, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

  • i had this thought too! i just need to find the verbiage to describe slowly becoming a tree in terms of a disability... his arm does also fall off in Brotherhood of Steel... Anachorite (talk) 04:22, 11 August 2023 (UTC)
Maybe "Harold is a FEV mutant who suffers from a unique degenerative condition linked to his mutation. After his exposure to FEV in (replace this bit with the year of exposure, I can't remember it off the top of my head) a tree began growing in Harold's head. As the tree has grown from his head he has slowly been immobilised by it. By 2277, the tree has overtaken his human body, leaving him as part of its trunk, and his internal organs have become part of its root system."

Parker Quinn[]

i've been told, anecdotally, that he will call the Sole Survivor a slur whether or not they go along with his scam. my fo4 installation is very crashy, can anyone verify? Anachorite (talk) 02:47, 13 August 2023 (UTC)

Good catch, my b. Correcting the interaction now lol FDSMDP (talk) 03:20, 13 August 2023 (UTC)

Mole miners[]

One concern I have with this page is that the section on mole miners feels like it veers a little off-topic into their dialogue and society, when it should be more directly connected to disabilities. I also don't think the sentence about hunting for sport should be included, since it's mostly based on gameplay, rather than direct lore, and it might be a rather contentious point (you don't have to participate in those challenges that are being cited). I would be happy to hear arguments otherwise, though. LaymansReign (talk) 18:33, 16 August 2023 (UTC)

  • happy to explain my thought process. in my opinion, they are an entire society of disabled pre-war poor people. i explained them in full because i expect most fallout fans to have no context for them, and i think disabled fallout fans would be interested to know about them. meta pages are unusual, and i think warrant a meta approach--the game abstractly rewarding you with Power-Ups and cosmetics for slaughtering these people is noteworthy, in terms of representation. as i type this, i feel i should note how often the player is similarly incentivized to kill other sorts of post-human mutants... and addled people. i even considered getting into the events of Uranium Fever, wherein players mass-execute mole miners who are trying to disable an apparent Uranium Fracking Facility which is actively poisoning their tunnels. it takes very little distance for that to be screwed up, and it doesn't even come off as intentionally satirical, in my opnion. i thought all these disparate elements were relevant to illustrate their troubled representation; they're weirdly criminal-coded disabled people, and the game primarily depicts them by allowing Vault Dwellers to mass-murder their towns and loot their literal ancestral homes. i love them a lot and i think they're very, very mishandled, and this seemed like the appropriate place to unpack it, if anywhere. having said all this, if anyone sees a more elegant way to express these observations, or a more appropriate place, or simply finds it excessive, they're free to adjust the page. i threw out a lot of bold or fringe stuff & i'm sure there is a lot of room for improvement. i appreciate how much yall've contributed already. --Anachorite (talk) 04:13, 27 August 2023 (UTC)