Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


2257 - count with Sarah age - she was 7 when arrived, in 2277 she is 27--dotz 06:11, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Where was there any mention of Sarah's age? All it says in the diary is that she's now a grown woman. Ausir 07:40, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
mistake--dotz 13:27, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Explain your undos, please.--dotz 13:27, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

The only real inconsistency here is the War Department. As for Sentinel, the rank might have been created at any moment in the 115 years between FO1 and FO3. As for soldiers, even in FO1 BoS characters use the word "soldier" from time to time. John Maxson about Rhombus: "{242}{Gen_56}{Rhombo's been here a long time. A bit stiff, but a helluva soldier.}" And Knights also occasionally performed external duties. From Vree's autopsy report: "This is truly amazing. Some of the Knights on a patrolling expedition came across an unusual creature." Ausir 13:21, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Under Armor clothes are still new thing for us and are worth to be mentioned/described--dotz 13:50, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

I don't think they deserve a separate article or a mention here - a mention in Capital Wasteland Brotherhood Power Armor is enough. Especially if it's only something from early concept art that might never actually appear in the game itself. Ausir 13:57, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

"underarmor - this is not the T-51b, but another PA model, so it's not an inconsistency" Well,

  • as far as I remember above statement was speculation - we do not know what model is PA present at F3 (as well as its designers I'm afraid),
  • despite of two possible PA models features at van Buren (demo) - PA image present there has blue "head part".

TBC--dotz 05:27, 2 April 2008 (UTC)

Emil did say it's not T-51b, didn't say which model yet. And the only PA images from VB that were released were of the T-51b. There are no known images of T-45d. Ausir 12:35, 2 April 2008 (UTC)
There are some connections with T-45d also - see what Corporal Armstrong said to late Citizen (vB demo). I can agree, that demo used T-51b pictures and equipment description from year 2253 in year 2077.
In F3 appears more sofisticated underarmor then T-51b blue one (wires, metal elements). Question of its color is secondary of course, however it coud be confirmed by guys who saw F3 demo.--dotz 08:08, 3 April 2008 (UTC)
Maybe instead of listing that here as inconsistency, better put it at Capital Wasteland Brotherhood Power Armor as simply a list of differences with T-51b? Ausir 01:26, 4 April 2008 (UTC)

Should the "The Expedition" section of this article be amended to mention the Pitt, the Scourge, etc? I'd do it myself, but worry I'd be overstepping. (Also, one of these days I'll get a proper wikia account, promise.) 10:08, 28 February 2009 (UTC)


How are we sure the Brotherhood recieved reports on Supermutant activity? How did they? There is an entire continent between the West Coast and the East Coast. There is no internet, America was nuked to shit.

This is a good question.
I'd imagine by 2077 there was radio technology advanced enough to send radio signals across continents. And, if anyone were to have them it would be the Brotherhood (or enclave or those people in SF)
You didn't answer who, how, when and WHY would send such a message across the continent. And yes, there was sufficently advanced radio technology. What you completely ignore is that after nearly two hundred years, it'd break down without maintenance. 15px-Scribe.jpg Tagaziel (call!) 07:32, 9 June 2009 (UTC)
In all fairness, you didn't ask who, when and why. Also, have you drawn a blank about the constant, WORKING Ham radios you find ingame? Jakkhali 14:22, 17 July 2009 (UTC)
I didn't ask, because it's obvious there is no answer available. It's a flimsy excuse to have the Brotherhood in the game. Also, are you trying to explain an inconsistency in the game with other inconsistencies in the game? 15px-Scribe.jpg Tagaziel (call!) 15:18, 17 July 2009 (UTC)
What? How are HAM radios an inconsistency? Jakkhali 20:54, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

"Possible influences" section[]

Shouldn't this rather be in the Brotherhood of Steel article? As far as I can see, the similarities apply to the previous incarnations of the BoS just as well and not only specifically to the CW branch. The whole Arthurian theme the CW division has going would probably better fit here. -- Porter21 (talk) 12:41, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

The Enclave[]

I wish there was a way for evil players to join forces with the Enclave. It's almost as if the game forces you to work with the Brotherhood. I hate the Brotherhood because they're so boring. Not enough tech. The Enclave has the awesome Tesla armor and Deathclaws. I was so glad when I blew up their base in Broken Steel. FawkesGamer360 20:52, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

Don't start this crap again. Fat Man Spoon 20:59, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

Capital Wasteland BoS : Current Status[]

"The war with the Super Mutants – a conflict that has continued unceasingly for over twenty years – rages on, and the Brotherhood is feeling the strain of this extended conflict. Without reinforcements from the West Coast, Lyons has been forced to recruit locally, and the results have been less than stellar: most new conscripts are overeager, unskilled, or both, and as a result their survival rate is atrocious. So low, in fact, that word has spread throughout the Capital Wasteland – join the Brotherhood of Steel, and you’ll be dead within the week. "

Is there any info to support the survival rates and rumors of high mortality?—Preceding unsigned comment added by SryServiceDown (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

It's a direct quote from a dev diary. Should probably be referenced properly. -- Porter21 (talk) 10:52, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

Current Status section is waaaaay off-topic.[]

The current state of the "Current Status" is, IMO, very off-topic. It goes into lengthy detail for the Main Quest, and doesn't focus on what the topic of the article is: the Capital Wasteland BoS. For instance...

"Meanwhile, the Wanderer locates the GECK, but is unfortunately captured by agents of the Enclave, and the GECK is installed in the Purifier. He is then interrogated by Colonel Autumn for the activation code, but is interrupted by President Eden, who requests a meeting with him/her. Unfortunately, Colonel Autumn soon orders the Enclave soldiers to attack the Wanderer regardless of the president's orders, and the Wanderer must fight his/her way to the president. Once the two finally meet, Eden asks the player to install a modified FEV virus dispenser in the Purifier, as a way to cleanse the Capital Wasteland of all mutations so that only "pure strain" humans like those in the Enclave and the Vaults will survive. The player is forced to leave with the virus in hand, but has a chance to "blow up" Eden and Raven Rock, if he/she wishes to. "

What direct pertinence does that story portion and level of detail thereof have on an article on the Capital Wasteland BoS?

--MadCat221 04:17, November 5, 2009 (UTC)

If you kill BoS Initiates/Paladins/Knights, etc. on accident or otherwise, will the BoS become hostile and if so, for how long? -Any Mouse

Bullshit being presented as fact:[]

Hi.. Got an issue with something on this page:

By 2287, however, the Capital Wasteland chapter has reverted back to the original focus of the Brotherhood, likely abandoning the citizens of the Capital Wasteland in the process

(makes no sense consider the Jefferson Purifier, and Adam Air Force Base are huge reasources. For not to mention that they are depending on local recruiting. They are also only partly back into the old ways, as they consider the commonwealth to be a threat to "the population". Destroying machines, is not the same as gathering techology)

This change occurred largely due to the fact that Sarah Lyons died in combat shortly after 

(where is this said?)

her father died of old age causing a leadership crisis that saw Arthur Maxson

(oh he died you say? Maybe he retired pehaps. This is not been told in the game)

eventually take control of the chapter and reintegrate the Brotherhood Outcasts

(not said.. and they recruit the sole survivior pretty fast. The Outcast is strict agains outsiders)

back into the fold,

(Not mentioned anywhere in the game) 

at the cost of Lyon's view of reforming the Brotherhood.

(They are not collecting technology. They are breaking it because they see it as a threat. The Orginal Brotherhood would have tried to thinker with synhts themself, and make robot armies. Where do I have this from? They did it in New Vegas with ED-E. But quess what.. It is only my own theory do. Which should not be placed as "cannon" fact. Bethesda would not have the brotherhood of Steel leave the Capital Wasteland. Expanding, yes.. that they would have them do. But to have BOS leave the Capital, would make Fallout 3 a useless story, with no reasons for doing, if only ten short years later they all packed up and lef. It is ridicolous.)

I put a "not verified" infront on this text. It should stay there consider that the person who wrote it obiviously wants to be a writer for betheda, and is testing his skills by imagine up stuff.

Lyons dying and the reunification of the outcast and BoS are mentioned on a BoS Terminal on The Prydwen72.207.18.130 05:59, December 14, 2015 (UTC)12/13

New name[]

Morgan refers to this chapter as Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel. Should we move it? Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 07:29, September 23, 2010 (UTC)

Um, no, we definitely shouldn't move it. --Kris User Hola 11:30, September 23, 2010 (UTC)
Why? Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 11:46, September 23, 2010 (UTC)
Because that's not what it's called, officially, by the real Brotherhood of Steel in California. If we were to change it to anything it should be to what they refer to it as, don't you think? And I believe they refer to it as the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel but I'm not sure on that. --Kris User Hola 12:42, September 23, 2010 (UTC)
Why the hell would you rename it? Lyon's Brotherhood of Steel isn't the official name, not in the eyes of the Brotherhood of Steel, it's an informal name. The official name remains Brotherhood of Steel East Coast chapter, Lyon's Brotherhood of Steel is just a nickname. Think about it, it's a hell of a lot easier then saying 'Brotherhood of Steel East Coast' every time you mention it. --Enigma24 (talk) 11:06, April 26, 2013 (UTC)

Sarah's Age[]

Was Sarah 8 years old or 8 months old when they left the Core Region? People keep changing it back and forth and I don't know which one's right. I'm not even sure what the source is for 8 to begin with. --Kris User Hola 22:04, October 6, 2010 (UTC)

I'll find a source, right after I wrap my head around the concept of taking a child on a military expedition across the entire nuked out continent. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 22:39, October 6, 2010 (UTC)
I think the concept is a bit ridiculous. Why would you take a child with you on an expedition? The child would be a hindrance and the Brotherhood would have to waste a lot of resources to protect it. Also, it's kinda weird how Sarah survived the entire expedition, including the journey through the Pitt. Nukey (talk) 22:42, October 6, 2010 (UTC)
It would make more sense if she was 18 years old than if she was 8 of anything. --Kris User Hola 23:42, October 6, 2010 (UTC)
It would. It would've made sense if they had her born in the Capital Wasteland instead of at the beginning of the trip. Nukey (talk) 23:52, October 6, 2010 (UTC)
Even as young as 15 would make sense - old enough to stay outta the way and hold her own for a moment as needed, but too young to be an initiate. --Kris User Hola 00:57, October 7, 2010 (UTC)
Considering sarah is about the players age the lone wanderer first meets her i'd have to say she was born when they arrived in the Capital wasteland as the BoS arrived in the Capital Wasteland 20-30 years before the Lone Wanderer is born.-bleep196- 01:02, October 7, 2010 (UTC)
Someone made a false edit to Sarah Lyons - she's actually 30 years old, not 23 (born in 2247, not 2254). --Kris User Hola 01:05, October 7, 2010 (UTC)
Really? 30 jeez and she supposedly has a relationship with the Lone Wanderer (Male character that is) that would make here at least 11 years his elder meaning she's a cougar by definition. -bleep196- 01:08, October 7, 2010 (UTC)
Maybe the Lone Wanderer likes older women. Sort of a mummy complex if you will. --Enigma24 (talk) 11:07, April 26, 2013 (UTC)

Sarah was born is 2251 seven years before the Lone Wander so in Fallout 3 she was 26. November 30 2015

Liberty Prime[]

Should Liberty Prime be mentioned in the Technology section? Thomasb2k 04:28, December 29, 2010 (UTC)

Future Games[]

In future games I expect this group to have a large scale war with NCR. It seems logical that the East Coast Brotherhood will begin to expand its reach back to the West, similar to the NCR moving into Nevada. I think one of the Central States will serve as a good host. Who's side will you take? Broken Record Fan 04:41, May 31, 2011

Check my blog for why it ISN'T a good plot. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 21:13, May 15, 2011 (UTC)

To be honest... that felt more like you were critiquing Fallout 3. Though what you said was well thought out, you went into too much detail. You kept saying that there was no way the Brotherhood would become stay a superpower in the long term because of a lack of agriculture on the East Coast... but if you are going off of that then there should not be a soul alive left in the Capital wasteland and the Enclave could not have survived underground all those years. That was more of Bethesda not going into enough depth with their game. A mistake. You also repeatedly said Lyons was an incompetent leader. Your blog is mainly about you giving your two cents on Bethesda's storytelling abilities. The game made it pretty clear that the choice that supports the Brotherhood is the "correct" choice and it wants you to side with Lyons as, what is supposed to be, an intelligent leader of a good organization. And though I can agree with you that the story was seriously flawed, I enjoyed the ride and I felt compelled from beginning to end. I get that you do not like Fallout 3... which is absolutely fine with me. The problem with what you are saying about the East Coast Brotherhood not surviving is that if/when Bethesda continues on after Fallout 3's story arc... they will continue the franchise in their direction whether or not you approve. Broken Record Fan 04:41, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

Something that seems to be missed by most of the folk criticizing Fo3 is how dangerous the super mutants actually used to be, and how much of an effect they had on the Capital Wasteland as a whole. See, the CW's super mutants have been around the area for most of the post-war period. With the CW's lack of luck, they were left with no powerful groups to defend it. Remember, unlike the west coast, the east never had the added bonus of being able to survive for a short while in vaults (though, even west coast vaults were kinda crap sometimes) and the east coast was basically filled with unready, disorganized, radiation susceptible survivors. Put them up against these muties, and no matter how dumb the mutants, their biological advantages of strength and radiation resistance allow them to seize basically anything they need or want without even needing to worry about anyone putting up a proper fight. Over time, people eventually fight slowly, but in the end, the CW is full of so much fighting, the place is left with no one even able to attempt to re-start up agricultural systems because they're so busy just trying to stay alive against hordes of enemies (super mutants and raiders) who are too stupid to figure out how to do it themselves. Add to that the crap condition of the land and water (dry, dirty and irradiated. Like the landscape in at least two other games, though with different severity) and there wasn't much chance for folk to actually get anything started. BUT, that's not to say it's impossible. There is evidence in-game that shows that the land can yield fruit (see the farm near Canterbury and Mutfruit for examples) and with time, and the new resource of clean water and the research of Rivet City, and with the Brotherhood finally putting a dent in Super Mutant numbers, the chances of starting up proper farms once again seem to look a little higher. Maybe not army marching high but still a noticeable improvement. 14:01, February 22, 2014 (UTC)

Possible Edit?[]

This article states that the BoS are known to hire mercs like Reilly's Rangers. Is this canon? Or is it possibly implicated via dialogue? ~ KingHitmanlane

It does say on Reilly's terminal about a contact in the Brotherhood and in a small Free quest a note say's about the Brotherhood getting the Girl (Cheryl)to deliver a package to the ranger's HQ (possibly payment). Also i think the Geomapper quest is the Brotherhood hiring mercs to find locations of interest in D.C. Given the Brotherhood's small size compared to the vast expanse of the Capital wasteland i'd say it is most possible that mercenary contracts are made.


where does it mention them in new vegas?

This article is on the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood, not the Mojave Wasteland. ~ KingHitmanlane

although veronica does reference them by saying they had a small civil war on the east coast over their normally strong isolationist tendencies(if you're trying to find out what happened by checking new vegas i think they left it pretty open from what i've seen. not sure who wins, fo3 seems to hint/assume lyons is supposed to, but veronica saying west bos in fnv having contact(and the context of her statement) sound like maybe outcasts did. imo lyons winning was cannon based on broken steel but we'll see)

Ah but you forget one important fact. The western Brotherhood of Steel disagree with how Lyons changed his mission and feel he has become too attached to the locals. Lyons even mentions in-game that the Brotherhood command doesn't agree with him, so the western Brotherhood would likely support the Outcasts. One little 'disciplinary' detachment from the west would be all it takes to put Lyons and his followers in their place and restore the Outcasts. Protector Casdin, leader of the Outcasts, hints that Lyons would be put before a firing squad. But I guess we'll have to wait and see. Theres always the third option, that the civil war destroyed them both. --Enigma24 (talk) 11:12, April 26, 2013 (UTC)

So the East Coast BoS defeats the Enclave and destroys the Super Mutants and are then defeated by a raggedy ass group in rusty armor? Seems legit.

There are more ways to defeat a better equipped enemy. You don't have to fight them head on. Pick off those power armoured boy scouts one by one while they're out on patrol. --Enigma24 (talk) 12:04, June 18, 2013 (UTC)

Meanwhile the BoS fixes Liberty Prime and storms the Outcasts base, finishing them off for good.

You people really don't think do you? The Brotherhood of Steel really can't hope to rebuild Liberty Prime. They just don't have the amount of resources or the staff to do it. It took a large, very well funded group of American scientists and technicians with a lot of funding years to build Liberty Prime in the first place. How are the Brotherhood of Steel going to do it when they barely have enough resources for general use?--Enigma24 (talk) 21:27, June 18, 2013 (UTC)

Except the Capitol Brotherhood does have the resources to do that. Just ask Rothchild. And before you start calling people names because they don't share the same interests as you do then consider this. The strategy you proposed for the Outcasts to defeat the BoS is basically a guerrilla war, in order for this to be successful you two things. One is resupplies which the Outcasts do not have since the only people who might be willing to do so are across a continent and are mostly dead. The second is a place where the enemy can't follow you so you can regroup which the Outcasts also lack. Meanwhile the Capital BoS has gained air support through captured Vertibirds and other technology from the Enclave and can recruit more members from the Wasteland and can properly train them now that the Super Mutants are gone, thus they can replace any scouts that Outcasts manage to pick off while the rusties huddle in a little hiding hole so that they wont be annihilated by Vertibirds. Seriously if you actually play the game and pay attention rather then be all pissy then you'll realize that unless the Outcasts have a doomsday hidden up their ass then they rally don't have much going for them. But it doesn't really matter what I type, you will always jump through hoops to justify your nonsense and claim your opinions are facts when there really not. Thankfully I'll have the last laugh in Fallout 4.

Do you really think it would be feasible and worthwhile rebuilding Liberty Prime? It would take a lot of resources and man-power that would have to be taken from general Brotherhood use, they would be diverting resources away from where it is most needed. Then there is the amount of time it would for the rebuild and if they even have the parts in sufficient condition to properly fix Liberty Prime. Sure they might be able to cobble him together with aged or rusted parts but if he's not in proper combat condition then what would be the point. You do have a point about the Outcasts, if they could only stop being so arrogant and abusive towards the Wastelanders then they might have a better chance. You mention Vertibirds. Wouldn't the Brotherhood back west also have vertibirds? Say Henry Casdin managed to get in contact with Brotherhood command. It would be possible, albeit a great expense of resources, to send a detachment from California to discipline Lyons little group. At the end of the day I always supported the wastelanders so I don't really care what happens to the Brotherhood. --Enigma24 (talk) 04:26, June 19, 2013 (UTC)

Oh the Irony..[]

The outcasts left the Brotherhood because they where sick of helping the locals rather than focusing on technology recovery. After the events of 'broken steel' the brotherhood has more than succeeded in their original mission having

1. reactivated liberty prime 2. created a new weapon (Tesla cannon) 3. A ton of enclave tech to play with 4. Control over a large water purifier 5. The trust of the locals 6. Not become a bunch of xenophobic ass holes

This makes them more successful than both the Outcasts and other sections of the brotherhood.

Not really. Liberty Prime is destroyed forever (sorry Rothschild, you can't fix alone what an entire army of scientists with access to limitless resources built), Tesla cannon is a pre-War design, while the last four are not going to happen, since Lyons is an idiot and most likely will use all this stuff to find another White Whale to hunt (if he ever manages to hunt down the supermutants). Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 18:35, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

Don't like him much, do you? Didn't other sections of the brotherhood collapse? Making the Lyons branch more successful by comparison?

Also Owen Lyons was due to retire soon, his daughter would take over. She seems fairly level headed. The super mutants are running out of F.E.V and have dwindling numbers, they would die out eventually.

I tend to avoid the Brotherhood and the Outcasts entirely while playing Fallout 3. I just don't quite trust either of them; the Outcasts treat you like a mindless yokel and verbally insult you and the Brotherhood under Lyons simply abandoned their mission to make themselves out as saints. But I tend to lean towards the Outcasts, at least they have the conviction to stick to their mission. --Enigma24 (talk) 11:03, April 26, 2013 (UTC)

Last time I checked Human life is more important than technology.

That's a good point. But I'm not really a fan of the human race...--Enigma24 (talk) 09:49, June 17, 2013 (UTC)


Five months ago, this page was moved from Brotherhood of Steel (Capital Wasteland) to Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel under the basis that Henry Casdin calls them that, but I find this weird for two reasons:

  1. Does Casdin ever call them that? I found Defender Morgan calling them that while insulting them, but I couldn't find Casdin saying it anywhere, unless I'm missing it.
  2. Is one Outcast calling them Lyons' Brotherhood really a good source for the name change? The Outcasts don't consider the Capital Wasteland division a part of the Brotherhood of Steel anymore, so it sounds more like they're insulting them and mocking Lyons. Also, no other source in and out of the game calls them by this name. Even this wiki doesn't call them this, there's not a single other page in the Nukapedia mainspace that calls them Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel.

I'm hoping for some input from other users. Paladin117>>iff bored 16:08, April 24, 2012 (UTC)

There is no such thing as "Lyons BOS". The CW detachment is still part of the BOS as said by Owyn, but the Elders back West simply leave them on their own with no support. They should just be called the "Columbia BOS" (Columbia Commonwealth). The Outcasts are not part of the true BOS, as they were thrown out by Lyons who still retains the authority he had back West. User Broccoli User:Broccoli. 16:17, April 24, 2012 (UTC)

I propose a name change to "Columbia Chapter". User Broccoli User:Broccoli. 16:20, April 24, 2012 (UTC)

Owyn still has all the authorities he had before he set out to the CW. As per Owyn's dialogue, the West did not expell Lyons and the CW soldiers. Instead, they just let them go their business but cut off supplies and communications. They are still a part of the Brotherhood. Since Owyn retains the authority mentioned above, if he kicked out soldiers who became Outcasts, then those soldiers are no longer BOS members. User Broccoli User:Broccoli. 16:23, April 24, 2012 (UTC)

I was more proposing a change back to their old name, or at least an arguement for the current name. Also, I know Lyons is still part of the Brotherhood, I was just explaining how, through the Outcasts' point of view they aren't, which makes me find the name questionable. Paladin117>>iff bored 16:42, April 24, 2012 (UTC)

I disagree with the Name Columbia BOS; in my experience the common fan names for them are "Eastern BOS" and "Capital Wasteland BOS"; with Columbia we're basically inventing a new name. I do however agree with the interpretation as to their status as per the WBOS - they are technically within the same ranking structure until or unless theres some proclamation otherwise. Agent c 16:44, April 24, 2012 (UTC)

I do prefer Capital Wasteland or East Coast over Columbia, but do you agree with changing it from Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel? Paladin117>>iff bored 18:21, April 24, 2012 (UTC)

They operate fairly outside of the CW too, and the BOS could have other chapters on the East. E.g. Florida. User Broccoli Broccoli. 18:28, April 24, 2012 (UTC)

I have two names I thought of: Columbia-West Virginia Chapter, or Northeastern BOS. User Broccoli Broccoli. 22:43, April 25, 2012 (UTC)

Brotherhood Of Steel (Columbia-West Virginia)

Brotherhood Of Steel (Northeast) User Broccoli Broccoli. 22:44, April 25, 2012 (UTC)

I went to class (yay physics), so I missed you suggesting these, but let here's my arguements for/against them:

  • Capital Wasteland - The chapter rarely operates outside the Capital Wasteland with the only known exceptions of the Pitt (although they went there on the way to the Capital Wasteland, before establishing a base) and the two battles in Broken Steel, like Adams Air Force Base, so the name is good.
  • Eastern/East Coast - I'll admit a little too broad considering they only operate in a small region of it.
  • Columbia-West Virginia - It might work, but it's a little long and they only operate portion of each.
  • Northeast - D.C. isn't usually considered part of the Northeast really, that's states like New Jersey, Pennsylvania and further up.

So, I personally prefer Capital Wasteland, since Fallout 3 takes place almost entirely there and that's where the BoS stay mostly, but I understand arguements for other names. Paladin117>>iff bored 01:09, April 26, 2012 (UTC)

There's no point in changing it to something different. It is completely impractical and will need more link updates and redirects, which can lead to technical issues. --Skire (talk) 01:11, April 26, 2012 (UTC)

The Pitt[]

The article says that during the scourge, during the Brotherhoods sweep through the Pitt they had one casualty, Ashur. If you collect enough ingots in the mill you get a suit of power armour styled after Ashurs, I assume because of this that at least one other Brother was lost, but don't want to add this if people arent sure.Mrsuperhappy (talk) 14:13, November 25, 2012 (UTC)

From what I have read, his suite is pre war and probably was scavenged during the trip to the pitt. He tells you he was the only "casualty" during the Scourge.--Wert1978 (talk) 00:41, December 8, 2012 (UTC)

NO someone stilled it after there Lord Ashur Everett says so.--Ant2242 (talk) 03:14, December 8, 2012 (UTC)

Why the BOS are in DC[]

I was reading about New Canaan and some things about Van Buren and found a reference to the "NCR-BOS" conflict that occurred in 2253. But before this Jeremy Maxson(BOS) wanted to expand BOS influence eastward, to obtain undiscovered technology. He learned of Peterson's bunker in southern Colorado. It was a bunker built for Sen. Todd Peterson and his family, funded by Poseidon Oil and pre war Enclave. Jeremy sent a few paladins to find and secure the bunker, These paladins found it and held it for 10 years before proper BOS forces finally arrived to claim the bunker. The paladins were promoted and praised. This was in 2242. It wasn't long after, war broke out with NCR and continued for a very long time. I would like to think it was something they found in that pre-war bunker, some information, that lead to the BOS going to search for tech on the east coast(DC) and the war with NCR providing motive for BOS trying to reconnect with Midwest BOS. The bunker had it's own library, I'm sure with tons of government information. It just makes sense. Casdin states they were sent not just to DC, but were to salvage technology all along the east coast. I guess what I'm saying is this could be the initial reason why the idea of sending BOS to the east coast came about.--Wert1978 (talk) 15:09, November 25, 2012 (UTC)

Capitol wasteland BOS flag?[]

Where does the flag used on this page originate from?TrafficCoen (talk) 20:59, January 12, 2014 (UTC)TrafficCoen

It's in the Citadel in 2 different places. One is hanging up just above the entrance to the Citadel Bailey (can only be seen from inside, not from the outer Wasteland). The other flag is inside the A-wing, being placed in front of a pre-War poster so it covers up the US flag. Paladin117>>iff bored; 22:05, January 12, 2014 (UTC)

Bullshit being presented as fact:[]

Hi.. Got an issue with something on this page:

By 2287, however, the Capital Wasteland chapter has reverted back to the original focus of the Brotherhood, likely abandoning the citizens of the Capital Wasteland in the process

(makes no sense consider the Jefferson Purifier, and Adam Air Force Base are huge reasources. For not to mention that they are depending on local recruiting. They are also only partly back into the old ways, as they consider the commonwealth to be a threat to "the population". Destroying machines, is not the same as gathering techology)

This change occurred largely due to the fact that Sarah Lyons died in combat shortly after 

(where is this said?)

her father died of old age causing a leadership crisis that saw Arthur Maxson

(oh he died you say? Maybe he retired pehaps. This is not been told in the game)

eventually take control of the chapter and reintegrate the Brotherhood Outcasts

(not said.. and they recruit the sole survivior pretty fast. The Outcast is strict agains outsiders)

back into the fold,

(Not mentioned anywhere in the game) 

at the cost of Lyon's view of reforming the Brotherhood.

(They are not collecting technology. They are breaking it because they see it as a threat. The Orginal Brotherhood would have tried to thinker with synhts themself, and make robot armies. Where do I have this from? They did it in New Vegas with ED-E. But quess what.. It is only my own theory do. Which should not be placed as "cannon" fact. Bethesda would not have the brotherhood of Steel leave the Capital Wasteland. Expanding, yes.. that they would have them do. But to have BOS leave the Capital, would make Fallout 3 a useless story, with no reasons for doing, if only ten short years later they all packed up and lef. It is ridicolous.)

I put a "not verified" infront on this text. It should stay there consider that the person who wrote it obiviously wants to be a writer for betheda, and is testing his skills by imagine up stuff.

by the looks of it Maxon did reform the Brotherhood to a hybrid form of Lyons way and the old way when he became elder. They have gone back to their collecting of technology and possible hoarding of it. Maxon also brokered a truce with the Outcasts, and that would have had to of been a two way negotiation, so they might of had to accept the recruitment of outsiders. Also Maxon had huge if not unanimous support from the west coast Brotherhood, which the outcast were trying to re-establish contact with in FO3, which might of convinced the outcasts that re-integrating in the brotherhood was the best option for them. Nick3258 (talk) 16:16, December 20, 2015 (UTC)

BoS in Far Harbor[]

I have started the main Far Harbor DLC quest and after you find out that the daughter escapes to a secret synth colony, you are allowed to inform the Brotherhood of the rumors of the synth colony. Should we add a section to the page about this?-----Lieutenant113 (talk) 00:38, May 20, 2016 (UTC)

There is an unacceptable amount of conjecture on this page about the gap between Fallout 3 and 4.—Preceding unsigned comment added by ArchangelDA (talkcontribs) time, day month year (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

A mountain of bullshit[]

There is too much conjecture and guess-work here for definitive wiki entry anymore, about everything from troop strength to manufacturing capabilities, among other things. Not to mention all the unnecessary padding to make the BoS sound more humanitarian. This entry needs a good spring cleaning ASAP. --Lord Sheogorath (talk) 13:42, April 30, 2017 (UTC)


I remember that when you go to Galaxy News Radio and first meet Sentinel Lyons and if you ask her if you can join the Brotherhood she would mentions how they "too many local conscripts as it is" and that "Our very own Initiate Reddin is a sterling example", so what did she mean by local conscripts? did the Brotherhood enforce any compulsory Military Service on wastelanders in DC? I think this should be referenced considering how a large portion of Brotherhood Members were once wastelanders rather than born into it by the events of Fallout 4 breaking tradition and its possible they forced wastelanders out of desperation.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Recon Team Artemis[]

The article currently states that Brandis' team was attacked by Gunners. Is there any concrete evidence for this or is it merely speculation?

Ordensstaat is not a form of government or a political concept[]

Hi, I replaced the Ordensstaat comment in the Notes and Society section, and added Kreuzfahrerstaat instead. Ordensstaat is not a form of government or a political concept, it is the short form of "Deutschordensstaat", which was the German speakers' name for the Teutonic Order. No other system called themselves an ordensstaat, and ordensstaats do not exist. However, the Teutonic Order were a Kreuzfahrerstaat, or "Crusader State", in the same way that the Knights Hospitaller were, and the Knight Templars during the Crusades. Crusader states do exist as a feasible form of government, and I believe this change is best, and most accurate, in order to describe what the Brotherhood are.

I made my case on Discussions, which fully explains my argument, which can be viewed here: https://fallout.fandom.com/f/p/3343172654596394196/r/3344233352138185137 TechnoCrusader (talk)

Your edits are good and I definitely see where you're drawing upon and what Bethesda probably drew upon too. But since the main separating bit would be that the brotherhood isn't really religious, but are more military based. So I decided to add that they're a stratocracy which is a military government involved in both civil and military law. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 01:45, January 16, 2020 (UTC)

My main goal to begin with was to remove Ordensstaat and attempt to draw a comparison to the closest thing that I could find, so as to not diminish the wiki page. I understand that the Brotherhood is not actually religious at all, seeing as being religious originally meant worshiping a single (or multiple) supernatural beings and/or controlling powers. It's also the case that both the Crusader States, and the Brotherhood, both operate(d) exactly like a stratocracy. As someone who studies history, I thought the comparison to the Teutonic Order and the other holy orders was quite an elegant one, however stratocracy is the most accurate term, as the Brotherhood are not exclusively religious (although some members can be fervent believers). Thank you for helping me make a worthwhile edit.

By the way, my previous edit was not "political babble and speculation", the original point about Ordenstaats was incorrect. The point about Kreuzfuhrerstaats is not. This is why people don't bother editing, anymore. TechnoCrusader (talk) 05:24, January 16, 2020 (UTC)


Given the practice of treating chapters as their distinct entities, I'd like to discuss the idea of splitting the article in half. The events such as the reunification with the Outcasts and Maxson reforms warrant, in my opinion, the split, while leaving an overview of the Eastern history on the BoS history or main page. Thoughts? If nobody opposes, I'll split it in a week or so. Тагазиэль 13:23, 13 April 2021 (UTC)

Splitting supported. Keep this page as a disambig./brief overview for the time being. Scribe-Howard (waster_93) (talk) FO76 vaultboy transparent face 00:37, 16 April 2021 (UTC)

Who merged this page with the Eastern Division page?[]

Seriously, whomever did that is stupid. If you try to look at the Brotherhood from Fallout 4, you get redirected here. They should've did the redirect to the East Coast division and added the info here to that page, not redirect the East Coast division to the Fallout 3 page. Is anyone going to actually fix this? --Oh Mario (talk) 16:46, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
