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T-45 power armor is a type of armor in Fallout 3.


Power armor can only be worn if the player character has gained the Power Armor Training perk, either by talking to Paladin Gunny in the Citadel, by starting the Take it Back! quest, or by completing the Anchorage Reclamation simulation. T-45d power armor can be repaired using components from the T-51b power armor, but the reverse is not possible. All non-unique variants of T-45d power armor have identical properties and effects, and only differ in their appearance and use in certain quests.


Power armor and helmet[]

  • In the trenches near the Washington Monument by the bunker and up the stairs by the entrance are dead paladins, both wearing full suits of armor.
  • Outside the GNR building plaza the player character can find a few dead paladins following the super mutant attack.
  • Regular power armor can be acquired from the Capital Wasteland's merchants, although they rarely appear in stock.
  • Crow will sell power armor suits when the player character expands his inventory twice.
  • The Pitt (add-on) Friday, a vendor in the Pitt Downtown, also sells them.
  • The Lone Wanderer receives a complete suit of power armor in 100% condition from Sarah Lyons at the beginning of the game's final quest, Take it Back!
  • Broken Steel When the Brotherhood of Steel is attacking the mobile base crawler, some paladins may die in the assault, making an opportunity for the player character to loot the bodies and obtain regular or Brotherhood power armor.
  • When doing the quest Following in His Footsteps upon first meeting Sarah Lyons and following her through the alley, the deceased Initiate Jennings will be lying on a mattress with a full suit of armor. The armor is in poor condition.
  • Harkness in Rivet City may be seen wearing the armor after beating the game if Broken Steel is installed.


  • Though not included as a complete object, the Fallout 3 "Textures.bsa" file contains a complete mesh for a pink power armor, and appears as a pink-painted armor with a white outline of a heart painted on the breastplate.
  • When the player character wears the helmet, they are not affected by the voice changer when doing a power attack with their fists or a melee weapon.
  • When anyone wearing power armor, including the player character, has a rifle holstered it will be pointing the opposite way compared to any other apparel, this is most easily seen with a sniper rifle or laser rifle holstered.
  • Owyn Lyons mentions research progress on modified recon armor when speaking with Scribe Bowditch.[1]



  1. Owyn Lyons: "Scribe Bowditch, I trust you are well. I'm here for your progress report on the modified Recon Armor."
    Bowditch: "Ah... you're a bit early today, sir. Regardless, I'm happy to report that the development of the Mark II Recon Armor unit is proceeding as planned."
    Owyn Lyons: "I'm pleased to hear that. Do you anticipate any setbacks? Last month's progress was, well... let's call it "underwhelming.""
    Bowditch: "There may be a slight delay in the enhancement of the ambulatory gyroscope. A few of the parts I need were lost in the recent... inventory reduction."
    Owyn Lyons: "You'll make do, Bowditch. You always do."
    Bowditch: "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."
    (Owyn Lyons and Bowditch's dialogue)