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Fallout Wiki

Eat fist, you commie bastard!

Mister Gutsies are robots found in Appalachia.


The Mister Gutsy is a line of military robot models created by General Atomics International. It is a militarized version of the Type-I Mister Handy, an earlier civilian model robot created by the same company for use in household duties.

The Mister Gutsy, unlike Mister Handy, is a dedicated combat robot and is easily distinguished from the Handy model by its military olive-drab paint job, U.S. Army roundel insignia, improved weapons and the replacement of its British butler voice with that of an American drill sergeant. Remnants of their Mister Handy programming are still present, as one stationed at Camp McClintock reverted to this code and started landscaping the grounds.[1]

This model was commissioned by the U.S. Army just before the Great War in 2077, and has a distinctive "soldierly" personality, with an advanced AI somewhat similar to that of the Mister Handy model. Mister Gutsies often scream anti-communist phrases, similar to Liberty Prime. Mister Gutsies also have a more "gung-ho" patriotic personality compared to the other combat robots found in the post-War United States.



Mister Gutsies are frequently encountered as both friendly and hostile robots around Appalachia. Easily identified by their Army-green paint job and aggressively patriotic combat jargon, they are frequently heard before they are seen.

They've been put to use around Appalachia in a variety of roles, ranging from specialized strikebreaker riot-control units to drill sergeant units as part of Camp McClintock's automated training regimen.

Gameplay attributes[]

Mister Gutsy robots are frequently encountered alongside other robotic enemies, typically serving as a boss-type enemy at lower levels and eventually replacing weaker robotic enemies at higher levels.

At higher levels, the damage capabilities of Mister Gutsy robots drastically increase, as they can spawn with ballistic weaponry. Their three arms can be equipped with different weapons, with the left arm being able to hold either a .44 pistol, combat rifle or a laser gun. The right arm may utilize a .44 pistol, combat rifle or a buzz saw, whereas the middle arm is limited to a laser gun only. Coupled with their durability, high level Gutsies can deal incredibly high damage to even well-armored player characters, and this threat is only exacerbated as they frequently appear in groups, so their use of .44 and .45 caliber ammunition can be potentially lethal.

Should all their arms be destroyed, leaving them with no remaining weaponry to attack with, they will set their internal power cores to go critical and charge player characters in a kamikaze attack to kill them with the resulting explosion that carries the force of a mini nuke. If killed before they detonate, they should still be avoided if the whine of their cores going critical is still heard until after they blow, then they are safe to be looted for metal scrap and fusion cells. Legendary variants still detonate like this, even if they are killed before attempting the suicide attack.

Level Damage Armor HP XP
Ranged Flamer Pincer Saw DR ER RR PR FR CR
1 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 1000 2 2 35 10.00
8 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 1000 2 2 35 18.12
14 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 1000 100 100 55 25.08
22 25 25 25 25 110 25 50 1000 100 100 100 34.36
32 35 35 35 35 110 25 50 1000 100 100 200 45.96
40 45 40 50 55 110 25 50 1000 100 100 375 55.24
47 50 45 55 60 110 100 110 1000 100 100 600 63.36
54 60 55 60 65 110 100 110 1000 100 100 625 71.48
62 80 70 70 75 110 100 110 1000 100 100 800 80.76
100 90 80 80 85 110 100 110 1000 100 100 1025 125.00


Mr. Gutsy[]

The basic Mr. Gutsy variant.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Mr. Gutsy
LVL 22
Hit Points
HP 280
Energy Resistance
En.R 70
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Lieutenant Gutsy[]

A stronger variant of the regular Mr. Gutsy, armed with either an energy weapon, single-shot ballistic weapon, or double-tap armor-piercing weapon, which is the most dangerous of their ranged weaponry. One arm can also be equipped with a buzz blade for close quarters combat.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Lieutenant Gutsy
LVL 32
Hit Points
HP 350
Damage Resistance
Dam.R 110
Energy Resistance
En.R 100
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R 110
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Major Gutsy[]

With 450 Hit Points, Major Gutsy is stronger than his predecessor. It features the same Damage Resistance as Lieutenant Gutsy.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Major Gutsy
LVL 40
Hit Points
HP 425
Damage Resistance
Dam.R 110
Energy Resistance
En.R 100
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R 110
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead
Major Gutsy
LVL 50
Hit Points
HP 0
Damage Resistance
Dam.R 110
Energy Resistance
En.R 100
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Colonel Gutsy[]

The strongest of the Gutsy ranks, it sports some of the strongest Damage Resistance among its kind, and can easily tear through player characters' health quickly with its strong double tap ballistic weapons if equipped with them on any of its three arms alongside energy weapons or a buzz blade.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Colonel Gutsy
LVL 50
Hit Points
HP 600
Damage Resistance
Dam.R 110
Energy Resistance
En.R 100
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead
Colonel Gutsy
LVL 52
Hit Points
HP 1000
Damage Resistance
Dam.R 110
Energy Resistance
En.R 100
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Enclave Mr. Gutsy[]

FO76 Enclave Mr

These Mr. Gutsy models serve MODUS and the Enclave in both the Whitespring bunker and after being reprogrammed at Bot Stop locations during the Bots on Parade Enclave event quest. They are passive, but can be provoked if attacked first. They are painted black with the stars from the U.S. flag to the left side of their frontal eye.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Enclave Mr. Gutsy
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Whitespring Mr Gutsy[]

Whitespring Mr

Usually encountered as a merchant, these Mr. Gutsies are only found inside the Whitespring Resort. They serve as security for the property and will engage any hostile enemies that are detected and player characters if provoked.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Whitespring Mr Gutsy Whitespring Mr Gutsy/Dialogue
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Mr. Gutsy strikebreaker[]

Mister Gutsy Strikebreaker

These Mr. Gutsy models are painted red and serve as a means to fight off human workers protesting their jobs being taken over by robots. They can be dangerous if they use ballistic weapons instead of energy weapons. They are mostly found in the Ash Heap in Beckley and during the Encryptid event.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Mr. Gutsy Strikebreaker
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Communist trooper[]

Communist Trooper

Designed to simulate the Chinese People's Liberation Army soldiers for training purposes, communist trooper Gutsies have a red body and communist yellow star paint job rather than the standard olive drab with white star roundel. They are encountered at Camp McClintock as part of the quest Live Fire Training Exercise as a boss-like enemy.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Communist trooper
LVL 22-32
Experience Points
XP 71
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional

Sergeant Gutsy[]

FO76 Sarge Gutsy variant

This variant of Gutsy is found at Camp McClintock, and defends the fort from the few super mutant attacks. Master Sergeant Gutsy leads them, and will give the Vault Dweller the quest Back to Basic if spoken to.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Sergeant Gutsy Sergeant Gutsy/Dialogue
003401E4, 003401E5
003401E6, 003401E7
003401E8, 003401E9
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
  • Dead

Prison marshal[]

FO76 Prison Marshal

Created as part of the automation of Eastern Regional Penitentiary, prison marshals feature a police paint job, being dark blue with yellow markings and are used by the Warden, the prison's artificial intelligence, to retrieve prisoners who have escaped. Up to three are randomly encountered in the Toxic Valley, where they start the quest Falsely Accused. They are also involved in the Manhunt quest, where one will arrive to take custody of "Mad Dog" Malone after the player character has incapacitated him. They can spawn almost anywhere, including The Crater, with no forewarning.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Prison marshal Prison marshal/Dialogue
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)

Free States Gutsy[]

Free States Gutsy

The Free States Gutsy is a unique variant only met during the Free Roaming Gutsy random encounter.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Free States Gutsy Free States Gutsy/Dialogue
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Recruiter Gutsy[]

FO76 Military Recruitment portrait

The Recruiter Gutsy, designation Recruiter Gutsy #092613, is met during the Military Recruitment random encounter.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Recruiter Gutsy Recruiter Gutsy/Dialogue
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Arktos Pharma Gutsy[]

Arktos Pharma Gutsy

This particular variant of the Mister Gutsy was used by Arktos Pharma Company at their headquarters. They are mostly found down in the Biome Lab, especially during the Project Paradise event.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Arktos Pharma Gutsy
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Blood Eagle Gutsy[]

Blood Eagle Gutsy

These are Mister Gutsies that have been reprogrammed by the Blood Eagles, encountered in Watoga Underground.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Blood Eagle Gutsy
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Campus security Gutsy[]

Campus Security Gutsy

A Mister Gutsy variant encountered at Vault-Tec University. Serving as part of the automated university campus police force, this Gutsy will engage any trespassers in the school or the maintenance area of the Simulation Vault.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Campus security Gutsy
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead

Commander Gutsy[]

Commander Gutsy

Only found at Nicholson's End during the according quest for Sofia Daguerre.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Commander Gutsy
Poison Resistance
Pois.R Immune
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
  • Dead


Notable Mister Gutsies[]


Mister Gutsy robots appear in Fallout 76.


