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Fusion cells are a type of ammunition in Fallout 76.


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Microfusion cells are small energy production units roughly the size of the palm. Each cell is a self-contained fusion plant, complete with its own fusion reactor.[1][2] They were invented in 2066 by U.S. scientists as a potential solution to the energy crisis amid the Resource Wars.[3] The No. 1040 MF model is able to provide 1040.8 DC volts and has both positive and negative terminals.[4]

As fusion often uses combustible hydrogen isotopes and requires an enclosed space with sufficient pressure and temperature, microfusion cells may explode if ignited.[5] This explosive potential has been used by explosive experts to create IEDs that explode similarly to a plasma grenade.[6]


Fusion cells are an energy ammo type, specifically used by laser weaponry such as laser guns and their modded variants.


Standard fusion cells
Ultracite fusion cell

Weapons using this ammunition[]


  • Crafted at a tinker's workbench.
  • Purchased at an Ammo Converter at rate of 30 standard cells for 250 AmmoPoints.
  • Fusion cells can be dropped by destroyed Protectrons.
  • Fusion cells can be found on the desk outside a ruined building in Summersville. (The northernmost jukebox building).


With the Ammosmith perk or Ammo Factory legendary perk, the crafted amount of fusion cells increase incrementally, coinciding with the perk's added percentages, crafting more cells for the same amount of materials.


  1. ↑ Fallout, Fallout 2 item description: "A medium sized energy production unit. Self-contained fusion plant"
  2. ↑ Fort Independence terminal entries; research terminal, Research Log - Plasma Rifle
  3. ↑ Pioneer Scout Badge Exam answers; Atomics Fan
  4. ↑ Microfusion cell label: "No. 1040 MF"
    "Capacity: 1040.8 VDC"
  5. ↑ Microfusion cell label: "WARNING: WILL EXPLODE IF DISPOSED OF IN FIRE"
  6. ↑ MFC grenade and MFC cluster