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Craft the required precursors and drop them in the appropriate mine fire.

Old Flames is a cut quest in Fallout 76.


This quest would have centered around using air purifiers to harvest raw materials from the polluted air, repeating Hornwright Industrial mining company's mistakes.


The quest would have been unlocked by cracking a locked terminal at Hornwright headquarters, gaining access to Dominic Heyward's data and the ability to activate the forges. The player character would then have to activate the forge, craft precursors at a chemistry workbench and throw them into mine fires, then return to collect the raw materials. It seems they would have been able to place Ash Forges at their workshop, to gather minerals from the air at the Ash Heap.[1]

Ash Forge dialogue[]

  • Initializing reclamation protocols. Wind current analysis... complete. Atmospheric particulate evaluation... complete.
  • Warning! Insufficient particulate detected for reclamation protocol. User. Please deposit precursor types...
    • One-one-four...
    • Seven-five-one-six...
  • ... and ...
  • ... at designated burn sites.
  • Warning! Current atmospheric condition can be expected to persist for...
    • ... twenty-four hours...
    • ... twelve hours...
  • User must complete precursor deposit in given time frame in before initiating reclamation. Have a nice day.
  • Required precursors detected. Atmospheric harvesting... complete. Dispensing... complete. All reclamation tasks completed. Thank you for using the Hornwright Ash Forge system.


  1. workshop_co_CategoryResources_WorkshopCollectorAshforge: "Harvests ash from smoke in the atmosphere."