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Fallout Wiki

Bullets kicked up puffs of gray dust all across the rocky hillside and stone chips ricocheted everywhere. The minigun stitched a meandering trail as Brother Michael, true to his word, tried to write his initials on the slope.— An excerpt from "On the Beach"

Michael was a Brotherhood of Steel paladin who took part in a mission assigned by Elder Francis.


Michael was a Brotherhood of Steel paladin who took part in a mission working with the Guardian Brotherhood to find out if there truly is a tunnel entrance to the Glow, the mission also aimed to help keep the Brotherhood connected with the outside world. The tall tales the Brotherhood squad would spin helped earn them the name "Brothers Grimm" from their Guardian compatriots.[1]

He created some drama for the super mutants hiding up amongst the rocky cliffs by barraging them with a hail of bullets, he did so while attempting to carve his initials into the face with his Avenger minigun at the same time.


Michael is mentioned only in the short story "On the Beach," published in The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 3 as part of Project V13.


  1. The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 3: "The seven remaining Brotherhood of Steel members who, along with Willems, were referred to as the Brothers Grimm by their Guardian compatriots for constantly spinning tall tales"