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The Brothers Grimm is a squad of Brotherhood of Steel paladins investigating intelligence regarding a tunnel entrance into the Glow.


Under the orders of Elder Francis, the Brothers Grimm took part in a mission working with Scribe Miller and the Guardian Brotherhood to find out if there truly is a tunnel entrance to the Glow. The mission also aimed to help keep the Brotherhood connected with the outside world.[1] The tall tales the paladins would spin helped earn them the name "Brothers Grimm" from their Guardian compatriots.[2]

During their mission they ran into super mutants wearing power armor and a Mutant mantis shrimp. While these two forces retreated when a patch of nearby water turned blood red, the fate of the squad is unknown.[3]


The squad is mentioned only in the short story "On the Beach," published in The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 3 as part of the canceled Project V13.


  1. The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 3, Elder Francis: “You have two missions here. While your primary is to discover if there truly is a tunnel opening to the Glow, you are also helping to keep the Brothers connected. We have the information, but they have the area knowledge. Work with them. Make bridges. They can get you to location, but it is likely only you will be able to understand the obstacles, if this is, indeed, factual information."
  2. The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 3: "The seven remaining Brotherhood of Steel members who, along with Willems, were referred to as the Brothers Grimm by their Guardian compatriots for constantly spinning tall tales, responded instantly to the attack."
  3. The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 3: “Maybe something scared them,” Dannon said.
    Thomas turned to him, “Scared greenies in cans and sonic lobsters? What the fleck could do that?”
    The color change attracted Miller's attention. He looked at the slow rolling waves. An entire section of water was red. Blood red.