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Lee Jenkins was a Brotherhood of Steel paladin who took part in a mission assigned by Elder Francis.


Jenkins was a Brotherhood of Steel paladin taking part in a mission working with the Guardian Brotherhood. The mission's primary goal consisted of finding out if there truly is a tunnel entrance to The Glow, but also aimed to keep the Brotherhood connected with the outside world.

Jenkins was the squad's perennial point man, he doubted Scribe Miller's abilities in combat and was quick to fire verbal snipes and push him around. Jenkins was later asked to scout ahead for cave openings and he used the tension between himself and Miller to acquire the latter's hardened power armor.

Jenkins went ahead and found a cave in the cliffside and warily approached. To his surprise, a giant creature scuttled out; it was a mutant mantis shrimp, Jenkins attempted to take it on armed with a Ripper, but it propelled a punch at sonic speed into him, splitting his power armor. Miller pulled him to safety and after a few tense moments, Jenkins let out a groan. He did not appear to be in a critical state, but after the shrimp retreated from a mysterious threat it is unknown if he ultimately survived.[1]


Paladin Jenkins was known to use a Ripper and assault rifle during the Brothers Grimm's mission to the Glow.[2] In the image depicting his struggle with the mutant mantis shrimp, a 14mm pistol is flung from his hands after being attacked.


Lee Jenkins is mentioned only in the short story "On the Beach", published in The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 3 as part of the canceled Project V13.


  1. The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 3: “Maybe something scared them,” Dannon said.
    Thomas turned to him, “Scared greenies in cans and sonic lobsters? What the fleck could do that?”
    The color change attracted Miller's attention. He looked at the slow rolling waves. An entire section of water was red. Blood red.
  2. The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 3: "Jenkins slung his assault rifle and hoisted his Ripper."