Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
Fallout 2Minigun
Avenger minigun
Vindicator minigun
Fallout 3Minigun
Fallout: New VegasMinigun
CZ57 Avenger
K9000 cyberdog gun Old World Blues (add-on)
FIDO Old World Blues (add-on)
Sh. mounted mach. gun Lonesome Road (add-on)
Fallout 4Minigun
Fallout 76Minigun
Gatling gun
Resolute Veteran Wild Appalachia
Gauss minigun Wastelanders
Foundation's Vengeance Test Your Metal
Fallout TacticsAvenger minigun
Vindicator minigun
MEC Gauss minigun
Fallout: BoSMinigun
Fallout: The Board GameMinigun
Van BurenCZ25 military minigun
Fallout ShelterMinigun (rusty, enhanced, hardened, armor piercing)
Lead Belcher
TV series articles
Fallout TV seriesMinigun

A minigun is a multi-barrel rotary machine gun with a high rate of fire, employing Gatling-style rotating barrels. It was a standard military weapon before the Great War, with Rockwell's CZ series being the most popular choice in the United States of America.

It is widely used by many factions, such as the super mutants, Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave, due to its extraordinary firepower at close range.


CZ53 personal minigun[]

Fo1 Minigun

A Rockwell CZ53 personal minigun is capable of firing 5mm rounds at over 60,000 RPM[1] with an ammunition capacity dependent on the type of feed mechanism (120 round unknown[2] and 240 box with accompanying extra belt backpack[3]). The CZ53 personal minigun makes up for the small 5mm round by sending a hail of bullets toward its target. Its sheer size, coupled with its trademark sound, is enough to send anyone in its path running for cover. It is a great weapon for suppressing fire, letting others flank the unsuspecting enemy.[4][5] When the Great War struck, it was already an aging design and was slowly being replaced by the more advanced CZ57 Avenger minigun.[6] The minigun was the favorite weapon of the Mariposa super mutants during the Unity's time, with super mutants able to wield them effectively with only one arm.[7]

CZ57 Avenger minigun (5mm)[]

Fo2 Avenger Minigun
Gameplay articles: Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas

Rockwell designed the 5mm CZ57[8] Avenger[Non-game 1] as the replacement for their aging CZ53 personal minigun. The Avenger's design improvements include improved gel-fin cooling and chromium plated barrel-bores, giving it a greater range and lethality.[9] It also has an ammo capacity of 120x 5mm rounds like the earlier versions of the CZ53 model.


Fallout4 Minigun
TV series article: Minigun (TV series)

The minigun uses 5mm rounds and is commonly mounted on Vertibirds as a door gun. It is known as a "man-portable" model to the Brotherhood of Steel in the Commonwealth,[10] as it can be detached and easily carried with power armor.

Gatling gun[]

Fo76 Gatling gun
Gameplay article: Fallout 76

Originally invented in 1861 and patented in 1862 by Dr. Richard Jordan Gatling, the Gatling gun was produced by Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company and saw occasional use by Union forces during the American Civil War. Due to its size and weight, it was used as both an emplaced weapon and a crew serviced mobile artillery unit installed on a carriage. It was later used in numerous military conflicts around the world until its abandonment for more modern designs, later being revived as modern miniguns.[Non-game 2]

The operation is centered on a cyclic multi-barrel design which facilitated cooling and synchronized the firing-reloading sequence. Operated by a handwheel crank, the barrels rotate and each barrel is sequentially loaded with a single cartridge from a top-mounted magazine. It then fires off the shot when it reaches a set position, then ejects the spent casing out of the bottom, after which the empty barrel cools until rotated back to the top position and gravity-fed another new round.[Non-game 2]

This specific variant of the design was manufactured in Charleston, West Virginia sometime after the last patent date on the placard on the weapon, Feb 22, 1891.[11] It has later been converted to fire modern 5mm rounds but retains its distinct crank feed firing system.

K9000 cyberdog gun[]

Gameplay article: Old World Blues

An experimental weapon out of Big MT, the K9000 is actually an odd form of cyberdog, except rather than a canine's body infused with cybernetics, only the dog's brain is utilized by being placed inside a biogel "brain cage" integrated into a box-magazine-fed machine gun frame chambered for .357 Magnum ammunition with a telescopic scope for precision. Its "canine" features include two metallic "ears" mounted on top of the weapon that move like a real dog's and a sniffer mounted on the jar containing its preserved brain, allowing the gun to "sense" its surroundings and help sniff out hostile enemies for its wielder.[12][13] When fired, its three barrels reciprocate one after the other, firing .357 Magnum rounds downrange at a rapid speed.

Shoulder mounted machine gun[]

Shoulder mounted machine gun
Gameplay article: Lonesome Road

Added as surplus to the military garrisons in Hopeville and Ashton before the Great War, the shoulder mounted machine gun is a scaled-down minigun: a multi-barreled machine gun built to offer a dramatic fire rate without the risk of overheating, but with an easy-to-use design thanks to its significantly reduced weight and padded shoulder mount. As the name suggests, the weapon is mounded on the shoulder, much like a missile launcher and accepts common 10mm ammunition.

M134 Minigun[]

Gameplay articles: none (mentioned in Fallout 4, Fallout 76)

Ammo boxes for 5mm rounds found in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 have markings indicating they contain 7.62x51mm NATO rounds, intended for use with an M134 minigun. In the real world, the M134 Minigun was designed by General Electric in 1960 as a scaled-down version of the M61 Vulcan cannon chambered for 7.62×51mm NATO rounds. First used in the Vietnam War, it was adopted by the Army, Navy, and Air Force branches of the United States Armed Forces.[Non-game 3]

Vindicator minigun (4.7mm)[]

Fo2 Vindicator Minigun
Gameplay article: Fallout 2

Representing the pinnacle of Teutonic engineering, the Vindicator is a Rheinmetall AG 4.7mm minigun, capable of firing over 90,000 caseless shells per minute down its six carbon-polymer barrels. Standard load is 100 bullets.[14]

CZ57 Avenger minigun (5.56mm)[]

Gameplay article: Fallout Tactics
Tactics avenger minigun

A variant model of the regular CZ57 Avenger minigun seen in the Midwest which is more compact, completely black, less powerful and chambered for 5.56mm rounds with an ammunition capacity of 120.

Vindicator minigun (7.62mm)[]

Gameplay article: Fallout Tactics
Tactics vindicator minigun

A variant model of the regular Vindicator minigun seen in the Midwest with a completely new design, a display screen that shows the remaining ammunition and chambered in 7.62mm bullets with an ammo capacity of 100 rounds.[Non-canon 1]

MEC Gauss minigun[]

Tactics mec gauss minigun
Gameplay article: Fallout Tactics

An extremely rare minigun, the MEC Gauss minigun was designed by the Chinese. Atypical for an automatic weapon, it uses Gauss technology, multiple electromagnetic fields firing 2mm ammunition at over 90,000 rounds per minute to relativistic velocities, with an ammo capacity of 80 rounds.[Non-canon 2]

Vault-Tec minigun[]


A post-War minigun designed by Vault-Tec in the Corporate Vault. The Vault-Tec minigun has a lower rate of fire than a general minigun but, unusually for a minigun, chambered in common handgun ammo. It has five barrels and it was used by the Attis army in Texas.

CZ25 military minigun[]

Gameplay article: Van Buren

A Rockwell CZ25 military minigun firing .223 rounds with an ammunition capacity of 54. A multi-barreled weapon capable of firing large quantities of ammunition with minimal heat issues.[Non-canon 3]

Fallout Shelter: The Board Game minigun[]


This unnamed minigun allows you to exhaust (tap) it once per turn to add three to a roll when fighting to deal with a threat to the vault.


  1. Fallout and Fallout 2 item description: "{1200}{}{Minigun}"
    "{1201}{}{A Rockwell CZ53 Personal Minigun. A multi-barrelled chaingun firing 5mm ammunition at over 60,000 RPM. Min ST: 7.}"
    (PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout), PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2))
  2. Fallout & Fallout 2
  3. Fallout 3 & Fallout: New Vegas – assumption that there are extra belts within the backpack.
  4. Fort Independence terminal entries; research terminal, Research Log - Minigun
  5. Research Note - Minigun
  6. Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel item description: "{38900}{}{Avenger Minigun}"
    "{38901}{}{Rockwell designed the Avenger as the replacement for their aging CZ53 Personal Minigun. The Avenger's design improvements include improved, gel-fin, cooling and chromium plated barrel-bores. This gives it a greater range and lethality. Min ST: 7.}"
    "name_lightMiniGun = {Avenger MiniGun}"
    "desc_lightMiniGun = {Rockwell designed the Avenger as the replacement for their aging CZ53 Personal Minigun. The Avenger's design improvements include improved, gel-fin, cooling and chromium plated barrel-bores. This gives it a greater range and lethality.}"
    (PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2), Items.txt)
  7. Animation frames in Fallout and Fallout 2.
  8. The "CZ57" designation was first mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas.
  9. Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel item description: "{38900}{}{Avenger Minigun}"
    "{38901}{}{Rockwell designed the Avenger as the replacement for their aging CZ53 Personal Minigun. The Avenger's design improvements include improved, gel-fin, cooling and chromium plated barrel-bores. This gives it a greater range and lethality. Min ST: 7.}"
    "name_lightMiniGun = {Avenger MiniGun}"
    "desc_lightMiniGun = {Rockwell designed the Avenger as the replacement for their aging CZ53 Personal Minigun. The Avenger's design improvements include improved, gel-fin, cooling and chromium plated barrel-bores. This gives it a greater range and lethality.}"
    (PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2), Items.txt)
  10. Boston Airport terminal entries; supply depot terminal, Outgoing Supply Order RQR-2210
  11. Cleaner version of the manufacturing plate of a normal Gatling gun
  12. X-13 research facility terminal entries; terminal, Check out this mod I've been working on!
  13. The Courier: "This sonic gun looks like an energy projectile. Got anything that spits lead?"
    0: "*O... I think it wants a combustion pistol.*"
    Borous: "-A GUN! Are you MAD?! We can't give it a GUN! GUNS kill, leave big open holes in you that are like sores but WORSE.-"
    8: "@@[$((*&^#%]@@."
    Dala: "Dr. 8 is correct. We already have given the teddy bear a lethal sonic death ray filled with his sonic ejaculate and sterilized by my soft WooWOOing. Giving the teddy bear a gun would be the equivalent of following a glass of hemlock with an Abraxo chaser. Delicious and redundantly deadly."
    Borous: "-Are you MAD?! We can't give it a GUN! GUNS...- -...wait, I said that already. Yes, I have THE Cyberdog Gun. With the little floppy metal ears and the curious nose sensor. Here.-"
    (Klein's, Dala's, Borous', 0's, and 8's dialogue)
  14. Fallout 2 item description: "{39500}{}{Vindicator Minigun}"
    "{39501}{}{The German Rheinmetal AG company created the ultimate minigun. The Vindicator throws over 90,000 caseless shells per minute down its six carbon-polymer barrels. As the pinnacle of Teutonic engineering skill, it is the ultimate hand-held weapon. Min ST: 7.}"
    (PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2))


  1. J.E. Sawyer on Formspring. Archived from the original on 2013-01-11. when asked about the visual differences between the Fallout 2 Avenger and the Fallout: New Vegas CZ57 Avenger: "Yes. They look different because the CZ57 Avenger in F:NV has to work with existing F3/F:NV grip, firing, and reload animations."
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Gatling gun article on Wikipedia
  3. See the Wikipedia Minigun article for further details


  1. Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel item description: "name_heavyMiniGun = {Vindicator MiniGun}"
    "desc_heavyMiniGun = {The German Rheinmetal AG company created the ultimate minigun. The Vindicator throws over 90,000 caseless shells per minute down its six carbon-polymer barrels. As the pinnacle of Teutonic engineering skill, it is the ultimate hand-held weapon.}"
  2. Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel item description: "name_gaussMiniGun = {MEC Gauss MiniGun}"
    "desc_gaussMiniGun = {The MEC Gauss is of Chinese design. It uses multiple electromagnetic fields to propel over 90,000 rounds per minute to relativistic velocities.}"
  3. In-game description for the CZ25 military minigun from the Van Buren tech demo.