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Pre-War Book 04

Like all cults, the Children of the Cathedral employ a great deal of obscure or euphemistic vocabulary in their doctrine and power structure. It can be difficult to define some terms due to the vague and inconsistent beliefs espoused by its various members, which reflects the general chaos and confusion of their society.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] The following is an exhaustive list.


  • acolyte(s) - An initiate who has not yet undergone baptism. Uncapitalized.[10]
  • (the) ancients - The people of the old world, which was full of evil and decadence.[11][12]
  • baptism - The event in which a person or creature is dipped in FEV-2. Euphemistic. Uncapitalized.[13]
  • baptism machine - Unclear. May refer to the Cathedral-affiliated institution of the Mariposa Military Base, where acolytes are consecrated and baptized en masse. May refer to the physical machinery of the FEV-2 vats,[14] or some other element of Mariposa infrastructure.
  • baptismal font(s) - The FEV-2 vats.[15] The womb of the armies of god.[16]
  • Chanter(s) - Brainwashed humans who call out praises to the Master throughout the Cathedral.[17] They are looked down upon as "zombies" by the non-believers of the cult and outsiders. Some or all of them are Servitors.[18][19]
  • Chosen Ones, Chosen, Chosen of the Master - Collective term for regular Mariposa super mutants and the Nightkin, who believe they were specifically chosen by the Master.[20][21][22]
  • confessional - A place in the Cathedral where one can confess sins to a priest. Uncapitalized.[23]
  • consecration - An honor second only to baptism.[13] Appears to refer to the process of mental and physical torture which precedes baptism,[24] during which some candidates are phased out.[25] Some are left unbaptized as brainwashed Servitors, but those who mentally deteriorate past the point of usefulness are shot.[25] Uncapitalized.[13]
  • Corridor, Corridor of Revulsion[26][Non-game 1][Non-game 2] - The meat-covered hallway leading to the Master's lair, which flays the minds of those who attempt to traverse it unprotected.[27][28]
  • Darkness - Identified by Lasher as the rejection of the Light, which is considered synonymous with the Great War and nuclear weapons. It has been postulated that a faithful Child ought to seek Darkness, in which all are equal.[13] Capitalized.
  • Father Hope - The Master.[Non-game 3]
  • Flower child - Kids and teenagers who distribute Unity Roses to raise awareness of the cult.[29][30][31][32] Sometimes, they collect the flowers from a grove somewhere in the Angel's Boneyard.[33]
  • Holy Flame, holy fire, Sacred Fire - The Master. Also refers to the Great War and its deluge of nuclear fire, depending on context.[Non-game 3][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62] A cultural metaphor for the death of the old world and birth of the new.[63] Can refer to "unity" in death.[37] A white flame.[64]
  • Light - Identified by Lasher as a force which nearly destroyed humankind.[13] Capitalized.
  • Nightkin, Angels of the Night - Terms used to refer to the elite, most developed of Mariposa super mutants, who are psychically inclined, and remain invisible at all times due to their chronic use of Stealth Boys. The Master's most favored servants,[65] and the apex of human mutation according to the doctrine of Unity. They remain invisible even in their private quarters at night.[66] It was used as the term for the Mariposa super mutants seen by the Followers of the Apocalypse, Talius,[67] and the Vault Dweller, who were unaware of the distinction between Nightkin and super mutants.[68] See also: Chosen.
  • Order - The high priests.[69]
  • Right Hand of God - Lieutenant.[37]
  • Servitor(s) - Can refer to an acolyte who has begun the process of being consecrated,[25] but usually refers to those who have undergone consecration and were deemed unfit for baptism. Internally viewed as a rank to be aspired to, bestowed upon individuals who have proven themselves to the church.[70] A privileged and respected class within Cathedral society.[19][71] They have been tortured and bathed in various chemicals[72] in preparation for baptism in FEV-2, but were either never dipped, or never became super mutants. Few of those who go through the process survive,[24] and most who do are left insane.[73] Those driven past the point of usefulness are shot.[25] The insane survivors are revered by acolytes,[19] but may be used for slave labor[18][24] or locked away where they cannot cause trouble.[2]
  • Unity - The utopian society promised by the Master and the Cathedral.[37][55] Inconsistently capitalized.
  • Unity Rose - A flower which symbolizes the Holy Flame. Every petal is peace, and the stem is unity. The flower was selected to represent the Flame because both are white.[64] Despite being called a rose, it more closely resembles a small, frail daisy with four white petals.[74]
  • Vineyard of Life - Unknown, possibly a metaphor for the wasteland, or the cult itself, or the Master's sprawling biomass.[36] Possibly the grove across town from the Cathedral, where younger cultists go to pick Unity Roses.[33]


  1. Every member who will speak on the cult in specific terms presents a unique perspective. Lasher uniquely reveres darkness, in contrast to the other faithful, who emphasize only the importance of flame. Viola eschews the mythology entirely and argues from a uniquely pragmatic standpoint. Some members deny knowledge of mutant involvement whatsoever. Several people, like Laura, Zark, and Ton, are only pretending to believe.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Dane is a traumatized servitor who shouts sensitive secrets within the Cathedral, among other mad ravings. He begs a passing stranger, the Vault Dweller, for intervention.
  3. The Vault Dweller: "{208}{}{Tell me more about the conversion process.}"
    Ton Barracus: "{160}{}{It's not healthy to ask the wrong question, compadre. They have all the answers they want you to hear. People who ask the wrong questions, or people who screw up, well, they don't stay around here very long.}"
    (Ton Barracus' dialogue)
  4. The Vault Dweller: "{124}{}{What will the priests say if they hear you talking like this?}"
    Ton Barracus: "{161}{}{I do my job. They like it when I do my job. They like it when street trash and Followers stop breathing. It lets the Nightkin do other things. Don't mess with me . . . it ain't healthy.}"
    (Ton Barracus' dialogue)
  5. Ton Barracus: "{122}{}{What do you want, you stupid zombie? Get outta my face before I break it.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{125}{}{Any time, pal. I've been waiting for a good scrap!}"
    Ton Barracus: "{162}{}{What are you doing dressed like a zombie? If you got the 'tude, you gotta let it show!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{166}{}{I've been thinking of converting.}"
    Ton Barracus: "{201}{}{Converting? Well, good luck. You'll need it.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{202}{}{Why would I need luck?}"
    Ton Barracus: "{228}{}{The conversion isn't easy. You see these people, all these zombies? They used to be like you and me. Ton survived. These people didn't. But why should Ton care about you?}"
    (Ton Barracus' dialogue)
  6. Ton Barracus: "{122}{}{What do you want, you stupid zombie? Get outta my face before I break it.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{125}{}{Any time, pal. I've been waiting for a good scrap!}"
    Ton Barracus: "{162}{}{What are you doing dressed like a zombie? If you got the 'tude, you gotta let it show!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{164}{}{They don't bother you as much if you don't look like they might want to convert you.}"
    Ton Barracus: "{200}{}{Hmmm, Ton never thought of that. But if they bother me too much, I break their face. Then they stop bothering Ton. What do you want?}"
    (Ton Barracus' dialogue)
  7. Ton Barracus: "{122}{}{What do you want, you stupid zombie? Get outta my face before I break it.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{125}{}{Any time, pal. I've been waiting for a good scrap!}"
    Ton Barracus: "{162}{}{What are you doing dressed like a zombie? If you got the 'tude, you gotta let it show!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{167}{}{It ain't 'tude. It's a way of death.}"
    Ton Barracus: "{140}{}{Man, I could learn to like you. You're either an incredible asshole, or you got guts. Either way is fine with Ton, as long as you don't jam me up. You want to join up?}"
    (Ton Barracus' dialogue)
  8. Ton Barracus: "{122}{}{What do you want, you stupid zombie? Get outta my face before I break it.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{126}{}{Hey, what's the problem? A few drinks and we'll be buds!}"
    Ton Barracus: "{168}{}{We don't drink in here. Nightkin don't like it. You better get a few more clues before you talk to Ton again.}"
    (Ton Barracus' dialogue)
  9. The Vault Dweller: "{129}{}{You're not a big fan of worship services?}"
    Ton Barracus: "{170}{}{You stand around this for months and you go crazy as them. What do you want from Ton?}"
    (Ton Barracus' dialogue)
  10. The Vault Dweller: "{163}{}{What's this place used for?}"
    Dane: "{170}{}{This is the baptismal. They make Servitors here. When acolytes have been indoctrinated, they bring them here and they go through the process. A few of them survive . . .}"
    "{171}{}{Most lose their minds, but they're still useful. They throw them downstairs, rant at them about the Master and walk around in a stupor. You've seen the zombies. Great slave labor -- and soldiers . . .}"
    "{172}{}{John Brown's body is molderin' in the Grave. John Brown's body is molderin' in the Grave, John Brown's body is a-molderin' in the Grave, and the Master's screwing us overrrrr . . .}"
    "{173}{}{Stop that. It's getting real difficult to hold myself together.}"
    "{197}{}{Ooops! I can't keep myself together anymore! Whee! Whee! Whee!}"
    (Dane's dialogue)
  11. "{148}{}{There were a few wise ones among the ancients who believed virtue is its own reward. That is my belief as well. Perhaps if more people shared this opinion, there would have been no need for the Holy Flame' Forgive me, but I have no patience for long conversation. There are other people who may instruct you better than I. Please excuse me.}" (THORNDYK.MSG)
  12. "{194}{}{The old world was filled with evil and decadence. The Holy Flame destroyed it. We can either fear the Holy Flame, or worship it and attempt to understand it. The Children have chosen understanding. Although we do not wish to see the Holy Flame unleashed again.}" (THORNDYK.MSG)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Lasher: "{131}{}{My quarters are not open to those who have not been consecrated. I must ask you to leave at once.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{134}{}{I wanted to ask you about consecration.}"
    Lasher: "{138}{}{That is a privilege reserved for only the most faithful servants. Only baptism is a higher honor.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{139}{}{And how does one earn baptism?}"
    Lasher: "{183}{}{By the endurance of pain, by the acquisition of wisdom, and the performance of service. Pain is knowledge, Wisdom is obedience, and Service is courage. }"
    The Vault Dweller: "{184}{}{[More]}"
    Lasher: "{185}{}{You must reject the Light that nearly destroyed us all, and pledge yourself to the Darkness in which all are equal. Now that I have told you this thing, go seek it. Seek the Master and his wisdom.}"
    (Lasher's dialogue)
  14. In the "Dipping" end cutscene from the ending of Fallout, a mechanized claw drops the Vault Dweller into a vat.
  15. The Vault Dweller: "{230}{}{And where is the baptismal font? }"
    Slummer: "{321}{}{Unfortunately, I have never been privileged enough to see the baptismal font. Perhaps if I offer enough praise to the Master, I will receive a blessing. Hail the Master! Hail the Holy Flame! Hail Peace and Unity! }"
    (Slummer's dialogue)
  16. The Vault Dweller: "{112}{Vault_Dweller_009b}{What is this place?}"
    Children of the Cathedral technician: "{116}{Tech_011}{This is the birthplace of the superior race! This is the womb from which the armies of god will strike from! From the flesh of the weak comes the next race of man. Those who survive the dip will become the soldiers of god, and with their hands we shall shape the Unity.}"
    (Children of the Cathedral technicians' dialogue)
  17. Chanters of the Children's dialogue
  18. 18.0 18.1 The Vault Dweller: "{163}{}{What's this place used for?}"
    Dane: "{170}{}{This is the baptismal. They make Servitors here. When acolytes have been indoctrinated, they bring them here and they go through the process. A few of them survive . . .}"
    "{171}{}{Most lose their minds, but they're still useful. They throw them downstairs, rant at them about the Master and walk around in a stupor. You've seen the zombies. Great slave labor -- and soldiers . . .}"
    "{172}{}{John Brown's body is molderin' in the Grave. John Brown's body is molderin' in the Grave, John Brown's body is a-molderin' in the Grave, and the Master's screwing us overrrrr . . .}"
    "{173}{}{Stop that. It's getting real difficult to hold myself together.}"
    "{197}{}{Ooops! I can't keep myself together anymore! Whee! Whee! Whee!}"
    (Dane's dialogue)
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{Care to share any favorite meditations with me?}"
    Francis: "{131}{}{Why I could, but the ones who go through the Servitor process are so much better than I am . . . Their minds are so much more focused on the Master than mine. Maybe after I get changed, I'll get better.}"
    (Francis' dialogue)
  20. The Vault Dweller: "{237}{}{What do you want with me?}"
    Lieutenant: "{242}{LIEUT43}{Why, when you become one of us, of course! I can't have a perfectly good prime normal and not make it one of the Chosen Ones, now can I? After you tell me where your Vault is.}"
  21. COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout) and COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout 2)
  22. Fallout Nightkin combat message script: "# 14. Nightkin
    # We are the Chosen of the Master, and all must bow before us. (Damn these bastards are really arrogant); my interpretation is that these boys are smarter and more cunning than garden variety super mutants."
    (COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout))
  23. The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{I'm new, and I was looking for the bathroom. One of the other High Priests sent me up here.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{111}{}{I was looking for the confessional, and one of the High Priests sent me up here. I'm really sorry I ended up here!}"
    Morpheus: "{115}{MORP04}{ Ahh...Heh, heh heh. That would be Lasher. He so loves getting the worshipers in trouble. This is your lucky day, my ignorant little friend. You may leave now without incident. }"
    (Morpheus' dialogue) Note: The prompt lines 110 and 111 are alternates.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 The Vault Dweller: "{174}{}{Tell me about the Nightkin.}"
    Dane: "{180}{}{They're mutants. I've heard them talk. I'm very sneaky. I know all their secrets. They hate me. Hate me very much.}"
    "{181}{}{I'm screwed, but this is only Phase 1 of the Cathedral Screwover Plan. When servitors get completely brainwashed, they got to Phase 2. That's when the Master baptizes them in the FEV-2!}"
    "{182}{}{Most die right there. But those who survive become mutants. BIG mutants. Nightkin! The Master thinks that only the Nightkin can survive. He wants to make everyone Nightkin because they're tough!}"
    "{183}{}{You know all this peace and unity bullshit? It really isn't bullshit to the Master. He really thinks that he's saving the world!}"
    "{184}{}{Sterile! We're all going to be hideous, sterile freaks! Sterile! Sterile! Sterile! My name's not Errol! Sterile!}"
    "{190}{}{MOOOO! MOOOOO! MOOOO! Brahmin Nightkin, coming through! Here comes some sterile milk!}"
    (Dane's dialogue)
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Dane: "{147}{}{Life sucks, but death sucks worse, and we can't go back in time to stop our birth, so what's the point?}"
    "{148}{}{I think they get the point, asshole! They know the Servitor process screws you! They know this 'baptism machine' just messes . . .}"
    "{149}{}{My name is Dane. I am a Viking. I like ducks. I rape and pillage! Will you rape and pillage with me?}"
    "{150}{}{Oh God! Master, not God! At least I remember my own name. At least I still have that. Most of the other failures didn't, before they shot them. Not pretty corpses either. Nightkin target practice!}"
    "{151}{}{And then there were the ones who lost their minds completely. I wish they were dead.}"
    (Dane's dialogue)
  26. Fallout script description: "Revulse.int  ; Corridor of revulsion"
    (SCRIPTS.LST (Fallout))
  27. Vicious: "{202}{}{The will of the Master prevails. What news do you have for me?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{205}{}{I have a message for the Master from his Lieutenant. I must see the Master now.}"
    Vicious: "{209}{}{You cannot be serious. In fact, you must be lying.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{211}{}{I'm not. The Lieutenant could not trust this message to the usual method. I have to see the Master right now! There is no time to waste!}"
    Vicious: "{212}{}{Then use the door, and beware the Corridor. I assume that you have your protection in place?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{214}{}{No, not really. Should I?}"
    Vicious: "{215}{}{Of course! You cannot hope to pass the Corridor without it. What did you do with your nullifier!}"
    (Viscious' dialogue)
  28. Corridor of revulsion message file
  29. Dane: "{114}{}{They're watching us even now! Mr. Nightkin! Felix and Timothy! Cats! Dogs! Nightkin!}"
    "{115}{}{Shut up! They'll think you're a crazy asshole! You gotta get yourself together!}"
    "{116}{}{Lasher! You gotta kill Lasher! Save the kid! Poor little Flower Child. Poor me.}"
    "{117}{}{Shut up you son of a bitch! Pull yourself together!}"
    (Dane's dialogue)
  30. Flower child's character description: "{100}{}{You see a Flower Child.}"
    (Flower child's dialogue)
  31. The Vault Dweller: "{188}{}{Hi kid. What're you doing in this joint?}"
    Calder: "{197}{}{I give out flowers. Every petal is peace, and the stem is unity. Or are the petals unity and the stem peace? Oh no, I don't remember! Do you want one?}"
    (Calder's dialogue)
  32. Calder: "{115}{}{Hello, sir. Do you need a meditation flower?}"
    (Calder's dialogue)
  33. 33.0 33.1 The Vault Dweller: "{120}{}{Flower pretty?}"
    Calder: "{139}{}{Sure is. I picked it myself from a grove across town. Well, it was nice meeting you. May the Master bless you.}"
    (Calder's dialogue)
  34. The Vault Dweller: "{171}{}{And when's the Master going to take over the world?}"
    Calder: "{175}{}{Soon, or so they tell me. We're going to have peace, and unity and the Holy Flame will be lit. And maybe Father Morpheus won't be quite so loud, either.}"
    (Calder's dialogue)
  35. Shopkeeper: "{101}{}{The Holy Flame does not appreciate thieves and scoundrels in his house of worship. You will be punished!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{103}{}{I wasn't stealing from you, honest!}"
    Shopkeeper: "{104}{}{Why don't you tell the Holy Flame when you see him after your 'punishment.'}"
    (Shopkeeper's dialogue)
  36. 36.0 36.1 Chanter of the Children: "{102}{}{Hello, friend! The Master's vision has made me truly alive for the first time. May I share my wonderful story with you?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{Go ahead.}"
    Chanter of the Children: "{110}{}{There was once a man who was so full of hate that he nearly died. But now . . . Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame! Praise the Vineyard of Life! Whee!}"
    (Chanters of the Children's dialogue)
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 Children of the Cathedral technician: "{125}{}{You killed the Right Hand of god. The Master will be most upset. Now, it has come time for us to join the holy flame!}"
    "{126}{}{You killed the Master. The death of the Unity is your fault. You have caused the death of the human race. I hope you feel good about yourself.}"
    "{130}{}{I go to join him now, in the holy flames!}"
    (Children of the Cathedral technicians' dialogue)
  38. The Vault Dweller: "{124}{}{Who's in charge here?}"
    Francis: "{133}{}{Why, that's Father Morpheus. He's such a good speaker, he really makes Peace and Unity come to life, and when he talks, I can just see those Holy Flames!}"
    (Francis' dialogue)
  39. Francis: "{144}{}{The Master is my friend. Unity is prosperity. Peace is prosperity. Peace and Unity come through Obedience. Obedience is proven through Submission to Authority . . .}"
    "{145}{}{He who submits will be christened by the Holy Flame, but the faithful will not be burned. He who goes through Fire without burning shall have life everlasting . . .}"
    (Francis' dialogue)
  40. The Vault Dweller: "{125}{}{Where can I find the Master?}"
    Francis: "{148}{}{Well I've heard that the Master can be found in Holy Fire, that he waits below for Unity and Peace, and he lives in the hearts and minds of all virtuous people . . .}"
    "{149}{}{I'm not sure which of these is a metaphor. Maybe he's everywhere.}"
    (Francis' dialogue)
  41. The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{Who hired you?}"
    Children of the Cathedral guard: "{117}{}{Something called a Holy Flame. Don't listen to this bullshit, it'll rot your brain!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{118}{}{What's your take on this Holy Flame?}"
    Children of the Cathedral guard: "{146}{}{It's gotta be a scam. Nobody's really dumb enough to believe all this religious shit. Could they?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{147}{}{Yeah. It's a good thing that they aren't paying me to agree with them. Holy flame, my ass!}"
    Children of the Cathedral guard: "{148}{}{I dunno. I can tell you one thing, whatever you can say about the religion, they're not amateurs. They came in and organized this place like clockwork. This isn't just another band of mindless zombies.}"
    (Children of the Cathedral guard's dialogue)
  42. The Vault Dweller: "{103}{}{I hate to interrupt your hymn, but where might I meet the Master?}"
    Chanter of the Children: "{108}{}{He finds you when and where you least expect it! Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame! Praise the world!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{105}{}{Who's in charge here?}"
    Chanter of the Children: "{110}{}{The one who sits above. The one who sits below. The one who rests within. Praise the Master for such clarity of vision!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{106}{}{. . . but now I kiss the Master's behind . . .}"
    Chanter of the Children: "{111}{}{Oh, if only I were so fortunate! Perhaps one day the Master will let me kiss his body parts. Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame!}"
    (Chanters of the Children's dialogue)
  43. The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{Happy! Happy! I sing song good!}"
    Chanter of the Children: "{112}{}{Hmm, that's not what I had in mind. You had better practice, my friend. Praise to the Master! Praise the Holy Flame!}"
    (Chanters of the Children's dialogue)
  44. The Vault Dweller: "{119}{}{Enough about the damn flower. Just answer the question!}"
    Flower child: "{136}{}{You're mean! I hate you! I hope you get eaten by the Holy Flame!}"
    (Flower child's dialogue)
  45. The Vault Dweller: "{113}{}{[sniff, sniff]. Smell yuck!}"
    Flower child: "{138}{}{You're stupid! I hope the Holy Flame kills you before you can say anymore stupid things. Mother Jain, watch out for the stupid man!}"
    (Flower child's dialogue)
  46. The Vault Dweller: "{106}{}{Is there anything special about this place?}"
    Flower child: "{139}{}{We're the Children of the Cathedral. We've been commanded by the Holy Flame itself to feed the hungry and heal the sick. We're going to spread peace and unity everywhere…and everything will be soooo good! Here, have your flower!}"
    (Flower child's dialogue)
  47. The Vault Dweller: "{124}{}{Tell me about the Holy Flame…}"
    Flower child: "{147}{}{That's the fire that cleansed the world, and if we obey it, it'll never do it again! It wants us be smart and peaceful and unified and stuff! So would you like a flower?}"
    (Flower child's dialogue)
  48. The Vault Dweller: "{142}{}{Tell me about the Cathedral…}"
    Flower child: "{152}{}{It's a wonderful place near the ocean, where people spend all their time praising the Holy Flame and being good. And everyone there is kind, except maybe Father Lasher. Uh…would you like a flower?}"
    (Flower child's dialogue)
  49. Jain: "{163}{JAIN27}{Blessings of the Holy Flame to you, my Child.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{164}{}{Who's the Holy Flame?}"
    Jain: "{183}{JAIN202}{There is no one greater then the Holy Flame and we are His servants.}"
    (Jain's dialogue)
  50. Jain: "{171}{JAIN30}{What brings you here?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{172}{}{I have slain the Master, and I believe he was masquerading as the Holy Flame.}"
    Jain: "{176}{JAIN31}{You have done what? You shall pay for your sin against the Holy Flame himself.}"
    (Jain's dialogue)
  51. Jain: "{182}{JAIN200}{Leave this room immediately or I will have you cleansed by holy flame.}"
    (Jain's dialogue)
  52. The Vault Dweller: "{150}{}{How can Children find peace in this wasteland?}"
    Jain: "{187}{JAIN22}{With perseverance, the Children can accomplish anything. We will not fail.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{157}{}{Good. I hope you don't.}"
    Jain: "{186}{JAIN27}{Blessings of the Holy Flame to you, my Child.}"
    (Jain's dialogue)
  53. The Vault Dweller: "{1000}{}{War}"
    Jain: "{1100}{JAIN300}{It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice.}"
    (Jain's dialogue)
  54. The Vault Dweller: "{1001}{}{Master}"
    Jain: "{1101}{JAIN301}{There is no Master but the Holy Flame. He is our master, He is the Master of all.}"
    (Jain's dialogue)
  55. 55.0 55.1 The Vault Dweller: "{1008}{}{Unity}"
    Jain: "{1108}{JAIN309}{It is the uniting, by the Holy Flame, of all people, of all races and the cleansing of the heathens from this world.}"
    (Jain's dialogue)
  56. The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{What are you doing?}"
    Jeremiah: "{106}{}{If you do not know, it is none of your concern. If you are inquiring about something you should not know, then I will have to report you to our supervisors. You should know better.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{Who the hell are you to be asking me questions?! You're lucky I don't report you to the holy flame!!}"
    (Jeremiah's dialogue)
  57. The Vault Dweller: "{190}{}{Tell me about the war?}"
    Thorndyke: "{194}{}{The old world was filled with evil and decadence. The Holy Flame destroyed it. We can either fear the Holy Flame, or worship it and attempt to understand it. The Children have chosen understanding. Although we do not wish to see the Holy Flame unleashed again.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{197}{}{If the Holy Flame is so great, why don't you want to see it all the time?}"
    (Thorndyke's dialogue)
  58. The Vault Dweller: "{161}{}{Who is this Master guy? }"
    Slummer: "{260}{}{He is Keeper of the Holy Flame, one who strives to wipe away all divisions, all hatreds. He wields both sword and plowshare, but would rather build than destroy. Hail the Master! Hail Unity! }"
    (Slummer's dialogue)
  59. Viola: "{117}{}{Hello again. I hope you've found this place interesting.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{119}{}{Of course, sister. Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame!}"
    Viola: "{162}{}{Riight. Sure. Of course. See you later.}"
    (Viola's dialogue)
  60. Viola: "{117}{}{Hello again. I hope you've found this place interesting.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{121}{}{Entertainment? Where's the booze!}"
    Viola: "{164}{}{People who have the spirit of the Holy Flame need no other spirits. Or so they say. You know how that goes_}"
    (Viola's dialogue)
  61. Viola: "{123}{}{Greetings initiate. How may I be of service to you?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{124}{}{I was a little nervous about our long range plans.}"
    Viola: "{227}{}{We have many things planned. The Holy Flame came first, which purged the world of evil. Then came the Master. Now we are at the time of Unity, when we struggle to conquer the divisions of the world. After Unity shall come Peace. The Age of Peace is the reason for all our struggles.}"
    (Viola's dialogue)
  62. The Vault Dweller: "{250}{}{Does this have anything to do with the Holy Flame I keep hearing about?}"
    Viola: "{302}{}{I know of no plans to invoke the Holy Flame again. The Sacred Fire was sacred only because it gives us a chance to purge the world of imperfection. It is our actions that will make the flame Holy. We must take the evils of the world and make them tools for Good. Just as your weapons defend your life, our actions defend the world. Farewell, friend.}"
    (Viola's dialogue)
  63. "{204}{}{The Holy Flame is a metaphor for the death of the old world and the beginning of the new. It is the power of life and death. What is more worthy of worship than that?}" (THORNDYK.MSG)
  64. 64.0 64.1 The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{What's so special about the flower?}"
    Flower child: "{121}{}{It's a Unity Rose. It's the color of the Holy Flame, and represents the peace and harmony we'll have when the Children of the Cathedral helps everyone in the whole world become friendly and strong! Uh, do you want one?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{125}{}{How much is it, kid?}"
    Flower child: "{129}{}{It's free. We don't believe in money. The Holy Flame takes care of all of our needs! It's so wonderful! You should join us in our Cathedral of Happiness! Uh, do you want one?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{123}{}{Now how's a rose going to do all that?}"
    Flower child: "{141}{}{Roses won't do that, silly! Only people can change the world. And with the Holy Flame as our master, we'll be sure to make everything nice and special! So would you like a flower…}"
    (Flower child's dialogue)
  65. The Vault Dweller: "{194}{}{What can you tell me about the Nightkin?}"
    Lasher: "{197}{}{They serve the Master. They bring the pain of healing to the world. Angels in the Night, who redeem the world by bloodshed. Curiosity is a foolhardy emotion, but doubly so when it comes to the Nightkin. That is your only warning. I have much to do now. Away with you.}"
    (Lasher's dialogue)
  66. Two of the small personal bedrooms in the Cathedral's accessible tower belong to generic Nightkin, who stay invisible even at night with the door shut.
  67. The Vault Dweller: "{211}{}{What can you tell me?}"
    Talius: "{212}{}{Those whom the Followers and Children call Nightkin are not what they seem. They have been created by one called the Lieutenant. I believe he may follow another.}"
    (Talius' dialogue)
  68. Nicole: "{238}{Nic_46}{What do the Nightkin have to do with this?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{241}{}{The Master wants to make everyone a Nightkin. He thinks they're superior, and he thinks that turning everyone into them will save humanity!}"
    (Nicole's dialogue)
  69. The Vault Dweller: "Order"
    Laura: "They are the high priests."
    (Laura's dialogue)
  70. The Vault Dweller: "{1009}{}{Servitors}"
    Laura: "{1109}{laura84}{They have proven themselves to the Church. The rest of us aspire to that.}"
    (Laura's dialogue)
  71. Jeremiah: "{136}{}{Who are you and what are you doing down here?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{137}{}{I am a worshiper and I am lost.}"
    Jeremiah: "{141}{}{You are not allowed in this area. Only Servitors and higher allowed down here. Return to the Cathedral proper.}"
    (Jeremiah's dialogue)
  72. The Vault Dweller: "{166}{}{What did they do to you?}"
    Dane: "{198}{}{Dumped me in chemicals, filled me full of holes, played loud noises for me. That sort of shit. Tried to make me into something I'm not. Parents do that all the time.}"
    "{199}{}{I hurt real bad.}"
    "{206}{}{I used to hurt people bad, too. I was a stud! Hell, I was a god! A tough god son of a bitch! But it wasn't enough! I was a goose-stepping fighting machine! But now I'm . . . I'm . . . help me . . .}"
    (Dane's dialogue)
    "{140}{}{Enough with the brahmin! You'll start smelling like them! Then everyone will just puke!}"
    "{141}{}{I used to be insane, you know, until I went through the Servitor process. I used to be insane, but now I'm just in pieces. Pieces! Pieces!}"
    "{142}{}{Son of a bitch, I'm a puzzle! Will you help me put myself together?}"
    (Dane's dialogue)
  74. Flower (item) inventory graphic


  1. Fallout Bible 3; Psykers
  2. Fallout Bible 0; Psykers
  3. 3.0 3.1 Fallout Official Survival Guide pp.106-107: "The Master: The Supreme Boss Behind It All
    The Master is not a nice person.
    Once a normal human, long ago, he was mutated by exposure to the FEV virus. Along the way since then, he has somehow hybridized with other human mutants and with computers, turning him into a rather strange and schizoid monster who speaks in multiple voices. As 'the Holy Flame' and 'Father Hope,' he rules the Children of the Cathedral, who figure in his plot to infect all humans with FEV and take over the entire world."