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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jain (Fallout).

{100}{}{You see Jain}

{101}{JAIN00}{Why do you disturb an elder of the Cathedral?}

{102}{}{I have come seeking a blessing.}
{103}{}{I'm interested in your church, and I want some information. Do you have any pamphlets?}
{104}{}{Just looking around.}

{106}{JAIN01}{I am hardly your mother.}


{109}{JAIN02}{How dare you speak to me in that manner! You will be punished for your insolence! Guards!}
{110}{JAIN03}{Perhaps one of our priests will discuss your needed education. Leave now.}
{111}{JAIN04}{Have you studied the sacraments, child?}


{114}{JAIN05}{Then you would have known high elders of the Cathedral do not just 'hand out' blessings. You will leave now.}
{115}{JAIN07}{Continue to mock me and I will have you thrown out.}

{116}{}{But I'm not mocking you, honest.}
{117}{}{Mock you? Now why would I do something like that?!}
{118}{}{It's obvious that kindness and good temper aren't part of this religion.}
{119}{}{Sorry, I think I'll be leaving now.}

{120}{JAIN08}{You will pay for those heretical words.}
{121}{JAIN09}{Your words do not match your conviction. They burn of the heresy within. You will be cleansed, then forgotten.}
{122}{JAIN10}{Then why are you here? What would bring you to the Children of the Cathedral?}

{123}{}{I am a seeker of knowledge. I would like to learn more.}
{124}{}{I need to know how to burn this place down, so I was looking for structural weaknesses.}
{125}{}{I'm just looking.}

{126}{JAIN11}{Are you a Child?}

{127}{}{Lady, do I look that young to you?}
{128}{}{Am I one of the Children of the Cathedral? No.}
{129}{}{I am a devout believer.}

{130}{JAIN12}{Then you should know better then to be here. I would caution you about your manners. Leave.}

{132}{}{Bite me.}

{133}{JAIN13}{Are you interested in converting to our faith? We can offer you what no one else can...}

{134}{}{And what's that?}
{135}{}{No, not interested. I think you're a bunch of kooks.}

{136}{JAIN14}{A lifetime of contentment. Fulfillment in the knowledge you're working to rebuild the planet and make a better place for those that follow.}

{137}{}{Sounds very interesting, could you tell me more? I seek fulfillment.}
{138}{}{Oh yeah, I bet there's a lot of rebuilding going on and I'm sure your cups are overflowing with fulfillment.}
{139}{}{I don't think so. Sounds a little fishy to me.}

{140}{JAIN15}{Believe what you will. Just do it elsewhere. You may leave.}
{141}{JAIN17}{Mocking our holy cause is not appreciated. You will be punished if you continue.}

{142}{}{And who's going to do the punishing? Ooh, I'd like to request the extra hard whip, if you don't mind.}

{144}{JAIN18}{When the Children walk the reborn land, your kind will vanish, heretic. Leave now.}
{145}{JAIN19}{I am not completely devoid of humor, but leading the Children is something I take seriously. Please remember that.}

{146}{}{Sorry, I'm not that familiar with the Children.}
{147}{}{OK. Bye.}

{148}{JAIN20}{You are in the right place for spiritual fulfillment. The Children of the Cathedral seek a peaceful resolution of our world's problems and could use your help.}

{149}{}{What are the Children's plans for mutants?}
{150}{}{How can Children find peace in this wasteland?}

{151}{JAIN21}{Those that can be brought into the fold, shall be. Those that resist will suffer.}

{152}{}{Sounds like a tough job.}
{153}{}{Now it's time for you to have a little suffering.}
{154}{}{As it should be. May you succeed in your crusade!}
{155}{}{Uh, I got to go.}

{156}{JAIN22}{With perseverance, the Children can accomplish anything. We will not fail.}

{157}{}{Good. I hope you don't.}
{158}{}{Yeah, right. Whatever.}
{159}{}{Okay. Bye.}

{160}{JAIN26}{Blasphemer! This is a Holy House! How could you think such a thing?}

{161}{}{Relax, I didn't mean it!}
{162}{}{Easy. Let me show you.}

{163}{JAIN27}{Blessings of the Holy Flame to you, my Child.}

{164}{}{Who's the Holy Flame?}
{165}{}{This place is a sham.}
{166}{}{And to you, Priestess Jain. Goodbye.}
{167}{}{Ug luk to ruk?}

{169}{JAIN28}{Once you had potential. You are no longer welcome here.}
{170}{JAIN29}{You are not welcome here. Please leave.}
{171}{JAIN30}{What brings you here?}

{172}{}{I have slain the Master, and I believe he was masquerading as the Holy Flame.}
{173}{}{You have been freed from the oppression of the Master.}
{174}{}{Mu tuk doh tub?}

{176}{JAIN31}{You have done what? You shall pay for your sin against the Holy Flame himself.}
{177}{JAIN32}{The who?}

{178}{}{The master. He was going to unite the mutants and take over the world.}
{179}{}{Don't worry about it.}

{180}{JAIN33}{You appear delusional. I suggest seeing a counselor to work out your problems.}
{181}{JAIN204}{I told you to leave. Are you deaf or feeble?}
{182}{JAIN200}{Leave this room immediately or I will have you cleansed by holy flame.}
{183}{JAIN202}{There is no one greater then the Holy Flame and we are His servants.}

{184}{}{Really? Wow. So, what's the reason for someone to join your order?}
{185}{}{Uh, okay. Bye.}
{186}{JAIN27}{Blessings of the Holy Flame to you, my Child.}
{187}{JAIN22}{With perseverance, the Children can accomplish anything. We will not fail.}

{188}{JAIN201}{That is not an appropriate question.}

#Tell Me Abouts

{1100}{JAIN300}{It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice.}
{1101}{JAIN301}{There is no Master but the Holy Flame. He is our master, He is the Master of all.}
{1102}{JAIN302}{The will of the Holy One brings a rebirth to the planet. We are His Children and carry out His plan.}
{1103}{JAIN303}{They are holy for they bear marks of past sins for present witnesses.}
{1104}{JAIN304}{Like many other cities, they will embrace the moral leadership of the Cathedral.}
{1105}{JAIN305}{They claim a religious foundation, but lack that which would make them truly righteous. Their zeal is refreshing, however.}
{1106}{JAIN306}{I have never heard of such things.}
{1107}{JAIN308}{The Holiest of Holies. He is the guiding light we follow. He shall cleanse those unfaithful when the Nexus of Rebirth is reached.
{1108}{JAIN309}{It is the uniting, by the Holy Flame, of all people, of all races and the cleansing of the heathens from this world.}

{1109}{JAIN305}{They claim a religious foundation, but lack that which would make them truly righteous. Their zeal is refreshing, however.}
{1110}{JAIN308}{The Holiest of Holies. He is the guiding light we follow. He shall cleanse those unfaithful when the Nexus of Rebirth is reached.}
{1111}{JAIN302}{The will of the Holy One brings a rebirth to the planet. We are His Children and carry out His plan.}
