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Dialogue for Slummer, a Children of the Cathedral guard who stands in front of the Cathedral.


{100}{}{You see a zombie. }
{101}{}{You have committed many sins. I will pray for your redemption. }
{102}{}{Hail the Master! Hail the Holy Flame! Hail Peace and Unity! }
{103}{}{Hello my child. Why do you hold a weapon? Perhaps you need instruction in the ways of peace? }
{104}{}{Praise to the Master, that at long last I have found a place where I can put down my arms and embrace peace! }
{105}{}{Sounds good. Who would instruct me? }
{106}{}{I'm on guard duty. }
{107}{}{Sounds good to me. How about instruction and a back rub? }
{108}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{109}{}{Screw peace. The Master's making a power play, and I want a piece of the action. Where is he? }
{110}{}{You say me stupid? }
{111}{}{Hello. Nice weather, isn't it? }
{112}{}{Yeah, but there's a storm brewing. The enemies of the Cathedral are everywhere. What rumors have you heard? }
{113}{}{I've seen better. Who's in charge here? }
{114}{}{Yeah, nice weather. }
{115}{}{Nice weather if you don't mind a radioactive tan. }
{116}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{117}{}{Screw the weather. I'm here to kill the Master. Where is that punk! }
{118}{}{Yeah. Sunny. Sunny good. }
{119}{}{Hello friend. It is good to see you. Put down your weapon, you are among friends here! }
{120}{}{Sorry, it's been a tough week. So what can you tell me about this place? }
{121}{}{Sorry, but I've learned to be cautious. Who's in charge here? }
{122}{}{Friends, eh? That's odd, I've heard a lot of bad things about you. }
{123}{}{Nice to know I'm among friends here. What's up? }
{124}{}{Friends? How friendly do you want to get.. }
{125}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{126}{}{Weapon? }
{127}{}{Hello stranger. Forgive me, but you should not draw your weapon in the Cathedral. }
{128}{}{I have brought my gun into the service of the Cathedral and its Master. Do you have a problem with this? }
{129}{}{Thanks. I'll be sure to remember that. }
{130}{}{Old habit. A lot of things have tried to kill me lately. What can you tell me about this place? }
{131}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{132}{}{Weapon? }
{133}{}{Hello stranger. If you have come here to be redeemed, you are welcome here, but I would suggest you put away your weapon. }
{134}{}{I have brought my gun into the service of the Cathedral and its Master. Do you have a problem with this? }
{135}{}{Sure. Redeemed. Sounds good. }
{136}{}{Old habit. A lot of things have tried to kill me lately. What can you tell me about this place? }
{137}{}{Suggest anything you want, but if you want to keep breathing, you'll tell me what I want to know. }
{138}{}{Redeem my ass, zombie. }
{139}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{140}{}{Weapon? }
{141}{}{Hello friend! I'm so glad to see you've joined our cause! }
{142}{}{I haven't yet, though I'm interested. Aside from this Peace and Unity stuff, what are you guys all about? }
{143}{}{It had to happen. Who do I see about the initiation? }
{144}{}{I came here for instruction. Can I see the Master? }
{145}{}{Friends? How friendly do you want to get.. }
{146}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{147}{}{Raaar! The cause! Raaar!? }
{148}{}{Hello stranger. May I help you? }
{149}{}{Sure. I've heard your message, and I want to know more about you! }
{150}{}{I was looking for the person in charge of this place. }
{151}{}{This peace and unity stuff cannot be for real. }
{152}{}{Who is this Master guy? }
{153}{}{I could use a full body massage and maybe something extra. You interested? }
{154}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{155}{}{Help? Uh.. no. }
{156}{}{Forgive me stranger, but I have many duties. Please excuse me. }
{157}{}{Hail the Master! Hail Peace! Hail the Holy Flame! Hail Unity! }
{158}{}{I can go for the peace part, but why is the Master so important? }
{159}{}{I was looking for the person in charge of this place. }
{160}{}{This peace and unity stuff cannot be for real. }
{161}{}{Who is this Master guy? }
{162}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{163}{}{I would suggest that you find Brother Lasher. He is a hard man, but the Master works in mysterious ways. Farewell.}
{165}{}{But we have no guards, except for the Nightkin. What are you talking about? }
{166}{}{The Master ordered extra security. Not sure why, I think the Nightkin are enough muscle as it is. You got any idea what's going on? }
{167}{}{Someone screwed up my orders. Don't mind me. }
{168}{}{I'm not one of the Cathedral guards, I'm one of the patrols. }
{169}{}{We don't? Oh shit! }
{170}{}{I'm...ah...Oh well, nothing that can't be solved with a bullet. DIE! }
{171}{}{My apologies. Praise the Master, and have a nice day. }
{172}{}{Maybe later. }
{173}{}{I do not believe we have any. Praise the Master, I'm sure this is for the best. }
{174}{}{I'm sure it is. [Groan]. }
{175}{}{What kind of a Cathedral doesn't even have holy wine? }
{176}{}{Fine, so I'll have to kill you when I'm sober. Like now. Die, you son of a bitch! }
{177}{}{Many have tried to kill the Master, and all have failed. However, if you attempt this vile act, the Master may forgive you and find a good use for you. I shall pray for you. }
{178}{}{I was only joking. People who spend a lot of time in the Wastes have a weird sense of humor, you know. So what's happening around here? }
{179}{}{We'll see about that.. }
{180}{}{Nobody prays for my soul. But somebody better start praying for you, because I'm killing you right now! }
{181}{}{You have come to the wrong place, friend. This place is not about power. This place is about peace. }
{182}{}{I hear that our Crusade goes well. Soon we shall bring Peace and Unity to the Boneyard, and all the surrounding communities Isn't it great? }
{183}{}{Who's next on the list to receive Peace and Unity? }
{184}{}{That's rather vague. Have you heard anything else? }
{185}{}{Good. About time someone cleaned up this dump. }
{186}{}{Yes. Isn't death grand. }
{187}{}{The person that you seek is Father Morpheus. He can be found in the tower. Is that all? }
{188}{}{Is there anything I should know before I meet him? }
{189}{}{We'll see about that.. }
{190}{}{Thanks! Fresh meat at last! }
{191}{}{Is there something else on your mind, my child? }
{192}{}{Sorry, it's been a tough week. So what can you tell me about this place? }
{193}{}{I am looking for further instruction in the ways of the Cathedral. Who should I see? }
{194}{}{I was wondering who's in charge? }
{195}{}{I could use a full body massage and maybe something extra. You interested? }
{196}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{197}{}{I was wondering what you'd look like if some maniac spilt your brains all over this nice Cathedral floor. Let's find out! }
{198}{}{You have a very good sense of humor, my child. Just don't tell jokes to Brother Lasher. }
{199}{}{Are there any other servants of the Master I should watch out for? }
{200}{}{Maybe she spent a little too much time out in the Wastes? }
{201}{}{I would like to see the Master. }
{202}{}{I was wondering who's in charge? }
{203}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{204}{}{You know, that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me all day. I don't think I'll kill you after all. }
{205}{}{I fear you may have had too much sun. I hope you find healing here. Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame! }
{206}{}{Your words are full of such pain and hate! I pity you, my friend, but pity can be turned to joy. Seek Father Morpheus in the tower. He is a wonderful man, and can open your heart to love again. }
{207}{}{Have you never been to the Cathedral before? This is a place of Peace and Unity. This is a place where differences are forgotten and we seek a future of unity and prosperity for all. A future where the horrors that our ancestors inflicted on us can never happen again! }
{208}{}{And how do we achieve this perfect Utopia? }
{209}{}{But does free will have to be sacrificed to create Utopia? }
{210}{}{I would like to see the Master and hear what he has to say!. }
{211}{}{How can you be so sure this ain't some form of mind control? }
{212}{}{They got any holy wine around this joint? }
{213}{}{I agree. I prefer to inflict my own horrors on people. }
{214}{}{Our enemies slander us! People are so easily frightened, especially when someone tells them what to do! But since I follow the Master and the Holy Flame, I don't have to be afraid any more. The Master told me not to be afraid! }
{215}{}{And how do we achieve this perfect Utopia? }
{216}{}{Good for the Master! Any idea where I can find him? }
{217}{}{But there are rumors about mutant armies... }
{218}{}{Anyone ever tell you that you're a zombie? }
{219}{}{I agree. I prefer to inflict my own horrors on people. }
{220}{}{Just praising the Master. I never get tired of praising of the Master. Why don't you praise the Master with me, friend? }
{221}{}{Why should I praise the Master? Go on, convince me. }
{222}{}{Sure. Praise to the Master! How's that? }
{223}{}{I don't think so. }
{224}{}{Anyone ever tell you that you're a zombie? }
{225}{}{Let's praise him over a few bottles of holy wine. Praising goes a lot better when the spirit moves you.. }
{226}{}{You know, the one that's in your hand? }
{227}{}{Oh, that weapon. }
{228}{}{Um, is it loaded? }
{229}{}{I don't know much. The mind of the Master is so great.. I do know that the Children are marching north. We will take control of all of the settlements, and baptize everyone! The baptism will change us and bring us closer to God, so we can have peace and unity, and there will never be war or destruction again! }
{230}{}{And where is the baptismal font? }
{231}{}{That sounds like he's going to dump everybody in the FEV-2 Virus! }
{232}{}{What a wonderful day that's going to be! }
{233}{}{Well I've heard all I need to know. }
{234}{}{Then I better get in some destruction while I still have a chance. Die skag! }
{235}{}{Praise the Master! Peace be with you! Enjoy your stay at the Cathedral. }
{236}{}{This is a sanctuary, where those who wish to build a peaceful future can go, in order to realize their vision. }
{237}{}{And what right do you have to impose your future on everyone? }
{238}{}{But people have to leave sanctuaries and go out into the wide world. Otherwise, a sanctuary becomes a prison. }
{239}{}{Nobody wants peace. Everyone's out for numero uno, pal. Wake up! }
{240}{}{Sounds good. Who do I see to sign up? }
{241}{}{Peace? Sanctuary? You're making me ill, zombie-boy! }
{242}{}{I'm glad to hear you express an interest in peace. Talk with Father Morpheus and Brother Lasher. They can instruct you further. }
{243}{}{I'm afraid I can't help you. Only Father Morpheus communes with the Master. You can find him in the tower. }
{244}{}{Is there anything I should know before I meet him? }
{245}{}{Thanks. Be seeing you. }
{246}{}{Father Morpheus. That's a real peaceful sounding name. Who's his assistant, Brother Murder? Brother Death? Sister Kill maybe? }
{247}{}{I am more than willing to be reborn for my cause. Kill me if you must, but I will be redeemed and you will die. }
{248}{}{Kid, one way or another, you're spilling your guts right now! }
{249}{}{I'd be happy if you just shut up. You zombies are giving me a headache. }
{250}{}{You got guts, kid. I admire that. Maybe I won't kill you. }
{251}{}{I don't give a rat's ass about your soul, kid, but I'll be damned if I turn down the invitation. One martyr, coming up! }
{252}{}{Well... Uh.. Peace be with you.. I think... Farewell.. }
{253}{}{Look around you? Do you not hear the messages? How can you doubt the Master's sincerity? }
{254}{}{Nobody wants peace. Everyone's out for numero uno, pal. Wake up! }
{255}{}{It's easy to talk about peace, but what's the Master really doing? }
{256}{}{Forgive me, brother. The world is such a terrible place, and I worry about losing our freedom.. }
{257}{}{It's easy to talk about peace, but I hear terrible rumors of mutant armies.. }
{258}{}{Maybe you're right. Who do I see to sign up? }
{259}{}{Sincerity only comes out of the barrel of a gun! }
{260}{}{He is Keeper of the Holy Flame, one who strives to wipe away all divisions, all hatreds. He wields both sword and plowshare, but would rather build than destroy. Hail the Master! Hail Unity! }
{261}{}{I hear that our Crusade goes well. We are marching north, and as the Master promised, the forces of the Dark Age are no match for an army of the Enlightened. These are glorious times! Lift up your head, friend, and shout with praise! }
{262}{}{And what happens to those we defeat? Can we dispel a Dark Age with blood? With tyranny? }
{263}{}{Man, I wanna just start dancing! }
{264}{}{Well I've heard all I need to know. }
{265}{}{No thanks. I've got a sore throat. I'd rather celebrate in my own way - by killing you! }
{266}{}{I did not mean to insult you, nor to interfere in your duties. Please accept my apologies. May the Master bless you for your service. }
{267}{}{My apologies. Praise the Master, and have a nice day. }
{268}{}{Yours is a sad soul, my friend. I can only guess what horrors you've seen that makes you close your mind. Open it now, and find peace. Watch the screens, listen to Father Morpheus, and praise the Master. }
{269}{}{I know nothing, my friend, nothing! You shall have to find someone else to answer your inquiry. But it is not wise to ask about the Nightkin. }
{270}{}{Sure. No problem. }
{271}{}{Why's that? }
{272}{}{I only have one question about them. Do they scream real loud when you kill them? }
{273}{}{You know nothing? You must be stupid? }
{274}{}{Nightkin! Nightkin! Kill! }
{275}{}{This has been a wonderful talk, but I am falling behind in my praises. Farewell. Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame! Let us sing the sacred songs.. }
{276}{}{If you do not like it here, you can leave. Praise the Master, and have a nice day. }
{277}{}{I pity the Wastes, if that is a sample of the warped humor it breeds. I would not share it with the others. }
{278}{}{Anyone in particular I should avoid? }
{279}{}{This place must be no fun at all! }
{280}{}{Okay, I'll cut the jokes. }
{281}{}{Have you heard the one about the nuke jockey and the traveling salesman? }
{282}{}{Are you sure I can't show you what I do for laughs.. }
{283}{}{Not that I can think of. Farewell, friend. }
{284}{}{I do not believe that I can help you, my friend. Farewell, and have a nice day. Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame.. }
{285}{}{I can't help you with that, I'm afraid. Well, I must meditate on the glories of the Master. Please excuse me. Hail the Master! Praise the Holy Flame! }
{286}{}{Everyone here is filled with love! But it's hard for some people to express their love, and the Nightkin find it extremely hard to express it. But you shall discover this on your own. Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame! }
{287}{}{We must submit to the Master and the Holy Flame. When we have proven ourselves, we shall become baptized and closer to God. When all have been baptized, we shall be as one, a Unity under the Master! }
{288}{}{Tell me more about this baptism. }
{289}{}{What happens if someone doesn't want to be baptized? }
{290}{}{Sounds interesting. Mind if I look around a little more? }
{291}{}{I think you're all a bunch of zombies. }
{292}{}{There's only one Unity for mankind, and that's when we become wormfood. }
{293}{}{We have a right to survive. The ancients tried to survive and keep their freedom, and look at what they did to us! We must not make the same mistakes. Unity is the only solution. It's the only way to save what humanity has become! }
{294}{}{What do you mean what humanity has become? We're still perfectly human. }
{295}{}{Perhaps the mistake our ancestors made wasn't lack of unity. Maybe they couldn't leave other people alone. }
{296}{}{I ain't no philosopher, but I know when something's right and something's wrong, and this is wrong. }
{297}{}{Maybe you're right. }
{298}{}{Humanity ain't worth saving, and neither are you. Die, you little zombie! }
{299}{}{The Master has said that it was lack of Unity, so it must have been. Seek his high priest! Father Morpheus will correct the lies you have been told. }
{300}{}{We're not zombies! When I was a member of the Fighting Flesh street gang, I was a psychotic fool who did anything that the higher-ups told me to do! Praise to the Master that I am no longer so blind! Oh, praise the Master! Let's praise him together, shall we? }
{301}{}{I could praise him better if I knew what he was doing. }
{302}{}{Praise the Master! }
{303}{}{You praise the Master, I'm outta here. }
{304}{}{How about praising him together over some holy wine. I need a drink! }
{305}{}{I've got an even better idea. I'll praise him over your dead zombie corpse. Time to die! }
{306}{}{Isn't it wonderful that the Master would unite humans and mutants? He transcends hatred and prejudice. Can't you see, this proves that he wants what's best for everyone! }
{307}{}{I suppose the armies are sharing love and brotherhood everywhere they go.. }
{308}{}{I guess he's not doing it because mutants are more effective killers. }
{309}{}{Praise the Master! }
{310}{}{I need more proof. }
{311}{}{How about praising him together over some holy wine. I need a drink! }
{312}{}{I see it now. I'll follow the Master's example! I know what's best for you, therefore, I must kill you now! Makes perfect sense.. }
{313}{}{Open your heart. Open your mind. Listen to what people are saying, and you will find enlightenment. }
{314}{}{Perhaps there's someone who can explain things more directly. Is the Master available.. }
{315}{}{What I'm seeing are a bunch of zombies! }
{316}{}{Those ain't reasons, Those are propaganda! }
{317}{}{I think I'll just walk around and see for myself. }
{318}{}{I'd rather open a bottle of wine. Where is the booze around here? }
{319}{}{You zombies make me sick! I want to kill each and every one of you! }
{320}{}{How sad. I will pray for you. }
{321}{}{Unfortunately, I have never been privileged enough to see the baptismal font. Perhaps if I offer enough praise to the Master, I will receive a blessing. Hail the Master! Hail the Holy Flame! Hail Peace and Unity! }
{322}{}{Of course he won't. He's the Master. He would never do that to his disciples. It is his holy power through baptism, and the Holy Flame, that will transform us. The virus is an evil of the old time, which I'm sure will be cleansed. }
{323}{}{We have no desire to bring you distress. If we cannot comfort you, please find another place where you can deal with your torment. This is a place of peace. }
{324}{}{I'm outta here! }
{325}{}{I told you to shut up. Why can't you listen? }
{326}{}{I guess the only way to get peace and quiet is to kill you all! Die!! }
{327}{}{You will have to find the answer to that question yourself. Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame! }
{328}{}{The baptism will change us all, and bring our physical forms closer to God's own image. When we have all become God, all our differences will disappear, so we can have peace and unity at last, and there will never be war or destruction again! }
{329}{}{And where is the baptismal font? }
{330}{}{That sounds like he's going to dump everybody in the FEV-2 Virus! }
{331}{}{What a wonderful day that's going to be! }
{332}{}{Well I've heard all I need to know. }
{333}{}{Then I better get in some destruction while I still have a chance. Die asshole! }
{334}{}{Once people understand the Master and what he stands for, everyone will want to be baptized. The only people who would not wish to be baptized are the insane, and they should be put out of their misery for their own safety, poor wretched things. }
{335}{}{Aren't you surprised by the number of insane people you've encountered already? }
{336}{}{You're nuts! }
{337}{}{I think I'd better look around a little more. }
{338}{}{Yeah. Poor wretched things. Let's break out the holy wine and drink to them! }
{339}{}{Hey, if you need anyone put out of their misery - or yours - I'm available! }
{340}{}{Friend, if you look for the truth with an open mind, you will find us waiting for you. Praise the Master! I wish you well on your quest for enlightenment. }
{341}{}{We must become closer to God, mutant and human alike. I'm not sure what the Master means with this particular part of the message, but it must be true. Praise the Master, he is so wise! }
{342}{}{But if he were truly wise, would his message have any ambiguity? }
{343}{}{You're nuts! }
{344}{}{I think I'd better look around a little more. }
{345}{}{Yeah. I've got a great idea! Let's break out the holy wine and drink a toast to the master's wisdom! }
{346}{}{All the wisdom in the world won't help against a .56 caliber slug between the eyes. }
{347}{}{We're forging a world that's better for everyone. That's all. I'm sorry if you don't understand yet. I pray that someone wiser than I can change your mind. Farewell, my friend. Praise the Master! Praise Peace and Unity! }
{348}{}{The world holds many surprises, my friend, some pleasant, some unpleasant. Farewell, my friend, and praise the Master! }
{349}{}{[done] }
