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Fallout Wiki

A Triggerman is a hostile mafia-like gangster inhabiting the Commonwealth in 2287.


The Triggermen are gangsters who base themselves around Boston's pre-War mafia families and their traditions. This appears to be due to the influence of their ghoul members, who claim to have been members of such organizations.[1] They can often be seen in the company of raiders and other such unscrupulous characters, running enterprises such as the robot racetrack at Easy City Downs.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.




  • Despite their lack of armor, Triggermen have an innate Damage Resistance bonus to allow them to be competitive in combat (roughly equal to a full set of leather armor at level 7, full metal armor at level 13, etc). Higher-level Triggermen with more Hit Points and greater Damage Resistance will spawn at higher player character levels. Because of their Damage Resistance, Triggermen are generally tougher than raiders of similar level. However, Triggermen lack any sort of Energy Resistance, making them particularly vulnerable to energy weapons.
  • All generic Triggermen are male.
  • Within the Creation Kit, all Triggermen can be seen to have a minimum level of 1 and a maximum of 25. However, each Triggerman NPC also has a set level, which overrules this scaling and makes their levels fixed. Furthermore, some Triggermen have set levels beyond 25.


Triggermen appear only in Fallout 4.


  1. Triggerman: "So, I got a question. Why the hell would anyone build a Vault out of a subway station? This place is like... the opposite of air-tight."
    Triggerman: "Because they weren't planning to use it, you moron. We used to pull this kind of con all the time back before the war. Get a bunch of union boys to work some construction job that would go nowhere. Keep everyone on payroll."
    (Triggerman's dialogue) Note: The former is a human, the latter is a ghoul.