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Nice work with the Nightkin. I've never seen anyone able to talk their kind out of anything once they had their mind set to it.— Doctor Henry

Doctor Henry is a physician and former Enclave scientist living in the NCR in 2241, then in Jacobstown in 2281.


Described as difficult to figure out but passionate about his research, Doctor Henry previously worked with the Enclave on canine cyber-genetics.[1][2] His specialization was in both human and canine neuroscience.[3] He also worked on the development of a mutagenic serum, aiming to cure super mutants as an alternative to the Enclave's initiative to kill the afflicted.[4][5]

Because of his more ethical leanings, Henry and the Enclave leadership clashed over the direction of his research frequently, ultimately enough that Henry made the decision to leave the organization.[6] When discussing it with the Courier, Henry muses that leaving proved to be the right decision that ended up saving his life as the Enclave oil rig was destroyed shortly after his departure.[6][4]

After leaving the Enclave, Doctor Henry integrated into the New California Republic, setting up a clinic in the heart of the budding nation. Although some remnants of the Enclave refuse to speak about their past involvement with the group, not the least reason of which is avoiding outing themselves to NCR reprisal, one of the citizens that Henry treated in his time there reveals that they have heard about the Enclave from Henry, who spoke about it at length while drunk.[7] His research gained the attention of Merk, the local crime lord, who sought assistance in stealing Henry's blueprints for building cybernetic canine guard units that he could control.[8] As payment for assisting him with serum field work, Henry gives the Chosen One a cyberdog known as a Cyber-Hound Mk. II.[9]

When he eventually moved on from the NCR, Doctor Henry spent time traveling with caravans, where he met Old Lady Gibson (back when she was only Gibson). They got along well together, very well after a drink or two in fact.[10] He subsequently relocated to the Mojave Wasteland, joining other Enclave remnants fleeing death at the hands of the NCR and Brotherhood of Steel.[11][12]

After learning about the super mutant enclave at Jacobstown, Henry saw an opportunity to resume doing what he loved, and with Marcus' blessing, established his lab in the lodge where he researches the mental effects of prolonged Stealth Boy usage by the nightkin, though he himself admits that the lab there is not as impressive as the facilities he had access to while in the Enclave.[3][13] The primary objective of his research is to cure the nightkin of their schizophrenia, but he still retains his knowledge and skill in performing brain transplants for cyberdogs despite not having worked in the field in years.[3][14][15]

Interactions with the player character[]

Fallout 2[]

Interactions overview

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
33 Protector
This character is allied with the following faction(s).


Fallout: New Vegas[]

Interactions overview

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 vaultboy firstaid
This character is a doctor.



Fallout 2[]

Apparel Weapon Other items
Doctor outfit Knife

Fallout: New Vegas[]


  • The Chosen One cannot be healed by Henry in his NCR town clinic, but the Courier can be healed by him in Jacobstown.
  • His part of the Enclave bunker password is "friends."[16]
  • If he agrees to meet up with the other Enclave remnants, he will mention his plans to hand over his lab to Calamity. He will say this regardless of whether Calamity is alive or dead.[16]
  • He will not turn hostile if attacked.

Notable quotes[]


Dr. Henry appears in Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

  • According to the Fallout Bible, at some point after the destruction of Control Station ENCLAVE, Henry attempted to destroy a cyberdog named K-9 who was in Dorothy's care, fearing that too much information about the Enclave could be obtained from it.[Non-game 1]
  • The Fallout Bible also mentions that his theories on correcting mutations in the wasteland were not popular with other Enclave scientists, such as Dr. Schreber.[Non-game 2]
  • Henry is part of a three part reference (shared with Doc Holliday and Painless Doc Johnson) to John Henry "Doc" Holliday, who was a dentist, gambler, and gunfighter of the American Old West.


  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, he will not perform medical services for the player character.[verified]
  • PCPC Sometimes, he may just say "Keep your head down - there could be snipers around." This makes any communication with him impossible. There is no known fix for this bug; however, it may work to disable, enable, kill, and resurrect him using console commands.[verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Starting Nothin' But a Hound Dog after completing For Auld Lang Syne instead of before will cause him to reappear in Jacobstown.[verified] This will also result in there being two Henry(s) in the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, one with wasteland doctor fatigues, and one with an Enclave scientist outfit.[verified]



  1. Doctor Henry: "The Chosen One? Of course, that makes sense. Interesting... I'm afraid I can't help you. I was assigned to cyber-genetics research, not the Vault Behavioral Project."
    The Chosen One: "Vault Behavioral project?"
    Doctor Henry: "Something about extreme sociological conditioning. Mind you, I thought it was all so much mumbo-jumbo, no real science in it at all. But I did hear something about 13 having to be improvised during the course of the experiment. Sloppy work, I'd say."
    (Doctor Henry's dialogue)
  2. Arcade Gannon: "Doc Henry always was a hard one to figure out. It didn't seem to matter whether he was working with humans or dogs. He had an equal lack of affection for both. A regular Diogenes. I'm not sure what the man was after. 'Knowledge is power,' but to what end for Henry, I have no idea. The problem was what mattered to him, not its practical impact. He simply solved riddles because they existed."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Courier: "You're a scientist?"
    Doctor Henry: "Yes. Specializing in neuroscience, both human and canine. Of course, this lab is nothing compared to what I had when I was with the Enclave."
    The Courier: "Canine neuroscience?"
    Doctor Henry: "Cyber-dogs and the like. It's not a field I work in much anymore."
    (Dr. Henry's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Chosen One: "What's this about cyber-genetics?"
    Dr. Henry: "Oh, it's a whole new field - very exciting. Why I'm working on some projects right now - a radical new concept for the mutant problem. You see, it's really quite simple - mutancy isn't absolute. It can be cured. I've prepared a small sample of the serum but it needs to be injected into a host. Of course, my simple-minded colleagues were just trying to solve the whole problem the crudest way possible. Purification, indeed. I'll admit there were some early problems, but I've got them worked out now...I think. In fact, you could help me perform the field testing. Interested?"
    (Dr. Henry's dialogue)
  5. The Chosen One: "I'm not letting you stick any needles in me!"
    Dr. Henry: "You? Oh, no - the serum's not refined enough to handle such a low mutagenic quotient. It must be used on a super-mutant. Inject the serum into a super-mutant and then come back and report the results. I understand Broken Hills is full of them."
    (Dr. Henry's dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Courier: "You were with the Enclave?"
    Dr. Henry: "Yes, but the leadership and I didn't see eye to eye, so I left. It was the right decision, since the Enclave's oil rig was destroyed not long after."
    (Dr. Henry's dialogue)
  7. The Chosen One: "{128}{}{Know anything about an outfit called the Enclave?}"
    Slave overseer: "{141}{}{The Enclave.... You know, there's a doc in town, goes by the name of Henry. One night when he was drunk he started going on about some guys he called the Enclave.}"
    (Slave overseer's dialogue)
  8. Doctor's papers: "A set of very detailed plans for a Cybernetic Canine Guard Unit. With this and the right facilities, a person just might be able to build a robo-dog."
  9. The Chosen One: "What's in it for me?"
    Dr. Henry: "You'll be participating in an important experiment, in fact, the most important, scientific-oh, you mean money. Well, I do have a Cyber-Hound Mk. II, Personal Security Model, that I brought with me. I suppose I could have it activated and on-line by the time you got back. Would that do?"
    (Dr. Henry's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "Doctor Henry sent me. I need a new brain for my cyber-dog."
    Old Lady Gibson: "Doctor Henry? Now there's a name I haven't heard in years. Hard to believe he's still alive. As for your request, it's, uh, a bit ghoulish if you ask me, but Rey is pretty old and I'll probably have to put him down soon enough. As for the price for this favor, 700 caps sounds about right. Rey's like family, and I've got other dogs to take care of."
    The Courier: "How did you meet Doctor Henry?"
    Old Lady Gibson: "He and I had joined up with the same caravan. Add in a lot of whiskey, and, well, let's just say we got to know each other."
    (Old Lady Gibson's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "Where did the Enclave go?"
    Arcade Gannon: "A lot of different places. I only know what I was told. Some of them were cut down by the NCR and the Brotherhood. Some of them went east. My mother never told me what happened to my father, but she and I went south with some others and integrated into the NCR. When the NCR learned that Enclave personnel had integrated, we kept moving to the fringes. It's one of the reasons why I wound up out here."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "What happened to Navarro?"
    Arcade Gannon: "After the Enclave's command structure fell apart, it was only a matter of time before Navarro was overrun by NCR forces. My mother and I left with some of the troopers from my father's old unit, the same people I've kept in contact with over the years. Anyone who didn't get out was killed by the NCR. Even some of the ones who escaped were eventually hunted down by the Brotherhood of Steel."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "What are you working on?"
    Dr. Henry: "The Nightkin have varying degrees of mental instability due their addiction to Stealth Boy use. I've been trying to come up with a cure. I'm currently investigating the local Nightstalker population since they seem to have developed a natural stealth field. I've also gotten my hands on a working Stealth Boy Mark II prototype, but that experiment is riskier. I'd rather not pursue that research just yet."
    (Dr. Henry's dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "I got a brain from Lupa, the mother of many Legion Mongrels."
    Dr. Henry: "Let's take a look... exceptional synapse responses... descended from some type of cattle dog, I imagine. If you want me to transplant this brain into Rex, he'll become more durable."
    (Dr. Henry's dialogue)
  15. Fallout: New Vegas endings, Slide 16: Jacobstown: "Thanks to the Courier and Lily, a cure for the nightkin's schizophrenia was found shortly after Doctor Henry's experiment concluded."
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Courier: "Arcade Gannon has asked me to gather all the former members of the Enclave in the Mojave."
    Dr. Henry: "I'm intrigued, so I'll go to this reunion. I'll be handing things over to Calamity, so talk to her if anything comes up. Oh, you'll need my word from the pass phrase to get into the bunker - 'friends.' Don't forget it."
    (Dr. Henry's dialogue)


  1. Fallout Bible, K-9 (from Navarro): "After getting his motivator repaired, K-9 was left in NCR by the Chosen One so that he could receive necessary repairs from Dorothy and, not long after his recovery, Dr. Henry (who had been placed in critical condition after being reportedly assaulted by the Chosen One some time earlier). Dr. Henry, afraid that too much information about the Enclave would be obtained from K-9, attempted to destroy the cyborg, but was stopped by cyberdog and Dorothy, who suspected what Dr. Henry was planning. The NCR government used the attack as an excuse to confiscate K-9 and cyberdog in order to learn more information about the Enclave as well as what makes the two of them "tick." At last report (and over Dorothy's objections), K-9 and cyberdog were disassembled and analyzed. Structural damage during the disassembling is reported to have killed them both."
  2. Fallout Bible 6: "4. In NCR there is a doctor (I don't remember his name) that works on an antidote for mutants. Unfortunately the antidote is lethal. I'm curious who is that guy because, according to the dialog, he seems to come from Enclave... or maybe he was just working there?"
    "Dr. Henry used to work with the Enclave cyber-genetic research program at the Poseidon oil rig and at various other Enclave installations. In NCR, Dr. Henry claims he left because he felt his "work wasn't being appreciated," which is true: his theories on correcting the mutation in the Wasteland population were not popular with the rest of the Enclave scientists, most notably one of his colleagues, Dr. Schreber, who he worked with jointly on many genetic research projects in the past. Dr. Henry was arguing with Schreber at the Navarro base about the mutation problem for the five billionth time when Schreber, in a fit of anger, told Henry he was going to recommend that Henry be transferred to another Enclave facility where he would be put to work on cybernetic maintenance (the equivalent of cybernetic janitorial duty). Henry took the threat very seriously, and within hours, Dr. Henry stole a cybernetic dog (cyberdog) and slipped away from the Navarro facility, heading east and eventually making his way to NCR. The Enclave, while not pleased with his attitude and the directions of his research, were not happy with his escape (they need all the scientists they can get), and several soldiers were punished for negligence. Schreber never confessed to his role in Henry's disappearance, and simply claimed that Dr. Henry had been acting suspicious for some time, and was displaying 'sympathies for the mainland mutants.'"
Enclave Symbol (FO3)