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This is a transcript for dialogue with Henry.


DoctorHenryToCalamity01 DoctorHenryToCalamity01 Neutral 50 How are those readings looking, Calamity? 1
DoctorHenryToLily01 DoctorHenryToLily01 Neutral 50 All right, power on the Stealth Boy, Lily. 2
DoctorHenryToLily02 DoctorHenryToLily02 Neutral 50 Interesting. Try thinking aggressive thoughts now. Think about smashing a Radscorpion. 3
DoctorHenryToLily03 DoctorHenryToLily03 Neutral 50 All right, we're done here. Go ahead and power the Stealth Boy down, Lily. 4
DoctorHenryToLily04 DoctorHenryToLily04 Neutral 50 I'll get back to you on that in a moment. Once I've analyzed the results - uh, oh. 5
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 We don't have time to talk, let's get this fight going. {Doc Henry at the battle of Hoover Dam} 6
GREETING Neutral 50 {experiment in progress} Please don't interrupt me right now. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 Keene has never liked me. If anyone can talk him into backing down, it'll have to be you. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 Marcus isn't going to be happy about the deaths, but I guess they were unavoidable. At least I got a lot of useful data from the experiment. 9
Neutral 50 This brief test might not yield a cure any time soon. If the prototype was constantly in use on a living subject, however... 10
Neutral 50 Perhaps Lily might be willing to wear the prototype for a longer duration. The data would be invaluable. 11
GREETING Neutral 50 I think those Nightkin are going cause a lot of trouble, but I guess giving them the specs was better than killing them. 12
Neutral 50 I did get a lot of useful data from the experiment, and I'm much closer to a cure than I was before. 13
Neutral 50 It's occurred to me that this brief test might not yield a cure any time soon. However, if Lily were to continue to wear the prototype... 14
GREETING Neutral 50 Nice work with the Nightkin. I've never seen anyone able to talk their kind out of anything once they had their mind set to it. 15
Neutral 50 I got a lot of useful data from the experiment and am a lot closer to a cure than before. 16
Neutral 50 It's occurred to me that this brief test might not yield a cure any time soon. However, if Lily were to continue to wear the prototype... 17
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you come to a decision on Lily? I'll need to know before I can do anything else. 18
GREETING Neutral 50 {at Bunker - no plan} We're all here. Talk to Kreger about what you've got in mind. 19
GREETING Neutral 50 {At Bunker, Moreno dead} If I had any idea Moreno was capable of doing something that, I'd have warned you. I'm sorry it played out like this. 20
GREETING Neutral 50 {At Bunker, helping NCR} The NCR's got its share of warts, but I'd rather have them around than the Legion. 21
GREETING Neutral 50 {At Bunker, helping Legion} I'm not sure if helping the Legion is the right idea. But, I'm going along with it. 22
GREETING Neutral 50 {At Hoover Dam battle} Keep your head down - could be snipers around. 23
GREETING Anger 5 I assume this is about something important? You're interrupting my research. 24
GREETING Neutral 50 The equipment is hooked up and ready. We can start the test as soon as you give me the go ahead. 25
GREETING Anger 25 {somewhat irritated and impatient} Again you interrupt me. Why? 26
GREETING Happy 5 Is there something else I can do for you? 27
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic000 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Yes, yes. 28
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic001 Something's wrong with my cyber-dog. I was told to come to you. Neutral 50 It's neural degradation. Bio med gel can only preserve a living brain for so long, so you'll need to find a replacement. 29
Neutral 50 I haven't left Jacobstown in years, but there was one woman in Novac... Gibson? I remember her living with a pack of hounds. 30
Neutral 50 Aside from her, I know that the Fiends and Caesar's Legion fight alongside dogs. There could be viable specimens among them, if you can get to them. 31
Something's wrong with my cyber-dog. I was told to come to you. Neutral 50 {Rex not inside Lodge} I don't see him with you. Bring him to me and I'll take a look. Otherwise, I'll just be guessing. 32
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic002 How goes your research for the Nightkin cure? Neutral 50 Promising, but I won't be able to synthesize the drug anytime soon. I really should get back to my work. 33
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic003 Arcade Gannon has asked me to gather all the former members of the Enclave in the Mojave. Neutral 50 {work not yet complete} You must have something important in mind. I'm willing to go to this little reunion, but my work here isn't complete. 34
Neutral 50 Help me get my research to a stage where I can hand it over to my assistant, Calamity, and then ask me about this again. 35
Arcade Gannon has asked me to gather all the former members of the Enclave in the Mojave. Neutral 50 {VMS41 complete} I'm intrigued, so I'll go to this reunion. I'll be handing things over to Calamity, so talk to her if anything comes up. 36
Neutral 50 Oh, you'll need my word from the pass phrase to get into the bunker - "friends." Don't forget it. 37
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic009 This brain is from Rey, one of Old Lady Gibson's dogs. Neutral 50 All right, let's see here... neural pathways look good... definitely a breed of guard dog. 38
Neutral 50 If I transplant this brain into Rex, he'll be a bit more ferocious in his attacks. 39
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic012 Does Stealth Boy use hurt humans? Neutral 50 It's possible, but I've yet to see any hard evidence or hear of any cases where humans were negatively affected. 40
Neutral 50 Its negative effects are more pronounced on Nightkin. 41
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic013 Why are you helping the Nightkin? Neutral 50 Because Marcus asked me to and because it's a reason for me to get up in the morning. I'd like to get one more grand accomplishment done. 42
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic014 I'd like to help. What do you need me to do? Neutral 50 I'm not convinced that the Nightstalker mutation is a natural one, and I need someone to investigate their lair for proof. 43
Neutral 50 Some of the Super Mutants have looked around as well, but they've come back empty-handed. Perhaps a pair of fresh eyes will have better luck. 44
Neutral 50 Lily might be interested in coming with you - she's lost a few of her Bighorners to Nightstalker attacks and would enjoy a little revenge. 45
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic015 Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 If we must. 46
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic016 I have a new brain for Rex. Neutral 50 Very well, show me what you've brought so that I can analyze its potential. 47
I have a new brain for Rex. Neutral 50 And your cyber-dog is... where, exactly? I can't perform the operation without him, hopefully for obvious reasons. 48
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic019 Transplant Rey's brain into Rex. Neutral 50 Have a seat. This will take awhile. 49
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic020 I got a brain from Lupa, the mother of many Legion Mongrels. Neutral 50 Let's take a look... exceptional synapse responses... descended from some type of cattle dog, I imagine. 50
Neutral 50 If you want me to transplant this brain into Rex, he'll become more durable. 51
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic021 Transplant Lupa's brain into Rex. Neutral 50 Have a seat. This will take awhile. 52
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic022 Hold off on the transplant. Neutral 50 All right. {shrugging} Your call. 53
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic024 I took down a Fiend dog named Violetta. Neutral 50 Big brain on this one. All right, let's see... damn, heavy amounts of the chemicals used in the drug Turbo are present. 54
Neutral 50 Transplanting this brain will make Rex faster than he was before. 55
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic025 Transplant Violetta's brain into Rex. Neutral 50 Have a seat. This will take awhile. 56
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic026 What makes you think that the Nightstalker mutation isn't natural? Neutral 50 I've compared the brain chemistry of a Nightkin to one of the local Nightstalkers we killed. They both exhibit similar neurochemical changes. 57
Neutral 50 Now, I'm not claiming that Nightstalkers are running around wearing Stealth Boys, mind you. I just don't think it's all a coincidence. 58
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic028 Go ahead and start the tests. Neutral 50 Very well. Please stand back - I don't want any erroneous readings. You're welcome to stay and observe if you want, though. 59
Go ahead and start the tests. Neutral 50 Wait, Lily's not in position yet. Talk to me again once she's settled in. 60
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic029 Don't start just yet. I'll be back. Neutral 50 {impatient} Oh, all right. 61
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic031 I found a chewed up Stealth Boy in the Nightstalker lair. Neutral 50 Hmmm... there's still power, but the casing is cracked. I'm astonished that exposure to the stealth radiation could induce mutations so rapidly. 62
Neutral 50 More importantly, this explains why my research into this group of Nightstalkers hasn't come up with a cure for the Nightkin. 63
Neutral 50 There's only one avenue left for me - I need to run the Mark II test on Lily. It's the only way. 64
I found a chewed up Stealth Boy in the Nightstalker lair. Neutral 50 {Lily dead} Hmmm... there's still power, but the casing is cracked. I'm astonished that exposure to the stealth radiation could induce mutations so rapidly. 65
Neutral 50 More importantly, this explains why my research into this group of Nightstalkers hasn't come up with a cure for the Nightkin. 66
Sad 5 I did have a test in mind using Lily, but since she's dead, that's no longer a possibility. Regrettable. Anyway, you've done all you can. 67
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic032 Why Lily and not some other Nightkin? Neutral 50 Lily is eccentric, certainly, but I've never felt she was dangerous. More importantly, she asked if she could help me in some way. 68
Neutral 50 I've told her about the risks, and she still insists on helping me. 69
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic033 I'll talk to Lily, then. Neutral 50 I'll be waiting. 70
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic034 I'm surprised to find another human here. Neutral 50 I prefer the solitude, and having a bunch of Super Mutants around tends to keep things safe and quiet. 71
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic035 You're a scientist? Neutral 50 Yes. Specializing in neuroscience, both human and canine. Of course, this lab is nothing compared to what I had when I was with the Enclave. 72
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic036 Canine neuroscience? Neutral 50 Cyber-dogs and the like. It's not a field I work in much anymore. 73
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic037 You were with the Enclave? Neutral 50 Yes, but the leadership and I didn't see eye to eye, so I left. It was the right decision, since the Enclave's oil rig was destroyed not long after. 74
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic038 What are you working on? Neutral 50 The Nightkin have varying degrees of mental instability due their addiction to Stealth Boy use. I've been trying to come up with a cure. 75
Neutral 50 I'm currently investigating the local Nightstalker population since they seem to have developed a natural stealth field. 76
Neutral 50 I've also gotten my hands on a working Stealth Boy Mark II prototype, but that experiment is riskier. I'd rather not pursue that research just yet. 77
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic041 I could look for the source of the Nightstalker mutation for you. Neutral 50 Thank you. I strongly suspect that the source of the mutation is artificial, but the Super Mutants found nothing. Your fresh eyes may do better. 78
Neutral 50 Lily might be interested in coming with you - she's lost a few of her Bighorners to Nightstalker attacks and would enjoy a little revenge. 79
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic042 What are the risks of the experiment? Neutral 50 Possibly immediate and permanent mental damage. There's a reason the Stealth Boy Mark IIs never got beyond the prototype stage. 80
Neutral 50 Lily already has a pre-existing condition, and the experiment will likely make things worse for her. 81
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic043 Why is the Stealth Boy Mark II riskier? Neutral 50 The stealth field has been modulated to use less power and thus last longer, but for some reason it has pronounced negative effects on the user. 82
Neutral 50 However, these pronounced effects will allow me to pinpoint exactly what parts of the brain they're affecting. 83
Neutral 50 Unfortunately, I'll need to run the test on a live subject, and Marcus has encouraged me to investigate the Nightstalker mutation first. 84
VDialogueRemnantsVRemDoctorHenryTopic044 I need to think about this. Neutral 50 Once you're done thinking, talk to Lily. 85
VEndingRex VEndingRex Neutral 50 {narrating} He had survived police service in Colorado, the Great War, combat duty with the Legion, and being the companion of The King. 86
Neutral 50 {narrating} But, in the end, Rex finally succumbed to the horrors of the wasteland. 87
VEndingRex Neutral 50 {narrating} Having never received a replacement brain, Rex finally succumbed to old age, abruptly shutting down forever one quiet morning. 88
Neutral 50 {narrating} After two centuries of life and decades of service to humanity, Rex collapses and dies. 89
VEndingRex Neutral 50 {narrating} Revitalized by Violetta's brain, Rex eventually learned to balance the memories of his old life with Violetta's experiences among the brutal Fiends. 90
Neutral 50 {narrating} His mind had difficulty adjusting, but Rex eventually found peace with his new, more vicious self. 91
VEndingRex Neutral 50 {narrating} With the transplant of Lupa's brain, Rex gained all of the donor's experiences traveling with the Legion. 92
Neutral 50 {narrating} These melded well with his own memories of the Legion, and his new mind quickly adjusted to the myriad memories. 93
VEndingRex Neutral 50 {narrating} After Rey's brain was transplanted into Rex's cybernetic body, it took Rex some time to adjust to the old scrap yard dog's memories. 94
Neutral 50 {narrating} Eventually, Rex's mind settled peacefully, melding his own memories with that of long travels with Old Lady Gibson. 95
VMS41VRemDoctorHenryTopic000 The risk to Lily is too great. Don't keep running the test. Neutral 50 All right. I'll dismantle the prototype to avoid any further incidents with the Nightkin. 96
VMS41VRemDoctorHenryTopic001 I think Lily should continue to wear the Mark II prototype. Neutral 50 Very well. It will be worth it, I'm sure. 97
VMS41VRemDoctorHenryTopic002 What do you want to do? Neutral 50 I'm close to the cure, I can feel it. Lily's continued help will give me the last bit of data that I need. 98
VMS41VRemDoctorHenryTopic003 Let me think about this. Neutral 50 I understand. Get back to me with an answer as soon as you can. 99
VMS41VRemDoctorHenryTopic004 What will happen to Lily? Neutral 50 Permanent damage to her mind is a certainty. Even the cure won't help her. 100
< Science 90 >
Use neuro-peptide stimulators on a Nightstalker brain. Results should be similar to a live brain. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] That's... brilliant. Simple, yet elegant. I can't believe I didn't think of that. 101
You said Nightstalker brains were similar. What about just testing those? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Neuron decay is rapid after death, and I doubt a live Nightstalker would cooperate with my test. 102


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Yes, yes. 103