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If you need something repaired... let me know, I can sign the work order. As long as caps change hands, I can put them back in yours.

Major Knight is the New California Republic Army officer in charge of the Mojave Outpost administration, working at the headquarters building in Fallout: New Vegas.


As the main administrator of the outpost, Knight is in charge of processing travelers passing through the Mojave Outpost, marking the border between the Mojave and the NCR. In practice, this means logging the traffic,[1] maintaining the log book, and processing work orders for the outpost's repair crews. The mind-numbing tedium of asking the same questions in and out, coupled with the increasing number of caravans stuck at the outpost is slowly getting to him. He tries to keep out of Ranger Jackson's hair, however, as the commanding officer has enough on his plate without having to deal with the vagaries of the NCR's bureaucracy.[2] The situation got even worse with the recent string of events north of the outpost, as with the 93 shut down by the NCRCF prison break, caravans are stuck at the outpost and the garrison has no place to go on leave (Knight was a regular at the Vikki and Vance Casino, losing quite a bit of money there).[3]

He does not consider border guard duty an excellent posting, but is well aware that the alternative is being sent further east or patrolling the Colorado, both dangerous jobs putting soldiers in contact with the Legion.[4] The biggest issue is having to deal with orders issued in complete ignorance of the situation on the ground. In particular, he hates the fact that the outpost cannot dispatch soldiers to aid units operating in the area (such as Lt. Hayes' Primm detachment), because "a minimum headcount" must be maintained. If possible, he will try to find any rationale to convince command to give the outpost more flexibility and help out their comrades in arms.[5] He is also willing to arrange other favors, like a court pardon to make sure Primm has a sheriff owing the NCR a favor, if given the right rationale,[6] or the right amount of caps. Knight is willing to take bribes, though only if he can rationalize it for himself as advancing the NCR's mission.[7] Among his fellow soldiers, he is known for his insistence on proper procedure, or at least filling out all the requisite forms. Everyone hates bureaucracy, but Knight is stuck as the person responsible for fulfilling it.[8]

Knight is also frustrated by the fact that he feels forced to conceal his homosexuality while stationed at the Mojave Outpost. He feels that being open about his sexuality and forming relationships would complicate his position and make work difficult for him, due to the frontier seeming less forgiving of LGBT people. He wishes it was different, but accepts it, as the alternatives are worse (though he seems to think the Legion is more accepting of same-sex relationships, unaware they are punished by death). However, it does not mean he will not help fellow LGBT people: If they reveal themselves to him, he is perfectly willing to bend the rules and sign work orders to have their gear repaired at a fraction of the cost.[9]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
2d20 Jury Rigger
This character can repair items. Max Repair condition: 100


  • My Kind of Town: Major Knight can be convinced to send some much-needed aid to Primm. Alternatively, he can be convinced (with a Speech check of 30) to give Meyers a pardon so he can become Primm's new sheriff if chosen by the Courier.


  • Knight is in charge of processing the work orders at the outpost and makes it possible for visitors to have their gear repaired. This is abstracted as him having a Repair skill of 100, which permits full repair of any given item, at a significant cost in caps.
    • After flirting with him using the Confirmed Bachelor dialogue option, his Repair skill will be reduced to 25, apparently to reflect the completely free repair.
    • This free repair can only be taken advantage of once.
  • Knight retains caps spent by the Courier in his inventory, meaning they can potentially be pickpocketed back.

Other interactions[]

  • If the Courier's reputation with the NCR is at least "Accepted," they can claim they are an NCR soldier on their first meeting with Knight.
  • The Confirmed Bachelor perk will grant a male Courier unique dialogue options with Knight. If one makes advances on him, he begrudgingly denies them, despondently replying that he would, but the soldiers at the Mojave Outpost frown upon open same-sex relationships, or "friendships" as he calls it. He reassures the Courier, letting them know that he would be interested if he were in a different situation.[9]
  • When killed, the player will get a notification saying "Major Knight has died!" as if he were a companion.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
NCR trooper armor
9mm pistol
Combat knife
Caps* NCR dogtag
* He will have caps one has spent on repairs.

Notable quotes[]


Major Knight appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "Who are you?"
    Knight: "Me, I'm Knight - Major Knight. I've been stuck here dealing with these caravans for ages now, but somebody's gotta do it."
    (Knight's dialogue)
  2. Knight: "Caravan, citizen, pilgrim, or...?"
    The Courier: "What?"
    Knight: "Just need something for the log book, keeping tabs on traffic through the Outpost... although mostly just in, not out these days. If you're looking for the commanding officer, he's in the back. Although... he's got a lot on his plate, so if you speak with him... keep it short. Also, you need any gear checked, we can get you up and running again... once you fill out the work orders, and sign for the parts, of course."
    (Knight's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Primm has seen better days."
    Knight: "It has. It was a promising trade town - before the escape at the correctional facility. Lost a good bit of money at the Vikki and Vance."
    (Knight's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Can you tell me about the Outpost?"
    Knight: "NCR border guard duty mostly. It's our job to make sure the caravans can move safely along I-15 and Highway 95. Not the best posting or assignment, but it beats being sent East, or patrolling the Colorado. Legion's pretty thick there."
    (Knight's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "I'd like to talk to you about Primm."
    Knight: "Primm? Hayes' unit is stationed up there, were having problems with some of the NCRCF convicts. What can I help you with?"
    The Courier: "Hayes is undermanned and is requesting some additional support."
    Knight: "I'd like to help - but we can't spare any more units. We have to maintain a minimum headcount at the Outpost, orders from the West."
    The Courier: "Having Primm - and the trade route - under NCR control would help the West."
    Knight: "[SUCCEEDED] I see the wisdom in that. I'll radio for a unit to head up to Primm and offer some additional support."
    (Knight's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "One of the convicts from NCRCF is looking for a pardon so he can protect Primm."
    Knight: "One of the Powder Gangers? They've been nothing but trouble for us - why would we want one of them anywhere in an official capacity?"
    The Courier: "His sentence was almost up, and he isn't tied to the Powder Gangers."
    Knight: "[SUCCEEDED] Hmm. All right. If his sentence was closing up I can see about getting him pardoned. Primm is important to our trade up from California, so having someone there who owes us a favor... that couldn't hurt."
    (Knight's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Do you think I could 'buy' a pardon for 200 caps?"
    Knight: "Well, having a sheriff who was a convict is better than no sheriff at all... and if he has the qualifications... all right, hand it over."
    (Knight's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "Any work around here?"
    Kilborn: "Nothing I know of, but if you've come from the North, means you can travel freer than most around here. Might check the Barracks, someone might need you to hoof it somewhere. Just be careful if you go up on the roof - got a sniper watching the road. If you're gear's in need of repair, HQ's also worth checking out - talk to Major Knight, he can help. Provided you got a pen and plenty of ink."
    (Kilborn's dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Courier: "[Confirmed Bachelor] You didn't tell me your name."
    Knight: "Oh - Knight. You must not be from around here. If so... it doesn't do to get too friendly."
    The Courier: "What do you mean?"
    Knight: "This isn't the Republic. Oddly enough, Legion's a little more forgiving about... friendships. Out here, it's not as accepted. Not that I mind being friends, it's just being open about it in the Outpost... well, I have to work here."
    The Courier: "Didn't realize NCR was so spineless."
    Knight: "Now wait a minute - Republic's a sight better than... other alternatives. Women are serving here, after all. The rest... well, might take some time. And they're more accepting back West, like I said. In the meantime..."
    The Courier: "Forget it, then, you're a waste of time."
    Knight: "Wait... wait a minute. Look. Some things in the NCR are... aren't ideal. But I want to help. If you need something repaired... let me know, I can sign the work order. As long as caps change hands, I can put them back in yours."
    The Courier: "So is that a 'no,' you don't want to be friends, or..."
    Knight: "I... would, perhaps some other time. When my orders take me to Vegas, perhaps. Wish things were different, but might take some time. If you need something repaired... let me know, I can sign the work order. As long as caps change hands, I can put them back in yours."
    (Knight's dialogue)