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Howdy. Name's Bob, but folks around here call me Klamath Bob. What can I do you for?

Klamath Bob is a shopkeeper living in Westside in 2281.


Hailing from Klamath hundreds of miles away, Bob's travels have eventually brought him to Westside, where he set up shop in the old, run-down liquor store, selling booze to people who need something to smooth out the rough edges of everyday existence. He is casual, easygoing, and about as far from formal as can be.[1] He is not all talk either: After he closes up shop for the night, he patrols Westside and helps keep the peace in the community and take out the odd Fiend who might try their luck with the militia.[2]

His kindness doesn't always succeed. Years back, when he was traveling through New California, he came across Mean Sonofabitch, an old mutant, held in captivity and tortured by a group of mutant haters near the Hub. He offered to buy his freedom, but they didn't want any of it, preferring to keep tormenting the poor mutant. He was later reunited with the mutant in Westside and is quite happy to speak for him.[3] Although the bid was in vain, Tabitha, a former nightkin commander, rescued the tongueless super mutant from jail. Now free, Mean journeyed to Westside in order to track down the man who tried to save him previously. Later, he befriended Bob and joined up as a guard for the Westside Militia alongside him.[4]

Back in 2241 a tribal from Arroyo visited Klamath, before Bob was born.[5]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Sells: clothing, chems, food


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Caravaneer outfit
Pre-War baseball cap
Service rifle Beer


Klamath Bob will reference several events from Fallout 2.

Notable quotes[]


Klamath Bob appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 When approached by the Courier, he may sometimes comment in a female voice. [verified]


  1. Klamath Bob: "Howdy. Name's Bob, but folks around here call me Klamath Bob. What can I do you for?"
    The Courier: "I take it you're from Klamath?"
    Klamath Bob: "Heh, yeah good old Klamath. Not a bad place if you like hunting, eating, and skinning geckos all day! Heh heh. It's a pretty dull place, but I hear there was a bit of excitement when this tribal from Arroyo came to town years back. All before my time, though."
    (Klamath Bob's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What do you do around here?"
    Klamath Bob: "I run the liquor store in Westside. With things this rough, some folks need a lot of booze just to step out the door in the morning. After I close up shop, I walk around and help keep the peace. Not that I'm good with a gun, mind you, but someone's got to do it, you know?"
    (Klamath Bob's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Do you know anything about that Super mutant walking around town?"
    Klamath Bob: "Oh, heh. Yeah, that's Mean Sonofabitch. I know the name sounds bad, but he likes it. He's one nasty old coot. Far as I can tell, he's one of them original Super Mutants, what came from the Boneyard. Wandered about after that "Master" fellow died. Eventually got caught somewhere around the Hub, back in NCR. Boy, they sure treated him mean down there. Cut him up so bad he can't talk no more. I tried to buy him, just so they'd stop hurting him, but they didn't want any of it."
    (Klamath Bob's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Do you know how he got away from the NCR?"
    Klamath Bob: "Turned out some of them "Night Kids" - whatever you call those sneaky Super Mutant types - got in and busted him out. I guess somebody named "Tabitha" led the bunch that freed him. Don't know much more than that."
    The Courier: "How did he end up here on the Westside?"
    Klamath Bob: "He just showed up here one day. Couldn't really talk, but he remembered me all right. Ever since then he's just been, well... hanging around, I guess. Does odd jobs for folks and smashes the bad guys when they come poking around."
    (Klamath Bob's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "I take it you're from Klamath?"
    Klamath Bob: "Heh, yeah good old Klamath. Not a bad place if you like hunting, eating, and skinning geckos all day! Heh heh. It's a pretty dull place, but I hear there was a bit of excitement when this tribal from Arroyo came to town years back. All before my time, though."
    (Klamath Bob's dialogue)