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This is a transcript for dialogue with Marcus.

{100}{}{You see a burly old mutant.}
{101}{}{You see Marcus the Mutant, sheriff of Broken Hills.}
{102}{}{You see a burly old mutant with a weary cast to his face. He still looks vigorous and tough.}

# node 1

{103}{mcs1a}{Well, what the hell. I haven’t seen one of those outfits for a long, long time. Takes me back.}
{104}{mcs1b}{What do you want, human?}
{105}{mcs1c}{Something else you wanted?}

{107}{}{Who are you?}
{108}{}{What’s the story with this place?}
{109}{}{Why aren’t you mutants attacking me?}
{110}{}{What’s the news?}
{111}{}{I have something I wanted to tell you.}
{112}{}{You wanna travel with me?}

{114}{mcs3}{Yeah, I’m a ugly mutant. I also run this place. You got a problem with that?}


{117}{mcs4}{You wanna fight me?}


{120}{mcs5}{Take your best shot, human.}

{122}{mcs6b}{Keep your nose clean and you won’t get into trouble.}


{124}{mcs7}{I’m Marcus. Helped build the place. Now I’m sheriff.}

{125}{}{You helped build this place? That must have been a long time ago…}
{126}{}{Bullshit. How could you have been around that long?}

{128}{mcs8}{Long story. Want it short or the whole thing?}

{129}{}{Give me the short version.}
{130}{}{Hell, I’m not too busy. Let’s hear it all.}
{131}{}{Neither. I have more questions.}
{132}{}{Neither. See ya.}

{133}{mcs9}{Right. Me and a human named Jacob built this place around that old bank about 60 years ago. Anyone’s welcome here, long as they keep the peace.}

{134}{}{Great. I have more questions.}
{135}{}{Fair enough. Bye.}

{136}{mcs10}{Right...After the Master and the vats were destroyed, I wandered a bit. No place to go. One day got attacked by this fool wearin’ power armor.}


{138}{mcs11}{That was Jacob, from the Brotherhood of Steel. He’d sworn some oath to destroy muties. We tussled for a while – probably a day or two. After a while, we just started laughing. What was the point?}

{139}{}{Then what?}

{140}{mcs12}{We became friends. Headed off together. Then other people started following us. Guess they figured if they weren’t safe with a mutie and a Steel Knight, safe just wasn’t going to happen. }

{141}{}{So you set up here. Why?}

{142}{mcs13}{Uranium mine. I knew there was one around from old maps. Now anybody’s welcome here – ��long as they act right. Others might not think much of us, but nobody’s more free than we are. There ya go.}

{143}{}{Wait… you were friends with a guy from the Brotherhood?}
{144}{}{What, you’re not killing humans anymore?}
{145}{}{Thanks. There I go. Bye.}

{146}{mcs14}{Oh, what sinkhole are you from? Muties and normals made peace a long time ago.}

{147}{}{I’m from a village founded by the original Vault Dweller.}
{148}{}{From a village to the north west.}
{149}{}{Oh. My mistake. Well, thanks. Bye.}

{150}{mcs15a}{What’s news… what’s news…}
{151}{mcs15b}{Well, gettin’ kind of worried about one of our caravan guys. Chad. He might be skimming. You up to checking him out for me?}

{152}{}{What’s in it for me?}
{153}{}{Sure. I’ll do it.}
{154}{}{I’m a little busy.}
{155}{}{You have anything else?}

{156}{mcs16}{My undying gratitude. Right?}

{157}{}{Good enough for me.}
{158}{}{No good. I want something.}
{159}{}{How ‘bout more questions while I think it over.}
{160}{}{Let me think about it. Bye.}

{161}{mcs17}{That ain’t good enough for you? Then get out.}


{163}{mcs18}{Got a little trouble with the mine. If you’re interested in helping fix it, go talk to Zaius, the mine foreman.}

{164}{}{Where can I find him?}
{165}{}{You got anything else?}
{166}{}{I have more questions.}
{167}{}{Maybe later. Bye.}

{168}{mcs19}{Usually at the mine. Sometimes the saloon.}

{169}{}{Got anything else?}
{170}{}{I have more questions.}

{172}{mcs20}{Somebody busted two lunatics out of the jail in the Bank. Find ‘em. Tell me and I’ll stuff ‘em back in.}

{173}{}{Got anything else?}
{174}{}{I have more questions.}

{176}{mcs21}{What exactly do you want? Okay. We’ve got some folks missing. No idea what’s happened. Find ‘em, get $500.}

{177}{}{I’ll do it for free.}
{178}{}{$500? Sounds good.}
{179}{}{I don’t have time.}
{180}{}{I have more questions.}

{182}{mcs22}{Great. Let me know when you’ve found something, right?}

{183}{}{Sure. I have more questions.}
{184}{}{Will do. Bye.}

{185}{mcs23}{Yeah? What?}

{186}{}{You wanted me to find those missing people. I’ve found some tunnels below the city. They might be there.}
{187}{}{I’ve found those missing people. They’re in tunnels beneath the city.}
{188}{}{Those two escaped convicts? They’re in cahoots with Jacob and Aileen. They’re hiding out around Jacob’s Drugstore.}
{189}{}{Jacob and Aileen asked me to break two people out of jail. I think they’ve got a plan how to do it.}
{190}{}{Jacob and Aileen want me to blow up the mine. Thought you might want to know.}
{191}{}{A scientist from NCR wants to try an experimental drug that’ll wipe out mutants. Be careful of what you eat and drink.}
{192}{}{Chad took $6000 from the rep in Gecko. The rep was complaining about the price… said it’d been going up.}
{193}{}{Chad kept about $1000 from the last uranium shipment for himself. He’s planning on bailing outta town.}
{194}{}{Nothing. Forget it.}

{195}{mcs24}{Tunnels under the city? Guess it’s not that surprising with the mines around. You’ll keep looking around for those folks, right? }


{197}{mcs25a}{They’re dead? Damn… I’ll tell the families myself. }
{198}{mcs25b}{Here’s your reward. $500. Thanks for your time.}
{199}{mcs25c}{Oh, hey, I know you said you’d do this for free, but take this as our thanks.}


{201}{mcs26}{Right. Me and my deputies will take it from here...And, thanks. I don’t forget things like this.}

{202}{}{No prob. Bye.}

{203}{mcs27}{What is it people got against mutants? We’ll be on the lookout. Thanks. The town owes you. And I never forget things like this.}

{204}{}{My pleasure. Bye.}

{205}{mcs28}{Keep your eye on him, will you? I want to catch him red-handed.}

{206}{}{No problem.}

{207}{mcs29}{Well, in that case, we’d better be sure to stop him. Want to come along?}

{209}{}{No, thanks.}

{210}{mcs30}{You want me to come along with you? Ah, what the hell, I’m too old to settle down. We goin’ now?}

{212}{}{No, not right now.}

{213}{mcs31}{Ah, there’s too much going on right now. When things calm down, then I just might.}

{214}{}{Sure. I got more questions.}

{216}{mcs32}{Damn right. Best friend I ever had.}

{217}{}{Yeah, right, you would’ve dipped him just like everyone else.}

{219}{mcs33}{Hell, yes, I would’ve. What a great mutant he would’ve been.}

{220}{}{I don’t think he’d be happy to hear you say that.}

{222}{mcs34}{(laughs) We had this argument all the time. (sigh) I miss that hard-head.}

{223}{}{What about the Master’s hatred for humans?}
{224}{}{I still think it’s a rotten fate.}

{226}{mcs35}{You’re talking a long time ago. The world’s moved on. You want to hear ancient history?}

{228}{}{Not right now. I’d like to ask some other questions, though.}
{229}{}{Not right now. I’ll talk to you later.}

{230}{mcs36}{Right. Well, never really HATED humans. We just had a better way. These new governments, they think they’ve got all the answers. Blah, blah. Been there, seen that, got the scars.}

{231}{}{So what was the better way?}

{232}{mcs37}{The Master wanted to elevate everyone to his level, so we wouldn’t fight each other anymore. He was convinced we wouldn’t do it by ourselves – couldn’t. We had to be forced to evolve.}

{233}{}{Do you agree?}

{234}{mcs38}{While Jacob was alive, I thought the Master was wrong. But it seems that while some men can heed the call and rise above it all, most just run away.}

{235}{}{So you think the Master was right?}

{236}{mcs38a}{Jacob heard the call and embraced it. So did the Vault Dweller. But no matter how many rise above, the masses will always destroy them, right?}


{238}{mcs39}{The Master just wanted everyone to see clearly. The Vault Dweller ended that dream.}

{239}{}{Sounds like you admired and hated the Vault Dweller at the same time.}
{240}{}{You were a human. How can you justify what the Master did to you?}
{241}{}{So you think the Master’s plan was right?}
{242}{}{I’m descended from the original Vault Dweller, you know.}

{243}{mcs40}{You’re right. If all humans fought for what they believed in like that, we wouldn’t have needed the Master’s plan in the first place.}

{244}{}{The Master wanted to enslave humanity!}

{245}{}{Interesting spin. I gotta go.}

{246}{mcs41}{Don’t forget, I knew the folks involved. They were the best humanity had to offer. Your people are going to tell the story a different way, right?}

{247}{}{Err… maybe. Umm, I have more questions.}

{249}{mcs42}{The "original Vault Dweller"? You mean the one who killed the Master and destroyed the vats?}

{250}{}{Ummm… yes.}
{251}{}{Damn right. Gonna do something about it, mutie?}
{252}{}{Nooo… this is someone else. I don’t know what you’re talking about.}

{253}{mcs43}{Not a problem. Like I said, that was a long time ago.}

{254}{}{I’m not afraid of you.}
{255}{}{Why did you hate humans back then?}

{256}{mcs44}{No reason to be, unless you cross me or someone in my town. Be civilized, that’s all I ask.}

{257}{}{I’ll keep it in mind. I have more questions.}
{258}{}{I’ll keep it in mind. Bye.}

{259}{mcs45}{Lemme make this clear: Nothing’s going to happen here unless you start it. Just stay civilized while you’re in my town.}

{260}{}{Yeah, right. I have more questions.}
{261}{}{Yeah, right. Bye.}

{262}{mcs46}{My memories of being a human aren’t as clear as they once were, but I remember pettiness, hatred, jealousy... I prefer being a mutant.}

{263}{}{So you think the Master’s plan was right?}
{264}{}{Huh. You’re a lot uglier this way. Bye.}
{265}{}{Then you’re fine. Bye.}

{266}{mcs47}{It was flawed. We should have only taken the best. Look around. Most mutants didn’t have the mind or will to withstand the strain. (sigh) If only we had chosen better…}

{267}{}{So you would have dipped Jacob? Or the Vault Dweller?}
{268}{}{Yeah, that’s a tragedy. Well, see ya later!}

{269}{mcs48}{You ever get back there, tell them the war’s over. It’s been over a long time.}

{270}{}{Ummm. Okay. I have more questions.}
{271}{}{Sure thing. Bye.}

{272}{mcs49alt}{Thanks for your help. Could’ve been trouble. We took their weapons cache and disabled their bombs.}

{273}{}{Great! I have some questions...}

# Not using
{274}{}{Hey, I found something out.}

# Not using
{275}{}{Didn’t learn anything.}

# I’m leaving you responses

{276}{mcs103a}{Too many people. I’ve done my traveling with a horde.}
{277}{mcs103b}{I thought you were one of the good ones. I ain’t coming with you.}
{278}{mcs103c}{I’m not coming with you right now. Sorry. [He looks you up and down distastefully.]}

{279}{}{All right. }

# 104. Fear/Defeat Floats, are we using?
{280}{}{That scares the living crap outta me.}
{281}{}{Ain’t much in the wasteland frightens me… that does.}

# 105. Victory Floats, are we using?
{282}{}{You must be as stupid as you look if you’re gonna fight me.}
{283}{}{Kickin’ some ass… again.}
{284}{}{It’s almost too easy.}

# 106. Combat Taunt Floats, are we using?
{285}{}{Don’t you have some friends who can help ya even this out?}
{286}{}{Had enough?}

# 107. Skill use Success Confirm Float, are we using?
{287}{}{Got it. Just so you know.}

# 108. Skill use Failure Confirm Float, are we using?
{288}{}{Humph. Something wasn’t right.}

# 109. Rejoin Party, NEEDED. Waiting for Voc file.

{289}{mcs109}{You want me back now?}

{291}{}{Not just yet. Goodbye.}

# 110. NPC in party

{292}{mcs110}{What do you want?}

{293}{}{How are you feeling?}
{294}{}{Heal yourself.}
{295}{}{I need you to wait here until I come back.}
{296}{}{That’s it for now.}

# 111. Heal Yourself

{297}{mcs111a}{I’m all set.}
{298}{mcs111b}{Got nothing that’ll slow us down.}
{299}{mcs111c}{You got anything to help?}

{300}{mcs111d}{Maybe you should have a look at this.}

{301}{}{Use your skills to heal yourself.}

{302}{}{Never mind.}

# 112. Wait here

{304}{mcs160}{I’ll just stay here and tighten the vises on my shoulder.}

{305}{}{Never mind.}

# Prases, Not using any but 2 and those are duplicated at the bottom
# Lines 317 is now 20,000 and 315 is 20,001
# Lines 307 through 348
{315}{}{Don’t ask me. I don’t know. }
{319}{}{Why’re you talking to me like this?}
{320}{}{Not very nice.}
{321}{}{Thanks. }
{322}{}{This is good.}
{323}{}{This ain’t good.}
{324}{}{I like this. A lot. }
{325}{}{I have a bad feeling about this.}
{326}{}{These people are nuts.}
{327}{}{Didn’t learn anything.}
{328}{}{Learned something.}
{329}{}{Is anyone here sane?}
{330}{}{Gotta be another way.}
{331}{}{Follow me.}
{332}{}{Try this.}
{333}{}{Come here.}
{334}{}{Found something you might want to see.}
{335}{}{Far as I can tell, it’s safe to camp here.}
{336}{}{Ain’t safe to camp here.}
{337}{}{We can rest here.}
{338}{}{I got lucky.}
{339}{}{Fix this, would you?}
{340}{}{Turn this on.}
{341}{}{This thing needs to be unlocked.}
{342}{}{You gonna open this?}
{343}{}{Might want to come back here later.}
{344}{}{I don’t understand.}
{345}{}{I dunno.}
{347}{}{That really hurts.}
{348}{}{That can’t feel good…}

# Player responces leading to pregnancy
{349}{}{Uh... when you said ’I hope she doesn’t get pregnant’ in the Cat’s Paw in New Reno, what did you mean?}

# 113. Waiting for Vocs.

{350}{mcs113}{Didn’t your parents explain this to you?}

{351}{}{No, I mean, I thought all you mutants were sterile.}
{352}{}{Never mind.}

# 114. Waiting for Vocs.

{353}{mcs114}{What? Where the hell did you hear that?}

{354}{}{So... you AREN’T sterile?}

# 116. Waiting for Vocs.

{356}{mcs116}{Nope. Well, not now. It takes a few years after bein’ dipped to get the juices flowing again. Why?}

{357}{}{Oh. Uh. Never mind.}

# Exp description
{360}{}{You have exposed the conspiracy against the mutants of Broken Hills.}
{361}{}{Marcus agreed to join your party.}

# Additional Player responses
{400}{}{About the missing people...}
{410}{}{About Jacob and Aileen...}
{420}{}{About Chad...}
{430}{}{About the escaped convicts...}
{440}{}{About a scientist from NCR...}

# Float, Pissed
{500}{}{You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face here again.}

# Player additional responses
{501}{}{Never mind. Could I ask you something?}
{502}{}{Never mind. Bye.}

# Marcus floats
{600}{}{I don’t feel so good, boss.}
{601}{}{Don’t do that.}
{602}{}{Don’t you think this place is a little creepy?}
{603}{}{Hope you got hip waders... we’re about walk into some heavy shit.}
{604}{}{I don’t much like the looks of this place.}
{605}{}{This broken bone can only grind so much before I pass out, boss.}
{606}{}{Ahh, humanity.}
{607}{}{Now this is a fine example of why the Master was right.}
{608}{}{And you thought mutants were diseased.}
{609}{}{Careful here, boss. These guys look tough.}
{610}{}{Man... you humans never cease to amaze me.}
{611}{}{Hope you know where we’re going...}
{612}{}{Let’s kick their asses, boss.}
{613}{}{It’s assholes like these that make me mad.}
{614}{}{Ahh, home again.}
{615}{}{Don’t forget... I helped build this place. Be good.}
{616}{}{Nice to see the ’ol homestead again.}
{617}{}{I always hated this place.}
{618}{}{When do we leave?}
{619}{}{Let’s get out of here.}
{620}{}{Don’t think I’m wanted here, chief.}
{621}{}{So this is where it all started, eh?}
{622}{}{Let’s have some healing over here, huh?}
{623}{}{Wanna play fetch, dog?}
{624}{}{Roll over, dog! Play dead!}
{625}{}{Hey dog! Sic ’em!}
{626}{}{Hey Lenny! You ever go to Broken Hills?}
{627}{}{Lenny! Let’s get somethin’ to drink!}
{628}{}{Nice to have another evolved human in the group, Lenny.}
{629}{}{Hey Myron! Wanna wreslte?}
{630}{}{Don’t worry, little Myron. I’ll watch out for you.}
{631}{}{Check out the big brain on Myron!}
{632}{}{Phwheew!!! Did someone just cut a muffin?}
{633}{}{[whistle] Daisy, daisy... [sing]}
{634}{}{Man, I’ve got one hell of a wedgie.}
{635}{}{At my age, it’s nice to slow down every once in a while.}
{636}{}{Just watching the clouds...}
{638}{}{Thanks, boss.}
{639}{}{Uh... thanks, friend.}
{640}{}{Err... thanks. I guess.}
{641}{}{Thanks. I was thirsty.}
{642}{}{Whoa...I feel a little funny.}
{643}{}{I guess Francis was right about Jacob. That murderous bastard won’t cause any more trouble in this town.}
{644}{}{You have received a scoped hunting rifle.}
# End of Floats

# Marcus Dialog, in party response

{1100}{mcs43alt}{Not a problem.}

# Player responses
{3000}{}{Let’s head out.}
{3100}{}{Forget I asked then, asshole.}
{3200}{}{Never mind then. Your loss.}
{3300}{}{Darn. Maybe later then.}

# Player responses, that should have been replaced by new party format. Keeping just to be safe
{9999}{}{I wanted to ask you some questions...}
{10001}{}{Take some more stims and heal yourself.}
{10002}{}{Marcus, I need you to wait here until I come back.}
{10003}{}{Put your weapon away.}
{10004}{}{Stay close to me.}
{10005}{}{Don’t get too far away.}
{10006}{}{We should spread out a bit.}
{10100}{}{C’mon, Marcus. Time to head out.}
{10007}{}{Let’s head out then.}
# New Marcus dialog for new party structure, waiting for Vocs, from Phrases 81 and 79


{20001}{}{Heh. I can use just about any big gun, like rocket launchers or miniguns, and the big energy weapons. I ain’t bad with my fists, and I’m a hell of a shot with grenades. I don’t wear armor. They just don’t make it my size.}
