Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Nothing's better than seeing that surprised look on your target's face. The Loophole x20 Scope on this hunting rifle makes it easier than ever before. Accurate from first shot to last, no matter what kind of game you're gunning for.

The scoped hunting rifle is a small gun in Fallout 2.


The scope on the weapon dramatically increases the weapon's accuracy at range, allowing one to reach 95% accuracy at long range even with a relatively low skill. It has a drawback, however, as once the distance to the target gets below 8 meters, the aiming accuracy receives a huge penalty, rendering this weapon almost useless at close range, even with a high Small Guns skill.



While the Pip-Boy description of the weapon refers to the scope as a Loophole x20 scope, Buster claims that he mounts a Triveld x10 scope.
