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"Underground Troubles"
You are in a dark, musty temple. The shadows seem to play tricks with your eyes, and you can hear the faint sound of movement.Fallout 2 in-game description

The Temple of Trials is a sacred gauntlet just outside the tribal village of Arroyo, likely built on the ruins of some very large pre-War structure.[1][Non-game 1]


A large stone temple to the Gods of the Vault, located north of Arroyo. The labyrinth is infested with radscorpions, featuring traps, and large vertical shafts akin to "bottomless pits."

Fallout Magic Mantle of the Ancients art

A large sculpture over the entrance depicts the face of the Vault Dweller. Within the core of the temple, his legendary jumpsuit is suspended above the central altar.

The purpose of the trials is to prove if someone is worthy of their role in the village as a leader of society.[2][3] The Chosen One must use a variety of their skills to finish the Temple of Trials.




Fo2 Arroyo Temple Exterior

Klint prevents access to Arroyo until the Chosen One finishes the Temple of Trials.


FO2 ArroyoTempleInside1

The chapel is infested with giant ants and radscorpions, and contains a few treasures such as healing powder and antidote.

The door from the chapel to the passage must be lockpicked.


FO2 Arroyo Temple passage

The passage is infested with giant ants and radscorpions, and contains a few treasures such as healing powder and antidote.

Several sharpened pole raised plate traps can be disarmed, triggered, or avoided. The door from the passage to the sanctuary must be destroyed with explosives (which can be found in the tall pot nearby).


FO2 Arroyo Temple sanctuary

Cameron challenges the Chosen One to battle as their final test. There are three ways to get past him:

  • Fight him unarmed after a conversation (and without access to healing powder) for 300 XP.
  • Steal his key and unlock the door behind his back for 600 XP.
  • Talk him out of fighting (Intelligence 4 or more required and Speech must be tagged) for 600 XP.

After exiting the temple, the Chosen One will initiate the vault jumpsuit cutscene, gain 15 Karma, and emerge in the Arroyo village. The Chosen One will now be clothed in a vault jumpsuit and be able to use the Pip-Boy 2000.

Notable loot[]

Loot in Temple of Trials



The Temple of Trials appears only in Fallout 2.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The location resembles exaggerated depictions of "exotic temples" as death-mazes with stone mechanisms, such those seen in the Indiana Jones film series or the Johnny Quest cartoon, and the earlier pulp media which inspired them.
  • According to the Fallout Bible, the Temple of Trials was built on the ruins of an older pre-War building, likely a church or museum.[Non-game 1] The document also explains how the Vault Dweller's daughter took the test, a key ingredient of which is several pots worth of hallucinogenic plants from Hakunin's garden.[Non-game 2] She ran the gauntlet in the Temple of Trials, using her charm to pass most of the tests after her handgun jams (and is ruined) on the first level.[Non-game 3]
  • The Fallout Bible notes the beginning of Fallout 2 as 2241, starting with the Chosen One starting the trials.[Non-game 4]
  • Interplay insisted that Fallout 2 begin with an extensive tutorial which could not be skipped on repeat playthroughs, frustrating the devs.[Non-game 5] The sequence is famously unintuitive and unpopular.



  1. {100}{}{You are in a dark, musty temple. The shadows seem to play tricks with your eyes, and you can hear the faint sound of movement.}ARCAVES.MSG
  2. Elder intro: "Come in, Chosen One. There are things you must know. The village is dying. The signs are everywhere. Withering crops... dying brahmin... sick children. There is hope, however. A slim hope that few know of. The old disks speak of an item called the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. It is said it can bring life to the wasteland.
    This will be your quest if you prove yourself worthy. For that proof, you must first journey to the Temple of Trials. If you survive, come back to me; we will talk more. Our life is in your hands, Chosen One. Prove yourself. Find the GECK. Be our salvation."
  3. Klint: "{117}{}{Forgive me, but I have no answers to your questions. Take the trial set before you by the Elder and prove yourself worthy to lead our people.}"


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout Bible 5: "BTW, the Temple of Trials was built on the ruins of an older Pre-War building, most likely a church. The carved head at the entrance and some of the carvings/wall decorations on the three sub-levels were done by the Arroyo inhabitants."
  2. Fallout Bible 8: "66. In the temple of trials, you use plastic explosives to blow the door. How do tribals out of contact with civilization have military grade explosives?
    Don't even ask. They probably had it sitting around, along with that handgun in the Elder's tent in the opening movie. The entire Temple of Trials thing is one big mystery and is pretty implausible - the sliding mechanical doors are what really confuse me. I think it came down to an art decision.
    Anyway, the story I'm sticking to in the official universe is that the Temple of Trials is actually built on an existing abandoned church - or museum."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2210 January 31 Vault Dweller's daughter takes her mystic test, a key ingredient of which is several pots worth of hallucinogenic plants from Hakuinn's garden. She runs the gauntlet in the Temple of Trials, using her charm to pass most of the tests after her handgun jams (and is ruined) on the first level. She offers numerous criticisms of the test, resulting in many revisions."
    "Note: The broken handgun is the one you see on her table in the opening movie of Fallout 2."
  4. Fallout Bible 0: "2241 July 25 Fallout 2 Begins: Chosen One begins his mystic test, descending into the Temple of Trials."
  5. Killzig: "Where the hell did the idea for the temple of trials come from?"
    Tim Cain: "Marketing demanded a start map that acted like a tutorial. DEMANDED. As in, you cannot say no. Blech."
    Killzig: "So basically if marketing hadn't demanded it, would you agree that it didn't really fit into the scope of the universe?"
    Tim Cain: "I agree"
    (Tim Cain on duckandcover.cx)