Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I can not allow you to pass. If you wish to return to the village you may do so only by passing the trial set before you.— Klint to the Chosen One

Klint is a tribesman of Arroyo in 2241.


Klint is a young man with bulging muscles and a very confident air about him.[1] He guards the Temple of Trials.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
33 Protector
This character is allied with the following faction(s).


  • Finish Temple of Trials: Klint guards the Temple of Trials, ensuring the Chosen One is unable to leave before it's completion. He remains guarding the Temple even after the Chosen One has completed the trials.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Tribal outfit Spear


Even if the Chosen One manages to kill Klint, they still won't be able to leave until the Temple of Trials is completed. Otherwise his death has no effect either way.


Klint appears only in Fallout 2.


  1. ACKLINT.MSG, line 102