Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Map Script for the Arroyo Caves.


# Message File: ArCaves.msg #
# #
# Note: Characters within curly braces (like line 100) #
# will be read in as a message string. Caution #
# should be used when making comments. All comments #
# should be prepended with a pound symbol for #
# visual ease. This does not comment out the line #
# though. #
# #
# Purpose: This message file contains the dialog for a #
# new character from which is used by the #
# design tool. It will be updated using the #
# the tool. This is just a tool file, and not #
# meant to be used in the game. #
# #
# Log: Please note any changes that have been made to this #
# file and comment which lines have changed. #
# #
# Created: December 04, 1997 #
# #
# Updated: #
# The following lines are for the map script in describing #
# what is happening when you first enter the map. #
{100}{}{You are in a dark, musty temple. The shadows seem to play tricks with your eyes, and you can hear the faint sound of movement.}
