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Need to pick something up? Road's pretty long from here.

Trashcan Carla is a local caravan merchant traveling the Commonwealth in 2287.


A local junk hoarder and caravan merchant, Trashcan Carla operates out of Bunker Hill. Her wares include a variety of odds and ends, from weapons and armor to potentially useful junk items. She also sells shipments of common raw materials, such as asbestos, circuitry, crystal, oil and screws. Carla's sales territory includes the northwest quarter of the region, which usually not many dangers inhabit, removing the need for a hired gun.

Carla takes the protection of her merchandise from potential thieves very seriously and refuses to give in to any robbery attempts. Refusing any service to widely known ne'er-do-wells or outlaws, any attempts to rob her caravan are always in vain.[1]

Secretly, Carla is an informant on runaway synths for the Synth Retention Bureau.[2]


Carla and her pack brahmin sit stationary at the base of a large billboard on the road between Concord and Drumlin Diner until approached for the first time, or until the Sanctuary quest is started. Afterward, she will begin her normal travel route.

Normally Carla runs a continual circuit between Sanctuary Hills and Drumlin Diner. She will take various routes between these two points. At each of these points, she will normally halt for 12 in-game hours.

If she is encountered as leaving Bunker Hill, she will first transit to Drumlin Diner, before resuming her normal circuit. Her transit route takes her northeast toward County crossing, then northwest past Greentop Nursery, southwest through Malden toward Covenant, continuing west past Starlight Drive In before arriving at Drumlin Diner to resume her normal circuit.

If the player character fast travels back from another cell to the location where Carla is currently halted (including Bunker Hill, Sanctuary Hills, or Drumlin Diner), or sleeps in or near one of these locations, her departure will be delayed until shortly after they arrive, or wake up.

As with other Bunker Hill traveling merchants, Carla's appearances at Bunker Hill are entirely random. She will not leave Bunker Hill if the player character waits, only if they sleep or leave the cell and re-enter it. It is possible to follow Carla from, but not to, Bunker Hill.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Bottle cap 252
Sells: weapons, apparel, aid, misc, junk, ammo

Effects of player's actions[]

  • If the Sole Survivor chooses the sarcastic response the first time they meet, she will give a permanent 10% discount to prices she sells for. (There is no effect on the prices she will pay when buying.) This is implemented by granting the player character a hidden perk, CarlaMarkdownPerk.
  • If the Sole Survivor asks for directions to Diamond City the first time they meet, she will tell them that they can find the Great Green Jewel within the city limits and Diamond City's location will be marked on the map.
  • If the Sole Survivor attempts to threaten or rob her at any point, she will refuse to trade with them ever again.
    • This interaction is controlled by a hidden quest, caravanbase. A way to restore Carla's trading interactions after threatening her can be to use the console command resetquest caravanbase, although this is an inherently risky choice.



  • Trashcan Carla is a reliable source of relatively rare items including oil shipments and fusion cores.
  • If Carla is present when the Sole Survivor encounters Wolfgang at Drumlin Diner and they end up defending Trudy, Carla will enter the gun battle on her side.
  • During a settlement attack, if she enters one of the Sole Survivor's power armors, they will not be able to get it back as there is no option to tell Carla to exit the power armor. She can be found in Bunker Hill with the power armor right by her side. The Sole Survivor is then free to take the power armor without it being considered as a crime. Alternatively, one can pickpocket the fusion core out of her inventory which will then force her to leave the power armor.
  • Trashcan Carla generally runs off during a settlement attack instead of participating in the settlement's defense, often exclaiming "This ain't my fight!" However, she will defend herself if personally attacked.
  • If the brahmin is killed, Carla will attack. On death, the brahmin drops brahmin leather, along with some assorted junk items, and Carla will drop her jacket, along with some assorted items. If the player character has a powered siren built in their settlement, the siren will automatically trigger upon the death of the brahmin.
  • Carla is the only caravan merchant who does not travel with guards.


Trashcan Carla appears only in Fallout 4.


  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One If in Sanctuary Hills, Carla will stand in one place and be unable to move, but her pack brahmin still continues to travel the Commonwealth.[verified]
    • Traveling to Drumlin Diner may cause her to appear there. However, returning to Sanctuary Hills at any point will cause Carla to reappear there.
    • Selecting Carla via console command and using resetai will fix this behavior potentially.
  • Playstation 4Playstation 4 When trading with her, a glitch occasionally occurs which results in the caps transaction not being accounted properly (making the Sole Survivor lose some caps). A workaround is to quicksave prior to the transaction and accepts each transaction individually, before proceeding to the next one. If this doesn't work, re-load your quicksave and start again.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One Occasionally, Carla's brahmin will be stuck in the geometry of a house and she will not move. Carla will still wander around and you can still interact with her.[verified]
    • Solution: Fast travel to some distant location and don't go back to Sanctuary Hills for at least 24 in-game hours or use console commands to move the brahmin to the player by opening the console (~), clicking the brahmin and moveto player.
  • Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One When fast traveling to Sanctuary Hills after interacting with Carla or even possibly being nearby her, she may teleport with you to Sanctuary Hills and stay there.[verified]


  1. Trashcan Carla: "Oh, the would-be robber. You're gonna have to shoot me, 'cause I ain't giving you shit."
    (Trashcan Carla's dialogue)
  2. Institute SRB terminal entries; SRB terminal, List of Informants