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Kessler send you? Thank god.

The caravan prisoners are three caravan workers from Bunker Hill who have been kidnapped by raiders in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.


These workers have been taken hostage by Zeller's Army, a raider group commanded by Judge Zeller operating out of the East Boston Preparatory School. Zeller's Army regularly harasses Bunker Hill, extorting them for caps to leave them alone. This is enough for most raider groups, but Zeller's Army has still attacked and abducted these workers.[1] This is because Zeller's Army bolsters its numbers by torturing and brainwashing captives into joining them. If not rescued, the three workers are sure to meet the same fate.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Prep School: Kessler will ask the Sole Survivor to rescue the prisoners. They are locked in cells on the third floor of the East Boston Preparatory School, and can be freed by unlocking the cell doors. Afterwards, they will run to the entrance of the school and disappear upon reaching the door. As long as one of the prisoners survives, the quest can proceed; however, if all three prisoners die at any point before escaping, the quest will fail.



Apparel Weapon Other items
Road leathers Random pipe rifle Random food item


Apparel Weapon Other items
Padded blue jacket Random pipe pistol Random food item


  • The caravan prisoners share appearances and inventories with two of the generic caravan workers at Bunker Hill.
  • Talking to each prisoner is enough to "rescue" them even without unlocking their cells. It may not be possible to get within dialogue distance for all prisoners without unlocking their cells, but the quest can be completed without unlocking any door by talking to the prisoners within distance and killing any prisoners who are too far away to talk to.


The caravan prisoners appear only in Fallout 4.



  1. Kessler: "So Deb's been talking you up. Says you get results. I got a sensitive job that needs someone with skills and more rolling around in their head than marbles. That sound like you?"
    The Sole Survivor: "I've had no complaints so far."
    Kessler: "Really? Where've you been all my life? Our town works because everyone knows we got the raider angle covered. The gangs get paid off and leave our caravans alone. But Zeller's Army is getting greedy. Asking for more caps. And after we pay them, the bastards still hit our people. But I found out the Army's holed up at an old prep school. The job's simple: deal with them."
    (Kessler's dialogue)
  2. Caravan prisoner: "I couldn't take much more of it. Thank you."
    (Caravan prisoners' dialogue)