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Fallout Wiki

I guess it's just one of those mysteries that'll never really get answered, sort of like how people made the bubbles in Nuka-Cola. Say, got any Cola?

Zip, also referred to as Ricky,[Non-game 1] is a child in Little Lamplight in 2277.


Zip is a nine year old boy who is hasty and hyperactive. At times, he works as a scout and scavenger out of Little Lamplight, which allows him to find Nuka-Cola, a beverage he is addicted to.[Non-game 1] While he thinks that his name may be tied to zippers,[1] he does not actually know its origin,[2] and does not believe it to be a nickname.[3] He also found a laser weapon once, but it was taken from him by MacCready to avoid any accidents.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.




  • Zip speaks at normal speed when the Lone Wanderer ends a conversation with him by telling him to "stay away."
  • Sometimes, he will follow the Lone Wanderer around Little Lamplight and will continually talk about Nuka-Cola.
  • Though dialogue options specify giving Zip ice cold Nuka-Cola, regular Nuka-Cola will suffice.

Notable quotes[]


Zip appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. Zip: "Everyone calls me Zip, and I think that's because I'm always wearing pants, and those have zippers, but it's not like I'm the only one with pants."
    (Zip's dialogue)
  2. Lone Wanderer: "Why are you called Zip?"
    Zip: "Why Zip? Or why do I have a nickname at all? I mean, why don't people just call me Ricky? Or Yancy? Or Eustace P. Vanderbanger the Third? I mean, they say it's because I'm so fast, but that doesn't make sense because I don't think I'm all that fast, it's just that they're all so slow! I guess it's just one of those mysteries that'll never really get answered, sort of like how people made the bubbles in Nuka-Cola. Say, got any Cola?"
    (Zip's dialogue)
  3. Zip: "My name's Zip. I don't think that's short for anything, because I don't know what it'd be short for. Zippy? Zipperick? Ziptholomew?"
    (Zip's dialogue)
  4. Zip: "One time I found a gun that shot laser beams but Mayor MacCready took it away from me because I might put out someone's eye and Eclair'd be angry."
    (Zip's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 93: "Ricky "Zip": Zip is nine and acts as one of the occasional scouts and scavengers for Little Lamplight, which perfectly suits his speedy and hyperactive nature. As a bonus, it allows him to have first dibs on any Nuka-Cola he can find, a drink he's quite addicted to. When he's not out finding resources for the town, he runs around town, pestering people and generally being feisty. MacCready insists that Zip doesn't get to keep his gun when he's back in town...not since that accident a while ago."