Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Possible Glitch[]

On my first visit to Little Lamplight, I was followed by Zip until he talked to me. The only response in the list was "LLZipFollowsPlayer1", to which he responded with a random fact. After this, I was left with a similar response "LLZipFollowsPlayer2". Clicking through the 'conversation', it seemed to randomly switch between the two until he said goodbye. Can anyone confirm this happening to them?Kilereren 23:06, 12 December 2008 (UTC)

Confirmed, after talking to him and giving him a nuka cola, i entered and exited the shop to find him waiting for me. he said a random fact and my only speech option was 'llzipfollowsplayer2'. he said another, then said 'thats about all for now, bye' and continued to follow me until i left little lamplight. This is as of patch 1.4 (March 2, 2009)

Moved to Talk Page[]

moved this claim to the talk page:

Zip's voice actor (the actor who does all the children in Fallout 3), makes an error. The subtitles read; ".. maybe you have some big kid stuff from up-top." whereas the V.O. says; "..maybe you have some big stuff up on top of you." which clearly makes no sense.

I personally believe that the error may be on purpose, due to the fact that zip is hyperactive and strung out on nuka-cola. Can some sort of consensus or majority rule be reached on this? Techercizer (say hi) (pwnage) 23:38, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

Why would the subtitles deviate from the VO if it was just for comic purposes? I believe it to be VO error because the actor's mouth was running faster than his brain and the notoriety of the VO work in general.-- 23:43, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

Perhaps the subtitles are correct so that a player seeking clarification can understand his speech? This wouldn't be the first instance in Fallout 3 where the subtitles are clearer in meaning than what is spoken. Techercizer (say hi) (pwnage) 23:44, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
I can see your reasoning but that seems to detract from the purpose of subtitles. I believe the wording for the subtitles was taken straight from the script without first consulting the V.O. work (obviously). This might explain the discrepancy.-- 23:57, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
It seems we both have valid points and reasoning, perhaps a qualifier could be added to this statement as a compromise? (I.E. Zip's voice actor may have made an error)? Techercizer (say hi) (pwnage) 00:00, 22 March 2009 (UTC)

Zip's hat AKA Kid's Murray the Mole Hat[]

I have never been able to get Zip's hat before now, but on my latest playthrough when I reverse pick-pocketed a Enclave Power Armour and Helmet into his inventory for his Cave Rat Outfit (I allways include the helmet to make the NPC's voice change aswell), I got his hat aswell. But there is no Wiki Page for the hat, is the hat normally unobtainable? I have all 5 DLC's could one of these DLC's allowed the Hat to be taken? (Xbox 360) Spellunker 15:45, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

If you enter "Kid's Murray the Mole Hat" in the search box, you are taken to Kid's cave rat outfit ;) If hats or helmets have a matching armor, they are usually found on the page of that armor. -- Porter21 (talk) 15:54, 11 August 2009 (UTC)
I thought I tried that... Must of typed it wrong... My bad. Spellunker 16:39, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

I was able to get his hat no problem using reverse pickpocketing. I have the ps3 version.
