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The problem IS that all Outsiders wish to join our society, which is simply not feasible. We would undoubtedly sink into the same anarchy which plagues the outside.

Joanne Lynette is the current First Citizen of Vault City in 2241.


A stern-looking woman with thick glasses, Lynette's bearing makes it obvious to anyone that she is important.[2] In her position as the First Citizen of Vault City (the pillar of society, as McClure puts it), she enforces the city's underlying elitist and racist policies. She carries a hatred of outsiders unrivaled by most inhabitants of Vault City and firmly believes in the superiority of her fellow citizenry against outsiders, using that as justification for the near-feudal class system of the city.[3][4]

However, contrary to what may seem, her beliefs and character flaws are not the result of abuse, drugs, or failed relationships. Lynette has been brought up in an environment that instilled her with a privileged approach to life and a superiority complex matched by few other inhabitants. She knew she was the future leader of Vault City and once she attained that position, she has been power tripping ever since. Her managerial and economic acumen, coupled with high efficiency made her a powerful politician, though it also exposed her to the worst the wasteland came to offer.[Non-game 1]

This exposure only served to strengthen her beliefs in the innate superiority of Vault City citizens. If others cannot achieve the same as Vault City, that means they are not smart or strong enough to do so. The fact that Vault City had an extremely privileged position thanks to the area around Vault 8 and the G.E.C.K. does not even factor into the equation for her. The achievements of Vault City are, to Lynette, the result of the hard work and resolve of her fellow citizens. That is not to say that Lynette abhors work. She works too hard, too much, dedicating all her waking moments to her job as a leader (unless it involves politicking, then she can take a "break" to socialize). As such, she has no relationships to speak of and very little patience for people wasting her time.[Non-game 1]

In 2241, her primary concern is the town of Gecko, located north of Vault City. Radiation leaking from the damaged nuclear power plant is affecting the city's water supply, leading to an increased mutation rate, stunting births, and even killing citizens.[5] Unlike fellow councilmen, she believes the groundwater contamination is the equivalent of an act of war and wants the power plant to be shut down, permanently. Her hatred for ghouls is just the cherry on top.


Lynette has had no positive romantic relationships up until her potential relationship with Westin from the NCR in the endgame of Fallout 2.[1] She has had little time for anything other than her job, and that is her focus.

Lynette uses any negative situation involving outlanders to reinforce her beliefs and disregards or ignores any positive aspects; she is single-minded and set in her ways. The fact that she (and Vault City) had an "environmental welcome mat" stretched out for them (with the G.E.C.K.) when they emerged from Vault 8 meant they suffered little hardship in comparison to other struggling communities, but this simply does not factor into her thinking. She believes that Vault City and the Vault citizens have survived and thrived because they are a superior breed of human - smarter, better, and more capable than the human trash that prowls the wasteland.

She is so single-minded that when informed of the Enclave's defeat, she merely inquires as to the strength of their power armor and how it could help solidify Vault City's supremacy.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon talkinghead
This character has a talking head.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Effects of player's actions[]

It is important to not be rude to Lynette, even questioning Vault City's policies and her decisions can result in the Chosen One being thrown out of Vault City for good, cutting off several important quests. Even if the player character attains citizenship, Lynette will still revoke it and exile them if upset. Therefore, never question Vault City's usage of "servants," claim to agree with Thomas Moore or suggest his murder, do not ask about Vault City's attitude towards outsiders, nor suggest Vault City and Gecko cooperate. Doing any of these things can result in loss of welcome.

Other interactions[]

  • Lynette is at first highly suspicious of the Chosen One's knowledge of the G.E.C.K. and vaults and demands an explanation. Once she finds out the Chosen One is telling the truth, her attitude quickly changes. This can be shown by showing the Vault 13 jumpsuit to her, and then letting her inspect Vic's water flask. She takes a somewhat more honorable role in rooting out John Bishop's connections to NCR and the raiders.
  • If the Chosen One manages to make a particularly good impression on Lynette and does Vault City and her personally a big enough favor, she may decide to confer upon them the title of Captain of the Guard.

Death animation[]

Joanne Lynette's notable death animation:

Joanne Lynette death animation
Joanne Lynnette death animation


Apparel Weapon Other items
Joanne Lynette's jumpsuit Mentats
Stimpak x2*
Super stimpak**

* One equipped
** Equipped


  • In one of the ending slides for Vault City, her first name is spelled "Joann",[1] whereas Wallace refers to her as "Joanne" in his dialogue.[6]
  • If the player character tells her that they are a Vault 13 descendant and shows her their canteen and jumpsuit, their reputation with Vault City improves.
  • If the Chosen One is Idolized by Vault City, she says "Yes? What is it I can help you with?" instead of "Yes? What is it?"
  • She is one of several characters in Fallout 2 who breaks the fourth wall in her dialogue.[7]
  • After beating the game, if prompted, Lynette will hug a Chosen One with low Intelligence.[8]
  • Her scripting includes granting the Chosen One citizenship for solving the Gecko powerplant problem, but it is inaccessible due to mutually-exclusive checks.


Joanne Lynette appears only in Fallout 2 and is mentioned in the Fallout Bible.

Behind the scenes[]

  • A cut ending would have it so that in the elections that occurred after the destruction of the remnants of the United States government, Senior Council Member McClure was to be appointed First Citizen. Under his rule Vault City cooperated with the NCR in making laws.[Non-game 2]
  • Though Mentats are banned in Vault City, one can use the Steal skill and discover that she carries some. These are meant to convey to the player that she is a hypocrite about chem use.[Non-game 3]
  • In one of the first versions of Fallout 2, Lynette's talking head was supposed to be used for a spokesperson for a group of scientists living in the ruins of Area 51.[Non-game 4]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Vault City independent, Westin and Lynette marry: "... He moved north to Vault City for medical treatment and eventually married Joann Lynette in the following year."
  2. Joanne Lynette's character description: "{100}{}{You see a stern-looking woman with thick glasses, wearing a Vault City jumpsuit. Judging from her bearing, she seems important.}"
    (Joanne Lynette's dialogue)
  3. Fallout 2 appearance and behavior.
  4. Mercenary: "{263}{}{Lynette's a good-looking woman. Well, in a aristocratic, domineering, slave-advocating kind of way.}"
    (Mercenary's dialogue)
  5. Vault City travel log
  6. The Chosen One: "{256}{}{What can you tell me about your leader?}"
    Wallace: "{297}{}{Our First Citizen is Joanne Lynette. She has done many good things for our city in her ten years of service.}"
    (Wallace's dialogue)
  7. Joanne Lynette: "{108}{}{I don't know what you intend to gain by clicking on me, but I won't tolerate it much longer.}"
    "{109}{}{Perhaps you find clicking on me... amusing. Perhaps you will find the Corrections Center just as humorous.}"
    "{117}{}{Do you like my little dreadlocks? I think Scott Rodenhizer has a strange sense of humor.}"
    (Joanne Lynette's dialogue)
  8. The Chosen One: "{119}{}{Wahr? Wahr whar?}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{122}{lyn003}{From the simplest things - and that certainly is you - even greatness may grow. Take care, my sweet imbecile... all Vault City thanks you.}"
    The Chosen One: "{123}{}{Hug her.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{125}{lyn004}{Awwwww... there, there. Anytime you need a hug, you come see Aunt Lynette, all right?}"
    (Joanne Lynette's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout Bible 0: "1. Here's a question that everyone would like to have answered. Why is Lynette such a bitch? Is she a jet baby? Was she abused as a youngster? Did she have a series of sordid love affairs that all went horribly wrong and warped her into a domineering cynic? Or she just acting like a typical Vault City citizen? - Albert."
    "Answer: Yes, Lynette is a bitch if you're not a Citizen. As the figurehead for Vault City, she was supposed to embody the worst arrogance and condescension that Vault City has to offer (traits that are not present in all the citizens, as McClure and others prove). Furthermore, I suspect that she was made a black character to add an additional edge to her hypocrisy over slavery, but I guess you'd have to ask the original designers about that - Mark O'Green and I wrote Lynette's dialogue, but we were working off of an older design that (I think) Jason Anderson had written.
    As for why Lynette's a bitch... well, Lynette does have an extreme managerial, economic, and efficient soul, and she's used to getting her way. She wasn't abused, tortured, or twisted in any way when she was young, she just got a certain privileged and superiority complex hardwired into her head around five or six years old, and she's never been the same. She's always known that she was destined to lead the Vault 8 Citizens, and that power has gone to her head.
    She's been the leader of Vault City for many, many years, and she's seen the worst that the wasteland has to offer - but rather than taking sympathy on the poor souls that have come to Vault City for protection, she has instead taken the view that these 'outlanders' were simply not strong or smart enough to achieve what Vault City has, and thus, are inferior. She tends to work too much and too hard, and she sees all her time as precious, so she has little patience for socializing without a purpose (i.e., if it doesn't involve politicking, she's going to be working late at the office instead) or for people dropping in and wasting her time.
    As expected, Lynette has had no positive romantic relationships up until her potential relationship with Westin from NCR in the endgame of Fallout 2. She's had little time for anything other than her job, and that's her focus - if anyone throws her job or decisions into question, buckle up, because she takes it as the worst sort of personal attack.
    Lynette uses any negative situation involving outlanders to reinforce her beliefs and disregards or ignores any positive aspects - she's single-minded and set in her ways. The fact that she (and Vault City) had an 'environmental welcome mat' stretched out for them (with the GECK) when they emerged from Vault 8 meant they suffered little hardship in comparison to other struggling communities, but this simply doesn't factor into her thinking. She believes that Vault City and the Vault citizens have survived and thrived because they are a superior breed of human - smarter, better, and more capable than the human trash that prowls the wasteland.
    Anyway, there you go."
  2. Fallout Bible 0: Lynette: "The Vault City that I helped establish was to outlast me and continue on for many more years. In the elections that occurred after the destruction of the remnants of the United States government, Senior Council Member McClure was appointed First Citizen and I retired to honorary council member status. With my new free time, I traveled south to NCR and met the NCR President. I was responsible for much of the legislation that followed in the years between NCR and our City."
  3. Chris Avellone Duckfeed.tv interview
  4. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.334-335: The Doodling in Your Head Stage
    "... A second set of drafts hypothesized the army of the Master (from Fallout 1) roaming the Wastes in a huge, armored land fortress, scooping up muties to use as slave labor. As you can see, neither of these stories made their way into the final game. Although some parts of them did—Lynette's head, for example, was once going to be the spokesperson for a group of scientists living in the ruins of a base in Area 51."
FO2 VC sign