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Christmas is a festival and holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ as both a religious and cultural celebration. It was practiced in the United States, both before and after the Great War.



Described before the war as a joyous time to celebrate with loved ones, Christmas was celebrated in late December,[1][2] to celebrate both the Christmas holiday and the following New Year.[Atomic Shop 1] The holiday was marked by giving gifts and decorating homes and businesses.[3][4] Other traditions included creating lists of recipients for Christmas cards and decorating trees for the occasion.[5][6][Atomic Shop 2] Individuals would save money in order to make special purchases for the holiday each year for loved ones.[7][8][9]

In order to cater to the holiday and celebratory gift giving, stores such as the Artisan's Row Shoppes Claus and Co were established, offering their patrons choices of children's gifts and decorations.


FO4 Christmas in Diamond City

The celebration of Christmas continued after the Great War.[10] The residents and business owners of Diamond City decorate each year on December 25, and Diamond City security will comment on the holiday, saying "Can you believe today's Christmas? Ho ho friggin' ho."[11][Non-game 1] Security guards patrolling the exterior of Diamond City will comment that different raider groups are carving up Concord "like Christmas turkey."[12]

Despite struggling with raiders, radiation, and the rationing of food, post-War groups held Christmas celebrations in order to boost morale.[13][14] The Provisional Council of the Charleston Emergency Government circulated invitations to such an event, reminding everyone that it was important "to remember our traditions and values in these trying times" and outlined the festivities planned. These included voted decorating the Capital Building, a holiday gift drive for children under 12 years of age, an extra dispensation of food rations, and a holiday breakfast served in the Capital Food Court.[15]

Christmas was celebrated by those sheltering in vaults after the war as well, such as the security team and support staff of Vault 111.[16] Although the best gift was a Fancy Lad Snack Cake that was not too stale, and the group looked forward to the all-clear so they could resume their normal lives above ground.[16] Vault dwellers who wore a Pip-Boy 2000 received a Christmas greeting on the device every December 25.[17]

During a Christmas Eve raid on Charleston, Cutthroat member Rosalynn Jeffries was captured and interrogated by the Responders.[18] During this interrogation she demanded to be let go and sent off with "a big bag of Christmas goodies" for her partner and Cutthroat leader David Thorpe.[19] Meanwhile Thorpe, believing Rose had perished, used a mini nuke to avenge her by destroying the Summersville Dam on Christmas morning. This caused Summersville Lake to catastrophically flood Charleston, killing Rosalynn and over one thousand other survivors and Responder members in what would be known as the Christmas Flood.[20]

Ten years later, on Christmas Day Maria Chavez recorded a holotape recounting the events so that the Charleston victims would not be forgotten.[1] Rosalynn's namesake Miss Nanny robot Rose recounts the story of Rosalynn's demise[21] and mentions that if the Vault Dwellers consider betraying her, she will, "gut [them] with this here saw and string [their] entrails up like Christmas tinsel."[22]

FO76 Xmas 1

Christmas was used in several clichés or sayings by individuals encountered in the wasteland, such as Mister Gutsy robots using the exclamation "chrome-coated-Christmas," wastelanders stating, "Christmas on a cracker" as a statement of incredulity or "lit up like a Christmas tree" to describe something brightly illuminated.[23][24] The phrase "Merry Christmas" was sometimes used as a euphemism for "you're welcome."[25] In Appalachia, some enemies are encountered wearing Christmas-themed outfits, and gift wrap can be purchased from vendors, and holiday gifts can be found as part of the Holiday Scorched event. In the Mojave Wasteland, Radio New Vegas and its host Mr. New Vegas mention a holiday compilation titled "Nuclear Winter Wonderland" on holotape, though no such item exists in-game.[26]

In Fallout 76's defunct Nuclear Winter game mode, the announcer ZAX 1.3c had unique dialogue for Christmas, stating "Happy Holidays from all of us at Vault-Tec" to potential overseer candidates.[27] ZAX notes to the Vault Dwellers the fact that it "spent a great deal of time decorating the Vault for this holiday" and that it "hopes [they] find it pleasant."[28] ZAX also says it would wish the Vault Dwellers a Merry Christmas, if it were not for the fact they will not "live long enough to enjoy it."[29] ZAX states that it has a directive to provide holiday greetings despite such an act having no statistical value in testing.[30] Despite wishing the Vault Dwellers a happy "human festivity season" as a greeting, ZAX reports that candidates should not expect to receive any holiday gifts, as it has already given gifts to the best candidates, and the only gift one can expect is a continuation of the normal testing schedule or conversely, the reward of death.[31][32][33] Lastly, ZAX mentions that due to the nuclear firestorm, the chances of a white Christmas are "nonexistent" and although it is customary to become kinder during this time of year, ZAX advises against it, reminding the Vault Dwellers to show no mercy in their test despite the festive atmosphere.[34][33][35]


Christmas is mentioned in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Christmas Flood (holotape)
  2. ↑ Note from a concerned neighbor
  3. ↑ Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Mammalogist exam
  4. ↑ Stanley's note
  5. ↑ Porter Gage: "Yeah, sure. How else do you think he ended up at the top of my Christmas list?"
    (Gage's dialogue)
  6. ↑ Deacon: "I think we just got off her Christmas card list."
    (Deacon's dialogue)
  7. ↑ Barney Rook: "More of a mercenary than a soldier, I see. How does 400 caps sound? Not like I have to save for Christmas presents anymore."
    (Barney Rook's dialogue)
  8. ↑ Ingram: "You go in there without any of that stuff and you'll be glowing like a Christmas tree in a matter of seconds."
    (Ingram's dialogue)
  9. ↑ Deacon: "Unless you want me to stick you on top of the Railroad's Christmas tree, let's go."
    (Deacon's dialogue)
  10. ↑ The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; User Logs, 10/14/77
  11. ↑ Diamond City security: "Can you believe today's Christmas? Ho ho friggin' ho."
    (Diamond City security dialogue)
  12. ↑ Diamond City security: "Heard different raider groups are carving up Concord like Christmas turkey."
    (Diamond City security dialogue)
  13. ↑ Christmas plans
  14. ↑ Charleston Capitol Building terminal entries; Christmas Rations
  15. ↑ Special notice
  16. ↑ 16.0 16.1 Vault 111 terminal entries; Security logs, December 25, 2077
  17. ↑ PIPBOY.MSG (Fallout): "Merry Christmas!"
  18. ↑ Charleston Capitol Building terminal entries; Doe, J
  19. ↑ Interrogation: Doe, Jane
  20. ↑ The Christmas Flood (holotape)
  21. ↑ Rose: "David had a mistress named Rosalynn. She wound up doing something stupid out of love for the man. Tried to lead a raid on Charleston on Christmas Eve so she could bring him back something nice. Got herself killed in the process."
    (Rose's dialogue)
  22. ↑ Rose: "If you ever get it in your head to screw me over, I will gut you with this here saw and string your entrails up like Christmas tinsel."
    (Rose's dialogue)
  23. ↑ Liebowitz: "Christmas on a cracker. Can't believe anyone else is out here. Look, I ain't got nothing, so you should probably got to cover."
    (Liebowitz' dialogue)
  24. ↑ Nisha: "You claimed the rest of the park, got us out in the Commonwealth, and now Nuka-World's lit up like a Christmas tree."
    (Nisha's dialogue)
  25. ↑ Deacon: "First things first, I picked up some Brotherhood goodies for you. Merry Christmas."
    (Deacon's dialogue)
  26. ↑ Mr. New Vegas: "Hey, it's Mr. New Vegas, letting you know I've got a new Christmas compilation coming out soon. Nuclear Winter Wonderland. Look for it on holotape."
    (Radio New Vegas)
  27. ↑ ZAX 1.3c: "Happy Holidays from all of us at Vault-Tec, Candidate."
    (ZAX 1.3c's dialogue)
  28. ↑ ZAX 1.3c: "I spent a great deal of time decorating the Vault for this holiday. I hope you find it pleasant."
    (ZAX 1.3c's dialogue)
  29. ↑ ZAX 1.3c: "I would wish you a merry Christmas, but data suggests you won't live long enough to enjoy it."
    (ZAX 1.3c's dialogue)
  30. ↑ ZAX 1.3c: "I have a directive to wish you Happy Holidays. An act with no statistical value in testing."
    (ZAX 1.3c's dialogue)
  31. ↑ ZAX 1.3c: "The best candidates have been rewarded with gifts. I see that you have received none."
    (ZAX 1.3c's dialogue)
  32. ↑ ZAX 1.3c: "My gift to you is a continuation of the normal testing schedule. Happy Holidays, Candidate."
    (ZAX 1.3c's dialogue)
  33. ↑ 33.0 33.1 ZAX 1.3c: "Despite the festive atmosphere, show no mercy in the test. Your only reward will be death."
    (ZAX 1.3c's dialogue)
  34. ↑ ZAX 1.3c: "Due to the nuclear firestorm, the chances of a white Christmas are nonexistent."
    (ZAX 1.3c's dialogue)
  35. ↑ ZAX 1.3c: "Data suggests humans become kinder this time of year. I would advise against it."
    (ZAX 1.3c's dialogue)

Atomic Shop

  1. ↑ Atom Santatron: "Ho ho ho. Happy Holidays and a... Loading... Happy New Year."
    (Santatron's dialogue)
  2. ↑ Atom Santatron: "Attempt to acquire a Christmas Tree has failed. Reason: all trees contained highly dangerous levels of radiation."
    (Santatron's dialogue)


  1. ↑ Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p. 442: Side Quests: Freeform Activities: Diamond City
    "Holidays: For some festive spirit, be sure to visit Diamond City on Halloween (10/31) and Christmas (12/25)."