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This is a transcript for dialogue with Barney Rook.


1DN083_BarneyChatter{Irritated / Irritated} Something I say unclear to you?Player Default: Tell me what I'm supposed to be doing again.A
2Player Default: Tell me what I'm supposed to be doing again.{Rolling eyes, speaking to himself / Irritated} God, grant me patience...A1a
3{Dumbing down explanation as if to an idiot / Irritated} It's simple. There are five terminals around town. Five, like the number of fingers you've got on one hand, ok?A1b
4{Sarcastic at the end / Irritated} Go activate them and the turrets should reboot. Turrets shoot bullets. Mirelurks are allergic to bullets. Make sense, Einstein?A1c
5Player Default: Nope, I've got it.{Get out of here, dummy! / Irritated} Then quit standing around slack-jawed and go do something!B1a
6Player Default: Nope, I've got it.{Rolling eyes, to himself / Sarcastic} Oh, this ought to be good...Player Default: Listen, I accidentally destroyed some of your turrets, but I still think we're ok here.B2a
7Player Default: How about a little help, Barney?{irritated, sarcastic / Irritated} Did I wake them all up and send them into a frenzy? No. You made your bed, now go lay in it.X1a
8Player Default: Barney, what happened here?{Grumpy, but sincere / Depressed} Well, that's a long story. You sure you want to hear it?Player Default: Yes, I'm really interested.Y1a
9Player Default: Barney, what happened here?{A little softer than usual. Thankful the player cares, but doesn't want to come off as a softie / Friendly} Yeah, thanks for listening. But don't think we're gonna start a knitting circle or anything, ok?Y2a
10DN083_BarneyCrabsAttack{Yelling to someone far away / Puzzled} Hey, what are you doing down there? Look out, they're coming right at you!A1a
11DN083_BarneyDestroyedTurretsPlayer Default: Listen, I accidentally destroyed some of your turrets, but I still think we're ok here.{Shocked, angry, this is horrible news / Angry} You did what?!?A1a
12{Loud sarcasm. They player has made a huge mistake / Sarcastic} Oh, well, I'm glad you've still got hope, sunshine! Maybe we can group hug the rest of them to death!Barney: How many did you break?A1b
13Player Default: False alarm, don't worry about it.{Unsure of player / Puzzled} You're a real weird one, you know that?Player Default: Tell me what I'm supposed to be doing again.B1a
14Player Default: I took out some of the turrets...{Shocked, terrible news, the player has really messed up / Angry} You did what?!?Barney: How many did you break?X1a
15Player Default: How badly do we need those turrets?{Quiet unbelieving tone / Disbelief} No. No way you are this stupid.Barney: How many did you break?Y1a
16Player Default: Oh, well, I'm glad you've still got hope, sunshine! Maybe we can group hug the rest of them to death!{Angry, irritated / Irritated} How many did you break?Player Default: Look, I don't see what the problem is here. You've still got Reba.A1a
17Player Default: Look, I don't see what the problem is here. You've still got Reba.{Angry sarcasm / Sarcastic} Nice sentiment, but she can't be in every place at the same time! Those turrets were in strategic locations so Reba and I can stay home most days!Barney: The good news is the turrets may be down but the targeting system should still be up. So your mission technically remains the same.A1a
18Player Default: Whatever, I'll just kill them all myself.{Sarcasm / Sarcastic} That's a real great plan there until one of them eats you and it's down to just me again.Barney: The good news is the turrets may be down but the targeting system should still be up. So your mission technically remains the same.B1a
19Player Default: Just a few.{Sarcastic like crazy / Sarcastic} Just a few, he says. "No big deal," he says.Barney: The good news is the turrets may be down but the targeting system should still be up. So your mission technically remains the same.X1a
20Player Default: Just a few.{Sarcastic like crazy / Sarcastic} Just a few, she says. "No big deal," she says.Barney: The good news is the turrets may be down but the targeting system should still be up. So your mission technically remains the same.X2a
21Player Default: Just a few.{Furious irritation / Angry} All of them?!? Are you kidding me? Are you even trying to help me here? Are you some sort of mirelurk spy in disguise or something?!?X3a
22{Talking to himself, calming himself down / Irritated} Ok, Barney, calm down. Remember your blood pressure. Breathe.Barney: The good news is the turrets may be down but the targeting system should still be up. So your mission technically remains the same.X3b
23Player Default: Look, can we still do this if some of them are down?{Irritated / Sarcastic} Yeah, but I'm not sure I trust someone as dumb as you to do it anymore.Barney: The good news is the turrets may be down but the targeting system should still be up. So your mission technically remains the same.Y1a
24Player Default: Nice sentiment, but she can't be in every place at the same time! Those turrets were in strategic locations so Reba and I can stay home most days!{Grumpy, but a small silver lining has appeared / Irritated} The good news is the turrets may be down but the targeting system should still be up. So your mission technically remains the same.A1a
25{Irritated} Turn on all of the terminals and when I get time to fix your mistakes, those turrets should be ready to go.A1b
26{Irritated} So get back out there and try not to do something else stupid, ok? Like burn down the whole town.A1c
27DN083_BarneyNewEnd{Happy, jubilant, almost a first for Barney / Happy} You did it, didn't you? Ha, I could hear that sweet, sweet machine gun music all the way down here! You almost caught me and Reba mid-waltz.Player Default: No problem, Barney. Glad to be of service.A
28Player Default: No problem, Barney. Glad to be of service.{Friendly, sincere / Friendly} Well, Reba and I appreciate it. We won't soon forget you.Barney: Now, about that reward...A1a
29Player Default: Great, now I'm covered in crab guts.{Friendly sarcasm. Barney is now friendly with the player, but he still makes jabs / Friendly} Yeah, and you smell like a fishmarket. Phew!Barney: Now, about that reward...B1a
30Player Default: I'm glad that's over with.{Friendly and happy / Friendly} You and me and Reba makes three, my friend. Hopefully those turrets will keep them off my ass for a while.Barney: Now, about that reward...X1a
31Player Default: Is that it? Will they come back?{Friendly / Confident} They might, but they'll have something to think about if they do.Barney: Now, about that reward...Y1a
32Player Default: Well, Reba and I appreciate it. We won't soon forget you.{happy / Neutral} Now, about that reward...Barney: Here's a key to my workshop in the Bunker. Reba II should be sitting on the table in there. I'd say you've earned her.A1a
33Barney: Now, about that reward...{Happy with the player / Relieved} Here's a key to my workshop in the Bunker. Reba II should be sitting on the table in there. I'd say you've earned her.A1a
34{Proud of himself / Friendly} Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe today is earmarked for some target practice. The Salem Volunteer Militia never rests!A1b
35DN083_BarneyRunsToBunker{Yelling to someone below him / Surprised} Are you crazy? Get out of the street before any more of them catch wind of you!Barney: Look, I'll open the gate and you get in here quick! I'm gonna let you in the bunker. Don't make me regret this.A1a
36Barney: Are you crazy? Get out of the street before any more of them catch wind of you!{Irritated} Look, I'll open the gate and you get in here quick! I'm gonna let you in the bunker. Don't make me regret this.A1a
37DN083_BarneySalemStoryPlayer Default: Yes, I'm really interested.{neutral / Sad} Ok, I guess I've got a minute.Barney: My family's lived in this town going back generations. Far as I can tell, we've been here as long as it has.A1a
38Player Default: On second thought, never mind.{Going back to cranky, all business Barney / Stern} Right. No time for reminiscing when there's work to be done.Player Default: Tell me what I'm supposed to be doing again.B1a
39Player Default: Only if you want to, Barney.{Opening up a bit to the player for once / Neutral} Yeah, I'll tell you. It'll do me some good to get this off my chest.Barney: My family's lived in this town going back generations. Far as I can tell, we've been here as long as it has.X1a
40Player Default: Barney, are you ok?{Starting to think sadly of the past / Sad} Yeah, I'm fine. It's just...Barney: My family's lived in this town going back generations. Far as I can tell, we've been here as long as it has.Y1a
41Player Default: Ok, I guess I've got a minute.{Reminiscing an old story to the player / Somber} My family's lived in this town going back generations. Far as I can tell, we've been here as long as it has.A1a
42{Reminiscing a little proud / Somber} Even after the bombs dropped, my folks worked hard to keep the town together and drive out any threats.A1b
43{Proud then a little irritated / Somber} We did such a good job that before I was even born, this place was one of the safest towns in the commonwealth. And soon everyone forgot how to be cautious.A1c
44{Upset no one would listen to him / Irritated} I begged the town council to let me train the militia, to teach the citizens how to shoot and fend for themselves. But they thought I was just paranoid.A1d
45{He was so sure, but no one listened / Somber} I knew something was coming, I just didn't know what. And when the mirelurks started rising out of the ocean, no one was ready.A1e
46{Sad he couldn't do more to help / Apologetic} I saved as many as I could, sniping crabbies from my roost upstairs. But for every one I saved, three were goners.A1f
47{Determined, the problems of the past won't happen again / Stern} That was a couple of year ago. Ever since then, I've vowed to protect this town, and I don't plan on breaking that vow.Player Default: People will come back, Barney.A1g
48Player Default: People will come back, Barney.{hopeful, but sad / Friendly} Yeah, I hope so, too.Barney: All right, enough chit chat. You've got a job to do, so go do it!A1a
49Player Default: I think you might want to consider moving on, Barney.{Kind of realizing this for the first time himself / Somber} No, I don't think I will. Even if no one comes back, I can't imagine living any place else.Barney: All right, enough chit chat. You've got a job to do, so go do it!B1a
50Player Default: First we have to get rid of all the mirelurks.{snapping out of reminiscing / Stern} You're right, gotta keep my mind on the jobBarney: All right, enough chit chat. You've got a job to do, so go do it!X1a
51Player Default: What'll you do now?{Coming to a conclusion / Somber} I figure the last Rook will die here, whether it's in the belly of one of those crabs, or in my bed many years from now.Barney: All right, enough chit chat. You've got a job to do, so go do it!Y1a
52Player Default: Yeah, I hope so, too.{Back to military, no nonsense Barney / Stern} All right, enough chit chat. You've got a job to do, so go do it!A1a
53DN083_BarneyStart{Happy} Ha ha! Take that!A2a
54{Yelling at someone below} You picked the wrong day to tick me off!A3a
55{Happy} I ain't running out of ammo anytime soon, crabby!A4a
56{Happy} Woo! Gotcha, didn't I?A5a
57{Happy} It's going to take a lot more than some big fish to scare me!A6a
58{Happy} Woo! Yeah!A7a
59DN083_BarneyStartQuest{As if he's talking to an idiot / Irritated} Son, did someone drop you on your head as a baby, or did you have to work to get this stupid?Player Default: That was stupid of me, I know. I wasn't thinking.A
60{As if he's talking to an idiot / Irritated} Lady, did someone drop you on your head as a baby, or did you have to work to get this stupid?Player Default: That was stupid of me, I know. I wasn't thinking.A
61Player Default: I'm sorry if I caused any trouble.{A little apologetic / Apologetic} Listen, don't let an old codger like me scare you. I'm old and I'm cranky and I haven't had a guest in months.Barney: Barney Rook, commander of the Salem Volunteer Militia, at your service. I'm also the quartermaster, sergeant at arms, and scribe for all official meetings.A1a
62Player Default: I don't have time for this...{scolding / Irritated} Well, you're about to make some time! I saved your sorry butt, the least you can do is keep me company for five stinking minutes!Barney: Barney Rook, commander of the Salem Volunteer Militia, at your service. I'm also the quartermaster, sergeant at arms, and scribe for all official meetings.B1a
63Player Default: You seem busy. I can show myself out.{As if he's talking to an idiot / Puzzled} Where? Back out there? Why not just ring the dinner bell and serve yourself up on a plate? No, better to stay in here for a little while, at least.Barney: Barney Rook, commander of the Salem Volunteer Militia, at your service. I'm also the quartermaster, sergeant at arms, and scribe for all official meetings.X1a
64Player Default: Who's Reba? Are you talking about your gun?{Proud of his gun / Impressed} She's not just a gun! She's top of the line, best gun in the Commonwealth. Made her with my own two hands. Oh, where are my manners? Introductions!Barney: Barney Rook, commander of the Salem Volunteer Militia, at your service. I'm also the quartermaster, sergeant at arms, and scribe for all official meetings.Y1a
65Player Default: Listen, don't let an old codger like me scare you. I'm old and I'm cranky and I haven't had a guest in months.{Saluting and proud / Confident} Barney Rook, commander of the Salem Volunteer Militia, at your service. I'm also the quartermaster, sergeant at arms, and scribe for all official meetings.A1a
66{Proud / Impressed} This here is Reba. But you two already met when she saved your life.Player Default: Thank you, Reba. And thank you, Barney.A1b
67Player Default: Thank you, Reba. And thank you, Barney.{Polite / Neutral} No thanks needed, sir. The Salem Volunteer Militia is at the service of the people of the Commonwealth. Duty is its own reward.A1a
68{an added aside / Friendly} Reba says you're welcome.Barney: Now, I'd love to sit here gabbing all day like a couple of house wives, but we've got some work to do. And by we, I most definitely mean you.A1b
69Player Default: Thank you, Reba. And thank you, Barney.{Polite / Confident} No thanks needed, ma'am. The Salem Volunteer Militia is at the service of the people of the Commonwealth. Duty is its own reward.A2a
70{proud of reba / Friendly} Reba says you're welcome.Barney: Now, I'd love to sit here gabbing all day like a couple of house wives, but we've got some work to do. And by we, I most definitely mean you.A2b
71Player Default: Just two of you? Have you considered a membership drive?{sarcastic / Irritated} Oh, look, Reba. A comedian. Laugh all you want, but remember the last person that scoffed at the S.V.M. is crab stool.Barney: Now, I'd love to sit here gabbing all day like a couple of house wives, but we've got some work to do. And by we, I most definitely mean you.B1a
72Player Default: You two have got your work cut out for you.{thinking of the past / Stern} It was a lot easier when it wasn't just the two of us.X1a
73{militaristic / Confident} The S.V.M. remains vigilant, despite overwhelming odds against us.Barney: Now, I'd love to sit here gabbing all day like a couple of house wives, but we've got some work to do. And by we, I most definitely mean you.X1b
74Player Default: Is it just the two of you? Where is everyone else?{Thinking of the past / Somber} Wasn't always just two of us...Barney: Now, I'd love to sit here gabbing all day like a couple of house wives, but we've got some work to do. And by we, I most definitely mean you.Y1a
75Player Default: Reba says you're welcome.{Down to business / Irritated} Now, I'd love to sit here gabbing all day like a couple of house wives, but we've got some work to do. And by we, I most definitely mean you.A1a
76{down to business / Stern} Before you showed up, the Mirelurks had been mostly quiet. And those that were a problem were quickly dispatched by my turret defense system.A1b
77{Down to business / Neutral} Since things had been quiet lately, I took the turrets offline to conserve ammunition. Obviously, they need to be reactivated.A1c
78{all about the mission / Stern} And that's your mission, soldier. I'm going to continue to hold down the home front while you go reactivate the turrets.Player Default: Sounds good.A1d
79Player Default: Sounds good.{Proud of himself / Irritated} Of course it sounds good, I'm a tactical genius. Smartest man in town, as a matter of fact.Barney: The turrets should be easy enough to find. They're up high in strategic locations around town.A1a
80Player Default: What if I say no?{Scolding / Sarcastic} Well, then I'll go take care of them myself, grow older and crankier, and if I ever see you again, I'll put a bullet in your ass.Barney: The turrets should be easy enough to find. They're up high in strategic locations around town.B1a
81Player Default: What's in it for me?{Revealing a secret he's hiding from "someone in the room" / Conspiratorial} Look, don't tell Reba, but I've been working on a sister for her in my spare time. I'm thinking of calling her "Reba II." She's in the back room.X1a
82{a little conspiratorial / Friendly} She's not as tough as her older sister, but she's all yours if you help me out. Reba would probably get jealous anyway.Barney: The turrets should be easy enough to find. They're up high in strategic locations around town.X1b
83Player Default: What's in it for me?{Negotiating / Question} Ok, how about I throw in 200 caps? That starting to sound good to you?Barney: The turrets should be easy enough to find. They're up high in strategic locations around town.X2a
84Player Default: What's in it for me?{Negotiating / Stern} More of a mercenary than a soldier, I see. How does 400 caps sound? Not like I have to save for Christmas presents anymore.Barney: The turrets should be easy enough to find. They're up high in strategic locations around town.X3a
85Player Default: What's in it for me?{Negotiations have failed, he's not having any crap from the player / Irritated} I'm sorry if you were under the impression that this was some sort of negotiation, but I'm afraid you were mistaken.Barney: The turrets should be easy enough to find. They're up high in strategic locations around town.X4a
86Player Default: What's in it for me?{business only / Neutral} Nothing to think about, this is your assignment. Take it or leave it.Barney: The turrets should be easy enough to find. They're up high in strategic locations around town.X5a
87Player Default: What do I need to do again?{Neutral} I'll show you where the turrets are, you go reactivate them, they start serving up the mirelurks some hot lead.Barney: The turrets should be easy enough to find. They're up high in strategic locations around town.Y1a
88Player Default: Of course it sounds good, I'm a tactical genius. Smartest man in town, as a matter of fact.{stating the mission / Stern} The turrets should be easy enough to find. They're up high in strategic locations around town.A1a
89{advising caution / Stern} Just be careful. All your noise probably woke up more crabbies and other mirelurks. The town could be crawling with them by now.A1b
90Player Default: That was stupid of me, I know. I wasn't thinking.{As if he's talking to an idiot / Irritated} No kidding, you weren't thinking. Wandering around like some aimless child, looking for their lost balloon.Barney: Luckily, I've got Reba here to help me crack those crabs wide open. Isn't that right, girl?A1a
91Player Default: I could have handled myself.{As if he's talking to an idiot / Sarcastic} Oh, I saw how you handle yourself. Froze on the spot, like a deer in headlights.B1a
92{Scolding the player / Mayor} If it weren't for me, you would've been cut up like a paper doll.Barney: Luckily, I've got Reba here to help me crack those crabs wide open. Isn't that right, girl?B1b
93Player Default: This place seemed empty. I thought everything was ok.{As if he's talking to an idiot / Disbelief} Ok? Do you go walking into every empty town you come across assuming everything is going to be "OK?" It's amazing that you're not a corpse already!Barney: Luckily, I've got Reba here to help me crack those crabs wide open. Isn't that right, girl?X1a
94Player Default: What the hell were those things?{Can't believe it / Disbelief} What, you've never seen a Mirelurk before? You must have lived a charmed life up until now.Y1a
95{Informing the player about something he hates / Irritated} Mirelurks are disgusting creatures that live near the water. Some of them look like walking fish men. Others, like big, butt ugly lobsters.Y1b
96{informative / Concerned} The ones outside, the crabby looking ones. Those S.O.B's are hard to kill, on account of the armor you saw.Barney: Luckily, I've got Reba here to help me crack those crabs wide open. Isn't that right, girl?Y1c
97Player Default: No kidding, you weren't thinking. Wandering around like some aimless child, looking for their lost balloon.{Very proud of Reba, his gun whom he treats like a person / Confident} Luckily, I've got Reba here to help me crack those crabs wide open. Isn't that right, girl?Player Default: I'm sorry if I caused any trouble.A1a
98-{Angry} A traitor in our midst! Get him, Reba!
99{Irritated} Quit digging around in my pockets and be serious.
100{Irritated} I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this isn't necessarily a covert mission.
101{Irritated} Now, now. You stay out of there.
102{Stern} No time for chatter.
103{Stern} The mission comes first. Get going.