Minecraft Wiki
This article is about the history of the terrain.png file. For a comprehensive history of block texture changes, including after terrain.png's decommission, see History of textures.
This page uses many images. 
It is not recommended for people with limited or slow internet connections to read through this page.
This page describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Java Edition, Bedrock Edition. 
This feature used to be in the game, but has ever since been removed.It may or may not return in a future update.

terrain.png in 13w01b, the last Java Edition version to actually use this file.

terrain.png was a texture atlas found inside minecraft.jar. It was used to store the game's block and fluid textures, the block breaking animation, and some items. It has been superseded with minecraft_textures_atlas_.pngs, obtainable in the screenshots folder upon doing F3 + S in modern versions (i.e.: 1.19.4).


terrain.png is a fixed-width 256×256-pixel file that is split into different 16×16 squares which correspond to the texture for each block found in-game.


Before the introduction of texture packs, terrain.png had to be edited in order to change any textures found in-game. The file would have to be placed inside an edited minecraft.jar file in order to work.

Empty regions[]

Placeholder Block (texture) JE1 BE1

Unused sections of the texture are occupied by lilac squares, which distantly resemble the missing texture used from 13w16a onwards. The paintings sheet also used this purple texture, however other atlases, like items.png and particles.png, did not.

These regions are solely intended to mark unused spaces on the sheet. Despite this, there are several cases of these texture regions unintentionally being used by blocks, items and other features. The following list names some significant examples where this texture was used (full lists for each edition are available with example screenshots and version ranges: Java, Bedrock, Console)


Missing Model JE3
This section would benefit from the addition of more images. 
Please remove this notice once you've added suitable images to the article.
The specific instructions are: Bedrock and Console Edition should include renders of blocks like with Java Edition, but only listed during the versions when said blocks are implemented
This section is missing information about
  • Apparently the sponge texture changed, by one pixel
  • Java Edition:
    • Was the lava texture added in in-20100110 truly unused, or was it used for the flowing lava texture, which, if it existed, was either unused or just looked like still lava? Was the flowing lava texture even added in this version, or was it added in a prior version and it used the grass top in that position as a placeholder?
    • Likewise, a placeholder texture for fire wasn't added until a June 17th Infdev, despite fire being added more than six months earlier. Did fire even have a dedicated placeholder texture spot prior to this, and the dedicated placeholder texture just put in said space afterwards to mark it?
    • The June 7, 2010 water/lava texture mapping bug implies there may be two different fire textures, even at this point, way before Beta 1.2. Does this mean two placeholder spots?
    • How can placeholder textures be made to appear? There is a way to make them appear circa Beta 1.7.3 by having the game paused as soon as it opens with an animated block in view (results differ with double clicking vs the open world button). Version range for this, and are there any other ways in other versions? Could be useful for testing the unobtainable item forms for fire and gears to see which of the two textures they use for items, as well as the burning on fire first person overlay and burning mob overlay.
    • When was the opaque classic water texture removed?
    • When did torches get a top texture?
    • When did doors stop using the dedicated right hinge texture?
    • When did the furnace use a dedicated top texture?
    • What texture did ender chests use for particles?
    • Particle textures in general. What did logs use throughout history, for example?
    • Clarify inf-20100624's cloth changes on this page as well - DV 35 changed from light gray to white
    • Clarify Beta 1.3's redstone changes
    • Verify the side texture used by repeaters and any UV changes affecting them
    • Beta 1.7 fence UV changes? Should we even be documenting pure UV changes on this page at all?
    • Missing Beta 1.8 changes: mossy cobblestone texture, and two of the other unused textures at the bottom of the file
    • Stuff that should be added:
      • Wool item with damage which is a nonzero multiple of 16: appears as Placeholder Block JE1 BE1 in b1.2, and uses the newly planted nether wart texture on all sides in b1.9 onwards
      • Particles from breaking doors in b1.7 - b1.7.2
      • Weird Piston
      • Shrub
      • Green Shrub
      • Old item forms
        • Leaves
        • Grass Block
        • Grass/Fern/Shrub and historical colorations
        • Lily Pad
      • Technical block item forms
        • Crops
        • Oak Sign
        • Oak Wall Sign
        • Oak Door
        • Iron Door
        • Redstone Wire
        • Unpowered Redstone Repeater
        • Powered Redstone Repeater
        • Unpowered Redstone Comparator
        • Powered Redstone Comparator
        • Pumpkin Stem
        • Melon Stem
        • Nether Wart
        • Carrots
        • Potatoes
        • Cauldron
        • Brewing Stand
        • End Portal
        • Piston Head
        • Moving Piston
        • Flower Pot
        • Skull
        • Red Bed
        • Fire
        • Sugar Cane
        • Cocoa
        • Tripwire
    • Stuff that might be worth adding:
      • Fluid texture mapping bugs in 0.27 SURVIVAL TEST and inf-20100607 - in the former, the placeholder texture is partially used
      • Infinite Water Source
      • Infinite Lava Source
      • Faceless furnaces, lit furnaces, pumpkins, jack o'lanterns and droppers
      • Old item forms
        • Ice
      • Technical block item forms
        • Lit Furnace
        • Lit Redstone Ore
        • Lit Redstone Lamp
        • Cake
        • Nether Portal
        • Double Stone Slab
        • Double Wooden Slab
        • Unlit Redstone Torch
        • Water
        • Lava
  • Bedrock Edition:
    • What textures were used throughout Pocket Edition's history, and when did unused future textures become used?
  • Legacy Console Edition:
    • Did PS4 use terrain.png, even during and after the texture update?
      • If so, then all versions from PS4 1.77 all the way to PS4 1.95 would need to be added.. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
Java Edition pre-Classic
200902092053 terrain
Added terrain.png.
This version dates to February of 2009, predating the first builds of the game by 3 months and probably implying its usage in RubyDung.
Grass Block JE1 Stone JE1 The textures for grass blocks and stone have been added.
200905152136 terrain
Cobblestone JE1 Dirt JE1 Oak Planks JE1 The textures for cobblestone, dirt and planks have been added.
Grass Block JE2 Stone JE2 The textures for grass blocks and stone have changed. Grass blocks now have side textures, and the old texture, now exclusively used for the top, has been brightened.
Rd-161348 terrain
Oak Sapling JE1 Added the texture for the oak sapling.
Oak Planks JE2 The oak planks texture has changed.
A second, unused copy of the top texture for the grass block has been added.
Java Edition Classic
200905192307 terrain
Bedrock JE1 Lava JE1 Water JE1 BE1 The textures for bedrock, lava and water have been added.
Water (texture) JE0 An opaque version of the water is also added, which can be seen to have been used for water in pre-release screenshots.
200905210302 terrain
Lava JE2 Oak Sapling JE2 The lava and oak sapling textures have changed.
200905252225 terrain
Sand JE1 Gravel JE1 Gold Ore JE1 Iron Ore JE1 BE1 Coal Ore JE1 BE1 Oak Log Axis Y JE1 Oak Leaves JE1 The textures for sand, gravel, gold ore, iron ore, coal ore, oak logs and oak leaves have been added.
Cobblestone JE2 Oak Planks JE3 The cobblestone and oak planks textures have changed.
Unknown 1 (texture) JE1 An unused white texture, and three other textures duplicating the three textures used for the grass block (dirt (bottom), side and top) have also been added.
200905311829 terrain
Sand JE2 Gravel JE2 Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Oak Leaves JE2 The textures for sand, gravel, oak logs and oak leaves have changed.
The unused white texture and three duplicated grass block textures have been removed (the older grass block top duplicate still remains).
0.0.19aChanges were made to terrain.png, however the revision used in this version cannot be found as the version has not been archived.
Sponge JE1 BE1 Glass JE1 The textures for sponges and glass have been added.
Lava JE4 Water JE3 Lava and water now use procedural code-generated animated textures.
Lava (placeholder texture) JE1 BE1 Water (placeholder texture) JE1 BE1 The previous lava and water textures are now used as animation placeholder textures.
0.0.19a_01Changes were made to terrain.png, however the revision used in this version cannot be found as the version has not been archived.
Glass JE2 The texture for glass has changed.
200906192314 terrain
Glass JE3 BE1 The texture for glass has changed once again.
200906202230 terrain
White Cloth Light Gray Cloth JE1 Dark Gray Cloth JE1 Red Cloth Orange Cloth Yellow Cloth Chartreuse Cloth Green Cloth Spring Green Cloth Cyan Cloth Capri Cloth Ultramarine Cloth Violet Cloth Purple Cloth Magenta Cloth Rose Cloth Dandelion JE1 Rose JE1 Red Mushroom JE1 Brown Mushroom JE1 Block of Gold JE1 The textures for all 16 cloth colors, as well as dandelions, roses, red and brown mushrooms and blocks of gold have been added.
200908141406 terrain
The textures for the breaking animation have been added.
200910232317 terrain
Double Smooth Stone Slab JE1 BE1 Block of Iron JE1 BE1 TNT JE1 Mossy Cobblestone JE1 Bricks JE1 Bookshelf JE1 The textures for smooth stone slabs, blocks of iron, TNT, mossy cobblestone, bricks and bookshelves have been added.
Block of Gold JE2 Gold Ore JE2 BE1 The textures for blocks of gold and gold ore have changed.
Cobweb (texture) JE0 BE0 Brick Variations Classic The cobweb texture (unused at the time), four variations of bricks and two strange, misaligned block of gold side textures have been added.
200910271154 terrain
Obsidian JE1 BE1 The texture for obsidian has been added.
Light Gray Cloth Dark Gray Cloth TNT JE2 BE1 The textures for light gray and gray cloth and TNT have changed.
Java Edition Indev
200912231443 terrain
Torch JE1 Wall Torch (N) JE1 Wall Torch (E) JE1 Wall Torch (S) JE1 Wall Torch (W) JE1 The texture for torches has been added.[is this the correct version?]
Water (placeholder texture) JE1 BE1 Another copy of the old water/water placeholder texture has been added, likely to account for the addition of the flowing water texture.
The unused brick block texture variations and weird misaligned gold block textures have been removed.
200912251916 terrain
Torch JE2 Wall Torch (N) JE2 Wall Torch (E) JE2 Wall Torch (S) JE2 Wall Torch (W) JE2 The torch texture has changed.
201001091853 terrain
Oak Sapling JE4 The texture for oak saplings has changed.
Lava (placeholder texture) JE1 BE1 The old grass block top texture duplicate has been replaced by a copy of the old lava texture. It is not known if it is used or not - it may be a placeholder texture for flowing lava, assuming said texture has been added to the game at this point or prior, and is either unused or simply looks identical to still lava.[more information needed]
201001241646 terrain
Chest (N) JE1 Chest (E) JE1 Chest (S) JE1 Chest (W) JE1 Large Chest JE1 The textures for chests have been added.
201001281702 terrain
Diamond Ore JE1 BE1 Block of Diamond JE1 The textures for diamond ore and blocks of diamond have been added.
Gear (placeholder texture) JE1 Gear (placeholder texture) JE1 Placeholder textures for gears has been added. The actual textures used by gears are separate files and located in a different directory.
201001292316 terrain
Crafting Table JE1 BE1 The textures for crafting tables have been added.
201002061733 terrain
Farmland JE1 Moist Farmland JE1 Added textures for farmland.
Wheat Age 0 JE1 Wheat Age 1 JE1 Wheat Age 2 JE1 Wheat Age 3 JE1 Wheat Age 4 JE1 Wheat Age 5 JE1 Wheat Age 6 JE1 Wheat Age 7 JE1 The textures for wheat crops have been added.
Chair (texture) JE1 Chair or table (texture) JE1 Unused "chair" and "table/chair front" textures have been added, as well as a duplicate of oak planks, likely used for creating said textures.
Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Wheat Age 11 JE1 Wheat Age 12 JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Wheat with metadata 8 through 15 read from the next line of terrain.png. Of these, six use the lilac "placeholder" texture, but two actually use the otherwise-unused chair and table textures.
The textures for oak leaves, blocks of iron, gold and diamond have been moved.
201002191257 terrain
Furnace (N) JE1 Furnace (E) JE1 Furnace (S) JE1 Furnace (W) JE1 Lit Furnace (N) JE1 Lit Furnace (E) JE1 Lit Furnace (S) JE1 Lit Furnace (W) JE1 The textures for the furnace have been added. The top and bottom of furnaces currently use the stone texture.
Java Edition Infdev
201006071923 terrain
Oak Door JE1 Oak Door (Right) JE1 Ladder (N) JE1 Ladder (E) JE1 Ladder (S) JE1 Ladder (W) JE1 The textures for oak doors and ladders have been added. The sides, top and bottom of oak doors use the oak planks texture.
The unused oak planks duplicate texture has been replaced by the ladder texture.
Placeholder Texture Wheat Wheat Age 9 JE2 Wheat Age 10 JE2 Wheat Age 11 JE1 Wheat Age 12 JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat As a result of changes in this version, two extreme crop blocks now use oak door textures.
20100611Oak Door JE2 Oak Door (Right) JE2 The sides, top and bottom of oak doors now use the oak door texture.
201006161446 terrain
Oak Leaves (fast) JE1 An alternate, opaque version of the oak leaves texture has been added, used when the graphics setting is Fast.
Flowing Water (placeholder texture) JE2 BE1 Flowing Lava (placeholder texture) JE2 BE1 The placeholder textures for flowing water and flowing lava[verify] are now 32x32 instead of 16x16, to account for the new geometry and texture mapping of flowing fluids which require a larger texture to account for the rotation of said texture.
All of the fluid placeholder textures (still water, still lava, flowing water and flowing lava) have been moved to the bottom-right corner of terrain.png.
201006171635 terrain
Fire (placeholder texture) JE1 A hilarious placeholder texture for fire has been added.
201006181348 terrain
Rail (NS) JE1 Rail (EW) JE1 Rail (NE) JE1 Rail (ES) JE1 Rail (SW) JE1 Rail (NW) JE1 Rail (Ns) JE1 Rail (nS) JE1 Rail (Ew) JE1 Rail (eW) JE1 The textures for rails have been added.
Oak Door JE3 BE1 Oak Door (Right) JE3 Ladder (N) JE1 Ladder (E) JE2 Ladder (S) JE2 Ladder (W) JE1The textures for oak doors and ladders have been darkened.
Chair (texture) JE2 The unused chair side texture has also been darkened, likely on accident due to its proximity to the other darkened textures.
Placeholder Texture Wheat Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE3 Wheat Age 11 JE2 Wheat Age 12 JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat As a result, wheat with metadata 9, 10, 11 now look different.
201006211325 terrain
Fire (placeholder texture) JE2 The fire placeholder texture has changed. It now has text reading "FIRE TEX! HNST" ("Fire texture! Honest!")
Placeholder Texture Wheat Wheat Age 9 JE3 Placeholder Texture Wheat Wheat Age 11 JE2 Wheat Age 12 JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat All 15 colored cloth textures have been removed, with the white cloth texture retained and moved to where red cloth was previously. In addition, right-hinge door textures have also been removed, reverting wheat of metadata 10 to the placeholder texture.
201006251818 terrain
Spawner JE1 The texture for spawners has been added.
201006281452 terrain
Oak Stairs (N) JE1 Oak Stairs (E) JE1 Oak Stairs (S) JE1 Oak Stairs (W) JE1 Cobblestone Stairs (N) JE1 Cobblestone Stairs (E) JE1 Cobblestone Stairs (S) JE1 Cobblestone Stairs (W) JE1 Oak and cobblestone stairs use oak planks and cobblestone textures, respectively.
Oak Planks (texture) JE3 BE1 Cobblestone (texture) JE2 BE1 Their item forms are flat textures.
Unknown 2 (texture) JE1 An unused unknown block texture has been added. This is likely an early coral block texture, as the version was released shortly after Notch mentioned trying to add corals on The Word of Notch.[1]
Placeholder Texture Wheat Wheat Age 9 JE3 Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat The unused "chair" and "table/chair front" textures have been removed, reverting wheat of metadata 11 and 12 to the placeholder texture.
Java Edition Alpha
201007022213 terrain
Iron Door JE1 BE2
Ceiling Lever (W) JE1 Wall Lever (E) JE1 Wall Lever (W) JE1 Wall Lever (S) JE1 Wall Lever (N) JE1 Floor Lever (N) JE1 Floor Lever (W) JE1 Ceiling Lever (N) JE1 Powered Ceiling Lever (W) JE1 Powered Wall Lever (E) JE1 Powered Wall Lever (W) JE1 Powered Wall Lever (S) JE1 Powered Wall Lever (N) JE1 Powered Floor Lever (N) JE1 Powered Floor Lever (W) JE1 Powered Ceiling Lever (N) JE1
Active Redstone Wire (EW) JE1 Active Redstone Wire (NESW) JE1 Inactive Redstone Wire (EW) JE1 Inactive Redstone Wire (NESW) JE1 Redstone Ore JE1 BE1 Redstone Torch JE1 BE1 Redstone Wall Torch (N) JE1 BE1 Redstone Wall Torch (E) JE1 BE1 Redstone Wall Torch (S) JE1 BE1 Redstone Wall Torch (W) JE1 BE1 Unlit Redstone Torch JE1 BE1 Unlit Redstone Wall Torch (N) JE1 BE1 Unlit Redstone Wall Torch (E) JE1 BE1 Unlit Redstone Wall Torch (S) JE1 BE1 Unlit Redstone Wall Torch (W) JE1 BE1 The textures for iron doors, levers, redstone wire, redstone ore and redstone torches have been added.
Wheat Age 8 JE2 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE5 Wheat Age 11 JE4 Wheat Age 12 JE3 Wheat Age 13 JE2 Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Due to this, wheat of metadata 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 also use these textures.
Stone Button JE1 Stone Pressure Plate JE1 Oak Pressure Plate JE1 The bases of levers use the cobblestone texture, stone buttons and stone pressure plates use the stone texture, and oak pressure plates use the planks texture.
Oak Stairs (inventory) JE2 Cobblestone Stairs (inventory) JE2 Stairs items now have proper models, which render oddly.
The placeholder textures for gears have been removed.
201007091635 terrain
Ice JE1 BE1 Snow (layers 1) JE1 BE1 Snowy Grass Block JE1 BE1 The textures for ice, snow layers and snowy grass blocks have been added.
The unused "coral block" texture has been removed, being replaced by the snowy grass side.
v1.0.5Snow Block JE1 BE1 Snow blocks use the snow layer texture.
201007161242 terrain
Cactus JE1 The textures for cactus have been added.
Cactus (item) JE1 The cactus item uses the side texture on all faces.
201007231456 terrain
Sugar Cane JE1 Clay JE1 BE1 The textures for sugar cane and clay have been added.
Cactus JE2 BE1 The model and textures for cacti have changed.
Cactus uses the same model as the block does in item form.
Bricks JE2 BE1 The texture for bricks has changed.
201007301722 terrain
Jukebox JE1 BE1 The textures for jukeboxes have been added.
Minecart with Furnace JE1 Minecart with Chest JE1 Minecarts with chests and minecarts with furnaces use the chest and furnace blocks' textures, respectively.
v1.0.17Oak Fence JE1 Oak fences use the oak planks texture.
201010302046 terrain
Netherrack JE1 Soul Sand JE1 BE1 Glowstone JE1 Carved Pumpkin JE1 BE1 Jack o'Lantern JE1 BE1 The textures for netherrack, soul sand, glowstone, pumpkins and jack o'lanterns have been added.
Wheat Age 8 JE2 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE5 Wheat Age 11 JE4Wheat Age 12 JE3 Wheat Age 13 JE2 Wheat Age 14 JE2 Wheat Age 15 JE2 The addition of these textures now means wheat of metadata 14 and 15 use the pumpkin and netherrack textures - as a result, there are no longer any metadata versions of wheat that use a placeholder texture.
Grass Block JE3 BE1 Oak Leaves JE3 BE1 Leaves (Fast) JE2 BE1 The texture for the top of grass blocks and both textures for for oak leaves have changed - the textures are now completely grayscale, and are tinted depending on the biome.
Rail (NS) JE2 BE1 Rail (EW) JE2 BE1 Rail (NE) JE2 BE1 Rail (ES) JE2 BE1 Rail (SW) JE2 BE1 Rail (NW) JE2 BE1 Rail (Ns) JE2 BE1 Rail (nS) JE2 BE1 Rail (Ew) JE2 BE1 Rail (eW) JE2 BE1 The textures for rails have changed.
Block of Gold JE3 BE1 Block of Iron JE2 BE1 Block of Diamond JE2 BE1 Blocks of gold, iron and diamond now use the top texture on all faces. The side textures are still used for particles. The bottom textures are now completely unused.
Nether Portal (placeholder texture) JE1 BE1 A placeholder texture for nether portals has been added.
v1.2.2Official support for 16×16 texture packs without having to edit minecraft.jar has been added. Higher resolutions are not fully supported.
Java Edition Beta
201101101828 terrain
Cake JE1 Cake (1 bite) JE1 Cake (2 bites) JE1 Cake (3 bites) JE1 Cake (4 bites) JE1 Cake (5 bites) JE1 Cake (6 bites) JE1 Cake (7 bites) JE1 Cake (8 bites) JE1 Cake (9 bites) JE1 Cake (10 bites) JE1 Cake (11 bites) JE1 Cake (12 bites) JE1 Cake (13 bites) JE1 Cake (14 bites) JE1 Cake (15 bites) JE1
Dispenser JE1 Lapis Lazuli Block JE1 BE1 Lapis Lazuli Ore JE1 BE1 Sandstone JE1 BE1 Spruce Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Spruce Leaves JE1 BE1 The textures for cake, dispensers, lapis lazuli blocks, lapis lazuli ore, sandstone, spruce leaves, spruce logs and birch logs have been added. Cakes with metadata 8-15 borrow from an adjacent placeholder texture.
Light Gray Wool JE1 BE1 Gray Wool JE1 BE1 Black Wool JE1 BE1 Brown Wool JE1 BE1 Red Wool JE1 BE1 Orange Wool JE1 BE1 Yellow Wool JE1 BE1 Lime Wool JE1 BE1 Green Wool JE1 BE1 Cyan Wool JE1 BE1 Light Blue Wool JE1 BE1 Blue Wool JE1 BE1 Purple Wool JE1 BE1 Magenta Wool JE1 BE1 Pink Wool JE1 BE1 New colored versions of wool have been added with a different color scheme.
Birch Leaves JE1 BE2 Note Block JE1 BE1 Instead of having different but visually identical textures, birch leaves use the texture for oak leaves, and note blocks use the side texture for jukeboxes.
Spruce and birch leaves use hard-coded colors and ignore biome coloration rules.
Cake (unused texture) JE1 BE1 Added unused old texture of the cake's item form.
The side and bottom textures for blocks of gold, iron and diamond have been removed. The top textures are now used for particles.
Cake (8 bites) JE1 (facing NWU) Cake (9 bites) JE1 (facing NWU) Cake (10 bites) JE1 (facing NWU) Cake (11 bites) JE1 (facing NWU) Cake (12 bites) JE1 (facing NWU) Cake (13 bites) JE1 (facing NWU) Cake (14 bites) JE1 (facing NWU) Cake (15 bites) JE1 (facing NWU)
Cakes with eight through fifteen bites now borrow from the adjacent cake side texture when seen from below.
201102160819 terrain
Red Bed JE1 BE1 Redstone Repeater JE1 Powered Redstone Repeater (N) JE1 The textures for red beds and redstone repeaters have been added. Beds use the oak planks texture on the bottom. Redstone repeaters use the models and textures for redstone torches and the smooth stone top texture[verify] on the sides of the base.
Cobblestone Slab JE1 BE1 Oak Slab JE1 BE1 Sandstone Slab JE1 Cobblestone, wooden (petrified oak) and sandstone and smooth slabs use cobblestone, planks and sandstone, respectively.
Seamless Stone Slab JE1 Smooth Stone JE1 BE1 "Seamless" stone slabs, whose double variants are an unintentional and effective precursor to smooth stone, have been added.
Crying Obsidian (texture) JE0 BE0 An unused crying obsidian texture has been added.
Wheat Age 8 JE2 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE5 Wheat Age 11 JE4 Placeholder Texture Wheat Placeholder Texture Wheat Wheat Age 14 JE2 Wheat Age 15 JE2 The old textures for redstone wire have been removed and new redstone textures added, which use a tint system. As a result, wheat of metadata 12 and 13 now use the placeholder texture once more.
1.4Chest JE1 Large Chest JE1 Added locked chests, which use identical models and textures to chests and have a large variant.
1.4_01Locked chests no longer have a large variant, and as such do not use said model.
201104151009 terrain
Birch Sapling JE1 Spruce Sapling JE1 Detector Rail JE1 BE1 Powered Rail JE1 BE1 Powered Powered Rail (NS) JE1 BE1 Grass Block JE4 The textures for birch saplings, spruce saplings, detector rails, powered rails and a side overlay texture for grass blocks have been added.
The side overlay texture for grass blocks is grayscale and is tinted depending on the biome.
The unused crying obsidian texture has been replaced by the grass block overlay texture.
1.6Test Build 3
201105241422 terrain
Dead Bush JE1 BE1 Grass JE1 Fern JE1 The textures for dead bushes, grass, ferns and oak trapdoors have been added.
The textures for grass and ferns are grayscale and biome tinted.
An unused copy of the grass block top texture has been added, possibly used for picking the colors for drawing grass and ferns.
201106271457 terrain
Piston JE1 BE1 Sticky Piston JE1 BE1 The textures for pistons and sticky pistons have been added. Interestingly, despite the back texture being visually identical to the texture used for the tops and bottoms of furnaces and dispensers, the texture used by pistons is separate.
Bricks JE3 Cobblestone JE3 The textures for bricks and cobblestone have changed.
Sandstone Slab Bottom JE2 Oak Slab Bottom JE2 Smooth Stone Slab Bottom JE2 BE1 Cobblestone Slab JE2 BE2 There have been major changes to the UV (texture application) for non-full blocks, making changes to their models. For example, slabs and the bottom step of stairs now use the bottom half of the texture on their sides.
Cake (8 bites) JE2 (facing NWU) Cake (9 bites) JE2 (facing NWU) Cake (10 bites) JE2 (facing NWU) Cake (11 bites) JE2 (facing NWU) Cake (12 bites) JE2 (facing NWU) Cake (13 bites) JE2 (facing NWU) Cake (14 bites) JE2 (facing NWU) Cake (15 bites) JE2 (facing NWU) In addition, the textures for cakes and beds have changed to fit these model changes, shifting these textures from the top of their 16x16 regions to the bottom. This results in no visual change for these blocks, with the exception of cakes above metadata 7, which appear different when viewed from below as they use the cake side texture in a way it was not intended to, showcasing the texture change in action.
201108311014 terrain
Stone Bricks JE1 BE1 Mossy Stone Bricks JE1 BE1 Cracked Stone Bricks JE1 BE1 Brown Mushroom Block JE1 BE1 Red Mushroom Block JE1 BE1 Mushroom Stem JE1 BE1 Melon JE1 BE1 Vines (N) JE1 Iron Bars (EW) JE1 BE1 Glass Pane JE1 BE1
Stem Age 0 JE1 Stem Age 1 JE1 Stem Age 2 JE1 Stem Age 3 JE1 Stem Age 4 JE1 Stem Age 5 JE1 Stem Age 6 JE1 Stem Age 7 JE1 Attached Stem (W) JE1 The textures for stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, mossy stone bricks, red and brown mushroom blocks, mushroom stems, melons, vines, iron bars, glass panes and pumpkin and melon stems have been added.
Wheat Age 8 JE2 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE5 Wheat Age 11 JE4 Wheat Age 12 JE5 Wheat Age 13 JE4 Wheat Age 14 JE2 Wheat Age 15 JE2 As a result, wheat with metadata 12 and 13 now use stone brick variant textures, meaning wheat no longer uses the placeholder texture at all again. This is final - extreme metadata wheat will never use a placeholder texture again.
Glass panes use the glass texture on "wide" faces, and the new glass pane edge texture on "narrow" faces.
Brick Slab JE1 Brick Stairs JE1 Stone Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Stone Brick Stairs JE1 Oak Fence Gate (EW) JE1 Brick slabs and stairs, stone brick slabs and stairs, and oak fence gates respectively use the brick, stone brick and oak planks textures.
Stone JE2 BE1 Monster eggs use the model and texture for stone.
Cobblestone JE3 BE2 Stone Bricks JE1 BE1 The item forms of monster eggs with metadata 2 and 3 use the model and texture for cobblestone and stone bricks.[more information needed]
The unused "village border"[verify] texture has been added.
Cake (8 bites) JE3 Cake (9 bites) JE3 Cake (10 bites) JE3 Cake (11 bites) JE3 Cake (12 bites) JE3 Cake (13 bites) JE3 Cake (14 bites) JE3 Cake (15 bites) JE3 Cakes with metadata 8 through 15 now use the red mushroom block texture with the addition of the red mushroom block.
Stem Age 8 JE1 Stem Age 9 JE1 Stem Age 10 JE1 Stem Age 11 JE1 Stem Age 12 JE1 Stem Age 13 JE1 Stem Age 14 JE1 Stem Age 15 JE1
Attached Stem Age 8 JE1 Attached Stem Age 9 JE1 Attached Stem Age 10 JE1 Attached Stem Age 11 JE1 Attached Stem Age 12 JE1 Attached Stem Age 13 JE1 Attached Stem Age 14 JE1 Attached Stem Age 15 JE1 Stems with metadata 8-15 use the texture below them - attached stems for stems and vines for attached stems.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease
201109221032 terrain
Lily Pad JE1 BE1 Mycelium JE1 BE1 Nether Bricks JE1 BE1 Nether Wart Age 0 JE1 Nether Wart Age 1-2 JE1 Nether Wart Age 3 JE1 The textures for lily pads, mycelium, nether bricks, nether wart crops have been added.
Nether Brick Fence JE1 BE1 Nether Brick Stairs Nether brick fences and nether brick stairs use nether bricks texture. Mycelium uses the dirt texture on the bottom face of the block.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2
201109281352 terrain
Cauldron JE1 The textures for cauldrons have been added.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3
201110061333 terrain
Brewing Stand (empty) JE1 Enchanting Table JE1 BE1 End Portal Frame JE1 Filled End Portal Frame JE1 The textures for brewing stands, enchanting tables, end portal frames have been added.
End Stone (texture) JE0 An unused "white cobblestone" texture has been added.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4
201110071036 terrain
Filled End Portal Frame (N) JE2 End Stone JE1 BE1 The texture for eye of ender in end portal frames and end stone have been added.
End Portal Frame JE2 The textures for end portal frames have changed. End portal frame now have top and side textures and use end stone texture on the bottom face.
An unused white cobblestone texture has been replaced by the end stone texture.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5
201110210934 terrain
Block of Diamond JE3 BE2 Block of Gold JE4 BE2 Block of Iron JE3 BE3 Dirt JE2 BE2 Glowstone JE2 BE1 Grass Block JE5 Gravel JE3 BE1 Netherrack JE2 BE1 Stone JE4 Oak Planks JE4 BE2 The textures for blocks of diamond, blocks of gold, blocks of iron, dirt, glowstone, grass blocks top, gravel, netherrack, stone and planks have changed.
Wheat Age 8 JE2 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE5 Wheat Age 11 JE4 Wheat Age 12 JE5 Wheat Age 13 JE4 Wheat Age 14 JE2 Wheat Age 15 JE3 The texture for netherrack wheat has changed.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6
201111111311 terrain
Dragon Egg JE1 The texture for dragon eggs has been added.
Grass Block JE7 BE2 Sand JE3 BE1 The textures for grass block sides and sand have changed.
201201191331 terrain
Jungle Leaves JE1 BE2 Jungle Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 The textures for jungle leaves and jungle logs have been added.
201201250912 terrain
Jungle Sapling JE1 The texture for jungle sapling has been added.
Dispenser JE2 BE1 Oak Sapling JE5 The textures for dispenser front and oak sapling have changed.
201202101524 terrain
Redstone Lamp JE1 Lit Redstone Lamp JE1 The textures for redstone lamps have been added.
201202290925 terrain
Redstone Lamp JE2 BE1 Lit Redstone Lamp JE2 BE1 The textures for redstone lamps have changed.
Chiseled Sandstone (side texture) JE0 Cut Sandstone (side texture) JE0 Two unused sandstone textures have been added.
201203210917 terrain
Birch Planks JE1 BE1 Spruce Planks JE1 BE1 Jungle Planks JE1 BE1 Cut Sandstone JE1 BE1 Chiseled Sandstone JE1 BE1 The textures for birch planks, spruce planks, jungle planks, cut sandstone and chiseled sandstone have been added.
Sandstone JE2 BE2 Light Gray Wool JE2 BE2 Gray Wool JE2 BE2 Black Wool JE2 BE2 Brown Wool JE2 BE2 Red Wool JE2 BE2 Orange Wool JE2 BE2 Yellow Wool JE2 BE2 Lime Wool JE2 BE2 Green Wool JE2 BE2 Cyan Wool JE2 BE2 Light Blue Wool JE2 BE2 Blue Wool JE2 BE2 Purple Wool JE2 BE2 Magenta Wool JE2 BE2 Pink Wool JE2 BE2 The textures for sandstone sides and colored wool have changed.
Cut sandstone and chiseled sandstone use sandstone top texture on the top and bottom faces.
1.3.112w17aOak Slab JE3 BE2 Birch Slab JE1 BE1 Spruce Slab JE1 BE1 Jungle Slab JE1 BE1 Oak, birch, spruce, jungle slabs use planks texture for the appropriate type.
201205101048 terrain
Cocoa Age 0 (S) JE1 Cocoa Age 1 (S) JE1 Cocoa Age 2 (S) JE1 The textures for cocoa pods have been added.
Cocoa Age 3 (S) JE1 Cocoa pods with an age of 3 pick from the dragon egg texture due to it being the next one in line.
201205241215 terrain
Emerald Ore JE1 The texture for emerald ores has been added.
Gravel JE4 BE2 The texture for gravel has changed.
Sandstone Stairs JE1 Sandstone stairs use sandstone textures.
Chests now use the oak planks texture for particles. The old textures for chests have been removed.
Placeholder Block JE1 BE1 The textures for locked chests have changed.
201205251206 terrain
Emerald Ore JE2 BE1 The texture for emerald ores has changed.
201205310826 terrain
Block of Emerald JE1 BE1 Tripwire Tripwire Hook JE1 The textures for blocks of emerald, tripwires, tripwire hooks have been added.
Tripwire hooks use the oak planks texture on the base.
Locked chest JE3 The texture for locked chests top has changed.
201206071106 terrain
Tripwire (N) The texture for tripwires has changed.
201207261249 terrain
Stem Age 0 JE2 Stem Age 1 JE2 Stem Age 2 JE2 Stem Age 3 JE2 Stem Age 4 JE2 Stem Age 5 JE2 Stem Age 6 JE2 Stem Age 7 JE2 Attached Stem (W) JE2 The textures for pumpkin and melon stems have changed.
Stem Age 8 JE2 Stem Age 9 JE2 Stem Age 10 JE2 Stem Age 11 JE2 Stem Age 12 JE2 Stem Age 13 JE2 Stem Age 14 JE2 Stem Age 15 JE2
Attached Stem Age 8 JE2 Attached Stem Age 9 JE2 Attached Stem Age 10 JE2 Attached Stem Age 11 JE2 Attached Stem Age 12 JE2 Attached Stem Age 13 JE2 Attached Stem Age 14 JE2 Attached Stem Age 15 JE2 Due to this, subtle changes can also be seen in the overgrown versions of pumpkin and melon stems.
201208091533 terrain
Beacon JE1 Impulse Command Block JE1 The textures for beacons and command blocks have been added.
201208231427 terrain
Root Vegetables Stage 0 JE1 Root Vegetables Stage 1 JE1 Root Vegetables Stage 2 JE1 Carrots Age 7 JE1 Potatoes Age 7 JE1 Flower Pot JE1 Item Frame JE1 BE1 The textures for carrot crops, potato crops, flower pots, item frames have been added.
Potted Dandelion JE1 Potted Rose JE1 Potted Red Mushroom JE1 Potted Brown Mushroom JE1 Potted Oak Sapling JE1 Potted Birch Sapling JE1 Potted Spruce Sapling JE1 Potted Jungle Sapling JE1 Potted Cactus JE1 Potted Fern JE1 Potted Dead Bush JE1 Flower pots use the texture for each plant and dirt texture inside. What texture the pots use in the underside is unknown as in this version they require solid block support.
Cobblestone Wall JE1 BE1 Mossy Cobblestone Wall JE1 BE1 Oak Button (S) JE1 BE1 Cobblestone walls, mossy cobblestone walls, item frames bezel, wooden buttons use textures for cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, birch planks and oak planks.
12w36aBeacon JE2 Beacons now use glass and obsidian textures. The previously added beacon texture is now unused.
201209201253 terrain
Beacon JE3 The texture for beacons has changed. Beacons once again use their own texture, instead of the glass texture.
201210041143 terrain
Beacon JE4 BE1 The texture for beacons has changed. Beacons use own texture on the core and once again use glass texture.
201210111358 terrain
Anvil JE1 BE1 Chipped Anvil JE1 BE1 Damaged Anvil JE1 BE1 The textures for anvils have been added.
201210171148 terrain
Redstone Repeater JE4 BE1 Powered Redstone Repeater (S) JE7 The texture for redstone repeaters top has changed.
Locked Redstone Repeater JE1 BE1 Powered Locked Redstone Repeater (S) JE1 BE1 Locked redstone repeaters use the bedrock texture on the lock.
201301031509 terrain
Block of Redstone JE1 BE1 Daylight Detector Hopper (item) JE1 Nether Quartz Ore JE1 BE1 Redstone Comparator (S) JE1 The textures for blocks of redstone, daylight detectors, hopper item, nether quartz ores, comparators have been added.
Locked chest JE4 The texture for locked chest sides has changed.
Hopper (D) JE1 Light Weighted Pressure Plate JE1 BE1 Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate JE1 BE1 Hoppers, light weighted pressure plates, heavy weighted pressure plates use the textures for cauldrons, blocks of gold and blocks of iron.
13w02aThe terrain.png file has been replaced by individual block and item images, allowing for HD and animated textures. The terrain.png has been effectively replaced by procedurally generated texture atlases.
A new file called results.png is present in the block textures folder, holding most of the textures which were not extracted (however the nether portal placeholder texture is mysteriously absent). It appears to be a dismantled version of the 12w42a file, rather than the 13w01a version.
13w02bterrain.png has been removed from the jar file from this point onwards.
13w03aresults.png has been removed from the jar file from this point onwards.
Pocket Edition Alpha
201108090811 terrain
Added terrain.png, based on Java Edition Beta 1.3.
Aggies BE1 The ... button is present.
Fire (placeholder texture) BE1 The fire texture placeholder is different from in Java Edition.
201112011443 terrain
Info update BE1 Info update2 BE1 Added textures used by the info update blocks.
Fire (placeholder texture) BE2 The fire placeholder textures are now a translucent orange, very similar to the water placeholder.
201202041532 terrain
The terrain.png file has now been updated to 1.0.0's version.
Ice BE2 Ice's texture has unaccountably changed to be completely opaque.
v0.2.1Placeholder Block JE1 BE1 Placeholder Block JE1 BE1 The item model of leaves use separate but identical magenta textures when "Fancy Graphics" are enabled/disabled and no longer tinted.
Oak leaves in item form with damage value 1 and 2 no longer use models of spruce and birch leaves.
v0.2.1 alpha2Info update BE2 Iron Door BE3 Oak Leaves BE2 Oak Leaves BE2 Oak Leaves (fast) BE2 Oak Leaves (fast) BE2 Oak Leaves (item) BE2 Oak Leaves (item fast) BE2 The textures for info update, iron door, oak and birch leaves in block and item form have changed.
The update game block's top left pixel is now transparent. This causes it to render black in-game.
Oak Leaves JE2 Oak Leaves (fast) JE1 The textures for leaves in item form were taken from Java Edition Alpha v1.1.2_01 and earlier.
201208272003 terrain
Spruce Leaves (carried texture) BE1 Fast Spruce Leaves (carried texture) BE1 Pre-tinted versions of spruce leaves have been added, also used for item rendering.
201210291325 terrain
Glowing Obsidian BE1 Nether Reactor Core BE1 Initialized Nether Reactor Core BE1 Finished Nether Reactor Core BE1 The textures for glowing obsidian and the nether reactor core have been added.
The grass block side texture has changed.
Grass Block (carried top texture) BE1 A tinted version of the grass top texture has been added for the item.
201301181025 terrain
Stonecutter (Old) BE1 Block of Quartz JE1 BE1 Chiseled Quartz Block Axis Y JE1 BE1 Quartz Pillar Axis Y JE1 BE1 Cut Sandstone JE1 BE1 Chiseled Sandstone JE1 BE1 The textures for the stonecutter and various quartz and sandstone products have been added.
v0.8.0build 2terrain.png is no longer used and has been removed, now being replaced with terrain-atlas.tga.
Legacy Console Edition
201105241422 terrain
1.66.0033.0 terrain MipmapLevel2 1.66.0033.0 terrain MipmapLevel3 Added terrain.png.
201202290925 terrain
Added unused terrain.png in res/1.2.2/.
?TU3 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU3 terrain MipmapLevel3 There are mipmapped versions of the above terrain.png.
TU3The terrain.png in res/1.2.2/ is now the one used by the game, and the one that will always be used from now on, leaving the prior terrain.png unused for the rest of the edition's development.
201207261249 terrain
TU9 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU9 terrain MipmapLevel3 Added textures for birch and spruce wood planks
Item frames uses textures for birch wood planks and cake bottom.
Added textures for jungle wood planks, emerald ore, cocoa pods, block of emerald, tripwire hooks and tripwires, despite not being added until TU12 and TU14, respectively.
Removed the original chest texture.
Changed the textures for gravel, wool colors , sandstone sides, melon stems and pumpkin stems.
TU12CU1 1.00
TU12 terrain
TU12 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU12 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU14 1.04
TU14 terrain
TU14 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU14 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU19CU7 1.12
TU19 terrain
TU19 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU19 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU22CU10 1.15
TU22 terrain
TU22 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU22 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU25CU14 1.17
TU25 terrain
TU25 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU25 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU28CU16 1.19 Patch 1
TU28 terrain
TU28 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU28 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU31CU19 1.22 Patch 3
TU31 terrain
TU31 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU31 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU43CU33 1.36 Patch 13
TU43 terrain
TU43 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU43 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU51CU41 1.44 Patch 201.0.1
TU51 terrain
TU51 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU51 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU53CU43 1.49 Patch 231.0.3
TU53 terrain
TU53 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU53 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU54CU44 1.52 Patch 241.0.4
TU54 terrain
TU54 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU54 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU60CU51 1.64 Patch 301.0.11
TU60 terrain
TU60 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU60 terrain MipmapLevel3
TU69 1.76 Patch 36
TU69 terrain
TU69 terrain MipmapLevel2 TU69 terrain MipmapLevel3
Pi Edition
201212171711 terrain
Added terrain.png.
Initialized Nether Reactor Core PI1 The lit nether reactor core appears to have an exclusive texture.
201301181025 terrain
Updated terrain.png which is as a result now identical to a Pocket Edition revision.



See also[]
