Tower of God Wiki
Tower of God Wiki

1F - Headon's Floor (1): This is the first chapter of Volume 1 of Tower of God. It shows Baam entering the Tower while chasing after Rachel, which ends with him meeting Headon, who give him the Ball Test.


The series opens in a dark and mysterious cavern, with a boy, who is carrying a cleaver on his back while pursuing a girl. Once he catches her, they both fall onto the ground and they take a second to catch their breath. He then asks the girl where she is going and she answers, "I'm going to climb the Tower". She asks the boy, who is called Baam, to forget about her and let her be reborn. A strange light emerges, wrapping itself around her body, which makes the girl smile. Baam pleads with the girl, who is called Rachel not to go, but it is to no avail. The ground they are laying on is revealed to be a large door, which opens beneath them, with both Baam and Rachel getting sucked in. As they are getting sucked in Baam yells out that he will follow her forever.

When Baam opens his eyes he finds himself in a large cavern covered in carvings, with only a weak light emanating from the torches on the walls. The rabbit-like creature holding a staff or wand appears, greets Baam and saying that it has been a while since he has had a guest.

He introduces himself as the Headon, the Guardian of the First Floor of the Tower. He then asks for the Baam's name, which Baam gives as 'Twenty-Fifth Baam', as it was the day he was born (Baam can mean night or chestnut in Korean). Headon remarks on the name being difficult to call and decides to just call him Baam (remarking on his name sounding delicious).

Headon asks Baam why he entered the Tower. Baam says that he followed a girl there and asks Headon if he had seen a blonde girl passing by. Headon does not answer his question but says that everything a person could want is placed at the top of the Tower. However, to continue climbing, individuals must take a series of tests administered on each Floor.

The test that Headon prepared is the Ball Test - Baam must evade a White Steel Eel and pop the large ball located in its cage. Headon tries to discourage him from taking the test due to its immense difficulty, but Baam steels himself and charges forward nonetheless. Headon snickers and say "Welcome to the Tower, Baam".



Naver Endnote[]

I will try to learn as much as possible, as this is my debut work.[1]

Blog Post[]

Hello, it's me, SIU

It's been some time since I wrote something on my blog.
At last, the first chapter of Tower of God is on Naver.

I didn't really feel anything until the teaser, but now with the first chapter up..
It makes me kinda nervous.^^;
I try to work with the thought that I just have to do better if the reactions not good,
But I still hope there are positive reactions.

Honestly speaking I had a lot of trouble with the first chapter until I finished it.
I modified it like three times after finishing^^;;
I wanted to show a better chapter one now that I'm a pro. I'm just sorry that I annoyed the person in charge, haha.
In the case of quantity, I tried to show a bit more in the first chapter,
But I did not think that it was good to mess it up with too much greed,
So I made the first chapter long and short enough.

Btw the next chapter has some more stuff^^;;
I'm working all over on the thing, so it'll be hard to go too fast,
But there'll be more than when I was in best challenge

Lastly, please refrain from spoiling.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • The glowing eyes seen in the cave when Baam first enters the Tower actually belong to Rachel.[3]
  • According to SIU, "the murals" on the First Floor foreshadow the whole story of the Tower of God (series).[4][5]



Part I
List of Arcs