Minecraft Wiki
For mobs in original games of Minecraft, see Mob.
This page is part of the Minecraft: Story Mode Wiki project. 

There are several mobs exclusively found in Minecraft: Story Mode that are not present in the base game, Minecraft.

List of Season one mobs[]

Passive mobs[]

MCSMBatFace MCSMChickenFace MCSMCowFace MCSMDonkeyFace MCSMHorseFace MCSMOcelotFace MCSMPigFace MCSMSheepFace MCSMSquidFace
Bat Chicken Cow Donkey Horse Ocelot Pig Sheep Squid

Mob Characters[]

MCSMBatFace BenedictFace ReubenFace WinslowFace
Batsy Benedict Reuben Winslow

Neutral mobs[]

EndermanFace MCSMIronGolemFace MCSMPolarBearFace MCSMZombiePigmanFace
Enderman Iron Golem Polar Bear Zombie Pigman

Hostile mobs[]

MCSMBlazeFace MCSMCaveSpiderFace MCSMChickenJockeyFace MCSMCreeperFace MCSMEndermiteFace MCSMGhastFace
Blaze Cave Spider Chicken Jockey Creeper Endermite Ghast
MCSMSkeletonFace MCSMSlimeFace MCSMSpiderFace MCSMSpiderJockeyFace MCSMWitchFace MCSMZombieFace
Skeleton Slime Spider Spider Jockey Witch Zombie

Boss mobs[]

EnderdragonFace PAMAFace WitherStormFace
Ender Dragon PAMA Wither Storm

List of Season two mobs[]

Passive mobs[]

MCSMBabyWolfFace ParrotFace MCSMWolfFace
Baby Wolf Parrot Wolf

Mob Characters[]

ParrotFace PrisonGolemFace BloccoFace MCSMOcelotFace MCSMPigFace MCSMMooshroomFace LlunaFace
Archie Big Hank Blocco Dewey Esteban Geoff Lluna
NurmFace PrisonGolemFace MCSMPigFace OxbloodFace MCSMPigFace MCSMChickenFace MCSMBabyWolfFace
Nurm Large Henry Lord von Thunderpork VI Oxblood Smushy Cutecheeks Waffles Wink

Neutral mobs[]


Hostile mobs[]

CreederFace MCSMElderGuardianFace MCSMGolemInABoxFace MCSMGuardianFace IcyEnderCreeperFace IcyGolemFace IcySpiderFace MCSMMagmaCubeFace MagmaGolemFace
Creeder Elder Guardian Golem In A Box Guardian Icy Ender Creeper Icy Golem Icy Spider Magma Cube Magma Golem
PrismarineCreeperFace PrismarineSoldierFace PrisonGolemFace PrisonSlimeFace MCSMCaveSpiderFace MCSMSpiderFace PrisonZombieFace MCSMIcyShulkerFace MCSMStrayFace
Prismarine Creeper Prismarine Soldier Prison Golem Prison Slime Prison Cave Spider Prison Spider Prison Zombie Shulker Stray

Boss mobs[]

GiantEndermanFace GiantGhastFace GiantMagmaGolemFace IcyGolemFace PrismarineColossusFace
Giant Enderman Giant Ghast Giant Magma Golem Larger Icy Golem Prismarine Colossus


  • Most mobs in Story Mode all seem to have a raised or lowered portion of their texture instead of using a flat texture. This was possibly used to add depth to the mobs' appearance.


Minecraft Story Mode entities 
