Minecraft Wiki

Frost Walker is an enchantment to boots that creates frosted ice blocks when walking over water, and causes the wearer to be immune to damage from certain blocks such as campfires and magma blocks when stepped on.


Frost Walker is a treasure enchantment; it can be obtained from jungle temple and stronghold chest loot, fishing, raid drops‌[BE only], or trading with a librarian of any level.


If moving on ground (not falling, jumping, or flying), any still water blocks with air above within a circle radius‌[Java Edition only] or square radius ‌[Bedrock Edition only] of 2 + level around the block being moved to transforms into frosted ice. This works only if the player is on the ground.‌[Java Edition only] The water blocks must also be on the same level as the block being moved to in order to become ice.

Continuous motion is required for ice to remain when light levels would otherwise cause it to melt. When a player stops walking on the ice created by the enchantment, the ice gradually melts from around and under the player (at which point the player falls into the water). In addition, the ice created from Frost Walker lasts longer during the night because there is no sunlight to melt it.

Frost Walker also eliminates all damage from magma blocks and campfires, but not lava. The boots do not take durability damage while on these blocks.

If an armor stand equipped with Frost Walker boots is moved, it converts nearby water sources to frosted ice in a similar way as a player wearing Frost Walker boots does.[1]

Also, enchanted boots with Frost Walker can be applied on foxes when held.‌[BE only]


The Frost Walker and Depth Strider enchantments are mutually exclusive, meaning only one can be added to any given item in survival. When added through use of commands, both enchantments function as normal.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key
Frost Walkerfrost_walkerenchantment.minecraft.frost_walker

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key
Frost Walkerfrost_walker25enchantment.frostwalker


Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other
Let It Go!Using the Frost Walker boots, walk on at least 1 block on frozen water on a deep ocean20GBronze


This section is missing information about whether excessive levels work differently in the first snapshots the enchantment existed in. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
Java Edition
1.915w42aAdded Frost Walker.
15w43aFrost Walker no longer works on flowing water.
15w49aFrost Walker now works when standing on transparent blocks.
15w51aFrost Walker no longer affects water blocks that do not have an air block above.
?Frost Walker no longer behaves differently at high levels.
1.1016w20aMobs with frost walker boots no longer take damage when walking on magma blocks.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha Frost Walker.
Legacy Console Edition
TU43CU33 1.36 Patch 131.0.1Added Frost Walker.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
1.9.19Added Frost Walker.


Issues relating to "Frost Walker" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

  1. MC-93313 — "Armor stands that have frost walker enchanted boots will turn near water into frost" — resolved as "Works As Intended".