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The Rings of Power
! Non-canon alert
The subject of this article originates from non-canonical sources.
To learn about what is considered "canon", see LOTR:Canon.

"Long have I awaited this day. The day your kind would return at last, lift us up from the muck and the filth, to take our rightful place at your side. I pledge my undying service to you. I pledge my loyalty to Sauron."
Waldreg, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Partings

Waldreg was a man of Tirharad in the Second Age, working at the town pub and later as a commander in Adar's forces.

Behind the appearance of an honest working man, he was a devoted follower of Sauron and yearned to serve him upon his return, just as his ancestors had served Morgoth a millennium beforehand. He believed that with the arising of the second Dark Lord, he and his kind would take their rightful place under his dominion. Waldreg eventually joined with Adar, mistaking this mysterious warlord of the Southlands for Sauron returned.


"A beautiful servant. He who was lost, but shall return. Have you heard of him, lad? Have you heard of Sauron? You must have seen it in the skies. A few weeks back now. The star fall. It means his time is near."
Waldreg, to Theo, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: The Great Wave

At some point, under unclear circumstances, he discovered a dark sword-hilt forged long before by Morgoth, and kept the relic hidden underneath his barn. The old man was mildly aware of both the artifact's creator and that it was no weapon, but instead held a certain power. Waldreg was also a deeply committed follower of Sauron, once the chief agent of Morgoth. He looked to the Dark Lord's return as his deliverance, believing he and his brethren would be lifted from "the muck and the filth" to take their rightful place at his side. As the proprietor of Tirharad's tavern, he commonly attempted to defuse tensions between his neighbors and the occupying Silvan Elves, such as Arondir. In truth, Waldreg resented the presence of the Elven wardens, just like most of his fellow Southlanders. Eventually, Theo, son of Bronwyn, discovered and stole the sword-hilt.

Waldreg's choice - TRoP

Waldreg chooses to murder Rowan to save his own skin

Waldreg at first is skeptical when Bronwyn raises fears that the village is in danger, but after she and Theo kill an Orc-scout in their home is persuaded to flee with the rest of the village to Ostirith. In the meantime, Arondir and his fellow Elves are taken prisoner by Orcs. At Ostirith, Waldreg begins to show his true colors, refusing to share his rations with fellow Southlanders. He later talks to Theo, having guessed it was the boy who stole the hilt from his barn. Waldreg reveals some of the artifact's background and his interpretation of the falling star as an omen of Sauron's return. He then ominously tells Theo that they must prepare, for "what's coming". After a failed escape attempt, the Orcs' leader, Adar, had sent Arondir back to Tirharad's people with a message; that they either swear fealty to him or be destroyed. Believing Adar to be Sauron himself, Waldreg argues for accepting his terms, and, against the urgings of Bronwyn and Arondir, leads around half of the village from Ostirith back to Tirharad. Kneeling before the Lord-father, he pledges his loyalty to him, assuming out loud he is the Dark Lord he has long awaited. Waldreg is confused, however, when Adar takes exception to the mention of Sauron and reacts violently by putting him to the ground. Fearing for his life, he says he will serve the Lord-father then. Adar pronounces that "only blood can bind" - the old man must ritually kill Rowan to prove his allegiance and, while initially reluctant, Waldreg does so.

Waldreg uses the hilt - TRoP

Waldreg uses the dark hilt to release the lake's water

Waldreg fearfully stands among the Orcs as Adar holds his speech, encouraging his "children" for the coming battle and proclaiming the Southlands to be the Orcs' home. The old man follows the Lord-father and his legions first to Ostirith, where they are surprised by the absence of the villages. As the Orcs search the area, Waldreg sees the engraven helm of Sauron and asks Adar what became of the Dark Lord; the Lord-father gives him no answer. Waldreg survives Arondir's trap and so accompanies Adar to Tirharad in the culmination of the latter's campaign to destroy the Southlanders who refused to submit. Once there, Adar acquires the sword-hilt, though when he realizes a company of Númenórean cavalry is fast approaching, he gives the hilt to Waldreg. While Adar leads Galadriel and Halbrand away with a decoy, Waldreg takes the real hilt back to Ostirith, for the artifact is a key to opening an ancient mechanism in the watchtower that would release the waters of the lake behind. Waldreg succeeded in his task, and the vast amount of water pours through the tunnels and trenches dug by the Orcs, channeling into the base of Orodruin, causing the dormant volcano to erupt. Returning to Tirharad, Waldreg hails Adar as "Lord of the Southlands" and is joined by the Orcs. The Lord-father corrects the old man, by changing the name of his new dominion to Mordor.

Behind the scenes[]

Waldreg was created for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, and as such is non-canonical. The character's name was first revealed on August 17, 2022 in a promotional video about the Southlands.

He is portrayed by Australian actor Geoff Morrell.

See also[]
