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The Rings of Power
! Non-canon alert
The subject of this article originates from non-canonical sources.
To learn about what is considered "canon", see LOTR:Canon.

"The Dweller" was a moniker given to a female Mystic of Sauron from Rhûn in the Second Age.


She traveled from Rhûn westwards into Rhovanion along with two other Mystics known as "The Nomad" and "The Ascetic" in search of the individual known as "The Stranger", believing him to be the returned Sauron. Some days after the Stranger's arrival in the form of a meteorite, the Dweller and her companions discovered the scorched crater left by the impact. They followed the Stranger east to the place called "The Grove", where he had traveled with a band of Harfoots, and discovered a stand of apple trees that he had healed the day prior. Elanor Brandyfoot, attempting to lead them away from the Stranger, caught their attention, but the Dweller magically set the Harfoots' carts on fire.

The Mystics - TRoP

The Mystics confront the Stranger

At last catching up to the Stranger in the Greenwood, the three Mystics declared him to be Sauron and paid homage to him, telling him of his supposed identity. At the Stranger's resistance, the Dweller caused him to fall into a deep sleep. Perceiving that several Harfoots had followed the Stranger, thinking to rescue him, the Dweller shape-shifted into the Stranger's likeness, drawing the Harfoots into a trap. The Stranger returned and fought the Mystics, battling with magic abilities. Though he initially was thrown down, Elanor Brandyfoot was able to bring him the Dweller's staff, with which he disintegrated the Mystics' bodies, revealing himself not to be Sauron, but one of the Istari.

Behind the scenes[]

The character of the Dweller was created for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, and as such is non-canonical. She is portrayed by Bridie Sisson.

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