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The One Wiki to Rule Them All
This article is about the man of the Southlands. For the hobbit, see Rowan Greenhand.
The Rings of Power
! Non-canon alert
The subject of this article originates from non-canonical sources.
To learn about what is considered "canon", see LOTR:Canon.

Rowan was a Man of the village of Tirharad, in the Southlands.


He resented the Elven occupation of his home, and in one instance angrily confronted Arondir in the village's tavern. He was a friend of Theo, Bronwyn's son, and was present when Theo stole from Waldreg's barn an ancient sword fragment bearing the mark of Sauron.[1]

With the rest of Tirharad's population, he fled to the Elven watchtower of Ostirith after the threat of Orcs commanded by Adar became apparent. Food stores quickly ran low, and Rowan reluctantly went with Theo back to Tirharad to scavenge for supplies. He returned alone to Ostirith, however, when the sun became covered with clouds, fearing the Orcs.[2]

After Arondir brought Adar's message to Ostirith, Rowan followed Waldreg to submit to Adar. Adar told Waldreg he must kill Rowan with a dagger in order to prove his allegiance, and Waldreg reluctantly did so, ending Rowan's life.[3]


Behind the scenes[]

Rowan is non-canonical, as his character was created for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. He is portrayed by Ian Blackburn.
