Fallout Wiki
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Hello, Bleachgod123, we are glad you have joined the Fallout Wiki!


For assistance, please feel free to reach out to our admins or join the Nukapedia Discord server. We look forward to working with you!

Sincerely, LaymansReign (talk) 21:06, 3 April 2024 (UTC)

Lone Wanderer voice[]

Hey there, is there a source or voice comparison to establish Jeff Baker as the voice for the Lone Wanderer as an adult (in combat grunts etc.)? Thanks. LaymansReign (talk) 21:06, 3 April 2024 (UTC)

Greetings LaymansReign, sorry about my late reply I am still pretty new to this stuff, just noticed I have message section. Absolutely next time I have some free time I will properly upload a reference as requested. Bleachgod123 (talk) 07:17, 17 April 2024 (UTC)

The Maxson Dilemma[]

Hey! Thanks for reaching out. I'll agree with you that the entry is very annoyingly worded what with the unnecessary clause structure and all. IMO, there's no reason for that sentence to emphasize "cults that have popped up" if the cults aren't associated with the worship... then it's kind of a totally replaceable clause: "he has the support of the elders, who are proud to report they are eating bread, who worship Maxson like there's no tomorrow." If the sentence does actually mean the BoS is worshipping Maxson and destroying cults that don't worship him, then the wording is really not very good for it.

I'll just replace that section on his page with the direct quote from the terminal entry, and maybe we'll see if the TV series has anything to say about it :) FDSMDP (talk) 06:47, 5 April 2024 (UTC)

Hello there, sorry about about the late reply. I am still kind of new to how this wiki works, just noticed I had a section with some messages in it. But yes I agree with your points made above it definitely could have been worded better or at least contained a bit more detail. As I said I am open to either reality, that one guy definitely worded it better than I did though. And that seems acceptable to me. Hope that you are enjoying the new show by the way! Bleachgod123 (talk) 07:20, 17 April 2024 (UTC)

Extra spacing[]

It's fine, I believe you. I figured it was just something weird since your edits are good. It also happened on my talk page too. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 18:11, 17 April 2024 (UTC)

Well I really do appreciate that cuz I'm trying to do it right, it's weird but I'm not actually leaving extra spaces I'm entering content, the content is not showing up and those spaces are there instead... not too sure how to do that also can you show me how to tag someone in a reply lol. Bleachgod123 (talk) 18:37, 17 April 2024 (UTC)


You left "THEWAR" reference two times with different content on NCR-Brotherhood War page, which creates an error. Can you take a look at that? Thanks. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 21:28, 19 April 2024 (UTC)

Sorry about that I didn't even notice, I believe somebody might have done it for me though.Bleachgod123 (talk) 22:17, 20 April 2024 (UTC)

the great conflicts of the bos[]

I appreciate you taking time to correct and add to the BOS articles too! I do tend to write stuff too long, hah. You're right about the Ghoul scene -- it is only the three knights, so no problem there, and same with the civilians/combatants (though I still can't see any weapon near the closest two people). Frame by frame in the Ghoul shootout, it looks like he shoots them several times each (and Shortsight gets merked too). FDSMDP (talk) 08:27, 23 April 2024 (UTC)

LOL yeah, so I don't know if you're familiar with comments on other wikis, but the one on this site is kind of old and set up in a way that I don't thinking pinging other users is possible. I don't even get notified if you reply unless you leave your reply on my talkpage (and vice versa for me to you).
Re power armor, that's fair, I think, what you're saying about them being shot. Either way, it's just the way the scene is shot that I suspect people would think he kills the first knight with a single shot and then just shoots a bunch of knights a bunch of times. Took me a bunch of rewatches to realize the first knight actually gets back up and gets a bunch of other bullet holes before going down... the one complaint I have about the show is that they don't often show movement in scenes and/or between scenes very well. I'd assume the soldiers actually move around quite a bit in the dark, since the Ghoul manages to hit them in multiple different angles.
Shortsight I'm fairly confident about because the guy to the left of Maximus in the last scene is actually someone else lol, yet another freezeframe catch. I agree that I'm being hasty in writing him off as dead though... though he's probably not much better off if he lived, with a shot like that.
FOTV s1 ep8 Maximus during Ghoul fight

The Shortsight look-alike left of Maximus

I kinda felt it was a little fitting lol, we did see Titus do jack-all with his armor, and Quintus does think the BOS has gone to pieces. The scene does feel sorta contrived (as any scene where an OP character solos an entire squad of previously OP people), but eh. FDSMDP (talk) 21:43, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
Yeah, ig it's one of those "time will tell" things. FWIW I don't doubt the eastern BOS is reigning supreme lol, it's more like basically every group that's big enough is gonna get a few idiots/assholes/both and I wouldn't be surprised if some of those knights hadn't gotten complacent from not facing any serious threats, or otherwise being newer promotions. Is it likely?... eh, idk, but maybe possible. Tho if those knights are west coast it could also make sense, since we fosho know all that fighting has depleted numbers enough for them to have a bunch of less experienced promotions (a la the Mojave chapter). But yeah, weird whatever the case.
Funny thing, Quintus could be talking about a midwestern BOS, since it happens we know Tactics is at least broad-strokes canon now, but eh, again just a very low maybe. (There's that theory that the show's BOS actually includes survivors from the Legion, which is an interesting thought at least. At least personally I think it's very telling that they filmed the BOS base in Utah and included the Utah landscape as well... though ofc that will have to wait for future confirmation.)
And hey... maybe season 2 will tell us the Citadel got nuked in 2286 or something lmao FDSMDP (talk) 03:13, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
Appreciate the response lol. "Justify" might not've been the best word for it, but really it's just NCR civilians getting caught in the mess and killed, which as you've said is one of the shitty consequences of war. I don't mean to paint all of them as complete innocents either, but I think what we've got on the page now looks fine.
As an aside I gotta wonder how easy it is to violate IRL rules of engagement in the games since fleeing NPCs are also marked as enemies, lmao. The Mothership Zeta alien workers sure don't appreciate it, for one FDSMDP (talk) 23:06, 10 May 2024 (UTC)
Swafford (Brotherhood) has the details on why Taggerdy is only a paladin (b/c apparently the only other paladin was named by a level designer as a dev easter egg, when the actual writer only intended there to be one paladin) -- and I can see why the leader might only be a paladin, since at that point in the timeline it seems like everyone is still deferring to Roger Maxson in Lost Hills. Personally, I think your note is fine. My only concern is that the notes section might be too long, but you've still related it back to the article enough that it could be a good addition! I can pass it to some other editors and see what they think but I think it's fine. FDSMDP (talk) 16:17, 17 May 2024 (UTC)
It's all cool! I appreciate your edits, as well. Sorry if I come off as snappy in edit summaries -- I can never tell what my tone is like, hah! FDSMDP (talk) 02:53, 26 June 2024 (UTC)