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Turrets are items in Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.


Before the Great War, automated turrets were employed by large corporations and utilized by the military to serve as supplemental, unmanned security units, capable of selecting trespassing targets and engaging them. Over 200 years later many factions use turrets to defend their settlements or deploy them against enemies in battle.


Turrets are immobile, automated defenses that a player can place on the battlefield. Turrets do not count as units and, once placed, cannot be moved by any means except being destroyed. All turrets start a round with three Reaction Markers, and one marker is automatically spent to shoot when a unit uses an Action (including Prepare) within the Awareness length shown on the turret's item card. For example, each of the two green Awareness on the laser turret card indicates 8 inches, so a laser turret can be triggered by Actions up to 16 inches away.

Turrets attack all units that trigger it regardless of faction. This includes units controlled by the player who placed the turret unless they have the turret inhibitors item. When a turret is engaged (in close combat) with a unit it attacks with all negative modifiers for using a ranged weapon in close combat. While engaged a turret cannot target any unit it is not engaged with, but any Action those units take that triggers the turret allows it to attack a unit it is engaged with. For example, a machine gun turret MkIII that is engaged with a mutant hound cannot attack the super mutant brute farther away whose Prepare action triggered it, so it attacks the mutant hound instead.


There are four types of turrets, featuring varying stats and costs to use.

Turret Health Armor Awareness Reaction Markers Weapon Skill Damage Effect Dice Cost
Machine gun turret MkI 5 Physical 2
Energy 1
Radiation Immune
16" 3 Rifle 4 Physical 2 Roll Armor Reduction 10
Machine gun turret MkIII 5 Physical 3
Energy 2
Radiation Immune
20" 3 Rifle 5 Physical 2 Roll Damage, Armor Reduction, and Accuracy 15
Laser turret 5 Physical 2
Energy 1
Radiation Immune
16" 3 Rifle 4 Energy 2 Roll Armor Reduction 10
Heavy laser turet 5 Physical 3
Energy 2
Radiation Immune
20" 3 Rifle 5 Energy 2 Roll Damage, Armor Reduction, and Accuracy N/A


  • The set description for Terrain Expansion: Turrets states that the expansion includes "gas powered turrets" in addition to laser turrets. However, the item cards identify these turrets as "machine gun turrets."
  • As of the wave 8 update to item and unit costs heavy laser turrets currently have no cost to use. Modiphius staff confirmed that this is unintended and will be addressed in an upcoming update.[1]


Turrets appear in Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, introduced in Terrain Expansion: Turrets.


