Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I disagree. While it is a rather weak page for now, it will likely be very quickly fleshed out the moment that Fallout 4 drops. Deleting it now won't really help much, since we'll have to remake it anyway. Most Fallout 4 content pages are pretty weak right now, but that's just how it works for upcoming games.JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 14:02, August 2, 2015 (UTC)

True, I guess. It just seems a bit different for this page atm tho a little bit, I mean it's not the house's actual name. I'd suggest just renaming it, to like "Sole Survivor's house" or something like that, and do up the page a bit, like put an infobox in and all that. I'd get it onto it, but I haven't got the time at the minute, but unless anyone else wants to get round to it then I can do it tomorrow night or something. User ayyyy  OfficialLolGuy  Talk  Blog  18:11, August 3, 2015 (UTC)

Oh wait, just looked at the page now, noticed someone's already put an infobox in, sweet. User ayyyy  OfficialLolGuy  Talk  Blog  18:12, August 3, 2015 (UTC)

It has been refered to by name as "The House of Tomorrow" so right now that's what we "know" it's name to be. In the actual game, sure we may find that it isn't really called that, but since people who watched an exclusive gameplay demo refered to it by that name there must have been a reason. First thing I did after leaving that talkpage message was add the infobox. JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 18:23, August 3, 2015 (UTC)
Actually, the QuakeCon articles have referred to it as A House of Tomorrow, not the House of Tomorrow. Paladin117>>iff bored; 19:54, August 3, 2015 (UTC)
My mistake. Regardless, I see no reason to change the name until we get an officially canon one, but in the end it doesn't even matter JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 20:46, August 3, 2015 (UTC)
There'll never be an "officially canon one", because houses don't have names. It's the Sole Survivor's house, that's all it is, and that's how it should be referred to. DulogoDigital Utopia (talk) 14:07, December 20, 2015 (UTC)

( Perhaps I'm missing something, but the cited article refers to a "house of tomorrow". Not THE HOUSE OF TOMORROW. Not only that, but the reference to "a house of tomorrow" is in relation to concept art, showing an unnamed mother and father, not necessarily the Soul Survivor and partner. Considering that the house itself is unremarkable, and the floor plan is re-used throughout Fallout 4, I'd recommend changing the title to something less bombastic. Its never referenced in game that I've found, so Soul Survivor's Residence seems apt. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 16:37, December 30, 2015. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Anyone want to continue the discussion? The House of Tomorrow evidently isn't the building's actual name, so it'd really be down to deleting it or renaming it to something along the lines of the Sole Survivor's house. SierraX (talk) 06:03, January 23, 2017 (UTC)

What concept art are you referring to? The concept art on this page do not feature a picture of the sole survivor's house and call it the house of tomorrow. The file Art of Fo4 Survivor home concept art.jpg is of a two story house that don't look like the sole survivor's house. I'm looking at the image itself and ignoring the file name because the file name is irrelevant. What source says this was concept art of the sole survivor's house and not concept art for all the houses in fallout 4? What source states that Bethesda wanted the sole survivor's house to be named the house of tomorrow? The cited article does not call it THE house of tomorrow. This is no source in game or out of game that calls the sole survivor's house the house of tomorrow. Since there's no in-game reference to this name, it makes the name confusing to people familiar with the game. Please provide a source (preferably from within the game) or leave the page as the sole survivor's house. --Demonofsarila (talk) 15:39, March 29, 2018 (UTC)


As there is a clear difference of opinion on the naming of this article, I've moved it back and locked it from moving (the work required to keep it the other way in the interminable cannot be justified if we agree to keep it as The House of Tomorrow). Work it out between you and contact a content moderator/admin once a consensus has been reached. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 16:55, March 29, 2018 (UTC)


"The House Of Tomorrow" is a named design concept. One used to see such futuristic concept displays at e.g. world's fair expositions. All the houses in Sanctuary and Everett Estates are "House of Tomorrow" concept houses, with the same modular steel skeletons and skins, the same modular kitchens, etc. If you follow the links on the THOT page, you can see examples of real post-WWII houses in the Twin Cities that were built using this design concept.

"The Sole Survivor's House" is one such house, on the cul-de-sac in Sanctuary.

In English, both class designators and instance designators can take the definite article. For example, one can talk boringly and pretentiously about "the future of the novel", meaning of novels as a form of literature, and "the weight of the novel", meaning one particular printing of one particular book.

Joel hanes (talk) 17:28, March 29, 2018 (UTC)

Are you saying the page "The House Of Tomorrow" should be a disambiguation page? If so, then I agree with that change.
I agree that the player's house is a house of tomorrow, and was clearly/obviously inspired by that idea (plus we have an article stating this is the case from Howard, and we have the concept art he refers to included on the page). But to use "The House Of Tomorrow" to refer to only the player's house is being unclear and non-specific. Any of the houses in Sanctuary, the construction site east of Taffington boathouse, and in a few other Commonwealth locations could be called houses of tomorrow. In English one can use something non-descript or a category to refer to a single item, but only within a conversation/context that makes it clear what specific item you are referring to. In the context of this wiki (which is the context of all Fallout lore), saying the house of tomorrow is almost as unclear as saying the house or the new house. Naming the player's house page "The House Of Tomorrow" (as it is that type of house) makes as much sense as renaming Dogmeat's page to "The German Shepard" as he is clearly that type of dog (even though everything in game refers to him as Dog, Dogmeat, or Mutt and nothing in game calls him a German Shepard).
Neither the game itself (either in game or in the code) or the developers have come forward and said the player's house is to be titled/named "The House Of Tomorrow" so there is no reason to name the page about the player's house as such. Though as I said, the design for many houses in the game were inspired by that design concept / sales pitch, and the page should mention this fact in some way. --Demonofsarila (talk) 18:56, March 29, 2018 (UTC)
For reference: In the code, the player's house is SanctuaryHillsPlayerHouseLocation "Your Residence" [LCTN:0001F229], PlayerHomeInterior [CELL:000179F4], PrewarPlayerHouse01 [CELL:000A801E], and cell the post-war house sits in is SanctuaryExt02 (DD3F). Many of the objects inside the house start with PlayerHouse_Ruin_. Other houses in Sanctuary include SanctuaryRosaHouse "Rosa Residence" [CELL:0001F398], SanctuaryHillsRosaHouseLocation "Rosa Residence" [LCTN:0001F3DA], SanctuaryHillsDonoghueHouseLocation "Donoghue Residence" [LCTN:0001F3FB], and SanctuaryHillsHawthorneHouseLocation "Hawthorne Residence" [LCTN:0001F3B9]. Not saying we should use those names as the page name, but I mean to say how the code does not refer to it as being the house of tomorrow. --Demonofsarila (talk) 00:03, March 30, 2018 (UTC)
If the game, nor any developer's commentary directly names this specific House of Tomorrow, owned pre war by Nate and Nora, then I think it's a little disingenuous to name the page for it as such. Since there is no specific name given for the house, and if we MUST name it something, then general naming conventions should be used. Pre war, the house, going with normal naming conventions, would have been called the "insert last name"'s house. Since we do not know the surname of Nate and Nora, the closest we could come to complying with that convention would be Nate and Nora's House. Post war, the ideal of real estate ownership is not even a real thing. Nate, or Nora, no longer "own" the house so it would again be a little disingenuous to call it their house, especially since the player character may not even use it as their main house, or even as a home at all. I know I never have. They probably would still consider it "their" house though, so the pre war convention of naming it Nate and Nora's House may well still be most appropriate. If there is enough content to have a disambig page for House of Tomorrow, then we should have one, listing this specific House of Tomorrow on it. I don't think calling it the Sole Survivor's House is appropriate either, as at the time you're the Sole Survivor, you may have many houses that the term might be appropriate for. The more I think of it, the most appropriate term to call this specific home of Nate and/or Nora would be Nate and Nora's House. Ideas? Fun fact: My brother actually owns one of these Lustron houses. They're cool.  The Gunny  UserGunny chevrons 00:12, March 30, 2018 (UTC)
Building on that, what about "Nate & Nora's Pre-War House" or "The Sole Survivor's Pre-War House"? Those might be a bit too long though. Would the pre-war bit be helpful or confusing? Anyway, I like and agree with your point that specifically this building is the house of nate/nora/the sole survivor during pre-war times and that it should have a name that reflects that. --Demonofsarila (talk) 11:15, March 31, 2018 (UTC)

────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────Personally, I think this might as well become an overview page for the "Homes of Tomorrow" rather than relate it to the player character house. Pre-War it is just part of scene setting and post-War it is part of a settlement, rather than being a player character house of its own. The information crosses over with Sanctuary Hills, and if we were to take the path of using CK data names, we would have people arguing the houses should have their own articles. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 10:21, April 1, 2018 (UTC)

That would certainly be a tad less confusing: This page covering all the houses of tomorrow and the Sanctuary Hills page covering everything related to the sole survivor's previous/pre-war home. I like that idea Sakaratte. --Demonofsarila (talk) 11:33, April 5, 2018 (UTC)
I was dropped a message to look this over as things seem pretty much cut and dry. After going through everything one question remained to me: How do we make the transition? A few concerns came to mind:
  1. This page itself has a significant amount of duplication with Sanctuary Hills.
  2. If retained, what would be the suitable name for it?
  3. A page for the pre-War home would be useful, as it is a critical scene in the game.
After brandying a few ideas at Richie, here is the proposal: We move the page to Nate and Nora's house as a pre-War article, this page becomes about the Home's of tomorrow, as a world object and concept. The Nate and Nora's house article, although prewar, will still reflect both the pre and post War states of the home, but content relating to the post-War (such as notable loot) will be removed. Any objections? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 18:54, October 16, 2018 (UTC)
Works for me.Richie9999 (talk) 19:02, October 16, 2018 (UTC)
I like this proposal. --Demonofsarila (talk) 08:02, October 30, 2018 (UTC)