Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


What are the consquenses for Tandi dying when I try to rescue her? Will it affect later gameplay? The various random NPC:s in Shady Sands all say things like "Sorry to hear about Tandi, I hope Aradesh will be ok" and such, but Aradesh himself seems to be in denial... Mr J 12:19, March 31, 2010 (UTC)

This is obviously way too late to be of use to this user, but for any others checking here: no I don't believe it makes any difference. Of course, with the canon established from FO2 onwards, it means you're now in some alternate timeline, but that's about it. Tropxe (talk) 19:51, October 13, 2014 (UTC)


However, having a 10mm SMG loaded with 10mm AP and set to burst will drain his HP significantly, possibly even killing him.

Violent solution[]

I killed every Khan in the base and received a full 400 XP reward....

Did you take Tandi back to Shady Sands? Energy X Signature0 10:11, May 3, 2013 (UTC)

Yes, and when I actually re did this, I found that I was encountering a bug that repeated the message for returning Tandi twice. Reinstalling fixed it (for me reinstalling takes all of 30 seconds). So yeah article is right, that was just a really weird bug. 4gateftw (talk) 13:51, May 3, 2013 (UTC)

Death-Hand? Glitch? What triggers exactly?[]

I just entered the area wearing the leather jacket and didn't get mistaken for Garl's father. I didn't know about that possibility at the time. I accidentally pissed off one of the raiders who attacked me so I reloaded (save at Shady Sands) and entered the Khans' camp again. This time I was mistaken for Death-Hand. I didn't actually want to be, I wanted to use the normal Speech check, so checked on this wiki for the details, heard about the leather jacket thing and so removed it before entering. Still got mistaken.

I thought it was maybe down to the weapon as well so I unarmed myself. Didn't work, still got mistaken. The only thing that stopped me getting mistaken for Death-Hand was leaving Ian behind at Shady Sands. Maybe it checks for the various conditions as detailed in the article but only needs SOMEONE in your party to be wearing a leather jacket? Still doesn't explain why it didn't trigger the first time, though. Tropxe (talk) 19:49, October 13, 2014 (UTC)

According to this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kJXmbPV9TM&index=3&list=PLIhNUXJ4tecf2kPiU1F-kSd_QjkHAGfIM) playthrough [start around 12:30], perhaps you don't need to wear a leather jacket yourself and it's just luck based? Metalcanyon's luck was 9. Ian is in the party though. He dies, and both of his attempts trigger the death-hand event. Blackhawk767 (talk) 02:13, December 13, 2014 (UTC)

Its not a glitch. Its a random possibility based on what you are wearing, and your other SPECIAL stats. Freaked me out when it happened to me too. Agent c (talk) 02:27, December 12, 2014 (UTC)

Is part of this sentence missing?[]

The first and second methods of rescue entail a lot of risk, with the second method especially so should the Vault Dweller still be at a low level, as Garl is a highly competent brawler and is much more experienced than his men.

It reads as if there's a section missing in the middle. If the player is at a low level, they should do X as Garl is a... What do you guys think? I've never done this quest in Fallout so I honestly don't know what is meant to go in here.

The sentence is grammatically rough, but still accurate. It's not giving you a suggestion so much as cautioning you against the second method if you are a low level character / low unarmed skill. --Taolan (talk) 06:01, July 10, 2016 (UTC)

Just my opinion, but if you put the modifying clause in brackets, it would read cleaner. "The first and second methods of rescue entail a lot of risk, (with the second method especially so should the Vault Dweller still be at a low level) as Garl is a highly competent brawler and is much more experienced than his men." or alternatively "...(the second more so, dependent on player level)..." to save some words. 06:11, July 10, 2016 (UTC)

Shadow of Death[]

So first time playing Fallout 1 in... well ten years. Did this quest after clearing Vault 15 so I had the leather and a hunting rifle. Khans thought I was Garl's father, so I took advantage of that per usual to loot the hell out of the place. Then on a whim, I tried freeing Tandi without actually engaging Garl. Worked like a charm. Did a little more experimentation, if he has direct line-of-sight to you picking the lock on the door, he'll aggro. This only happened once, as one of his flunkies is almost always blocking the door (plus you can just enter the back and leave the intermediate door closed until you get Tandi out of there).

Added it as a note. Hope it helps anybody still cruising this modern classic.--Taolan (talk) 06:04, July 10, 2016 (UTC)
