Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

FO3 - PC & Xbox360 || FONV - PC & Xbox360 || FO4 - PS4 (PC to come later when I have a worthy machine)

I'm going to be completely honest, I am worthless when it comes to formatting/building new pages. This is the first Wiki I've really taken to contributing.

I like to flesh things out, leave me alone too long and I'm likely to write you a text wall. I'll try not to go overboard (no promises). I also enjoy bug testing. I do my best to video any bug testing I do, links to the video on my Youtube will be posted to the Talk page for the relevant bug. (I am not concerned with likes or views, I just like to provide evidence).

I never did play the original Wasteland, but I have played every Fallout game so far (including some attempts at tabletop, I'm even working on my own Fallout tabletop system).
