Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Medic Perk Bug?[]

Maybe I'm the only one, but after taking the Medic perk, my Radaway now heals -1000 Rads with only the first level of the perk. My Stimpaks still only heal 40%, but Radaway heals -1000. Anyone else experience this? I'm asking because if it's more common I'm assuming it'd be worth noting on the page? JuniBug (talk) 02:19, December 29, 2015 (UTC)

First, what platform are you on? I'm on pc and haven't had that happen, the perk works as intended for me. Where were you? What were you doing at the time? How many rads did you have? Do you have the Medicine bobblehead? Any other information you can think of that might pin this down? --Xernoc (talk) 02:45, December 29, 2015 (UTC)
I'm on PC. I do have the Medicine bobblehead. Only the first Medic perk, which I realize is strange because my stimpak healing reads at 40% instead of 44%.
I'm level 73, but I've noticed this since the late 30's, just never thought much of it. I should be only healing -400 rads, so I thought maybe it's just showing the wrong number but healing the right. Well I had over 500 rads at one point and it healed all of it.
I've beaten the main story and the majority of side quests. I do have mods: OCDecorator, Homemaker, More Guard Posts. All the mods I have affect only the workshop and not stats.
I haven't tried removing the Medic perk or the Medicine bobblehead perk, however. So once I am able, I'll try that if I can figure out how. JuniBug (talk) 03:20, January 2, 2016 (UTC)

What's the source on binding "radiation particles"?[]

I've never heard this. In fact, the only theory I've read about this is my own in /r/falloutlore. Even the gamepedia wiki doesn't have a source for it. Until a proper source is provided I've changed it to be less specific; the original text is below so it can be put back if needs be. it bonds with radiation particles and passes them through the body's system. Shaka1277 (talk) 21:51, September 6, 2016 (UTC)
