Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Final design?[]

Is it likely that this is the Plasma casters finished apperance. I only ask because I saw the demo video and it looks a lot like a slight modification to the heavy incinerator from fallout 3 14:46, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

The Plasma caster is assumed to be the Winchester P94 Plasma Rifle of Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. Viewing this page to see it :
Itachou [~talk~] 16:20, July 28, 2010 (UTC)
Agreed, as the Outcasts say, "Everyone know how to make another human, but the secrets to making a P94 plasma rifle are all but lost." EDIT: Sorry I forgot to sign this. TJbrena 16:33, October 25, 2010 (UTC)

Drone Cannon[]

Is this going to fire like the drone cannon? Nukey (talk) 03:56, October 2, 2010 (UTC)

Nah. From what i saw in the demo it fires just like a plasma rifle from fo3.--Radraider 21:55, October 4, 2010 (UTC)

Duplication bug[]

"Due to a bug the Plasma Caster can be duplicated if it's removed from your inventory and place into a storage item, the duplication will give you a Plasma Caster with 100% condition and can be repeated."

Currently in article. Can anyone confirm if and how this happens? More for personal interest than anything else, as I'm having trouble repairing my Caster. Zakrael 15:46, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

Common bug that was in Fallout 3. Usually happens with compainions, the ammo glitches and is labeled as the gun, but isn't really.JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 15:48, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

magnetic accelerator[]

Where is the magnetic accelerator mentioned in the article? Does it even exist?

it does, it's a mod, however as far as i can tell the plasma caster may *not* be modded--Katikar 20:58, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

Theft from Van Graffs[]

The article states that you can't use the pick up and carry to the bathroom trick in Van Graffs with this weapon (because for some reason they will still detect you) but I did it with no problems on the ps3.

Can still be obtained[]

Even if J-B Van Graff picks it up you cannot loot his body (looting bug doesn't happen always, but often enough). Shoot his arm off and the weapon should drop out of his inventory.

The Silver Rush has a bathroom area on the ground floor. All you have to do is pick the thing up and bring (drag) it in there and no one will be able to see you when you add it in your inventory. You can rob the whole store this way pretty easily.

  • there are blind spots everywhere in the Silver Rush. One is just to the side of the counter, another between the black cabinets with the laser rifles. Heck, I even "unlocked" the door to the first floor while [HIDDEN] even if there was a guard at spitting distance.-- 19:23, May 14, 2013 (UTC)

Third Person[]

I can confirm that the glitch with firing it in first person is present in the up to date xbox 360 version, also has anyone noticed that it actually fires upwards when you fire it in third person? --Shanmalinto 12:39, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Confirm too, released a fix on newvegasnexus. --Anon 19:59, December 10, 2010

Other locatons[]

Other than stealing it from the silver rush is there any other legitimate ways to obtain it? It's practically a easter egg in its state.AryeonosWhat!? 00:13, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

I haven't seen any either. Maybe it should be labeled as a unique weapon

GECK shows it's located in two cells (areas). The cell names are FreeSideSilverRush and TestMentats. Any ideas where TestMentats is? Best I can get out of GECK is that it's a vault, or vault-like environment (judging by the graphics). The in-game name of the area should be Mentats Test Level.

You get there by typing coc testmentats. --Kris User Hola 12:08, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

Just tested that out. As I expected it's just an unreachable test cell. There's some Powder Ganger test NPCs who can repair your items to max, some rats, mantises, brahmin, an LMG, Incinerator, Dinner Bell, Hunting Shotgun, and the Plasma Caster. And I think it's is safe to call it THE Plasma Caster.-- 21:14, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

Wrong Damage?[]

This wiki has the damage listed at about 65, while my pipboy lists it at about 75 with regular MF ammo loaded and 100 energy weapons. The only perk that would raise my raw damage would be the lord death challenge perk. The only other thing would be confirmed bachelor, would that change the pipboy display? 02:28, November 16, 2010 (UTC)

GECK shows it's 65

About a Bug[]

A bug stating that you can steal it without any Karma loss should be taken off? Also it only registered it on PC when the "bug" works on any item on any platform. Should someone remove it?--Adam Sizzler 09:29, December 18, 2010 (UTC)

Silver Rush won't sell Plasma Casters anymore?[]

Done a quick test on pc: A 30 level character can't buy a Plasma caster from Silver Rush, even it is still on the desk. Maybe the newest patch fix it so you can't buy it anymore. The stock of Silver Rush also become so bad that you only get Mult-Plasma rifle at best. So the plasma caster in Silver Rush and the one used by Orion Moreno become the only 2 Plasma casters ingame. However, Silver Rush and Gun Runner will still supply the Plasma caster HS electrode.

Two Plasma Casters[]

i was able to get a hold of two of these on 360. i bought one, but after i exited the conversation, there was still another one on the table, so i stole that one and now i have two. looks like veronica has a new toy. Caligula668 19:47, April 25, 2011 (UTC)

I waited a while, and another plasma caster was for sale, now i got 3 of them, score. Caligula668


Found one on a Y-17 Trauma Override Harness that I sniped, best surprise in the world after I killed the Van Graffs and used the Plasma Caster to fix a tesla cannon, not knowing it was rare. This weapon is an unbelievable beast, with MC microfusion cells it makes the Big Empty a breeze! The satisfaction of getting one after not being able to find one for an entire game...priceless.--FAR-02C 18:54, July 27, 2011 (UTC)

Congrats! Add Meltdown for added fun. HRRlion 08:10, October 25, 2011 (UTC)


The name of this weapon may be a play on "plaster caster."--ElB 00:16, September 18, 2011 (UTC)

Not fucking likely.

No way in hell, its real name was Plasma Rifle, but since Bethesda wants to add all this military stuff and bring their own weapons into this game instead of following off Fallout 1 and 2 fully, they've renamed it the Plasma Caster. They really shouldn't have turned this into a full on FPS game. 10:15, August 23, 2013 (UTC)

Condition bug[]

Spent 14 000 caps to repair it from zero to full condition. Then added the "electrode", upon checking, condition had dropped almost down to zero again, and had to repair it for another 13 000 caps.
