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Is this a bug?[]

After I got into the armory, eveyone swarmed the room and attacked the 'named' NPC's. Everyone died And I got some sweet outcast armor.

No. Sibley will decide you don't deserve the tech, and him and the unnamed outcasts will try and kill mcgraw and olin. -DragonJTSLeave me a message 02:09, 12 May 2009 (UTC)
It may be a little confusing, because Sibley and McGraw have a talk about the mutiny near the entrance, and you'll miss out on it if you stay in the armory to collect the stuff (as one might expect).
This happened to me to. The lady told me to help myself to everything in the armory.. so I did. I went into the armory and picked up all the stuff I could (including the armour). Then after putting it on and leaving the armory everyone went crazy and shot each other including me. I killed everyone and now they are all dead. Including the scribes. So ya... free armour yaya! haha. Will all the outcasts come back? Cause like on Oblivion important characters were just knocked unconciouss... so ya.

Currently is there any workaround for this bug?[]

Listed as the first bug under General section:

Unable to finish the "Put on the Neural Interface Suit" part of the quest. The game doesn't seem to react when you put on the suit given by Specialist Olin. Simulation Pod will eventually open (indicating that you DO actually wear Neural Interface Suit), but you will not be able to take a seat (Olin says her line about frying the circuits) thus you won't be able to enter the VR and play any further. Confirmed on PC with no mods running.

Currently is there any workaround for this bug?

By using the "showqueststages xx0009be" and "setstage xx0009be (stage#)" console commands, I was able to get into the simulator, but after the animation and fade to white you're stuck in the pod, still in the Outcast Outpost. 02:36, 24 May 2009 (UTC)

i`ve tried everything regarding this bug , the only solution i was able to find , its running the vanilla game ,no FWE no mods , just the Dlc s and of course the main file , i even tried to complete the"Put on the Neural Interface Suit" quest in vanilla and then saving,exiting and loading the rest of the mods but i got stuck on the pod. if i ever find a way to bypass the bug , i`ll let you know -Gray Stranger-


Xbox 360 - If you haven't finished Operation Anchorage before installing Broken Steel, you will be unable to access the Armory at the end of the quest or complete the quest. After using the terminal next to the Armory door, the door will still be listed as locked and will not open.

IS there a workaround for this?

I have not had a problem with this, I installed all three Fallout 3 dlc from a "game of the year disk 2"... (360) -- 19:43, November 16, 2013 (UTC)

Brotherhoodbuilding, not existing?[]

I just got Operation Anchorage, i went to those baily crossroads (or whatever they are called) and after we finished the Mutants we go to the Brotherhood Building... But its not there ? There's just a big hole in the Ground (the brotherhood soldiers actually fall down there and die.,,), the steelstruckture of a building and some squares with an ! in them, i can see the switch of the elevator, and even use it. But when i'm in the basement... the same thing. Some stuff is showing, but mostly there's a big nothing where you fall through. Has this happened to anyone else? I already reinstalled everything and loaded a savegame before i entered that subway... nothing :( -- 00:14, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

Hasn't happened to me, but it sounds like you have a corrupted version. I would delete and download it again. Reflect 03:13, 20 May 2009 (UTC)
You have not activated .bsa files. Download LittleBoy and use its bsa manager to activate those.-- 12:04, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

Hostile Outcast before doing Anchorage[]

I raided the Outcast fort a while ago and now they are all hostile to me whenever I see them. I don't yet have Operation Anchorage, so I'm wondering if I'll be able to do it at all with my current character considering all existing Outcasts are hostile to me. -- 18:10, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

no problem at all, i did that too. the outcasts will remain friendly until you shoot one of them. -- 08:02, May 28, 2010 (UTC)

Talking T51B?[]

My Freind had just completed Operation Anchorage (he had gotten the disk with Anchorage and The Pitt if that matters) and he got his T51B every thing seemed normal except that he noticed his medical power armor was missing. Then he ended up getting attacked and the T51B said "It's time to kick some ass!". Reloading the save fixed the armor but still no medic power armor.=(

Only the Prototype Medic Power Armour talks, your friend apparently got that instead of the Winterized T51B. user:Nmagod

Regarding a Misc Glitch[]

"Xbox 360 Version: WARNING: there are reports that the glitch/exploit used to take inventory items out of the simulation may crash a non-online profile and cause all other saved games to constantly say "Disk unreadable, please clean off...". It is advised to take extreme caution and just deal with what they give you."

Has this been confirmed? I have never heard of the multiple reports of this happening because of the gary glitch. I, however, have been a victim of this glitch multiple times and it happens because of a loading glitch (ie: entering/exting a building, fast traveling, etc.). The corrupted auto save (or save, but normally auto save) renders all save files useless (says unreadable or freezes) until it is deleted. I don't think it matters where you delete them, but I deleted from my dashboard three times. Reflect 22:43, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

I've had the Corruption problem a few times, mostly The Pitt and Pointy Looker. It doesn't seem associated with Anchorage. Fat Man Spoon 22:45, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

Odd Linking[]

The Winterized Combat Armour page has a link that is supposed to lead the reader to a gltch that will allow them to keep said armour. Following this link actually just leads to the main anchorage page (though this does have a glitches section IT IS JUST A LINK to the 'bugs' page). Then, on this page, there is a link which says it leads to a bug that allows you to maximize ammo gains. Following this link simply leads one to the anchorage main page again, where one presumably goes to the glitches section, and would return to the page they were just on (arg). Wasn't sure where to put this, but the links should all lead to this article, so picked here in the discussion page. TraiusJuly 7th 2:45 AM EST

It's odd that a link doesn't lead to what it states it will, but said glitches are the "Gary glitch" and the other where you drop all your ammo. Googling them should present accurate walkthroughs, but it seems misleading that they'd have a link that doesn't lead to a page. It may be someone did a fix for a redlink without actually looking at where the link should go. Incarnate Sable (talk) 11:16, May 10, 2014 (UTC)


unless someone can prove me wrong i think that the section about save/loading to loot enemies should be removed, i have tested it on 360 and it doesn't work, if someone can prove me wrong then nevermind, but i can't see it working one bit --Shanmalinto 13:28, September 14, 2009 (UTC)

Agreed. I can't seem to get it to work on PS3 either. 19:52, October 3, 2009 (UTC)

Patched PC version: confirm impossibility to loot. Quicksaving/loading gets me the blue "action" crosshair, but the game won't let me do anything; saving-loading via esc menu keeps the crosshair red.

I can devour with cannibal but can't search them. I guess blue virtual particles are tasty.--EpicPoptartPuma

Glitch on the PS3[]

As we all know, the PS3 version of Operation: Anchorage has been delayed and was finally released last Thursday. I was wondering if any of the PS3 users on the site has tried and succeeded in performing the glitch where you keep your items from the simulation. I'd hate to see Bethesda fix this glitch. Thanks. --SSDGFCTCT9 20:20, October 5, 2009 (UTC)

It works, even with the new GOTY edition. I got an assualt rifle, Winterized Combat Armor, Trench Knife and the Guass Rifle in their sim versions.--KnightNapier 23:42, October 21, 2009 (UTC)

Is This A Really A Glitch?[]

I was wondering if the Gary 23 glitch is really a glitch; it seems more like a code to me. This is being a little technical but isn't a glitch like you getting through a locked door or people walking around with their heads on backwards? This doesn't seem like that in that you have to pick up a body, put it in a certain way and then at the end, press a certain button at a certain time. That seems more like an intentional thing to me.--KnightNapier 23:45, October 21, 2009 (UTC)

Codes are put in intentionally by the creators. Glitches are unintentional. That trick was not intended by the creators, so it's a glitch. - November 16, 2009

Personally I think it was intended. I can't think why else they'd put the dead body of a clone behind a locked door in a room with nothing else in it of worth and in which the clone has no business being, and right next to the simulator room no less.

Are you serious? They had Gary 23 in there because the outcasts were trying to use his Pip-Boy3000 for the simulator, they tried cutting it off, that's why his arm is missing. The outcasts even talk about it before you get the Neural Interface Suit. He is in there for a reason, the developers didn't intend for people to use the body that way.

Even if they had his body there for the reason of plot or story, the developers could have made the body uniteractable like they've done with so many other ones.

Sim Grenades and Mines have different damage[]

EDITED: Sim Frag Grenades/Mines are unaffected by Demolitions Expert. This should probably be added to a few pages. User:CHA1N5 November 8, 2009

Can somebody on the 360 confirm that the Fat Man is obtainable?[]

I've tried taking it out of the simulation almost a dozen times now, and it never shows up when I dump my sim inventory into Gary 23. user:Nmagod

I have obtained it two or three times on different saves and it stuck with me to the Wasteland. So I don't know why you are experiencing problems. Kalalokki 13:08, December 12, 2009 (UTC)

Agreed, I got it. However, it might have disappeared as soon as you pickpocketed it, it did for me at first- after you pickpocket it, quickly drop it and pick it back up again, that solved it for me.

Nope it didn't, it stayed in my inventory. Kalalokki 20:40, December 24, 2009 (UTC)
I obtained a Minigun from one of the Power Armored soldiers, and got it easy. (Pickpocketed ammo, gave better gun, shot a few times to make hostile, pickpocketed Minigun). I assme the same would work for the Fat Man, as it was in his inventory. I just didn't want it. I play on the 360. Tzaro the Outcast 03:36, January 6, 2010 (UTC)

I have been able to obtain three of them, but not the forth. I think the forth one is required so they can blow down the door.Tehuberleetmaster 17:48, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

Can one of you please explain to me how I can get the minigun off of the power armored soldiers? I've tried everything but they wont let go of the miniguns. I use a 360 -Pur3xCha0s

Obtainable Items[]

You can get an endless number of Gauss rifle (Fallout 3) from the simulation. Use the glitch to get General Jingwei stuck behind the oil tanks (glitch instructions below) and then wait at the door that you entered through for power armored soldiers to come through. Some will be holding laser rifles, while some will hold Gauss Rifles. Stun them, pickpocket them, or shoot the gun out of their hands, and you now have an invincible Gauss Rifle. The Chinese soldiers will eventually kill the power armored soldier, spawning a new one with another indestructible Gauss rifle.

  • If this does not work, you might have to load a save from before you complete the quest "Paving the Way" (confirmed, Xbox360).

I've removed this from the article, as I have not been able to make the Power Armored soldiers drop their guns, either by shooting the gun with a Gauss rifle, or shooting the arm to cripple it. The soldiers also cannot be pick-pocketed in combat or while knocked down by the rifle. If someone can explain how it is done, I'd appreciate it. Tzaro the Outcast 21:23, January 26, 2010 (UTC)

Oh, I should also mention I've tried this on 5 different profiles, and it never worked. Tzaro the Outcast 21:27, January 26, 2010 (UTC)

Didn't work for me either have done op Anchorage about 5 times now and have done the refinery part alot more attempting this. All it acheives is making the power armored soldiers hostile =<

(Shanmalinto 08:01, January 27, 2010 (UTC))

  • This editor encountered a bug during the attack on the mining town (en route to the listening post) in which 'walls' would appear around the player. These would be flat, featureless shapes that took up huge areas of the map. They could be walked through, but could not be seen through, resulting in some very frustrating times dealing with Dragoons. Reloading, etc. did nothing to help, and with the player unable to see targets the squad is very important to have around! The issue only took place outdoors, ending when the player entered the actual listening post.

Sounds like a simple graphic bug/glitch related to videocard/driver (artifacts)

general bugs addition[]

In the general bugs section, the if you take too long the outcasts will attack you part, shouldn't this be taken out, im pretty sure thats referring to the scripted event where sibley mutinies. i'd do it myself but i thought i'd ask here first, also i don't want to much the article up =3 (Shanmalinto 19:39, February 16, 2010 (UTC))

You're right. It's scripted to happen. The editor who put that in most likely didn't pay attention, or have subtitles on when it happened and didn't notice. I'll be the editing hog and remove it. Mallard454 22:52, February 16, 2010 (UTC)

Oh, I added the bit about why the American Power Armored soldiers are hostile to the player, while the Chinese soldiers are friendly. If someone could confirm that those problems are indeed in the G.E.C.K. or however confirmations are done, it would be great. Mallard454 22:59, February 16, 2010 (UTC)


hi all

most people would probably consider this being picky but does anybody know how to solve

"the enter silmulation pod" clitch at the end of "aiding the outcasts" mission ?

when i start the "guns or anchorage" mission it comes up "aiding the outcasts" complete but

when you check your mission log the box is still unchecked

it doesnt seem to affect the game in anyway from what i can see and the mission does go into

the complete section of yoUr pip boy it just looks untidy 23:12, March 22, 2010 (UTC)

Dogmeat error?[]

The only companion I have is Dogmeat. When I entered the Outpost I received a message that Dogmeat's puppy would be waiting for me at Vault 101. Dogmeat has never died, but I do have the puppies perk.. Playing on Very Hard, PC. KaisarDragon 20:48, April 27, 2010 (UTC)

I cant get out of the chair :([]

I completed the simulation, did the gary glitch but It wont let me out of the chair no matter what, also im on xbox so im not sure if theres a workaround please help


I made a good start at cleaning up the Exploits section, and I culled non-bugs, redundancies, inconsequential bugs, etc., from the Bugs section. But, the article still needs a good cleanup and re-organization.


Removed "At the Beginning of Operation: Anchorage you start with a few Stealth Boys, a trench knife, and a silenced 10mm pistol. If you would rather keep the silenced 10mm pistol Reverse Pick-Pocket Sergeant Benjamin Montgomery and put the silenced 10mm pistol on him. You'll be able to retrieve it later. By doing this, you can still receive it IF you do the Simulation Weapons glitch. This Also Works with the Chinese assault rifle" as it is impossible to pickpocket 'Benji' in the first section of the game.

"Bugs" that should not be added to the article[]

  • Any glitch that is fixable by reloading or rebooting.
  • Clipping issues.
  • Any bug that exists in the base game. See Fallout 3 bugs.
  • Any bug that is not repeatable. If it only happened once, and you can't reproduce it, don't list it.
  • Any bug that is fixed by installing the latest official patch.

--Gothemasticator 16:07, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

RL-3 Glitch[]

i encountered this glitch where after you do operation anchorage and the Gary 23 exploit,that Sergeant RL3's dialog box will freeze up,he will not say anything and i've found no ways to fix it as far as i know its incurable,I've done operation anchorage and did NOT do the gary 23 glitch,it worked fine,i dont know what happened

                                                                             Elite 22:01, September 20, 2010 (UTC)

PS3 Glitch- Please Help![]

  Basically, when I disable the minefield and go to the Chinese Refinery, the power armour troops will not take out their fatmans and blow up the door. I've done everything in my power to make them do their job, but nothing works. When i pick-pocket the power armour troops, it says they have a fatman, but they dont pull it out, just use miniguns. Is there a way to fix this?
Damn. Have you tried reloading an earlier save? --ΣΔ 03:08, December 31, 2011 (UTC)
 Yes I have, multiple times.
Them taking out the Fat Mans is a scripted event, meaning it's supposed to happen. Based on your information, the only thing I'd do now is restart Operation: Anchorage from the start. Quite unfortunate, I must say. ~ΣΔ~ 04:10, December 31, 2011 (UTC)

Needs to be added to article as a PS3 glitch, I can confirm, this happened to me as well (PS3). However, I find a work-around. Save your game, turn off your system, turn it back on, reload your save, walk all the way back to the Field HQ, go inside the tent, walk back out, then walk back to the PA Soldiers. Once in the vicinity, they put away their miniguns and pull out their Fatman's and blow the door open. For some reason, reloading the cell like this triggers the event. Troy242621 23:42, February 17, 2012 (UTC)

Peaceful Resolution?[]

I know this is hardly a timely contribution, but I thought it was interesting. Just before I entered the simulation room (with Sibley as my supposed escort), I remembered I was still holding my A3-21 plasma rifle, so I took the elevator back to the surface and fast-traveled to Megaton. After stowing the rifle, I fast-traveled back to the Outcast base and played through the OA simulation, taking full advantage of the Gary23 glitch.

When I returned from the sim, it turned out that Sibley was stuck outside the base. I was able to loot the armory without incident, and the mutiny was entirely averted. All Outcasts remained designated as friendlies, including Sibley, despite the fact that he immediately attacked me the first time I took the elevator up (he did not attack on a return visit). Olin was still willing to repair my gear, referring to the battle that had never taken place. (PS3 GOTY edition) --Lyssla (talk) 22:17, April 30, 2014 (UTC)

When I cleared out the listening outpost, I talked to the sergeant but he won't, stating that 'Attacking the listening post (and goes on)'. Even though no commies was detected.

How can I resolve this?!?!
