Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I Am Legend reference[]

In I am Legend the guy set up loads of shop window dummies and treated them as real people. Reference? We should waiyt and see.JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 19:54, October 6, 2010 (UTC)

Dialog Bug?[]

I'm playing the PC version of NV (with both patches) with a USB 360 controller. While talking to No-bark during the One For My Baby Quest, he started hustling through his dialog without me pressing any buttons, and none of the buttons on my controller were sticking. Got annoying, as I had to speed read to take it all in. Haven't tried to replicate this yet. Anyone else notice this? LostBoy77420 22:07, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

I've had the same issue with my PC game and my PS3 game of both New Vegas and Fallout 3, it's not just with No-bark. 10:28, June 28, 2014 (UTC)

Actor's name[]

What is the name of the guys who voiced No-Bark. Cause it sounds very much like a certain Jon Etheridge.

I killed him, because I can.

You fiend! He's an awesome character, one of my favorites in the Fallout universe.--Eden2012 (talk) 16:28, August 27, 2012 (UTC)


I have long since completed all the quests relating to Novac and No-Bark Noonan seems to have disappeared. I've tried waiting inside and outside his shack, wandering around town, etc. He is nowhere to be found. Anyone else have this issue?

He may have fallen from the map to an isolated place full of nothing, it used to happen in fallout 3, i remember it happend to me with charon once. Im not sure if it does happen too in NV. If you are on PC check the console command to teleport him to you. I think its movetoplayer and the ID.
I've had it happen to Loyal. I only found him because I was doing Raul's sidequest and his marker lead me to a cliff on Black Mountain. Loyal had somehow ended up halfway across the map embedded deep inside the cliff, making the mission impossible to finish. I wouldn't doubt other NPCs can have it happen too (with varying consequences depending on if it's a quest important one or just a random gambler from The Ultra-Lux).--Delta Jim (talk) 03:21, November 30, 2012 (UTC)

Possibility of hidden character info.[]

Anyone who thinks it's possible No-Bark is Father Elijah? There is a lot that could prove it, such as: He is a "scientist", If you find a picture of Father Elijah you'd notice they look very alike, He arrived to Novac about some time after the takeover of HELIOS One, The brahmin rancher in Novac's Wife Says that she doesn't even remember his real name, He took The "No-Bark" name to him like he wanted his real name to be forgotten And there's more.

He's been there too long to be Elijah. --Kris User Hola 22:41, July 26, 2011 (UTC)
Veronica would probably recognize him when you talk to him in novac. Also Father Elijah seems to be a scientific genius with a big dark side, and allowed most of his brotherhood chapter to be killed just for being stubborn, while No-Bark's just a crazy old nice guy.

Post-Come Fly With Me interview a reference to Fallout 2?[]

I just realized when he talks about religious ghouls and that a "cave-rat" taught him something, it reminded me of the city of Gecko from Fallout 2. There a religious ghouls there, more like a cult, but in a way it can be counted as a religion, and a talking rat known as Brain, which you guys realized already. Just wanted to add this, maybe it's Note-worthy. Felix BrehhUser talk:Felix Brehh 06:02, May 24, 2012 (UTC)

Chosen One?[]

Is it possible that No-bark could be the Chosen One from fallout 2? It would make sense. He is about the same age, made reference to the "cave rat", Brain, who is encountered in Fo2, The Chosen One's car is found outside of Novac, and That Gun, which was the 12.7 mm pistol from Fo2 can be found for sale in Novac. 18:45, February 6, 2013 (UTC)

Not to mention that they make mention to the Chosen One's son in Novac. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 19:32, February 6, 2013 (UTC)
Just because Bruce Isaac refers to the chosen one and happens to live in the same town as No-bark doesn't mean that's proof that No-bark is him, there's no connection there. The other evidence is compelling enough that I think I'll name my next Fallout 2 character "Noonan" though. Holythirteen (talk) 00:49, November 20, 2013 (UTC)
I wasn't aware that anyone said there was proof of anything. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 00:55, November 20, 2013 (UTC)

No-Bark's line about Lenin and the Moon[]

There is actually a mod that creates an illustration of the theory of No-Bark's, that the 'commie ghosts what don't know they're dead' are going 'to steal our rockets so they can fly up and paint the moon pink and draw a Lenin face on it.' It is called NoBark Was Right, and can be found here, for reference. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/56106/?

It might be an idea to put something about that on No-Bark's page. After all, it is semi-lore-friendy. 10:26, June 28, 2014 (UTC)

We do not cater for mods in the slightest, lore friendly or not. JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 10:32, June 28, 2014 (UTC)