Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Is this stuff right, people?

I'm pretty sure only the Cathedral has Nightkin with Stealth Boys, but there might be other mutants labelled nightkin?


I'm pretty sure you're right. Dan 16:16, 22 Jul 2005 (CEST)

Appearance in Fallout 3[]

I made an edit last night while not signed in and it was removed. I don't see the value in deleting relevant information. I was actually playing Fallout 3 at the time and noticed the word 'Nightkin' in the password list, so decided to add that under the Appearances heading. I rather resent my honest contribution being rejected this way. Chainsoar 22:11, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

A lot of random words appear as passwords. We are not listing every single one. 15px-Scribe.jpg Tagaziel (call!) 22:29, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

True, but how does it do any harm to add each reference contained within the password lists to the relevant article? Many people use this Wiki to find interesting Fallout-related trivia. My edit falls under that category.Chainsoar 23:28, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

actually your edit falls under stupidity, I've seen stuff like 'purify' as passwords, dose that mean its referencing project purity, ooh, maby its an abstract reference to to the enclaves goal of 'purifying' the wastes of mutation! Katikar 11:21, February 14, 2010 (UTC)

Actually, your a douche. -- 23:46, October 15, 2010 (UTC)

Actually, it's "you're".-- 00:12, October 18, 2011 (UTC)

New Vegas[]

Im pretty sure I just read that there going to be in New Vegas, if i can get confirmation and someone can add itKatikar 11:17, February 14, 2010 (UTC)

New Vegas DOES have Nightkins! On a quest known as 'Come Fly With Me', Nightkins are the demons who the underground ghouls fear and need to vanquish. They use Stealth Boys so they're invisible until you bump into them.

His comment was from a time before the information was confimed-and it's been confirmed for a good while. There's no point in answering questions like this which were made before any real information was released for the game, but which information has become common knowledge now. Wyrmalla 19:05, October 19, 2010 (UTC)


Wow, the artwork from 'd20 makes these guys look pretty badass... If they're in New Vegas it'll be pretty sweet... Outcast Mephisto 03:05, February 26, 2010 (UTC)

Info box image[]

I'm not sure how to upload images, but I think the image in the info box up the top should be replaced. After all, it's from an early build of New Vegas where they were still using retextured Vault 87 mutants, and it doesn't match up with the final look of the Nightkin. TheWarmaster 14:01, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

Incorrect "Translation" of Battle Cattle?[]

In the Nightkin article it mentions the Black Mt. Radio term Battle Cattle refering to Brahmin. Would it not make more sense if the were reffering to Ceasers Legion, Who's symbol is a Bull? It also fits better because the make mention of the New California Republic, the two headed bear people. Thoughts?

Backwater Rifle December, 28, 2010. 11:13pm (EST)


Is there a reason that the Nightkin are smaller than normal Mariposa super mutants? I had Lily stand beside Marcus and there's quite a big difference.

I don't know when this question was from but in answer, it is because Lily is set smaller, not because Nightkin as a rule are smallMrSuperHappy (talk) 21:43, October 18, 2015 (UTC)

Incorrect image[]

One of the images in the gallery states that the Courier is swinging a bumper sword at a Nightkin, but it's vice- versa in the image. Can someone fix this? I don't know how.--Blahmarrow 21:03, January 21, 2011 (UTC)

Makeshift stop sign shields[]

Do there stop sign shields actualy make attacks damage less or is just there?Donovans Wrench 02:16, April 22, 2011 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure the stop signs are just there for flavor. Best regards, Kastera (talk) 02:43, April 22, 2011 (UTC)

Nightkin Horrible Idea?[]

So the epitome of the Masters cunning and strength was the sneaky Nightkin? The 8 foot tall super muscular hulking behemoths that wield 12 pound battle swords. How are they supposed to be stealthy again? No amount of steathboys would help them stay quiet or unnoticed. -- 19:11, June 13, 2011 (UTC)

Did you ever play Fallout 1, my good fellow? Chainsoar 12:08, September 25, 2011 (UTC)


The article references, in the notes section, that their schizophrenia in Fallout: New Vegas is caused by them not being used to being seen. This is clearly not the case as illustrated in the game with Doctor Henry and the quest to cure the Nightkin of their schizophrenia from prolonged use of Stealthboys and the effect that has on the mutant brain. It is also noted in dialogue that humans are not effected in the same way by Stealthboy use. 02:29, June 29, 2011 (UTC)

actually it's hinted that it COULD effect humans the same way, but nothing is for certain. 06:41, December 17, 2011 (UTC)
That was my understanding... Additionally similar effects would have been seen in humans if VB had been made... Agent c 06:59, December 17, 2011 (UTC)

On Attis[]

" When the Master's super mutant army was defeated in 2162, some rallied together under the rule of Attis and others began wandering the Wasteland."

As it's based on Brotherhood of Steel, the text in bold should have the appropriate indicator of its status in canon, but I can't think of a way to insert that without it being terribly obtrusive. Attis is mentioned further down the page already, so that text there can be deleted without any information on the page actually being lost and the sentence rewritten to account for its deletion. Does anyone have any objections to that proposal? ComradeJim270 20:22, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

Alright, no objections after about a week, so I changed it. If someone thinks Attis should be mentioned in that part of the page (I'm not so sure he shouldn't), I'd be happy to discuss the best way to do that. ComradeJim270 18:12, July 21, 2011 (UTC)

How do they have Schizophrenia?[]

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't Schizophrenia something that is only genetic? I'm fairly sure that's what it is. If so, the only way for all the Nightkin to experience Schizophrenia from the Stealth Boys is if miraculously, every Nightkin was born with Schizophrenia in their genes, but it never came up, and the SBs pushed it on. User Broccoli  Broc  msg  Blog  21:03, April 20, 2013 (UTC)

Pretty sure it isn't because then you could always predict Schizophrenia. Although there is evidence to suggest that psychology and psychological conditions are hereditary or based on genes there is also much to the contrary. There is no real reason to believe schizophrenia is purely genetic. Plus, if I looked like that I'd be worried about people looking at me too.JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 21:34, April 20, 2013 (UTC)


The description says "They are superior to their fellow super mutants in terms of both intellect and skill, as the FEV-II dipping has not damaged their intelligence." What is "FEV-II"? The FEV article makes no mention of a variant strain used on the Nightkin that I see. Drake Clawfang (talk) 06:29, December 19, 2014 (UTC)

Invented term[]

(as an invented term, nightkin is considered a proper noun and capitalized)
The super mutants are also an invented term and not capitalized. The word nightkin denotes a specific type of mutant, more than one and does not fall under a proper noun any more thant super mutants, ghouls, humans, etc. as it is used to refer to them in a similar manner as species. Great Mara (talk) 21:17, 3 May 2023 (UTC)
Where does that quote come from? Jspoel Speech Jspoel 21:20, 3 May 2023 (UTC)
It was added to the etymology section. Great Mara (talk) 21:26, 3 May 2023 (UTC)
Tag, it is a term used to refer to a type of mutant, which are treated as a different kind of mutant. Keene, Tabitha, Marcus and Dr. Henry also hold them apart. It’s treated as a species which by capitalization rules isn’t a proper noun. Great Mara (talk) 12:01, 4 May 2023 (UTC)

Except it isn't a species, it refers to a specific group of mutants and later came to refer to a group of mutants suffering from a particular condition. It's an evolution of the meaning, but that doesn't change what it was in the first place - especially since super mutants aren't a species in the first place, but modified humans. 【Tagaziel】 12:34, 4 May 2023 (UTC)

Super mutants are considered a separate species by themselves and in-game, as they are clearly not human. Nor are they treated as a proper noun, despite also having been given an invented term to refer to them. The nightkin are considered different from the super mutants in every iteration. Great Mara (talk) 13:01, 4 May 2023 (UTC)
I disagree. Hell, the very first game disagrees, with Kyle noting that super mutants are every bit as human as normals are, and the Master/Lieutenant - the ultimate authorities on mutants - not even using the term to differentiate them. They're not even made specifically, with the COMBATAI notes by devs saying simply "We are the Chosen of the Master, and all must bow before us. (Damn these bastards are really arrogant); my interpretation is that these boys are smarter and more cunning than garden variety super mutants." So basically perfect transformations.
Also, Talius says "{203}{}{All I know of the Children is that they are in league with these Nightkin, super mutants.}" Note the decapped parts. The spelling alternates throughout Fo1 and Fo2, but is mostly decapitalized. I have yet to find a single instance of the term being spelled as "nightkin", in the entire franchise.
As such, it's evidently intended to be a proper noun, and as such it ought to be capitalized. As for semantic drift, it's been 120 years between the fall of the Unity and the Nightkin becoming a menace, and nobody lives who can actually contradict Tabitha's claims that the Nightkin were specially manufactured (plus, first gens would embrace that to distance themselves from their nutty cousins :P). 【Tagaziel】 14:22, 4 May 2023 (UTC)

Unless the discussion continues, I'll move with recapping it. :) 【Tagaziel】 08:42, 7 May 2023 (UTC)

Haven't finished compiling everything I was looking to compile yet. But I'm going to have to disagree there, super mutants are mutated/"evolved" beyond what would be considered human. The capitalization in the games is largely inconsistent to outright incorrect, with Super Mutant, Centaur, and Nightkin being randomly capped or uncapped in the same character's lines. Neil's lines capitalize just "Mutant" as a standalone. So the games shouldn't be used as the sole meter on capitalization. Tabitha uses a decapped nightkin, aside from three outlier lines. But also caps Centaur and Super Mutant when they shouldn't be. Both Tabitha and Keene hold themselves apart from the super mutants.
And is there any way to make the text file pages' lines appear bigger? The eye strain is real. Great Mara (talk) 12:24, 7 May 2023 (UTC)
So, are you finished compiling? 【Tagaziel】 17:12, 24 June 2023 (UTC)